Calming a Demon Heart

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Calming a Demon Heart Page 2

by Charlie Richards

  His heart raced in his chest, and he gasped for air.

  “Why are you following me, human?”

  The low growling voice vibrated through Matthew’s back and sent tingles through his senses. To Matthew’s shock, his prick began to thicken. Knowing it was completely inappropriate, he breathed slowly through his nose, trying to calm his ill-timed erection. It didn’t help. If fact, breathing in the gargoyle’s heavy musky odor had Matthew fighting back a moan as he went from perking up to hard as steel.

  “Well?” The gargoyle rumbled the one word, his grip tightening almost infinitesimally on his wrists, accentuating his rising ire.

  Chapter Two

  Vane glared at the well-muscled neck of the oddly pleasant smelling human.

  Damn it! I did not just think that! I do not like humans…how they smell or otherwise.

  Instead, Vane focused on the male’s unexpected answer. To thank him? “For what?”

  “Saving my brother,” the man replied breathily.

  Realizing he probably crushed the much smaller male, Vane eased his body away from the human. As soon as he drew away, he discovered he wanted to press his body right back against this male’s, except not because he felt he needed to subdue him. His dick actually started filling, thickening beneath his loincloth. Desire to press his cock against this human, to rut and feel pleasure, blindsided him.

  Vane scowled, irritated by his body’s ridiculous responses.

  Releasing the stranger’s arms, he gripped the human’s shoulders and spun him around, thudding his back to the wall. He peeled his lips away from what he knew were prominent—and razor sharp—teeth, offering the man a feral snarl. Bending down a bit, he got right into the human’s face and demanded, “What’s your name? Who’s your brother?”

  The human’s hazel eyes widened slightly, his mouth hanging open just a bit as he swept his gaze over Vane’s features. Yeah, Vane knew what the human would see, a face flat and bony around the eyes like a skull, a sunken nose, prominent jaw line, and red eyes that almost seemed to glow. He’d had enough people tell him that, and not all had been human.

  Cornelius—who happened to be a rhino shifter and mated to Einan, the clutch’s lead enforcer—had given him the kindest description. He’d called Vane sexy…in a creepy crypt master way. Hell, he’d take it.

  “What?” Vane rumbled. For some reason, he couldn’t resist leaning closer and scenting the human. “Cat got your tongue?” Fuck! The guy tilted his head, offering more room.

  So fucking sexy.

  “I-I’m Matthew. Matthew Beakman,” the human whispered. “You saved my brother, Marty. Th-That’s—”

  “Raymond’s mate,” Vane interrupted gruffly. He couldn’t help inhaling Matthew’s scent, couldn’t resist slowly sliding the tip of his nose bone up his neck—less than an inch from the man’s delicate column of flesh. Gods, why did the human have to tilt his head, offering more? Vane just resisted the urge to open his mouth and swipe his tongue up that same skin, touching, tasting.

  Growling, angrier with himself than at Matthew—hell, the human had had enough balls to not only learn who he was, but to follow him through multiple corridors—Vane shoved away from the wall…and the man.

  Vane forced his features to remain still and impassive as he straightened to his full seven foot height. He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Fine. You thanked me, which is unnecessary. I was following orders. Please leave.”

  Seeing the way the human pressed his back against the wall and gaped up at him, it took Vane a second to realize it was from surprise and disbelief, and not out of fear. Then, the human actually had the audacity to sweep his gaze over him. Vane heated under that look, because it was a very thorough and very appreciative once, twice over.

  What the fuck?

  Fighting back a sudden shockingly painful erection, Vane stepped left, yanked the door open, and gestured, blatantly making his desires clear.

  Matthew blinked a couple of times, as if coming out of a daze. To Vane’s shock, the human held his gaze for several long seconds before he obeyed. Matthew eased away from the wall and moved toward the doorway. Halfway through, he paused and turned to look back at him. He peered at Vane through thick, dark lashes.

  Vane thought the human would say something, then, Matthew bowed his head and slipped from the room. As Vane shut the door, quietly spoken words carried to him.

  “I really am grateful,” Matthew murmured. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The words were out before Vane could think better of them. Shutting the door, Vane wondered what the hell had just happened. He’d never wanted a human before, but as he inhaled the mingled scents permeating the area around his suite’s foyer, he couldn’t deny that he wanted this one. Under his loincloth, his rod felt harder and thicker than he’d ever been before. Resting his hand on the wall, he bowed his head and tried to get a hold of himself. Except, then he smelled it…something he’d missed before, probably due to his struggling to control his own responses.

  Arousal. Human arousal.

  “Holy shit,” Vane hissed, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. “Matthew…was aroused!” Licking his lips, he tried to wrap his mind around that. “Aroused by me?”

  That had never happened before. Feared, yes. Disgusted, often. Curious, sometimes. Turned on, never.

  Then, what the hell was different? Why was he hard for this human? Vane had never gotten hard for anyone before. If he wanted relief, it’d always been alone with his right hand. It’d just been easier than struggling through finding someone who didn’t mind not only his appearance, but also his inexperience and how he had to work his cock to get hard.

  Except, I wouldn’t have that problem with Matthew.

  Vane palmed his dick through his loincloth. He hissed at the contact. Leaning against the wall where he’d just had Matthew, Vane pulled the ties of his loincloth and freed his dick. He stared down at the bobbing red shaft, then gripped himself and grunted with pleasure. Taking in a deep breath, he smelled the lingering scent of the human that’d just been there.

  Groaning, Vane watched a bead of moisture ooze from his cap. His heart thudded in his chest as he slowly started stroking. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this hard, this primed to blow…and it was all because of a human.

  Vane rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes. His hips bucked as he fucked his fist, stripping his cock hard and fast. It’d been a couple of months since he’d bothered getting himself off, and he couldn’t wait to feel the bliss of release surge through his system.

  In his mind, Vane remembered the way Matthew had tilted his head, giving him access to his neck. The strong tendons just begged to be nipped. His balls pulled flush to his body as he imagined scraping his canines up the thick flesh. Vane imagined taking a bite, seeing if the man tasted as good as he smelled.

  With that image in his mind, Vane growled low in his throat. His balls pulled just a bit tighter and his dick swelled in his hand. Ropes of white cream spurted from him as his orgasm bowled through him.

  Vane slowed his hand as aftershocks rolled through him, his hips bucking spastically. He shivered as blissful sensations coursed through his system. “Damn,” he mumbled. Pushing away from the wall, he stooped and picked up his loincloth, then stumbled the few steps needed to drop onto the closest couch.

  Splaying his legs, Vane stared down at his still semi-hard dick. Normally, after he’d come, he’d soften right up and he’d certainly never felt this wash of relaxed fatigue. A niggle of unease disrupted his afterglow as an idea churned through his sluggish brain.

  Could Matthew be my mate?

  Vane had never considered the idea of having a mate out there. Sure, the other gargoyles spoke of it occasionally, but with his reclusive nature, he’d never thought he’d find one of his own.

  “Shit.” Vane sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “A hu
man. What the hell am I gonna do with a human?”

  Did he even want a human mate? He had a tough time dealing with the few humans in the clutch that were mated to others. Humans tended to want to go out, do things, spending time in restaurants, bars, and clubs. There was no way in hell Vane would want to go out to any place crowded with even more humans.

  “Damn it,” Vane snarled.

  Pushing to his feet, he ignored his still interested prick and tied his loincloth back into place. He stalked to the bathroom, grabbed a towel, and returned to the entryway. Getting on his knees, Vane wiped down the tiles, clearing away the evidence of his release.

  Vane had just decided he’d gotten it all when a hard knock vibrated the door. Jerking his head up, he snarled, “What?”

  His door opened, and Tobias, the clutch’s second in command, poked his head inside. The dark green gargoyle peered around Vane’s space. Then, he lowered his gaze to Vane, who still remained on his knees. Cocking his head, he inhaled, then opened his mouth and licked his lips.

  Vane scowled, knowing the other gargoyle was using his tongue to scent. A gargoyle’s tongue had thousands of sensory receptors, helping them differentiate between a myriad of scents, tasting the wind almost. He’d heard it intensified the enjoyment of a lover.

  That thought brought Vane back to Matthew and his still half-mast dick filled a bit more.

  Frustrated with his body’s responses, Vane’s next words came out with more snarl than intended. “What is it?”

  Tobias curled his lip and, as he stepped inside the room, snapped back, “You’re in a foul mood, Vane. From the scent in the air, I’d have thought just the opposite.”

  Growling low in his throat, Vane glared at Tobias. “Well, then you’re wrong.”

  Crouching, Tobias’ eyes narrowed as he stared at him. “You ever talk to me like that in public, and I’ll lay you out,” he warned. “You get me?”

  His icy tone sent chills down Vane’s spine. While he considered himself a powerful gargoyle—what with his size and strength—Vane had no desire to lead. He didn’t have the drive to keep others in line and he sure as hell didn’t want the responsibility of caring for them that went along with being in charge.

  Still, it rankled to have to bow his head to the other gargoyle. “Yes, Second,” he responded.

  Although Vane’s tone remained a bit gruff, Tobias seemed to accept his acquiescence. “Good. Now, head over to Gnarly Park. You’re to meet Detective Collin DeSoto. He needs the details of what happened to Simon, so he can doctor his report.”

  Rising to his feet, Vane nodded. The detective had learned of gargoyle’s existence several years before when he’d been bitten by a vampire. Somehow, the vampire’s ability to place a human in a trance—which they all used to subdue a human and make them forget being bitten—hadn’t worked on him.

  Sapian had been at a restaurant with his mate, Missy, and—with his heightened hearing—had heard the detective and vampire struggling. Sapian had sent the vampire on his way, then brought Collin back to the manor so paranormals could be explained to him. Now, the gargoyles paid the detective to assist them with keeping paranormals secret.

  “You want me to tell him everything? Or just that Simon was the one who shot Marty and we stopped him from being a further threat?”

  Vane’s idea of stopping a human attacking one of his fellow gargoyle’s mates was straightforward…kill any potential threat. The detective would probably have preferred Simon be caught and turned over to authorities. Vane couldn’t give a shit what the human law enforcement officer wanted. No cops had helped him when he’d been chained up and locked in a cage.

  “Just the basics,” Tobias confirmed. “After that, the day is yours.”

  Without waiting for a response, the second turned and strode from Vane’s room, slamming the door behind him.

  Vane cringed and sighed, realizing he’d pissed Tobias off more than the male let on. He really needed to remember to watch his tone while around the other gargoyle. Tobias had been one of the males who’d helped Maelgwn free Vane. Their chieftain had told Vane he’d learned of his capture through some vampires. Vane’s first action after being freed had been to chase down and kill the couple who’d held him.

  He smirked at that memory. Who said revenge wasn’t satisfying?

  Shaking off his memories, that’d been nearly two decades ago, Vane tossed the dirty towel into the bathroom as he headed through his bedroom and to the balcony beyond. He opened the French doors, stepped into the darkness, and used the bench seat as a step to climb onto the railing.

  Vane paused and peered up at the stars. Most days, he perched right there or up above his window on the roof to roost. He’d watch as the first lines of pink streaked across the sky and wonder what a sunrise actually looked like. Vane had watched a sunrise on TV a few times, just to satisfy his curiosity.

  If I bond with Matthew, I’ll be able to see it for real.

  Sighing, Vane pushed off the balcony and soared into the air. That was a decision for another time. Now, he needed to complete his duties.

  Vane adjusted the angle of his wings, enjoying the feel of the wind caressing his hide. After being locked away the first twenty-plus years of his life, he considered it an invaluable freedom to be able to soar through the air. He skimmed over the treetops, twisting between the taller ones, making certain it’d be difficult for his form to be made out by anyone below.

  Once he neared the park, Vane slowed. His excellent night vision allowed him to spot the detective sitting on a park bench near the edge of the tree line. Heading that way, Vane kept in the shadows. Finally, close enough to speak to the human, Vane landed on the branch of a tree about halfway up.

  “Detective,” Vane called, just loud enough to get the human’s attention.

  The man stood and peered in his direction, squinting, trying to see through the gloom. “Who’s there?”

  “Vane. You’ve been expecting me,” he responded brusquely. “I am the one who killed Simon, so I was given the task of speaking with you.”

  Detective DeSoto walked toward him a few steps. “You a, uh…a gargoyle?”

  Vane frowned and glanced around the park, then flicked out his tongue, scenting the wind. All he could make out were small animals, dirt, grass, and trees, plus himself and a very nervous detective. Deciding it was safe, he replied, “Yes.”

  “I want to see who I’m talking to you. Come out of the trees,” the detective demanded.

  “No,” Vane denied. Then, before the human could think up any more demands—and in a hurry to return to his clutch’s manor—and not because I want to get back and track down Matthew—he started explaining what had happened with Simon.

  Chapter Three

  Matthew pushed the door to Logan’s truck open, but before he could step from the vehicle, his friend grabbed his arm. Turning to look at the man, he lifted one brow. “Yeah?”

  “You sure you’re okay?” Logan swept his gaze over him, his brows furrowed. “You’ve been a bit…preoccupied ever since you took off after Big Red.”

  His jaw sagging open, Matthew stared at Logan for a second. Getting his act together, he stated, “You knew?”

  Logan scoffed. “Of course, I knew. It ain’t like you to just give up on an idea because some stranger told you to.” He smirked. “I bet you didn’t even piss before tracking Vane down, did you?”

  Matthew’s face flushed. He shook his head. “No.”

  “So, what’s got your panties in a twist?”

  Rolling his eyes, Matthew slid from the truck and slammed the door closed after him. He started up the walk, then turned back when he didn’t hear his friend following. Turning around, he strode to the driver’s side window and knocked on it. “Get your ass out of that truck and into the house.”

  Logan laughed, the sound muted until he shoved open the door. Still chuckling, he followed Matthew up the walk.

  Even at two in the morn
ing, Matthew didn’t want to risk saying anything about gargoyles out in the open, so he kept his mouth shut until they were behind closed doors. He continued down the hall and into the kitchen. “You want a beer or something?”

  “A beer would be great as long as I can sleep in your spare room,” Logan replied.

  Matthew nodded. “Of course,” he replied. Pulling out a pair of bottles, he handed one to Logan. After popping the cap, he took a long chug. Matthew swallowed, then stated, “After tracking Vane down and thanking him, I did end up going to the bathroom.” Picking at the bottle’s label, he muttered the admission, “But it was to jack off, not piss.”

  Logan froze, then started to hack, struggling to breathe around the mouthful of beer that must have gone down the wrong way. Matthew snickered, watching as Logan put down his bottle, rounded the counter, and spit beer into the sink.

  Once Logan had managed to get a hold of himself, he growled a bit and glared at him. “Fucker. You couldn’t have waited until after I’d swallowed?”

  Shrugging, Matthew didn’t bother apologizing. Instead, he stated, “You asked what was bothering me.” Leaning on the counter, he stared hard at his bottle. “I don’t ever remember being that hard for a guy when all he did was breathe on my neck and pin my arms. I mean—” He paused and frowned. “I’m not even into bondage. At least, I never have been before but—Fuck!”

  Matthew straightened and gulped down the rest of his beer. After grabbing another from the fridge, he headed into the family room and sank onto his couch. Sighing, he rested his head on the back and the bottle on his knee, allowing his eyelids to slide closed.

  Instantly, the image of Vane seemed to superimpose itself on the backs of his eyelids. His cock, once again, thickened at the memory of being pinned to the wall and having the massive male pressed along his back.


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