Calming a Demon Heart

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Calming a Demon Heart Page 3

by Charlie Richards

  “Damn,” he grumbled, reopening his eyes.

  “Maybe he’s your mate.”

  Matthew looked toward Logan, his jaw sagging open. “What?”

  Logan groaned as he lowered his heavily muscled body into an EZ chair. He shifted a bit, sinking into the soft material. After popping his neck, Logan rested his beer on his thigh, then settled his right ankle onto his left knee.

  Finally, Logan fixed his sharp green-eyed gaze on Matthew. “You’re obsessing over the gargoyle just like your brother obsessed over Raymond. Only in your case, you already know about gargoyles, so there’s nothing keeping you from approaching him.” His brows drew together at his words. “Of course, Big Red doesn’t seem to have the rap of being a social guy, and Maelgwn did say something about him not liking humans.” After a short pause, where Logan stared at him and Matthew tried to figure out an appropriate response to Logan’s statements, Logan asked, “What did he say to you?”

  Staring at the floor, Matthew tried to remember his and Vane’s interaction objectively, but damn was it hard. All he wanted to do was revel in the memory of how it had felt to be pressed against the wall by Vane’s big, hard body. Sighing, Matthew tipped his head forward and focused on Logan.

  “I followed him into a dark room.” Matthew held up his hand when he saw Logan’s frown. “Yeah, stupid. I know. I’d just seen him go in there and the door was slightly open, so I stepped just inside the door. Anyway,” he continued, “he grabbed me and pressed me up against the wall and demanded to know who I was.”

  Matthew paused and Logan waved his hand, making a go on motion.

  “Well, after I told him who I was and that I wanted to thank him, he eased off and pretty much told me you’re welcome and to get lost,” Matthew admitted, grimacing at the memory. Lifting his hand, he held up one finger. “But for one minute there, I swear he pressed a hard cock against my ass.” He shivered at the remembered sensation, then mumbled, “I tilted my head and it almost seemed like he was gonna start kissing up my neck.”

  “So, he’s attracted to you,” Logan stated bluntly.

  “Then why did he tell me to leave?” Matthew couldn’t help but let that eat away at him. If the big gargoyle was attracted to him, why’d the male allow him to leave? Matthew thought he’d expressed his attraction pretty clearly.

  Logan swigged his beer, swallowing the last of it. Setting the empty on an end table, he relaxed his arms on the rests. “You’re thinking about this too hard, man. From what Maelgwn said, he’s had some bad experiences with humans. You need to give him some good ones. See what happens.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Smirking, Logan winked, the scars stretching oddly. “Seduce him. Surely Raymond or someone could give you a hand.”

  “Seduce him?”

  Logan laughed, probably at Matthew’s dubious tone.

  “Yep,” Logan confirmed. “Since he must have had pain at the hands of humans, show him that humans can give him pleasure, too.” He shrugged. “Besides, if it turns out you’re just hot for the man and it’s not the mate thingy Maelgwn and Sapian were talking about, I’m sure you’ll still get some fantastic sex out of it.”

  Logan pushed from his seat and grabbed his empty bottle. “I’m gonna grab a shower, then go to bed. Stop stewing and do something about it.” With that parting shot, Logan strode from the room.

  Matthew sat there and finished his beer. He listened as the water in the spare bathroom upstairs turned on and tried to decide if it would really be that easy…or that hard.

  Matthew strolled through the gardens at the manor, his flip-flops slapping the bottoms of his feet with each step. He took in the carefully maintained bushes. While he could appreciate the beauty of the flowers—in all the vibrant colors of the rainbow—Matthew could only name a few of them.

  Stopping occasionally, he enjoyed the smell of a few of them. Finally, he reached an area with a three-tiered fountain in the middle. Four stone benches circled the clearing, allowing visitors to enjoy the view of the water or that of the flowers. Trellises and hedges surrounded the area, giving the appearance of privacy.

  He walked around the area and easily spotted the power cord coming out from between a couple of hedges to attach to a space heater. Matthew smiled, relief filling him. While the sun shone brightly, it was still February, which meant it was nipple-freezing cold. For his plan to work, he needed a little warmth. The space heater would provide that.

  Matthew moved the machine next to a bench and swiveled the direction so it pointed upward where a person would sit. Then, he spread the towel he’d been holding out over the stone bench. He had no desire to scrape up his ass. Then, after cranking the space heater to high, Matthew took off his bathrobe, folded the fabric to create a pillow for his head, and laid it on one end. He kicked off his flip-flops and lay on his stomach on the towel.

  Although Matthew had sun-bathed nude many times over the years—he found he had a problem with tan lines on his body—he’d never done it in the winter. His skin goose bumped as he adjusted to the chilly air. Still, once he got used to it, with the added heat from the space heater, it wasn’t too bad.

  He rested his forearms on the bench on either side of his head, laid his head on his make-shift pillow, and closed his eyes. The last forty-eight hours quickly caught up with him.

  First, his brother had been shot and he’d spent half a day in the hospital until Logan had forced him home. Then, he’d discovered his brother had been swiped from the hospital and taken to the manor, where the news that gargoyles existed was dropped in his lap. Finally, he found himself attracted to Big Red—Matthew smiled at Logan’s nickname for Vane—and now he worked to seduce the large male.

  His smile remained as he thought about how it’d be to have Vane touch and hold him. Those thoughts followed him into sleep.

  The sound of a low rumbling growl pulled Matthew from his pleasant dream of touching and exploring Vane’s massive expanse of a chest. Cracking his eyelids open, he had to blink a few times to focus. Then, the dim lighting of the lanterns told him that darkness had fallen.


  That low rumble came again, and Matthew turned his head. Without conscious thought, a large smile curved his lips. Vane towered over him, his red eyes blazing with lust and some unfathomable emotion.

  Mmm, hello sexy.

  Sure, the gargoyle scowled and his jaw appeared tightly clenched, but Matthew took that as a sign of desire rather than actually being upset. Hell, the way Vane’s gaze couldn’t stop flicking from Matthew’s ass to his face and back to his ass again was a dead giveaway.

  “Hello, Vane.”

  Vane’s jaw worked as he fixed his gaze on Matthew’s face. “Why are you out here naked?”

  The snarled question pleased Matthew, although he managed to keep that pleasure off of his face. Instead, he allowed his smile to turn into a smirk. He shrugged his shoulders, liking how the move drew Vane’s attention to his back, then down the line of his spine to his ass.

  “Well, I was sunbathing, but it’s been a long couple of days and I guess I fell asleep.”

  “Sunbathing?” Vane returned his gaze to Matthew’s face. He flicked out his tongue a bit—oddly similar to a snake—then licked his lips. “Why are you sunbathing?”

  With the way Vane’s brow ridges—hell, Matthew figured those must be a gargoyle’s eyebrows—drew down, Matthew guessed the idea must be truly foreign to him. Considering Vane spent the sunny portion of the day as a stone statue, that actually made sense.

  Taking advantage, Matthew rolled to his side…which showed off his half-hard—and quickly thickening—cock to perfection. Damn, he couldn’t seem to stay soft around this guy. The chilly air caused his penis to flex and twitch, drawing Vane’s attention.

  Matthew licked his lips, deciding to start slowly, so he answered the gargoyle’s question. “I enjoy a little bronze tint to my skin. I think it looks good with my eyes.
” He’d never considered himself exceptionally vain, but he did want to look good. Working as an electrician, always on the move, made it so Matthew didn’t have to frequent a gym. Instead, he jogged several times a week. “I don’t like tan lines, so I sunbathe nude.”

  Vane licked his lips again, his tongue a bit more slender than Matthew knew a human would have. Matthew thought about sucking that slender appendage and more blood flooded to his groin.

  “And, this sunbathing? You find it…pleasurable?”

  It took Matthew a few seconds to figure out what Vane actually asked. It seemed the gargoyle wanted to know why he was turned on. Grinning, Matthew reached down and placed his forefingers on the base of his erection, giving it a gentle push so it’d bob some more. “Oh, no, big guy,” he crooned. “This is all for you. I was dreaming about you and it turned me on.”

  Vane expelled a breath on a gasp. His gaze riveted to Matthew’s jutting erection. “M-Me?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Matthew hummed.

  Allowing his gaze to stray over Vane’s big body, he took in the male’s wide, dark red shoulders, clearly defined pecs and abs, and his thickly muscled limbs. Finally, he allowed his gaze to land on Vane’s loincloth. The fabric tented obscenely, telling Matthew that he wasn’t the only one turned on.

  Taking a chance, Matthew shifted a bit so he could safely roll to his back on the narrow bench. He reached out slowly with his right hand, the hand closest to Vane, and placed his hand on the male’s thigh, just above his knee.

  The muscles tensed under his palm. Gliding his fingers up a few inches, then down one, then up again, Matthew slowly worked his way up Vane’s tree-trunk for a thigh. Softly, he asked, “You know what I did today?”

  Vane shook his head mutely, his clawed hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

  Matthew focused on Vane through his lashes. Swallowing hard, he reached up that final couple of inches and slowly started pulling at the ties of Vane’s loincloth. He had to remind himself not to hold his breath, so he could murmur, “I took a long hot shower and while I was in there, I jacked off. Do you know what I was thinking about at the time?”

  The loincloth fell away, revealing Vane’s straining erection. Maybe eleven inches of thick, red shaft jutted from the gargoyle’s hairless groin. Saliva pooled in Matthew’s mouth as he stared. Unable to look away, he skimmed the pads of his forefingers around the base of Vane’s impressive girth, feeling the slightly softer hide there.

  Not bothering to wait to see if Vane would answer in some way—hell, it wasn’t like someone could know what another was thinking halfway across town—Matthew whispered, “I fantasized about sucking your dick, Vane.”

  Matthew’s own cock jerked and oozed where it lay almost flat across his abs, hard and aching. Finally, yanking his gaze away from the beautiful dick not too far from his face, Matthew licked his lips and peered up at Vane. The gargoyle’s eyes nearly smoldered with feral lust and need.

  On instinct, Matthew skimmed the fingertip of his first finger up the thick vein of Vane’s dick. “Can I suck you, Vane? Will you fuck my face and allow me to give you pleasure?”

  Matthew waited with bated breath, hoping the gargoyle would get over whatever hang-ups he had about humans and give in, even if just for now. He desperately wanted Vane to say yes.

  Chapter Four

  Vane’s body practically vibrated. He felt goose bumps rippling across his skin. His cock ached, throbbing so hard he feared he might burst from the light touch of Matthew’s fingertips. He swallowed, then forced himself to unclench his jaw.

  Licking his lips, again—Gods above, he enjoyed the scent of Matthew’s arousal—Vane stared down at the lightly bronzed fingers touching his rock-hard erection.

  Matthew peered up at him through thick, dark lashes, his expression similar to those he’d seen in some of his porn videos. The human seemed to be promising pleasure.

  “Y-You want to suck my dick?”

  The naked human nodded slowly. His tongue slipped out and he swiped it along his plump bottom lip. “Very much.”

  The fingers touching his shaft slid away. Vane fought back a growl of disappointment. Fortunately, Matthew settled his hand on Vane’s hip and tightened his grip. “Come over here,” he whispered. “Straddle the bench.”

  Vane obeyed Matthew’s guiding hands—lean strong fingers that felt so good on his skin as Matthew urged Vane to swing a leg over the bench. He straddled Matthew’s shoulders and peered down at the human’s face, taking in his expectant, almost feral expression.

  By the Gods, Matthew really does want this.

  Slowly—following his soon-to-be lover’s guidance—Vane scooted forward. He moved inch by inch, until his balls dangled over Matthew’s face. He could just see the other male’s face and what Vane could only interpret as a mischievous glint in the human’s eyes. No one had ever looked at him that way.

  Vane stiffened. Had he misread the scents? Was Matthew just playing him?

  Then, a warm, wet tongue lapped at the underside of Vane’s balls. He gasped in surprise, which almost instantly turned into a grunt of pleasure. The slide of the slightly rough appendage over his sensitive sack nearly had him shooting right then. He gripped the base of his dick and squeezed tightly, stemming his need to orgasm.

  Groaning, Vane shivered. Never had he felt anything so exquisite as Matthew’s tongue. He couldn’t ever remember nearly shooting after just a few seconds. Then, Matthew drew one of his testicles into his mouth, sucking lightly on his sensitive sack.

  “Holy fuck,” he mumbled, barely holding himself together as sensations akin to liquid fire radiated from his testicles up his stalk.

  After a second, Matthew moved to his other sack and gave it the same treatment. Vane’s grip tightened on the base of his stalk. With his tight hold, he wondered how his dick managed to get any blood to it at all. Except, his penis had never been harder and his entire groin tingled. His balls drew flush to his body.

  Matthew released him and Vane groaned at the loss of stimulus. He growled, fighting his urge to ask for more.

  Then, Matthew urged, “Point your cock down, Vane. Let me suck you.”

  As if Vane could resist an offer like that. Tilting his hips, he planted one hand on the cloth-covered bench, right above Matthew’s head. With his other hand, he pointed his erection toward the human’s lips. Matthew immediately opened and flicked out his tongue, licking the beads of moisture from his cock’s head. After that, Matthew lifted his head a bit and sucked his cap.

  Hot, wet, bliss encased his shaft, better than any hand job in the shower. Groaning, Vane realized no amount of squeezing his dick would hold off his orgasm this time. His balls pulled even tighter to his body and his hips bucked as he lost himself in pleasure. Spurts of cum shot from his cock and Vane snarled as he watched his mate suckle his head and swallow his seed as if it were the best thing on earth.

  Oh, fuck! I think of him as my mate already?

  With the bliss pinging through his system, Vane decided to worry about that later. Growling low, he slowed his hips. He wasn’t certain when he’d started moving them, but damn was it amazing to see his dark red shaft spearing his human’s lips, spreading them wide.

  Even better, Vane decided, was that Matthew truly seemed to enjoy suckling his sensitive appendage. His human swiped his tongue over and around his dick again and again, flicking into the slit and massaging the sensitive skin beneath the cap. Shuddering, Vane spurted one last time before he finally managed to still his movement.

  Still, Matthew didn’t release him.

  Vane stared down his body, entranced at the way Matthew held his cock head in his mouth. No one had ever done that for him before. He could even feel light laps of the man’s tongue along the underside of his cap, continuing to stimulate the sensitive bundle of nerves. Finally, finally, Matthew allowed his shaft to slide from between his lips. He swiped his tongue out, licking his lips obscenely.

rinning up at him, showing off even white teeth, Matthew told him, “You taste delicious, Vane. You gonna let me do that again?”

  “Yes.” Vane didn’t even hesitate. Hell, yeah, he wanted to feel Matthew’s mouth on his penis again. That had been fucking amazing!

  Evidently, that had been the right answer, for Matthew’s eyes lit up, the hazel seeming to sparkle with excitement. Matthew brought a hand up and gripped Vane’s cock, stroking slowly. The spit slicked skin glided easily between his fingers, and Vane shivered at the feel of someone other than himself jacking his dick.

  “You know what else I did today?”

  Vane thought it took an inordinate amount of concentration for him to whisper one word. “What?” If Matthew’s next fantasy was anything as amazing as the first one, Vane felt certain it’d fry his brain…in the best way possible.

  He couldn’t wait.

  “After the shower, I was still too keyed up,” Matthew murmured silkily. “I needed more.”

  Swallowing hard, Vane found his tongue. “What did you need?”

  “Something in my ass,” Matthew admitted softly, running his free hand up Vane’s thigh and across his butt cheek. “I found my biggest butt plug and fucked myself with it, imagining it was this huge monster filling me.” He gave Vane’s member an extra hard squeeze, making it impossible for him to miss what his human meant.

  “I left the plug in me,” Matthew whispered. “Hoping I could find you tonight and convince you to fuck me.” Giving him an open, almost desperate look, he added, “I want this in me so bad. I’m already stretched, big guy. All you gotta do is pull the plug out and push this big boy in.”

  Pre-cum oozed from Vane’s dick and it took every ounce of self-control to keep from painting Matthew’s face with his seed. Damn, what a pretty sight that’d be. Suddenly, he realized he’d love to see what that would look like. He just knew Matthew’s hazel eyes would be wide with pleasure, his mouth open, straining to catch a few drops of him. His pearly essence would look so good streaked across his human’s face.


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