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Calming a Demon Heart

Page 6

by Charlie Richards

  “No,” Vane whispered. Almost immediately, he started after the man.

  Tobias grabbed his arm, halting his process. “Give him a few minutes. This is life-altering, for both of you. You need to figure out why you bit him in the first place.” Giving him a searching look, he stated, “I’ve never heard of a gargoyle doing that by mistake.”

  Vane sighed and met his second’s concerned expression. He shrugged, knowing there was no way around the news getting out now. “Matt is my mate.”

  Tobias gave him a small smile, actually looking relieved. “I’m happy for you,” he stated. After patting him on the back, he started toward the door, saying over his shoulder, “I’ll pass the news on to Maelgwn and we’ll do everything we can to help Matthew come around.”

  He paused at the door and turned to peer at him. “I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. I should have had more faith in you.”

  Vane watched Tobias leave. While he appreciated the other gargoyle’s apology, he understood why the second had been ready to go off the deep end. Vane had never interacted with the humans in the clutch, so to find a nearly naked one in his suite had probably been quite a shock.

  That triggered another realization in Vane. His mate had just left wearing nothing but a towel. He could be seen by dozens of others before getting to…wherever he planned to go.

  Jealous rage slammed through Vane, hot and heavy, unlike anything he’d felt before. No one should see Matt with those few clothes on but him! Vane roared and slammed his way out of the room, hell-bent on finding his missing human.

  Chapter Seven

  In hindsight, storming out of Vane’s room with only a towel wrapped around his hips probably wasn’t Matthew’s wisest decision. Still, hearing his lover so upset by them being stuck with each other—not that Matthew really felt that way about it—really hurt.

  So much for Logan’s idea that we’re mates.

  Now, though, Matthew needed to find his brother, because Marty’s gargoyle mate, Raymond, had his clothes. The little black gargoyle had gone to so much trouble setting up the garden for him. When he’d woken up to find Vane standing over him, obviously enjoying the view, he’d had high hopes. Add in that he’d woken in Vane’s bed…nest…whatever, and that the gargoyle had practically pounced on him as soon as he’d returned—evidently from getting food—had compounded Matthew’s assumption that Vane desired him also.

  Too bad Vane just views me as a convenient body to sate his lust.

  Wracking his brain for where he needed to go, Matthew found a stairwell and headed down it. He remembered following Vane from the dining hall the previous night. From there, Matthew hoped he could find the hospital wing, where he knew Marty still rested.

  Matthew retraced his steps, smiling slightly as he thought of his brother. To his knowledge, Marty had never really been in a relationship. While Matthew had lived with a boyfriend for about a year, before Logan had pulled him aside and told him the ugly truth. Danny had been cheating on him. He’d almost taken a swing at the bigger man, but Marty had stopped him—not that the Irishman couldn’t have easily taken the hit, and knowing Logan, he wouldn’t have even dodged.

  He’d never questioned how Marty had known, too. He knew Logan swung both ways, although he’d only ever openly dated women. He’d just figured their friend had told Marty, maybe to ask for advice. Now, he knew better. His brother had probably been at the gay bar, too.

  Pushing his past aside, Matthew realized it didn’t matter. If he couldn’t bring Vane around to his way of thinking, he’d end up celibate.

  God, it’d suck if Vane only came to me when he was horny.

  So, if he couldn’t bring the stubborn gargoyle around with pleasure, what else could he try? He needed to talk to Raymond and Cornelius. Maybe they’d have some ideas. Maybe this time, Einan would be willing to tell him more about what Vane’s time in captivity had been like. His lover had spoken of being locked up and tortured. Was that what held him back?

  Uncertainty and frustration filling him, Matthew almost slammed into the hard red body of the gargoyle coming around the corner. White-clawed hands settled on his upper arms, steadying him. “Easy, there, human,” the male urged, his voice a smooth baritone. The gargoyle smiled, a warm gleam in his vibrant violet eyes…especially after he gave Matthew a once over. “Where are you headed to in such a hurry?”

  Matthew glanced around, finding himself alone in the hallway with the clearly friendly male. “Uh, to the hospital wing to visit my brother,” he quickly responded. “Marty,” he clarified.

  “Ah, you must be Matthew then,” the gargoyle stated, grinning. “I met Logan earlier. He’s in the dining hall wooing Geoffrey.” Holding out a hand, he stated, “I’m Kort. Allow me to escort you to the infirmary.”

  Matthew took his hand and shook, nodding. “Okay.” He wasn’t certain whom the gargoyle referenced, but he didn’t want to disturb his buddy if he didn’t have to. “I’d appreciate that.”

  Wrapping his hand around Matthew’s shoulders, Kort started him down the hallway. His thumb landed on the edge of the bite mark left by Vane and Matthew flinched. Kort peered around his head so he could see his far shoulder and there was no mistaking the lift in his brow ridges. Suddenly, Matthew wished he had a second towel so he could cover his shoulders, too. Hell, he should have at least taken the time to find his bathrobe.

  Kort leaned his head down and lightly sniffed his neck, making no effort to hide what he did. He stopped, his grip on Matthew’s shoulder tightening just enough to bring him to a stop, too. “Holy fucking hell. What has Vane done?”

  Matthew’s eyes widened in shock. “How the hell…”

  “His scent is all over you,” Kort snapped, glaring. “What the hell was he even doing with you?”

  Pulling away, he flinched as the gargoyle’s claws scraped lightly over his skin as he jerked out of his hold. “Why—”

  An ear-splitting roar echoed down the corridor. Almost before Matthew could register Vane’s presence, the massive darker red gargoyle slammed into Kort. He drove the other gargoyle into the wall. Kort’s head bounced against the corner of a picture frame, and the gargoyle sagged.

  Vane immediately released Kort and the gargoyle crumpled to the floor. At the same time a number of others flooded through a pair of doors that Matthew quickly realized must lead to the dining hall. Matthew tightened his grip on his towel and stumbled back a couple of steps as he took in the shocked, concerned, and even angry expressions on the mixed group of gargoyles, humans, and…others.

  After snarling over his shoulder at the crowd, Vane turned and stalked to Matthew. Vane wrapped his arms, followed by his wings, around him. Lowering his head, he hissed into Matthew’s ear, “You are my mate. I forgot biting started the bonding process. Do not run from me again.”

  The more Vane spoke, the more growls rumbled through his chest. The vibrations sent tingles across Matthew’s torso where he was pressed against the gargoyle. The leathery wings scraping across his back caused goose bumps to break out over his skin, which felt interestingly pleasant.

  Matthew lifted the hand not holding his towel and placed it on Vane’s chest. He opened his mouth, wanting to ask Vane why he’d been so upset before if they were mates.

  “Vane, release Matthew,” Maelgwn ordered.

  Curling his lip, Vane snarled, “No. Matt is mine.”

  Maelgwn’s eyes narrowed, his dark blue brow ridges drawing his features into a displeased expression. “Vane, that wasn’t a request.” His voice deepened, expressing his dwindling patience.

  Vane’s arms and wings tightened. “Mine,” he insisted.

  Matthew peered up at Vane and shock rocked through him as he realized Vane no longer seemed completely capable of coherent thought. His red eyes had taken on a vacant look, his pupils blown wide. Vane had retreated into himself, into some place inside his mind.

  Oh, God. What must he have lived through?

  “Sapian, E
inan, help me,” Maelgwn ordered, starting forward. “Tobias,” he called over his shoulder. “Get over here. We’ve got a situation with Vane.”

  As Maelgwn drew closer, he was quickly flanked by Einan, a steel gray gargoyle Matthew had met before. A dark gold hided gargoyle came forward also, and Matthew recognized Sapian.

  “Wait, wait!” Matthew called, wriggling a bit in Vane’s grip. If he could just get the other gargoyles’ attention, he could call them off…maybe.

  Unfortunately, his attempts seemed to aggravate Vane further. “You’re mine,” he snarled, tightening his hold. “Mine.”

  “Yeah, I’m yours,” Matthew whispered, rubbing Vane’s chest. “I’m yours.”

  For a second, Vane’s gaze cleared and he stared down at Matthew, amazement filling his expression. Then, Einan grabbed Vane’s shoulder, saying, “Come on, buddy. Let Matthew go for now.”

  Just that quick, Vane’s expression clouded over again. Roaring, he opened his wing, snapping it back at the other gargoyle. The blow from his leathery appendage knocked Einan backward several steps. Sapian jumped forward and grabbed Vane’s wing, pulling and keeping him from wrapping his wing back around Matthew.

  Vane roared and released Matthew with that side’s arm. He slammed his fist into Sapian, backhanding the smaller gargoyle. Sapian’s head snapped back, but he didn’t release his hold.

  While Vane struggled to free himself from Sapian, Maelgwn grabbed Vane’s other wrist in one huge clawed hand. He rested his other hand on Matthew’s upper arm and pulled him free of Vane’s grip.

  Screaming in outrage, his features contorted in some remembered pain, Vane returned his focus to Matthew, reaching for him. Einan jumped into the fray and replaced Maelgwn’s grip, stopping Vane’s advance. The gargoyle chieftain pulled Matthew, putting a few feet between them.

  “No, stop!” Matthew called, reaching out toward Vane.

  Vane hunched forward, then reared up, almost dislodging his holders.

  “Hold him,” Maelgwn ordered, thrusting Matthew toward Tobias.

  The second obeyed on instinct, his eyes wide in shock as he took in the scene.

  Maelgwn leaped forward, helping the clutch’s enforcers subdue a wildly struggling Vane. They forced the big red gargoyle to his knees.

  Turning to Tobias, Matthew grabbed the wrist of the arm that held him and shook it. Once he had the green gargoyle’s attention, he pleaded, “Please. We need to stop them. He’s my mate. You said yourself that he’ll become overprotective. It was just a misunderstanding!”

  Tobias swept his gaze over the group again. “Damn it.” Returning his focus to Matthew, he snapped, “Stay away until you’re called for. I’ll try to get this mess straightened out.”

  Matthew nodded. When Tobias released him, it took every ounce of self-control he had to stay still and not run to his still howling and struggling lover. Tobias jogged to Maelgwn’s side. Instead, of helping hold Vane down, he knelt down, rested his hand on the chieftain’s shoulder, and murmured softly into his ear.

  Maelgwn’s jaw sagged open and he glanced back at Matthew. His gaze swept over Matthew’s torso, stopping to rest on the healing bite mark on his shoulder. Matthew tried not to shift restlessly under the lead gargoyle’s scrutiny.

  “Son of a bitch,” Maelgwn muttered. He looked up at Tobias, then down at Vane. “Why the hell didn’t you just say so?”

  While Maelgwn and the enforcers were distracted by Tobias and his information, Vane took advantage. With a noise more yowl than roar, Vane leaped to his feet, shoving off his captors. He swung a fist at Maelgwn, connecting with his jaw. The chieftain stumbled backward, and might have landed on his ass if Tobias hadn’t been there to steady him.

  The wing-bash and backhand to the enforcers sent the pair sprawling. Vane’s blazing red eyes riveted on Matthew and he lunged toward him. Matthew stood his ground, praying he wasn’t reading his disoriented gargoyle wrong.

  Vane tackled him to the floor. Instead of crushing him beneath his much greater bulk, Vane twisted so they landed on the gargoyle’s back. He wrapped his arms around Matthew, holding him as if he were a treasure against his chest with arms and wings. Rolling to his feet, Vane kept moving, darting down one hallway, then another.

  Matthew quickly became disoriented. He couldn’t see real well in the position Vane carried him, tucked up and held like some damsel in distress. He could just peek over the tops of Vane’s wings. Vane lowered his shoulder and shoved into something which Matthew quickly realized was a door.

  Darkness swallowed them, cool evening air swirling around them. Matthew remained reasonably warm until Vane spread his wings and leaped into the air. Taking advantage of the change in position, Matthew sat up a bit and twisted his torso so he could wrap his arms around his lover’s neck. Glancing around, Matthew took in the view as Vane flew through the air. He couldn’t help but wish they were doing this under different circumstances. The view of the gardens from above was stunning.

  Then, Vane landed on a balcony railing and used a chair to step down, stopping before a door. He reached out and pushed open the French doors and strode through. Closing them, he blocked out the cool evening air.

  Vane stopped next to a roaring fire, then lowered him onto a nest of blankets. Matthew finally recognized his surroundings...Vane’s rather barren suite of rooms. This time, Vane didn’t leave him alone on the pillows. He settled in next to him, cuddling around him, his arms and wings acting as blankets. Then, he started to emit a low noise, the sound vibrating through both their bodies.

  Matthew found himself relaxing, his body lying flush to the bigger male. He managed to slip his right arm under the gargoyle’s neck, allowing him to urge Vane closer. The bigger male didn’t fight him, instead, curling over his torso and resting his forehead against the top of Matthew’s head.

  Lifting his other hand, Matthew caressed Vane’s shoulder. He stroked his hand over his firm, leathery flesh and up his neck. He took a moment to cup Vane’s skull and massage his lover’s neck tendons. Matthew smiled upon feeling the odd sensations Vane made increase, getting louder.

  He turned his head and nuzzled against the gargoyle’s chin. “You’re okay, handsome Vane,” he soothed. “So sweet, looking out for my welfare. Keeping me safe.” He stroked his hand up the back of Vane’s skull, massaging some more. He reached his gargoyle’s horns, but decided he couldn’t stop there.

  Gently, he stroked over the one nearest his fingertips, rubbing slowly up the horn to the point. Once he reached the sharp end, he rubbed around and around the point for a few seconds, liking the way Vane mewled, actually mewled, and shivered against him. Just as slowly, Matthew worked his way back down the horn to the base.

  Vane sighed, his breathing heavy against Matthew’s hair. Nuzzling closer, his arms tightening, Vane slid his hands up and down Matthew’s back, over his sides, his torso, even over his ass and thighs. Anywhere the gargoyle could reach.

  Matthew would have been turned on, but he realized what the male was doing…checking for injuries. Swallowing hard, forcing down the lump in his throat, he assured, “I’m fine. I’m safe. You kept me safe.” Even as he whispered the words, he forced the tears from his eyes.

  He didn’t know how long they repeated the same actions or how much time passed. All he knew was Vane kept his arms snug around him…until finally…

  “You don’t deserve to put up with me.”

  Acting on instinct, Matthew cupped his lover’s neck and forced Vane’s head back just enough to look him in the eye. Smiling, he flexed his fingers as he looked into his lover’s clear—if heart-stricken eyes—and stated, “What is it your people say? Fate doesn’t make mistakes.”

  Matthew brought their heads together, pressing his lips to Vane’s before drawing away and smiling. “You’re stuck with me, gargoyle. Deal with it.”

  Vane tucked his face against Matthew’s neck again, seeming to just breathe in his scent.

  Chapter Eigh

  Vane felt his heart rate slow, his senses calm, and his tense muscles relax. Breathing deeply, he enjoyed the heady scent of his mate as he nuzzled Matt’s hair, his temple. Sighing, Vane flexed his arm muscles, pleased to find his human in his embrace, before relaxing again. Slowly, he took his time opening his eyelids and peering around.

  He frowned. When had he returned to his nest of blankets?

  “Hey,” Matt murmured. He slid his hand around Vane’s neck, cupping his nape. He leaned close and pressed a quick kiss to Vane’s lips. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine,” he replied. Seeing the concern in Matt’s gaze, Vane asked, “Why?”

  Matt licked his lips as he roved his gaze over Vane’s face. Finally, he told him, “You became pretty upset earlier. I just—” He shrugged. “I just wanted to be sure you were okay now.”

  “Upset,” Vane repeated absently. He rolled onto his back, taking his mate with him, causing his lover to sprawl on top of him. Taking a minute to think back, tension stole through him, again. Kort had been touching his mate. Matt had appeared uncomfortable and when he’d gotten closer, he’d scented unease on his human. He’d slammed Kort into the wall. “I lost my temper with Kort,” he admitted. Threading his fingers into Matt’s thick, shaggy hair, he searched his lover’s expression as he assured, “I’d never hurt you like that. I could scent your unease. I had to stop him from touching you.”

  Nodding, Matt smiled a bit. “I know, Vane. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” He gently traced his fingertips over Vane’s brow ridges and down the jutting line of his jaw. After fingering his lips for a few seconds, Matt leaned down and pressed a soft kiss there, then asked, “What do you remember after that?”

  Vane cocked his head, struggling to pull up the memories. Fear surged through him as images flashed through his mind. Hands grabbing him, taking away his friend, forcing him to the floor so the chains could be clasped around arms, legs, and neck… Vane scrambled, trying to break free.


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