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Calming a Demon Heart

Page 8

by Charlie Richards

  Logan waved away his concern. “I can hire a few temp guys.” He smirked and stared around the room at the newly sheet-rocked walls. “Hell, any yahoo can hold up a piece of drywall, so I can nail it down,” he teased.

  Matthew drained his own soda, then threw the empty can at Logan. “Ha, ha.”

  Standing, Logan offered a hand to Matthew. “We’re done here today. Go home. Get cleaned up. Find Raymond.”

  Taking Logan’s offered hand, Matthew allowed his friend to pull him to his feet. Excitement filled him for the first time in days. After Logan released his hand, Matthew gripped the other man’s shoulders. Leaning in, he pressed a quick kiss to his friend’s scarred cheek. “Thank you.”

  Logan’s brows shot up. A faint trace of color stained his cheeks, then he backed up a step, breaking Matthew’s hold as he lifted a hand between them. “Yeah, yeah. Get out of here.”

  Matthew didn’t need to be told twice. He walked outside into the gathering gloom and used his gloves to beat his clothes, trying to remove some of the dust. After a few seconds, he shook his head, thinking fuck it, and climbed into his truck.

  Bypassing his home, urgency riding him, Matthew headed straight out of town and drove to the manor. He parked and shoved out of his truck, jogging up the walk. The door swung open before he reached it, but Matthew didn’t see anyone until he’d stepped through the doorway.

  Kort stood just inside the doorway, leaning against a hall table. “Hello, Matthew,” the gargoyle greeted. He swept a concerned look over him. “How are you holding up?”

  Scowling, Matthew strode passed him while growling, “I’m tired of that question. Where is he?”

  Falling into step beside him, Kort didn’t even pretend not to understand. “Vane isn’t here. I’m not entirely certain where he is,” he admitted.

  Stopping, Matthew turned toward the red gargoyle. “What?”

  Kort crooked a finger, then led the way down first one hall then another. “I hear through the grapevine that Vane found several possible leads,” he explained. “I know he went to Vernal, Utah, but if he doesn’t find his friend there, there are several options where he could be heading.”

  “Can you communicate with him?”

  Shaking his head, Kort replied, “He’s with Tobias, Sapian, and Greg. The second calls the chieftain a couple of times an evening to give updates, but to my knowledge, Vane doesn’t carry a cell phone.”

  “I’m glad he’s not alone,” Matthew murmured. He couldn’t imagine his lover trying to rescue his friend alone. What if he had another panic attack?

  “He’s in good hands,” Kort assured.

  “I want to know where he might have to go next.”

  Kort chuckled. “I figured you’d turn up asking about that, especially after he pounded me into the wall,” he stated ruefully, lifting a hand to rub the back of his head.

  Matthew peered at the male he followed, grimacing. “Sorry about that.”

  Shrugging, Kort replied, “Not your fault. Just a misunderstanding.” Turning to look at Matthew, he grinned, showing off plenty of teeth. “These things happen when dealing with aggressive, possessive males.” Tilting his head to the right and turning the corner, Kort urged, “Come on.”

  Matthew rolled his eyes while lengthening his stride. Like I’m not already following. “Good thing I’m tall,” he mumbled. If he didn’t stand about six foot one, he’d have to be jogging to keep up with the taller male.

  Laughing, Kort just shrugged and led the way up a stairwell.

  Matthew didn’t mind in the least. They arrived in a hallway that he recognized. Relief filled him when he realized they were headed to Raymond’s chambers, and by default—once Marty sold his house—his brother’s suite, as well.

  Kort knocked. The door opened.

  His jaw sagging open, Matthew took in the shaved-head, African American male that opened the door. Standing maybe five foot eight, the black skin around his eyes crinkled as he grinned up at them, showing off white teeth. He wore a loincloth, like the gargoyles, showing off a slender, twink-like body.

  “Hey, Matthew. We wondered how long it’d take you to show up.”

  Judging by the sound of the guy’s voice and the amused smirk on his thin, dark lips, Matthew realized that this was Raymond. “Wow,” he whispered, unable to help himself.

  Raymond grinned wider. “Not bad, huh?” he asked as he beckoned them to enter.

  “Wow, you look, uh—” Matthew couldn’t help but stare as he walked a few steps forward into the chamber.

  “Stop staring at my man, little brother.”

  Marty’s growled words snapped Matthew out of his stupor. He spun around and grinned upon seeing Marty half sitting on the arm of a sofa. His brother smirked at him, his blue eyes twinkling.

  “Marty!” Matthew cried, pleased to see his brother up and around, although his pallor and the bulky bandage covering his shoulder gave away his still weakened condition.

  Crossing to his brother, Matthew hugged him lightly, mostly on his good side. He cupped Marty’s jaw and kissed his brother’s cheek. Smiling, he murmured, “It’s good to see you up and around.” Stepping away, he glanced back to look at Raymond again. This time it was his turn to tease. “And, apparently well enough for some extracurricular activity.”

  Chuckling, Marty slapped the back of his hand against Matthew’s stomach. “Can you blame me? He’s fucking sexy.”

  Returning his focus to Marty, Matthew smiled. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” Marty sobered, giving him a knowing look. “So, you’re here to track down your own mate. Got your hands full with that one, huh?”

  Sighing, Matthew grimaced. “So it would seem.”

  Raymond crossed the room and picked up his laptop. Matthew backed a few steps, allowing him closer to Marty, so he could settle onto the sofa. Crossing to a nearby chair, Matthew sat and rested his elbows on his thighs as he leaned forward. “Okay, so where’s he going?”

  Sparing him a glance, Raymand replied, “He used the complex’s computers to do his searches, and for safety reasons they auto delete history whenever someone logs off. However,” he grinned as he glanced around at everyone, “I have a backdoor to the system and managed to recreate what he looked at. The guy’s good. He managed to hack into a bank website,” he muttered, shaking his head.

  Matthew paled. “He isn’t going to get into trouble, is he?”

  “No, I verified that he wasn’t tracked,” Raymond assured. “Anyway, he’s found curiosity shows with animals in Vernal, which is where he’s at right now, plus Mobile, Alabama, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and Rexburg, Idaho.”

  “How’d he figure that out?” Matthew asked, curious.

  Raymond shrugged. “Not sure, really. Maybe he recognized names or something?”

  “So, how are we supposed to find out where he’s headed next?” Matthew glanced around the group. “Any ideas?”

  Grinning widely, Raymond stated, “Don’t worry. I bugged Maelgwn’s phone years ago, and I can get transcripts for any call that comes through the land line. If he uses either option, we’ll know.”

  Kort lifted a hand. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but…why did you bug our chieftain’s phone?”

  Raymond had the decency to appear sheepish. “I was going through a phase where I thought everything was a conspiracy. I got really paranoid. Suffice it to say,” he finished, waving his hand, “I bugged his phone and then didn’t know how to tell him…so it’s still there.”

  Matthew straightened in his seat. “He’s had the same phone for that long?”

  Glaring at him, Raymond mumbled, “So maybe it was only a couple of years ago.”

  Marty barked out a laugh and rubbed his mate’s shoulder. Slowly, he slipped off the sofa arm to settle next to Raymond. “I love you anyway,” he crooned into Raymond’s ear. Marty’s mate turned his head and beamed at him, his expression saying that Marty’s love was returned fully.<
br />
  When they started to make out, Matthew turned in his seat and focused on Kort. “So,” he muttered, leaning toward him. “Can you explain to me everything about mating? I got a couple of highlights when Maelgwn sat me and Logan down last week, but I could use the details.” He glanced toward the still kissing pair and then away—hell, he sure didn’t care to watch his brother make out, even if he was happy for him.

  Kort moved closer. With his white wings wrapped around his shoulders, he eased to the chair opposite Matthew. “Sure. What do you want to know?”

  “Well, Maelgwn said after a gargoyle completes a bond, you all go through a, uh…” Matthew paused, blanking on the term the gargoyle leader had used. He waved a hand toward Raymond. “Whatever happens to make you look human.”

  “Molt,” Kort supplied.

  “Right,” Matthew quickly replied, snapping his fingers. “Molt.”

  Kort nodded. “That’s right.”

  “So, how do we complete our bond?”

  Lifting a light red brow ridge, Kort tilted his head. “Vane didn’t tell you?”

  Matthew shrugged, fighting back a flush. “We, uh, well…Vane isn’t the most forthcoming with information.” Thinking back on their time, there sure hadn’t been a hell of a lot of talking going on…by either one of them. Matthew made a note that they’d have to work on that.

  Kort’s chuckles drew Matthew’s attention. Scowling, Matthew lifted his hand and flipped the gargoyle off.

  Waving his hand, Kort shook his head. “Afraid not. As hot as you are, I value my hide a little too much.”

  Rolling his eyes, Matthew growled, “Just tell me what I need to know. How the hell is bonding completed?”

  “Fucking,” Kort replied, smirking. “He bites you, drinks your blood, and spills in you. Then, you turn around and do the same to him.”

  Matthew struggled to keep a straight face. Damn, this guy was blunt. Wait… “I have to fuck him and drink his blood?”

  Kort gave him a single slow nod.

  Sighing, his stomach rolling, he grimaced. “Okay,” he mumbled.

  The sound of a laptop clattering drew both men’s attention. Matthew’s brows shot up on seeing Raymond straddling Marty’s lap and his brother’s hands cupping the smaller male’s ass.

  Standing, he again stated, “Okay.” He turned his back on the oblivious couple and stared at Kort. “Have they set up you all’s breakfast yet? I haven’t had supper.”

  Kort cleared his throat, adjusted the bulge at his groin which indicated he had been enjoying the show, and rose. “Sure.”

  Matthew was happy his brother felt so much better...really. Since Marty was obviously making up for lost time, he figured it’d be wise to give his brother his privacy. Besides, he wanted to be ready to move as soon as Raymond discovered where Vane was.

  Clapping him on the shoulder, Kort urged him toward the door. “Let’s go. We’ll find your mate soon enough.” He glanced over his shoulder one more time, then practically pushed him through the doorway and shut the door behind him.

  Surprised at Kort’s sudden apparent urgency, Matthew peered over his shoulder at the man. “Uh, you all right?”

  “Yep,” Kort replied. “Just haven’t gotten laid in several weeks and seeing them was turning me on. If Raymond scented my desire, he’d be pissed.” He grimaced, then mumbled, “Raymond might be little, but never underestimate a jealous gargoyle.”

  “Got it.”

  “So, you’re gonna enjoy the perks of being mated to a gargoyle, Matt,” Kort said, switching gears with ease.

  It left Matthew struggling to catch up. “Yeah?”

  “Yep.” Kort winked. “Increased strength will sure come in handy working with drywall.”

  Matthew’s jaw sagged open. “How’d you know I—”

  Kort laughed, cutting him off. “I can smell it on you. You’ll get a better sense of smell, too, so ease off the cologne.”

  “I don’t use cologne,” Matthew replied immediately, shocked by this news.

  “Well, whoever you’ve been around does.”

  “Logan wear’s cologne. I gave him a hug earlier.”

  “There ya go then.”

  Chapter Ten

  “No, Vane. It won’t work. There are too many of them,” Sapian stated for the third time.

  The enforcer spoke way too calmly for Vane’s liking, and he growled low in his throat, not having liked hearing it the first two times. “He’s there,” he snarled. “Roland is there. I scented him. I have to get him out.”

  “And we will,” Tobias replied, “but not tonight. We need to send for more people.” The big green gargoyle leaned forward in his seat and reminded him, “They have a dozen guards. Guards with guns. Tough our hide may be, but the right caliber bullet does penetrate.” He scowled. “You want to make it back to that sexy mate of yours, don’t you?”

  It was a low blow, and hit the mark. Vane curled his lip at the second and hissed. “He’s mine. Stop looking at him.” He missed Matt more than he thought possible. When he’d left his mate to look for Roland, he’d thought he was doing the right thing. Now, he knew he’d totally fucked up.

  After three days, Vane had finally broken down and called Matthew, but it’d gone straight to voicemail. Even hearing his lover’s voice on a recording had sent a pang of longing so strong through him that he’d doubled over right where he’d stood underneath the trees.

  He hadn’t left a message.

  The next night, Vane had called again. When he got voicemail again, he’d left a message. Words he never imagined himself speaking to anyone poured unbidden from his mouth as he expressed how sorry he was for leaving Matt, how wrong he knew he was, and how he planned to make it up to Matt when next he saw him.

  The next evening, he’d found a message on his phone from Matt…five softly spoken words. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  He’d listened to the message over a dozen times already.

  A green, clawed hand landed on his knee, squeezing lightly. “Have you spoken to him?”

  Vane jerked his head up, surprised to the see the compassion in Tobias’ eyes. The second wasn’t known for his empathy. He nodded, then shook his head. “We’ve exchanged messages.”

  “It’s a start,” Greg stated. The already mated gargoyle gave him an encouraging smile, then winked. “He’s your mate. Kissing and making up is the best part of fighting.”

  Vane sure as hell hoped the wiry, redhead was correct.

  Tobias patted his leg, then pulled his hand away. He stood. “I’m going to give Maelgwn a call…give him a report.” He pointed at Sapian. “Head out and get us some chow for tonight and tomorrow.”

  “Right,” Sapian confirmed.

  The other enforcer stood and headed toward the door. Before he could reach it, a hard pounding sounded through the room. Everyone’s focus turned to the door. Tobias moved first. “Vane, with me. Sapian, Greg, see who it is and get rid of them.”

  Vane pushed to his feet and followed the second into the bathroom. They left the door cracked open, allowing them to listen. At first, no sound reached Vane’s ears. Then, to his surprise, he heard Sapian chuckle and say, “I’ll get him.”

  Seconds later, Sapian pushed open the door and stated, “Vane, you have a call waiting in your room.”

  “In my room?” Vane frowned. “From who?”

  Sapian grinned. “Someone you’ll want to talk to,” he assured.

  Vane scowled. He smelled something off about Sapian’s scent, but couldn’t place what it was. It wasn’t as if he was lying so much as withholding information. Suddenly, the gargoyle’s wording clicked. “Matt?”

  Nodding, Sapian motioned toward the door. “He’s waiting.”

  That scented true.

  “Coast’s clear,” Greg called from the doorway.

  Vane wrapped his wings around himself and grabbed the hat off the desk as he passed it. Plopping it on his head, Vane strode
to the door. After a quick check of the area and seeing no one around, he quickly moved to his own room one door down.

  Excitement built inside him at the prospect of hearing Matt’s voice, of actually talking to him. He even thought he scented his mate, but knew that must just be because his anticipation was so high. Slipping the key into the lock, he turned the knob and pushed his way into the room.

  Vane stopped just inside the door, trying to make sense of what his senses told him. No lights were on, but that didn’t surprise him. He and Greg, who he shared the room with, hadn’t left any lit. Still, Vane didn’t understand why Matt’s smell hung heavy in the air, mixed with several others from their clutch, including Einan, Cornelius, and Leroy, a human nurse they’d kidnapped from the hospital with Marty. The twink of a male had ended up helping them forge release paperwork. Between Leroy and Detective DeSoto, they’d covered up Marty’s move to their manor and how bad Marty’s injuries actually were.

  The shadows seemed to move in the far corner, and a light flicked on, illuminating the room. Vane blinked, then his eyes widened.

  “Matt,” he whispered.

  Sitting on the near side of the bed, Matt’s back rested against the headboard. He stretched his legs out in front of him, crossed at the ankles. He wore a bathrobe that gapped at the front, revealing his hard torso. Matt moved his hand from the lamp, back to his lap, folding his hands.

  His hazel eyes appeared to glitter in the lamp’s light. “Hello, Vane.”

  Vane rushed forward, dropping to his knees on the floor near Matt’s hip. “Matt, my mate,” he cried. He rested his hands on the mattress near his lover and clenched his jaw, wanting to touch so badly. Unfortunately, Matt’s cool expression didn’t exactly encourage contact. “I—I—” He realized he had no idea what to say.

  Lifting his left hand, Matt cupped Vane’s skull, gripping the prominent tendons of his neck in a loose hold. Matt held his gaze for several seconds, as if searching for something in his expression. Finally, Matt’s hand flexed and released a few times, massaging him, as he softly stated, “I had every intention of being so pissed off at you for ditching me the way you did that I was gonna spend the next hour lecturing you on how proper relationships work.”


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