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Charley's Christmas Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novella (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 1)

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by C. D. Gorri


  She was beautiful with her long hair in a loose braid down her back, her straight nose, and full lips. Not to mention her figure. His body reacted just looking at her.

  His mate had curves to fill his hands, a soft, flat belly, and rounded hips. Her legs were just long enough to wrap around his waist. Sweet as honey.

  She had been innocent. A precious gift in this age. Now he wanted to growl at every male who looked at her. Mine!

  Rafe shook his head. Easy buddy. You’ll scare her. That was the last thing he wanted. His instinct was to protect and see she was cared for.

  He knew in his heart she was his true mate, but he had to make her realize it too. That meant restraint. He’d give her some space. Let her see how good they were together.

  “I have some work to do, but I picked up a few things for you when I went out. Some clothes and toiletries. Not that I mind seeing you in my clothes.”

  “That was thoughtful,” her eyes rested on his mouth and Rafe swallowed. He hadn’t felt like this since he was a pup.

  “Um, would you like a tour of the house on your way back to our room?,” Rafe wanted to punch himself in the face.

  He sounded like an idiot. He saw the looks his Guard gave him. Great. An audience. He growled at a decibel Charley couldn’t hear. The command unmistakable. Back off.

  “I’d love it, thanks,” Charley smiled. Good. He liked her smile.

  They stood up and left the dining room. They made a quick detour to the laundry room off the kitchen where he swiped a pair of clean socks from his basket. He bent down and lifted her feet one at a time.

  “So your feet don’t get cold.”

  “Thank you,” her breathy answer told him more than her words. She had found the act of him dressing her as erotic as he had. He blinked to calm the beast inside of him that demanded he drag her into a dark room and have her again and again until she couldn’t walk away from him. Really enlightened thinking there, man!

  He stood up to put a little distance between them and started the tour. He showed her around several living/sitting rooms. The main kitchen she already saw, but there were smaller snack areas with fridges and microwaves. Werewolves tended to eat a lot.

  There was also a game room, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a hot tub, a gym, a weight room, a sauna, a ten car garage with a working lift, fifteen bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and walk-in closet, a first aid room, a security room, a laundry room, two dining rooms, a ballroom, and a handful of offices.

  Not to mention outdoor guest houses, poolside cabanas, and a huge fenced in garden with dense woods directly behind them. He also informed her it was a half hour ride to his private beach.

  Fresh flowers graced the hallway. There were exotic potted plants everywhere. Lush and green, their fragrance was light and pleasant. The furniture was oversized and comfortable. Most of the rooms had their own working fireplaces and lots of natural light.

  Rafe was conscientious and polite throughout the entire tour. A little too formal for Charley’s tastes. At times, she felt self-conscious, but then he’d brush her hair back from her shoulder or take her hand, and everything was okay again.

  “I think we should discuss our arrangement, Carlotta. On Christmas Eve I will present you to my Pack representatives, including the elders, and you will be declared officially as my mate,” he waited for her to react. This was so unfair. He felt like a jerk. Once he did that she would be officially his.

  “And then I’ll go back to my life. That’s what you said, I understand. One thing though,” Charley bit her lower lip and looked up at the man in front of her. The man who in just a few hours changed her entire life.

  “Yes?,” Rafe tensed.

  Please, don’t let her ask me not to touch her again. He knew that wasn’t going to happen. Werewolves were renowned for their virility. And his libido would go into automatic overdrive the minute she was officially matebonded to him.

  “Can you bring me some of my clothes and Buttercup? My cat?”

  Rafe couldn’t help it, he lifted her up in a fierce hug. He laughed and squeezed her before placing her gently back on her feet.

  “Of course! If you just make a list of what you need I’ll send Seff for you.”

  “Alright, thanks.”

  “I’ll walk you back then I, uh, have work to do.”

  “It’s ok, you go ahead, I’ll find my way,” she gave his hand a squeeze and turned to go.

  Damn. He felt like a total piece of shit. His boys kidnapped her, literally. He practically forced himself on her, though seduce was the word he chose to employ. And yet she still agreed to help him out, even though he would totally get it if she wanted to drive a dagger through his back. And now, like a big dumb jerk, he had hurt her feelings. He could smell her sadness, it was kind of like moss and lemons, and it pained him.

  He walked to his office feeling like crap. As he passed the huge Christmas tree on display in the main foyer he stopped. He would make it up to her, and he thought he knew how. He’d give her a Christmas she would never forget!


  The first thing Charley did was head back to Rafe’s bedroom. Would it ever be ours? Her thoughts wandered as she picked up the shopping bag he brought her and pulled out a pair of black lace panties, a matching bra, soft gray leggings and a jade green tunic style sweater. There were also fuzzy socks and a pair of black ankle boots.

  After another quick shower she dressed and reveled in how perfectly everything fit her. It was like he had memorized her exact proportions. Her cheeks burned when she recalled how he had gotten that information.

  Charley strolled back towards the kitchen. She dug around and found a pad and blue ball point pen. Her favorite writing tool. She wrote down a list of what she wanted and went to look for Seff.

  Instead, she found Randall. He was sitting on a big brown leather couch with an old acoustic guitar balanced in his arms. She watched as he strummed the instrument. He played with the ease of a professional. His eyebrows furrowed as he plucked the strings.

  Charley smiled when she recognized the tune. Bon Jovi. A favorite of any born and bred Jersey girl. She was no exception.

  She opened her mouth and hummed along with him. Randall perked up and nodded at her. She began to sing and he slowed the tune down to match her style. He ended the song and went right into some Christmas music.

  Charley sang along and loved every minute of it. After a few minutes the room filled with the men of the house. Rafe was notably absent.

  Charley didn’t let that get her down. After all, he said he had work to do. They ended the set with a soft rock version of Silent Night. Applause and whistles filled the room. Seven pairs of curious eyes watched her as she grabbed a bottle of water and took a long pull.

  “Damn girl, you got a nice set of pipes,” Kurt, or maybe Dib, said and high fived her.

  “Thanks, I was in choir back in school. My grandpa loved to sing carols around the tree. Randall is the one with the talent though,” she curtsied to her guitarist and he bowed back. A gentle smile on his face barely discernible through all the thick dark hair.

  “Cool! So you cook and sing and the boss was smiling when he left. I think we picked the right one, huh, Seff?,” Conall joined in, oblivious to all the groans and eye-rolls.

  “Shut up, Con! Icsnay on the idnapkay!”

  “Dude, for real?”

  “It’s okay guys. Despite being forcefully taken without my consent by you brutes, I, uh, I’ve worked out a deal with Rafe. I’ll stay and help, then I get my life back. In the meantime, Seff, can you pick these up from my place?,” she held out the piece of paper to him with hands that trembled ever so slightly.

  Charley was once again dressed in Rafe’s big flannel robe. She snuggled into it and ran a hand through her long damp hair. It was past midnight and Rafe still hadn’t returned. It was ridiculous for her to feel abandoned, but she couldn’t help it.

  He didn’t exactly choose her. H
is friends did. A gorgeous, important guy like him wouldn’t choose someone like her. No family, no friends, no career. She was cute in her own way, but she knew she wasn’t in his league.

  Guys like him chose girls who wore a size 2 with platinum blonde hair and frosty pink lipstick. Not short, chubby brunettes. Then there was the whole royalty thing. Pack Alpha. Whatever the hell that meant!

  Werewolves, really? Maybe it was like an MC or gang thing? God, she hoped so. True, they were all big and good looking, and yes, they did tend to growl at each other. And, well, during sex, Rafe growled quite a bit. But was that normal for men? She didn’t know. She had nothing to compare it to.

  The doorknob clicked and Charley turned. She held a breath as he walked in. He looked startled to see her. His blue eyes wide as they looked her up and down.

  “I thought you’d be asleep,” his voice was gruff, like it was the first time he spoke in hours.

  “Is that why you stayed away?”

  “Yes. I, uh, didn’t want you to feel like I was going to expect, you know, anything,” he walked in and closed the door behind him.

  “Look, for whatever reason earlier, we had sex. I’m not expecting you to force yourself to be with me. I’m your ‘mate’ for show, for this other guy to see, I get it. I can move to another room,-”

  Quicker than she could blink he was across the room and kneeling in front of her. Charley backed up, surprised by his incredible speed. She almost slipped off the edge of the bed. He reached out and steadied her.

  “Carlotta, believe me when I say that getting you into this mess was the last thing I would’ve wanted, but not because I had to force myself to be with you. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! Don’t you know how beautiful you are?,” he reached up and cupped her face. The look in his eyes made her want to believe him. No one had ever looked at her quite like that.

  “I’m not beautiful, I’m cute,” she replied softly, mesmerized by the depths of his blue eyes.

  “Are you kidding me? With that long curly hair and those amazing brown eyes? And your skin? Soft and smooth and warm.”

  “I’m fat. And short,” she moved out of his grasp and spoke matter-of-factly. Rafe’s eyes bugged out of his head. And he pulled her back so she had to look at him.

  “What? Are you insane? Who told you that load of crap? Carlotta, you are beautiful. You look exactly as a woman should. You fill my hands perfectly, as my woman should.”

  “Rafe, I don’t want to talk about my looks.”

  “Fine. Then let’s discuss your courage, your brains, your talents as a chef and a singer, your passion, your strength, your heart, there are any number of things we can discuss that would clearly point out why anyone would be damn lucky to have you even look at them.”

  “How did you know I sing?,” Charley looked at Rafe, uncertainty on her face.


  Uh oh. How was he going to explain this without sounding like a stalker? One thing for sure. He’d have to be honest.

  Werewolves simply didn’t lie. Living in a Pack made it impossible. When people lied they gave off clues in their body language and their scent. As pups they were taught to identify emotions and behaviors, so lying was not really an option.

  “I heard you. I, uh, watched you. From my office. Common rooms have security cameras. I was just checking you were safe. Werewolves can be dangerous. Randall in particular. He plays music to soothe himself. When I saw you go in there I was concerned, but when I saw you open your mouth to sing, I just had to listen. It was beautiful, Carlotta. Just like everything else about you.”

  Technically, that was the truth, the rest he would keep to himself. For instance, he couldn’t tell her that he followed her with his eyes as she walked from room to room. That he was becoming obsessed with her. That he had to stop himself at least a dozen times from getting up from his desk and taking her back to bed.

  When he saw her approach Randall, one of his most dangerous wolves, he had jumped up ready to intervene. Then she sat down and began to sing. Rafe turned the audio on and had gotten the shock of his life.

  Her voice was strong and soft, sexy as hell. When Dib high-fived her, Rafe had growled low and deep. Jealousy had almost overcome his reason. He had to use all his strength to deny the temptation to rip off Dib’s offending hand.

  It was no good being jealous and possessive. Besides, she wanted her old life when this was done. No!

  Rafe wanted to change her mind. Hell, he needed to. In his heart he knew his Wolf had claimed Carlotta. Letting her go was going to be damn impossible.

  “Charley, call me Charley.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Your name is Carlotta, my Carlotta,” he dropped a whisper of a kiss on her mouth.

  Oh yeah, this is what I’ve been missing. Charley thought as she tugged him closer. Her first experience with sex and she was a wanton! Insatiable and curious and gloriously wanton. For him. Only for him.

  Rafe kissed her lips, lingering on her bottom one. He stood abruptly with her wrapped in his arms. That damn robe covered much too much! He placed her on the bed and tugged. It fell open and revealed her sublime nudity. He groaned as he looked his fill.

  She was gorgeous, sensuous, and waiting, for him. With a low growl he took off his clothes. He enjoyed watching her response. The catch in her throat, the way her eyes widened. He knew he was large and muscular. At first he was afraid he’d frighten her, but the way her eyes ate him up let him know she liked what she saw.

  He sniffed the air and it was like a rush straight to his groin. She was ready. Rafe lowered himself slowly and carefully on top of her. Her body opened for him without prompting. His erection found its rightful place between her thighs.

  “Slowly, I don’t want to hurt you, baby,” he had every intention of going slow, but Charley ran her hands down his backside and pulled.

  She licked him from neck to jaw. Her lips found his as she wrapped her legs around him. He entered her slowly, closing his eyes tight as he tried to still himself.

  She was like a drug to him. The more he got, the more he wanted. Yeah, but it was so much more than that too. She was like the air. He needed her that much.

  Charley explored his back, chest and hips with nimble fingers. She squeezed with her legs and his control began to slip.

  He nipped lightly at her neck and inside his mind’s eye his Wolf came forward. Deep blue eyes glowing, Rafe raised his head and bit down, not to hurt her. To mark her. He sucked, hard.

  She bucked underneath him, driving him closer to the edge. Rafe’s chest rumbled with pride as Charley moaned his name. He was the first one to fill her, to taste her, to make her moan. And he was going to do it again.

  “Rafe, I didn’t ask before and it was foolish of me, but what about safe sex? Condoms?”

  Rafe went still for a minute. He had just had the most mind blowing sex of his life. No, not sex. Love. They had made love. He couldn’t think straight. His heart was pounding and his brain wasn’t working yet. The moon. She is calling.

  “Uh, Werewolves don’t get sick like humans. Also, you’re not ovulating. I’d smell it if you were.”

  She was beautiful in the afterglow of their lovemaking. He had explored every inch of her body. Her smell and taste would be forever ingrained on his heart and mind. How could it be that his Guard knew him so well? Whatever the reason, he was grateful.

  “Sounds, mm, reasonable,” she arched her back as he rubbed her stomach in gentle circles. It was the first time she didn’t seem to doubt he was telling the truth. That was good.

  Charley woke the next morning alone yet, deliciously sated. She blushed when she recalled all the things they had done during the night. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her.

  This may have all started out as a kidnapping, but it wasn’t now. Hadn’t been since she laid eyes on him. After all he never forbade her to leave. He simply asked her if she would stay.

  And she said yes. For a while anyway. Charle
y wondered when it would happen. When would he ask her to leave? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it was true? If he really was a Werewolf and he wanted her to be his mate?

  She yawned and stretched. Charley felt glorious. Like a new battery, completely charged. Rafe had mentioned something about his strength pouring into her, something called a matebond, but she had been too exhausted to listen.

  The sound of something breaking and someone cursing made her lose her train of thought. She pulled on the green flannel robe and opened the bedroom door. Charley stifled her laugh at the sight before her.

  “Goddamn cat! Get her!”

  “Ouch! Oh fu-,”

  A series of painful groans and furniture being knocked down followed. Charley knew the problem immediately. Seff held his neck. Red blood ran through his fingers as he tried to get his breath back. Randall was holding an equally bloody scratch on his forearm and Conall was on the floor.

  She watched as he tried to wrangle the one and only Buttercup out from under an accent table. Pieces of the broken porcelain vase, fresh cut flowers, and accent marbles were everywhere. Water soaked the carpet and dripped over the side of the table. Uh oh.

  “Meow!,” Buttercup ran and leapt straight into Charley’s arms.

  “Hey, baby, my little Buttercup, my sweetie,” she cooed and stroked the cat’s fur. She raised an eyebrow at the three grown men sprawled all over the place.

  “Sorry, guys, I should have mentioned he doesn’t like strangers. Oh, can you bring up my bags please. Thanks.”

  “Oh, he doesn’t like strangers! Thanks for telling us that! Could have used a little warning,” Conall mumbled as he, Randall, and Seff hefted her suitcases, kitty toys, and one freshly cleaned, bright blue litter box up the stairs.

  Charley hid a smile at all their grumbling. Served them right! She had them leave the litterbox in the hall. She set Buttercup down and watched him get acclimated to his surroundings.


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