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Dangerously Deceived (Aegis Group Lepta Team, #3)

Page 3

by Sidney Bristol

  “Would this have been well-known?” Melody passed the phone to Grant.

  Carla grimaced. “I don’t know. It wasn’t a secret around the office we trying to go. I imagine Jared would have told the project manager and foreman there was a chance we’d be there.”

  He held up the device. “I want to send this to our people. Get it analyzed. May I?”

  Carla nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  Melody’s face was grim. “I’m willing to bet that their target was Ashton all along. When he didn’t show up, the kidnappers grabbed who they could and are trying to make the most out of it.”

  Carla chewed her lip.

  Something about this whole thing bugged her.

  “There’s no way we could pay what they’re asking.” Carla crossed her arms over her chest. Growing up poor, she’d been around plenty of scam artists. They were all about the get rich quick. “What if... What if this isn’t about money?”

  “What do you mean?” Melody asked.

  Carla glanced back at Ashton, looking so lost.

  “It’s too much money.” Carla locked eyes with Melody. “You can do an internet search and find out Ashton’s net worth. He’s a millionaire, not a billionaire. Don’t you think that people organized enough to kidnap Jared from a remote construction site would do enough research to figure out how much money they could ask for? And why such a random number? It’s very specific. Does it mean something?”

  She had no doubt that if they’d demanded a sum of money Ashton could pay they’d be at the bank right now. Hell, Carla would drive him there. Money was something Ashton was good at making. They would never find another Jared.

  “What do you think this could be then?” Melody asked.

  “I don’t—I can’t really say.” Carla straightened her spine and didn’t look at Ashton. He wouldn’t like hearing where her thoughts were going.

  Melody continued to stare at her. Did she get that Carla couldn’t say what she wanted to? At least not with Ashton in such a delicate mood.

  “Can we get back on track?” Ashton shoved to his feet. “The whole reason I’ve paid to keep you guys on retainer is to handle situations like this. Where is Jared? When are you getting him back?”

  “Video is in the hands of our experts, sir.” Grant handed the phone back to Ashton. “They will work on figuring out his current location while we get into place.”

  Melody and Grant shared a look. “Today our travel documents are getting ironed out and we’ve coordinated with your pilot to file the flight plan to Cairo. We leave as soon as we can, but it will probably be first thing in the morning, sir. It’s our goal to have a plan for how to retrieve Mr. Moss before we touch down.”

  “The morning?” Ashton began to pace.

  “Hey?” Carla reached over and grabbed his hand. Under the polished exterior, Ashton was an emotional creature. His passion was what she loved about him, but it could also get him on the wrong path. “Everything is being handled. You know some things take time. You can’t snap your fingers and make it how you want it.”

  He squeezed her hand.

  “It’s almost nine.” She glanced at the clock. “You have a conference call. I set up your computer and your notes are on the desk. You just have to say yes and no at the right moments. I’ll handle everything else. Okay?”

  Ashton nodded.

  “Go.” She gave him a little push back toward the hall.

  Carla held her breath. Ashton hated being managed or told what to do. It was what made both Jared and her job so difficult when he was in one of his moods. He strode from the room and out of view without pushing back.

  He must really be in a bad place.

  No one spoke.

  She listened to his fading footsteps, the creak of his office door then the soft thump of it closing.

  Carla blew out a breath.

  Her relief was short-lived.

  All eyes were on her now, including Mr. Sexy Pants over by the windows.

  She turned so he wasn’t in her direct field of vision. Locking eyes with him still did funny things to her knees.

  What was wrong with her?

  Her best friend had been kidnapped, and she was getting the hots for some guy she didn’t know.

  Carla focused on Melody and Grant. She couldn’t spell it out for them that Jared was Ashton’s significant other, not Carla, but she could give them a version of the truth.

  “Jared is very important to us. Not many people know that he lives here. With us. He’s like family.” Carla was so used to spinning this version of the truth. It slid off her tongue, so natural.

  “What’s your theory about all this?” Grant asked.

  “Well...” Carla shifted her weight from foot to foot. “How much do you know about the Lebanese economy?”

  “It used to be good.” Grant shrugged. “The conflict on the Syrian and Israeli boarders has weighed heavily on them.”

  “Yes, which is why the Lebanese government has recently begun exploring options to allow for off-shore drilling. Drilling that would disrupt fishing, create pollution, possibly kill ecosystems.” Carla gestured at the sofa. She perched on the edge of an arm chair while the others gathered around.

  Melody sat opposite of Carla. “Mr. Khoury is known for investing in green businesses.”

  “Yes, and he feels a strong attachment to Lebanon. Ashton’s family immigrated from there in the seventies.” It was hard to boil down everything Carla knew into a few sentences, but she’d do her best. “As soon as Ashton caught wind this might happen he bought up all the waterfront land, businesses, everything he could in addition to his ongoing passion project to conserve the cedars in the north part of the country, where Jared was kidnapped. Now that the Lebanese government is actively seeking a drilling deal, they need Ashton’s cooperation. Which he isn’t giving.”

  “Let me guess?” Melody grimaced. “Locals don’t like that.”

  “No. He was already blocking possible drilling north of Beirut that might damage land crucial to the cedars survival. The Lebanon cedars are his passion project. It’s why he’s partnering to do the resort in the first place. Now his public image there is even worse. Newspapers are running stories about him, making it sound like he wants people to suffer. No one’s asked what his plans for the land are.”

  “You think this might all be about the oil rights?” Melody asked.

  Carla spread her hands. “It makes more sense than the ransom demand we can’t pay. What if there’s another side to this? One that’s not about the money?”

  “I’ll pass this along to our team.” Grant pulled out his phone. “We need to coordinate, make plans. Is it safe to assume that we should deal with you rather than Mr. Khoury for these smaller details?”

  “Yes, please.” Carla knew that if Ashton was pushed too hard, he’d try to find two billion dollars.

  That was the endearing thing about him. He’d do anything for the people he loved, and Jared was the love of his life. Even Carla could see that.

  Someday she wanted that. To love and be loved by someone. But for now, Ashton needed her. And that meant her physical needs had to take a back seat.

  Sorry, Mr. Moves, I don’t have time for you.

  “Carla?” Aston called from his office.

  She stood, conscious that she was going to have to be herself and Jared for a while. “I’ll be in my office. I’ll handle the paperwork as soon as I see what Ash wants.”

  She glanced at each person in turn.

  Once more, she locked eyes with Mr. Dreamy over there and her mouth went dry.

  “Excuse me?” she mumbled and hoofed it out of the living area, down the hall and into Ashton’s office.

  He sat behind his gleaming black desk, head in his hands. “They want some files Jared had.”

  “About what? I can find them.”

  “Something about the emissions report?” He dropped his hands and sat back, sparing a glance at the desk phone playing soft music.

p; “I know what they’re talking about.” She picked through Ashton’s in-box until she found the proper file folder. “Do they need it for the meeting? You know what, I’ll email it to everyone.”

  “Thank you.” His face was lined, his eyes sad and miserable. “Come here?”

  Carla circled the desk.

  Ashton leaned forward and hugged her around the waist. “Everything okay with the team?”

  “Yes. I think they have a plan.” She bent and kissed his forehead.

  Right now Ashton was scared. He had a narrow view of their options. She didn’t want to upset him by pointing out her theory. Hell, it might not be worth considering. The others hadn’t been impressed by it.

  “What’s up with that one guy?” Ashton leaned back.

  Carla’s face went hot. “What guy? There’s five of them.”

  “Don’t pretend you didn’t have a moment. I saw it.” For the first time since they’d gotten the news about Jared a smile flickered across Ashton’s face.

  “He caught me off-guard, okay?” She hugged the file to her chest.

  “One of us should have a distraction.” He rubbed his hand across his brow. “You want him, go for it.”

  “Ash, seriously? You think sex is what I have on my mind right now?” Carla’s blush deepened. Okay, so it had briefly crossed her mind, but she’d been trapped in Mr. Hot and Dangerous’ stare. Her head hadn’t been right.

  “Maybe I’m distracting myself setting you up?”

  And just like that Carla’s insides went wobbly and soft. She bent and kissed his brow a second time. “Thank you for thinking about me. This isn’t a good time. Yes, he’s incredibly hot and I’m not above admiring the view, but—no. We focus on Jared.”

  The line beeped and several voices spoke over each other.

  Carla took that as her cue to exit the office and busy herself with what she could do to help, which was pretending to be Jared.


  Thursday. Ashton Khoury’s Home, New York City, NY.

  Vaughn stared at the door leading to Carla’s office. They each had to spend a few moments squaring away their paperwork. He wasn’t keen on being alone with her. Looking back at their exchange, it had been perfectly innocent on her side. He’d caught her unaware, he’d assumed her role, and he’d flirted a little.

  That was on him, not her. But he didn’t like that he’d put himself in this position.

  Would apologizing make it weird? Or should he just push forward and pretend it had never happened?

  Nolan stepped out of the door, phone in hand. “You’re up.”

  Vaughn nodded. He’d dragged his feet until he was the last one for this task. He didn’t relish being in the same space with her. Every time their eyes met it was like grabbing hold of a pair of jumper cables. The electrical hit he took looking at her, it made the hair on his arms stand up, his muscles tense and left him with an uneasy sensation in his gut. And that was standing in a room full of people. It was worse when it was just the two of them. Hell, he’d wanted to kiss her in those first few moments he’d laid his eyes on her before he knew who she was.

  He’d had instant connections with women before, but whatever this was sizzling between them was different and dangerous.

  “Vaughn, right?”

  He glanced at the other door and found Ashton Khoury leaning into the hall.

  “That’s me,” Vaughn said.

  “You have a minute?” Ashton stepped back and gestured behind him.

  “Of course.” Vaughn’s gut said to run. He had no idea what kind of man Ashton was if he was the jealous type or what. With the cameras, it was safe to assume he could see everything going on in his home.

  Against his better judgment, Vaughn joined Ashton in the black, gray and chrome office. Ashton gestured to the two white leather armchairs positioned, so they faced the windows and the mid-morning skyline of the city.

  Vaughn eased down into the soft leather chair, all the while his attention was on the other man. Ashton stared with the kind of gaze that said he wasn’t seeing the city. He wasn’t even here.

  Losing an assistant wrecked the guy this bad?

  Carla had mentioned Jared lived with them. Was he family? A best friend?

  Whatever this was, it wasn’t business. It was personal.

  “You have people you’re close to, Vaughn?” Ashton asked.

  Vaughn rolled the question around. There was no harm in answering, but he wasn’t handing out details. “I do.”

  “Carla’s my person. She’s been in my life since I was a kid. Her mom used to clean my parent’s house. Sometimes she’d bring Carla, make her sit in the back seat of her car with the windows down while she worked. I’d sneak her out, and we’d play in the yard where no one could see us until it was time for her to go.”

  Fuck. This was about earlier.

  Vaughn had messed up. This was on him. There was probably time to get someone to take his spot, and hell, that might be a good thing with everything he had going on at home.

  “I like to see Carla happy,” Ashton said.

  Vaughn shifted in his seat.

  “You like her?” Ashton turned his head. “You think she’s attractive?”

  “Sir, about earlier, I’m sorry. I was out of line. I didn’t realize she was your girlfriend.”

  “Did you say anything inappropriate? Is what you said okay?” Ashton studied him. Under the sadness was a sharp intellect that could cut. And now it was aimed at Vaughn.

  “What I said was inappropriate to say to a woman in a relationship. I assumed she was a maid.”

  “So you thought she was pretty enough to hit on?” Ashton’s focus was completely on Vaughn now and he didn’t like it.

  What was Ashton’s deal? Was he territorial? Or was he one of those guys who talk about his girlfriend to people?

  Vaughn held up his hands. This was on him. “Your girlfriend is a beautiful woman, sir. I meant no disrespect to you or her.”

  “None taken.” Ashton leaned toward Vaughn. “If you are the kind of man who can be discrete, you might do me a favor?”

  Vaughn’s gut tightened. He didn’t like where this was going.

  “What do you say?” Ashton asked.

  “I’m not certain I understand what you’re getting at, Mr. Khoury.” Vaughn needed out of this office and off this job. Whatever was going on, this was trouble.

  “I’m offering you the opportunity to fuck my girlfriend.”

  Vaughn stared at the man.

  What the hell?

  Ashton kept staring at Vaughn.

  This guy was serious.

  “Ash?” A light tap at the door proceeded Carla breezing into the office.

  Vaughn was at once aware of her presence, the electric sensation skating over his skin. It was at war with the disgust bubbling up inside of him at what this man was proposing. Was that his thing? Did he loan out the woman in his life because he enjoyed it? Did she get a say? What the ever loving fuck?

  “Oh.” Carla came to a stop just inside the door. “I didn’t realize you were talking...”

  “Carla?” Ashton propped his elbow on the armrest and crooked his fingers. “Vaughn here is going to need the supplemental NDA on top of his other paperwork.”

  “Supplemental—what?” Her sharp tone spoke volumes. Whatever this other NDA was, it had layered meaning.

  “Mr. Khoury, I think it’s best if we take this time before we fly to get someone to take my spot on the team.” Vaughn pushed to his feet. He didn’t know what dynamic Ashton and Carla had, and he didn’t want to get involved with them.

  Carla glanced at Vaughn with wide eyes. Was that fear? Did her boyfriend scare her?

  “There isn’t time,” Carla blurted.

  “What?” Ashton turned toward her.

  “Everything is in order. We’re cleared to leave in two hours.” Her gaze slid toward Ashton’s and her temper flared. “What did you do?”

  “I extended an invitation.” Ashton hel
d out his hands as though he were passing Vaughn an invisible package. “He’s downright pissed on your behalf, by the way. I like him.”

  “Oh, my God. Ashton.” Carla groaned and massaged her temples. “We do not have time for this. I need paperwork in order and we have to get to the airport. I cannot deal with you.”

  “I still think it’s best if someone else takes my spot,” Vaughn said.

  Carla locked eyes with him and this time it wasn’t a pleasurable experience. “I don’t have time to pull strings to get anyone else a travel Visa, so you have to go or we’re one man short.”

  Well, fuck. Vaughn couldn’t do that to his team.

  He glanced at Ashton. “I’m still declining your offer.”


  Hani crossed his arms over his chest. When he’d been approached by his uncle about helping kidnap some rich foreigner, Hani had expected a payday. His friends had gotten on board because they were promised cash.

  “Let me get this straight,” Hani said over the others gathered around Farez. “You don’t actually plan on ransoming that man? There isn’t money in this deal?”

  Farez finally met Hani’s gaze instead of avoiding it like he’d done since they returned from up north. The older man grimaced.

  “We’re after the greater good for our people.” Farez gestured to the other people gathered around him. They were older, many weren’t in good health. None of them could have pulled off the kidnapping. “Not quick cash. If we do this our way, we’ll get more. We’ll get our livelihoods back. Don’t you see how that’s more valuable?”

  “What about us? We were promised money.” If Hani didn’t get the old man to cough up considerable cash, it was Hani who’d get his ass handed to him. They’d skipped out on their boss to do this job. It had to be lucrative.

  “We’ll pay you.”

  “That’s not good enough.” Hani pointed at the wall. The prisoner was close. “We ransom him for the price we talked about and you pay us, old man.”


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