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Dangerously Deceived (Aegis Group Lepta Team, #3)

Page 17

by Sidney Bristol

  “What?” one of the two new men asked.

  What if Ashton and Carla weren’t with these men at all? What if they were another entity? Like Hani? Had Farez got it all wrong?

  The condo door shut behind him. He had to shield his eyes it was so bright in the condo.

  “He wants to talk to Ashton and Carla,” the blonde said once again, louder this time.

  “He talks to me, first.” A petite Asian woman rounded the corner.

  “Farez?” Carla followed after the other woman.

  “Carla—stay back here.” A dark haired man snatched at Carla’s hand, but she pulled away from him.

  “Carla. Thank goodness.” Farez blew out a breath. “Where is Mr. Khoury?”

  Everyone seemed to stop moving as if a pause button had been hit.

  “Is Mr. Khoury here?” Farez felt the blood drain from his extremities as dread settled into his gut.

  “No.” Carla drew herself up a little taller. “He was taken last night.”

  “Where is Mr. Khoury?” the Asian woman asked.

  Farez stared at the other woman for a moment. “How should I know?”

  “You really expect us to believe that you aren’t involved?”

  “Yes.” He glanced back at Carla. “I came here to tell you that Hani has your assistant. Hani—I should never have hired him. He is a blood sucking, greedy bottom feeder.”

  “Hani? Does he have a last name?” Carla took a step forward, dragging the big man after her. “Do you know his friend’s names?”

  The blonde man holstered his weapon finally. “I’d like to know how he and this Hani guy found us.”

  “I followed your vehicle,” Farez replied. “Hani knows you are here?”

  “Don’t answer that,” the Asian woman said.

  Carla cleared her throat. “He sent us a demand letter.”

  “Carla.” The Asian woman whirled on her.

  “Your way isn’t working.” Carla stared down at the other woman. “He’s trying to help. Stop seeing everyone as a threat.”

  “I didn’t want this to happen.” He clasped his hands together.

  “I know.” Carla’s eyes were sad.

  Farez had done this. All of this was because he’d acted out of fear. It was such an ugly monster. He’d thought he was doing right, instead he might have just killed the only real friend any of them had in this fight.

  “If Hani knows you’re here, you have to go.” Farez wouldn’t allow Hani to get his hands on Carla, too. “Come with me. I can hide you.”

  “No,” the dark haired man at Carla’s back snapped.

  “Enough,” Carla snapped. She pointed behind her. “Everyone, sit. We’re going to talk like civilized people.”

  At first no one moved.

  “You heard her,” the Asian woman said.

  Farez took one step forward then another. When he wasn’t poked, shoved or grabbed he relaxed and followed Carla around the corner to a dining table. There weren’t chairs for everyone, but the Asian woman indicated he should sit.

  “I guess a round of introductions are in order. I’m Melody,” the Asian woman said. “This is my counterpart, Grant, running this.”

  She quickly listed off more names, but Farez ignored them and instead focused on the intense sadness shining from the depths of Carla’s eyes.

  This woman had come to him with kindness and bravery. She didn’t deserve this.

  “Tell us what you know about Hani,” Melody said.

  “He’s the nephew of someone I know. Street tough. Mostly a gangster. I didn’t ask too many questions about him.” Farez held up his hands. “I didn’t want to know who I was asking for help.”

  Carla asked. “Where is Hani now?”

  Farez wished he had an answer. Anything. “I—I don’t know...”


  Monday. Safe House, Beirut, Lebanon.

  Vaughn remained in Carla’s shadow. He didn’t give two fucks what everyone else thought of him. Chances were high he was going to get fired when all this was over. What was the point in playing nice until then? Carla needed support, and damn it, he was going to be her shoulder.

  “Everyone?” Grant turned his attention from their visitor to the team. “Pack your bags, we’re moving out. Travel light. If this Hani character knows where we are, we don’t want to be here any longer.”

  Vaughn’s stuff was ready to go. His shift was over. Someone else could worry about the surveillance setup for once. He was going to help Carla wrangle her belongings and get a vest on her. If they were going to move, he’d breathe easier knowing she had some armor on under the pretty clothes.

  Riley was the first to spring into action, heading for the bedrooms to no doubt wake up those still sleeping. They were used to quick moves and living on the go. The guys would be ready in no time.

  “Carla? Hey?” He took her hand and gave it a tug.

  She pivoted and stared up at him with wide eyes. Part of him would always be pissed that she’d unnecessarily risked her life. Going to meet a kidnapper without proper back-up wasn’t the smartest call. But she’d been right. He could see that now, and maybe so would the others.

  “Is this really happening?” she whispered.

  “It is, and this is really hard right now, but we need to get you packed. What do you absolutely have to have?” He wrapped an arm around her waist and ushered her toward the stairs.

  “Vaughn?” Melody moved to intercept him, a scowl directed at him on her face.

  “I’ve got this,” he snapped. “Where’s a vest for her?”

  Judge away.

  “Here.” Melody handed over a women’s Kevlar vest.

  “What about Farez?” Carla glanced over her shoulder.

  Melody’s expression changed, smoothing into a pleasant smile. “We’re going to invite him to go with us. For his protection.”

  Yeah right.

  As soon as Vaughn had Carla out of sight Grant would slap cuffs on Farez and haul him along to wherever they were going to next. Farez was their only solid lead. Vaughn kept Carla climbing the stairs. There were only so many things he could do right now, and she was his priority.

  He guided her into the room she shared with Ashton. It still looked as though no one had slept in the bed. Nothing was out of place. The space was painfully neat.

  “I need you to put this on under your shirt.” He held out the vest.

  Carla nodded. The lights weren’t on yet. She was still wrung out and in shock.

  “I need you to work with me.” He laid the vest on the bed. “Come here.”

  He’d intended to help her put the vest on. Instead she walked straight into him and hugged him tight. It killed him to want her and not be able to have her, all while holding her body.

  Life wasn’t fair.

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” he whispered.

  “You can’t promise that.” She pulled away and took a deep breath. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I just put this on under my shirt?”


  She whisked her shirt off before he could do the gentlemanly thing and turn around, giving him a visual of her in a strappy bra and jeans he’d have burned into his mind for all time.

  “Give that to me.” He undid the straps and held it for her while she slid into it.

  “Thanks. I can be packed in ten minutes.” Her words didn’t match her tone. She still sounded totally stunned.

  “We probably don’t have ten minutes. What do you absolutely need?” He turned to survey the room.

  “Tablet, phone, chargers, some clothes, hairbrush. A scarf and sweater are probably a good idea. Is this really happening?” He caught sight of her in the mirror smoothing her shirt over the vest.

  “It is, but you’ve got me.” God, he wanted to hold her, offer her comfort and dish out all the lies about how this would be okay. Whatever it took to get the sassy, smiling Carla he knew back.

  “You aren’t supposed to
be talking to me, remember?” She turned and wiped at her cheeks.


  He turned and watched her pat her face in that purely feminine way women had when they didn’t want to mess up their make-up.

  He found words when he didn’t think he had any. “I do what I think is right. This—helping you—it’s the right thing to do.”

  Fuck it.

  He slid his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. She seemed to melt in his arms. It was a measure of trust he didn’t deserve. He bent his head and inhaled the scent that was all her, sort of a cotton candy, flowery sweet smell.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He didn’t reply. How could he when everything he wanted to say would only make the situation worse?

  “Okay. Packing. Two minutes, right?” She let go of him and gave her eyes one last swipe. “My small bag is in the top of the closet. Can you get that?”

  “On it.”

  He retrieved her bag and brought it to the bed. Carla had four rectangular zipper pouches already stacked and waiting.

  “Clothes. I’ll get everything else from the bathroom if you can just shove these in there.”

  “Packing cubes?” He lifted the largest leopard print zipper bag.

  “Hey, they make traveling easy,” she replied from the bathroom.

  True to her word, Carla had her essentials packed in a matter of moments. It was impressive considering the amount of stuff she’d brought with her that she could narrow it down to one bag light enough to throw over his shoulder.

  “This it?” he asked.

  “If I’m not having to dress to impress, yeah.”

  “You really don’t like all this fancy shit?” He glanced at the closet with its clothing bags.

  “Of course I like dressing up sometimes, but this is exhausting.” She gestured at today’s outfit. “If we’re trying to go places in a hurry, I should wear flats. Shoes. I didn’t even put any in the bag.”

  Carla pressed her fingertips to her temples and cringed.

  “Hey? Hey.” Vaughn took her by the elbows and gave her a gentle shake.

  She peered up at him.

  “It’s okay. Tell me what you want to pack and I’ll do it.”

  She lowered her hands and in the process linked fingers with him. The lines creasing her face shifted, and he knew she wasn’t thinking about shoes anymore.

  “I wish things were different,” she said.

  Vaughn went still. Her words could mean anything.

  “You’re the kind of guy I’d like to spend a lot of time with. And not just having sex though that was good. I’m talking too much right now.” She glanced away, her cheeks flushing with color.

  “You mean you don’t just want me for the sex?”

  “Maybe? Cock, cake and cookies are my favorite three things. I don’t know where you’d rate in all that.”

  He snorted and shook his head, chuckling. She was a one of a kind.

  “I know I’m springing this on you and being all weird girl, but it was more than sex. There’s something about you.” She lifted a shoulder.

  His insides knotted up. “Something good, I hope?”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “Very good.”

  This whole time he’d struggled with possibly being the only one who saw this spark as more than just a sexual connection. When he held Carla, when they were together, it felt as though they belonged. And maybe they did.

  “You know what you should do with good things?” he asked.


  “Hold on to them.”

  Carla sputtered a laugh. “Is that a dick joke?”

  “Do you want it to be?” He grinned, but it was fleeting. “Nah, I mean maybe it’s time for a change?”

  “Except you don’t do secrets and I can’t abandon Ashton.” Carla took a step back out of one heel then the other, dropping her a good three inches. “We’re right back where we started.”

  “How long are you going to do this to yourself?”

  “Until Ashton’s ready to move on.” She bent and picked up the shoes then carried them to the closet.

  This whole arrangement was crazy. He saw no point in anyone hiding their sexual orientation. In the long run, did it truly matter who a person loved or what they did in the bedroom?

  Vaughn had seen the worst monsters on some of his ops. Ashton was a good guy.

  Carla emerged from the closet wearing a pair of black flats and had another pair of sneakers in hand.

  He stared at her. “Are you happy?”

  The light in her eyes flickered and her mouth worked without sound for a moment.

  “That’s what I thought.” He took the shoes from her and put them in the bag.

  She still didn’t answer, and he wasn’t expecting her to.

  Vaughn turned back toward her, frustration building inside of him. He didn’t chase women, but with Carla it was different. When he was with her, it felt right. He couldn’t make her chose him though.

  He reached out and cupped her face, staring into her eyes. “You’re unhappy. You don’t like this lifestyle. But you do it because these guys are the only family you have and you’ve got loyalty to them. But they have each other. What do you have, Carla?”

  Pain flashed in her eyes. Maybe he was being a dick and pushing the point at the wrong moment, but if not now then when? He might be shipped off to Cairo any moment. If they were going to say anything to each other it had to be now.

  He swiped his thumbs over her cheeks and wished things could be different. But they were both wired the way they were. If she were less loyal, he wouldn’t feel the way he did about her. So he had to let her go.

  Someone banged on the door, causing both Vaughn and Carla to jump.

  “Let’s go,” Nolan called out.

  Vaughn glared at nothing before reaching for Carla’s bag. “Got everything.”

  She held up her finger. “Cardigan. Scarf. Chargers.”

  It only took her a moment to slip on a black long sleeved cardigan and drape a pink shawl over her shoulders. The gray tote purse held everything else.

  “Ready,” she announced.

  “Okay, just stay close to me. We’re just going down to take a ride across town.” At least he assumed that’s what they were doing. He wasn’t sure they even had a secondary plan that was worth shit.

  Vaughn preceded Carla out of the room and to the stairs.

  The others were gathered below. He spied his bag among the gear ready for load-out, probably thanks to Nolan.

  Grant stood facing the others, including Farez who was standing awfully close to Brenden.

  “Okay, team. Our clock is ticking,” Grant said. “Someone from the Lebanese government has contacted our home office. They aren’t going to be happy we’re here. Even with our flimsy cover story as recent hires to Khoury Inc, chances are they’re going to want us out of the country. We have a limited amount of time to accomplish a lot. So let’s move fast so we can bring everyone home.”

  Carla slid her hand into his and squeezed his palm before letting go. He tightened his hold on her. Whatever was going to happen to him was more than likely already decided. No, he couldn’t allow himself to kiss her. They’d seen what happened when they allowed that. But he would do this.

  “Nolan, Vaughn?” Grant looked straight at him. “You two are on Carla. Brenden and Riley, you two are with Farez. Myself and Harper will be lead. Tucker and Jamie bring up the rear. Keep it tight, guys and comms on.”

  “Here.” Melody appeared at their side with Carla’s phone and tablet. “These were on the table.”

  “Thank you so much,” Carla gushed.

  “I also secured your laptops.” Melody gestured at the door. “Let’s get moving.”

  Vaughn kept a hand on Carla’s back and powered on his comm. As they passed by the door he scooped up his own bag, never missing a step. Nolan fell in on Carla’s other side and they all filed down the hall to the service elevators. It was a tig
ht fit, but they managed it.

  The ride down to the subterranean parking garage was tense and silent.

  If the Lebanese government caught up with them, they’d be extradited and that would make their job getting Ashton home ten times more dangerous and problematic. Vaughn figured they had twelve hours, at best, to wrap this up before they were backed into a corner.

  It wasn’t a lot of time.

  The elevator dinged, and the doors opened, spilling them out into the garage. The team moved forward like the well-oiled machine they were.

  Vaughn guided Carla toward the middle SUV and opened the rear door for her while Melody and Nolan got in the front seat.

  Things like this were ingrained in them.

  One by one the other two SUVs pulled out, arranging themselves in a line. Grant would be in the lead vehicle with their gear. Carla was their important asset, and as such she’d travel in the middle vehicle. Leaving the one bringing up the rear for the team on Farez led by Riley. It was strategic.

  “Ready to roll out,” Grant said via the headset.

  “Ready,” Nolan replied from the driver’s seat of their SUV.

  “Ready,” Riley echoed.

  “What’s going on?” Carla asked.

  Vaughn muted his headset then leaned his head toward her and spoke softly. “We’re making sure each SUV is ready to go.”

  “Oh. This is all pretty intense.” She reached over and placed her hand on his thigh.

  “We take our job seriously.” He flattened his hand over hers.

  “Moving out,” Grant said.

  “We’re going. Nothing to be worried about.” He rubbed her knuckles with his thumb.

  The SUV accelerated forward and took the ramp to street level, dumping them out on a narrow road.

  A black sports car zipped past the lead SUV, narrowly missing it. Curse were drowned out by a horn as Grant’s vehicle turned after the car. Nolan cranked the wheel staying close on the first truck’s bumper.

  Vaughn peered out the window, watching the black sports car whip around at the end of the street and come to a sudden stop, blocking the road.

  The hair on the back of Vaughn’s neck rose as the driver’s door of the car opened. Noise yelled through the ear piece as everyone began talking at once.


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