Book Read Free

Southern Attraction

Page 9

by Tracy Kauffman

  As Shawn stood up he saw Jake sitting in the row behind him.

  “Hello Jake, I didn’t know you would be here,” Shawn said.

  “I guess that makes two of us. Hello Heather,” Jake responded.

  “Hey. Shawn we better find a seat before the movie starts,” she said hoping Shawn would hurry so he wouldn’t get into an argument with Jake.


  Heather tried to watch the movie but couldn’t. She couldn’t get Jake off her mind. She worried that he would not want to go out with her after seeing her with Shawn at the theater. She still wondered why he was at the movies at the same time as they were. She knew he couldn’t have known about them going there, unless Shawn told Jake about their date.

  “Shawn, you didn’t tell Jake we were going to the movies tonight, did you?” she asked.

  “No, why would you think that?” he questioned.

  “It’s just a little strange that he is here. I didn’t know if he might have overheard you telling someone that we were coming here,” Heather replied.

  “Heather, why are you worried about it. It doesn’t matter that he is here, or does it?” he asked.

  “No, not really. I just don’t want any trouble,” she replied.

  “Why would there be any trouble? You’re not making any sense right now. Are you afraid he is going to get upset that we are here together or something?” Shawn questioned.

  “No, lets just drop it and watch the movie,” she replied.

  “No, lets not drop it. I think we need to talk about this,” he said.

  “Fine, but can this wait until after the movie is over. People are trying to watch the movie, they seem to be getting mad at us for interrupting them,” Heather replied as she looked around the theater.

  Shawn tried to focus on the movie that had begun playing, but he was bothered by Heather’s reaction to seeing Jake at the movie. After a few minutes he said, “Heather, lets go.”

  “Why, the movie has just started?” she inquired.

  “I can’t watch the stupid movie. We need to go and talk about things,” Shawn said.

  “Fine, lets go,” Heather replied as she jumped out of her seat and walked toward the exit. Jake saw Heather walk by with Shawn following her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Heather knew Shawn was upset but tried to act as if she didn’t know what was bothering him.

  “What is the matter?” she asked as they walked to the car.

  “Don’t play this game with me. You know why I am upset. It is clear to me that you are afraid of upsetting Jake. What about my feelings?” Shawn said.

  “What about your feelings? I think you are getting upset over nothing,” she replied.

  “Am I? I don’t think so. I told you at the diner that you need to make up your mind who you want. I can’t be the guy that you chose because of fear. I’m not going to be second runner up any more,” he replied.

  At that time, Jake came out of the movie theater and hurried toward them. They were getting into Shawn’s truck.

  “Heather, Shawn is anything wrong?” Jake questioned.

  “No Jake, everything is A- O.K.” Shawn said.

  “Jake, can you give me a ride home,” Heather asked as she was getting out of the truck.

  “Your kidding right,” Shawn said.

  “Shawn, it seems as if you two need a little separation right now. Let me take her home, and you two can talk things over tomorrow,” Jake responded.

  “That is perfect. You get to step in and rescue the damsel in distress, huh? That is just fine with me,” Shawn replied as he slammed his door and drove away.

  “He has a problem, and I am glad that I am seeing him for his true colors right now,” Heather said.

  “He’s just mad right now. He’ll calm down by tomorrow,” Jake replied.

  “I don’t care. I tried to see how things would go with him, but he has some issues. I don’t want to get mixed up with that,” Heather said.

  “I know you are saying this right now because you are clearly upset. I wouldn’t make any rash decisions right now,” Jake said.

  “What? You act as if you want me to be with him. I thought you liked me,” Heather replied.

  “I do like you more than you know. I didn’t tell you this but I wrote Shawn a letter the other day. I told him that I wanted you to be happy. Your happiness means more to me than anything. If you want to be with me then that would make me the most happiest man alive. I want you to make a decision that you can live with, not just from anger. Give it some time and then decide,” Jake said.

  As Heather walked with Jake to his car she replied, “Jake, the reason Shawn and I were arguing was because he said that he thought that I care more for you than him. Also, that I was choosing him out of fear,” she said.

  “What do you mean, fear?” Jake asked.

  “Jake, I told Shawn one day at Sally’s diner that I was afraid of getting involved with you. My parents told me before they died, that they wanted me to be taken care of. I know this is going to upset you because it upset Shawn, but I want to be completely honest with you, even though I might risk losing you. Shawn comes from better circumstances,” she said frankly.

  “Your talking about money, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Don’t hate me,” she replied.

  “How am I suppose to take that? You are telling me that the reason you are having trouble making up your mind about me is over money. Is that right?” Jake inquired.

  “I knew you would be upset, that is why I didn’t tell you at first. I don’t care about money like my parents did. I just want them to be proud of me,” Heather replied.

  Jake could tell that she was still grieving over her parents death but was a little irritated by her comment. “Heather, I think your parents would want you to be happy. Money doesn’t buy happiness,” Jake said.

  “I know it doesn’t. I know that you make me happy, and no money in the world will ever make me feel the way you do. Have I lost you by what I said?” she asked.

  “No, I guess not, but how am I suppose to respond to all of this. I can see why you would care so much about what your parents would think. It is clear that you still miss them. You are afraid of doing something that you think they wouldn’t like, but to choose someone for money is crazy. I see what you think of me now. I’m some poor redneck that won’t ever amount to anything. Is that right?”

  Heather covered her face with her hands and began to cry. Jake started to feel really bad for her. He couldn’t stand the thought of her crying in front of him. Deep down he knew exactly why she was weeping.

  “Heather, honey, don’t cry,” He said as he wiped tears from her face. She didn’t say anything but looked up at him as she whimpered.

  “I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just think you need to take more time to decide about your feelings. I think you are not over grieving your parents death. You say that you’re happy with me. If you feel the same way later on as ya feel now, then I will accept what you’re sayin to me. Just take time and think about it first. Make sure you can live with me being from humble circumstances and all. Because in the end that will matter to both of us. I don’t want you to regret anything,” Jake said.

  “I’ll do as you asked, but I know who I want,” Heather said as she tried to hold back her sniffles.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next day at school, Heather tried to talk to Shawn, but she could tell he was still upset. So she decided that their talk needed to wait until Shawn had time to cool off. Jake asked her if she had talked to Shawn. She told him that she tried but he was still mad and that she would try to talk to him later on.

  The more that Shawn distanced himself from her, the more she clung to Jake. Not only was Jake the guy that she was falling in love with, he was the guy that had become her closest friend. She could talk to him and not worry about him becoming defensive with her. He had all the qualities in a man that she wanted. He was kind, caring, devoted, good looking a
nd a real friend.

  Heather was looking forward to her date with Jake. She knew she wanted a more private setting with him instead of a public place. He arrived around five thirty. He offered to take her back to the movie, that she wasn’t able to watch with Shawn, but she declined.

  “Why don’t we go some place more private?” she suggested.

  “That’s a good idea. Why don’t we go to Bear Creek Park?”

  “Where?” Heather asked.

  “Bear Creek Park is close by. It has a lake and a pier that we can walk out on. Trust me, you’ll love it,” Jake replied.

  Heather had never heard of Bear Creek before, but she thought it sounded like a nice place to go. Any place private was fine with her. She wanted to spend some alone time with Jake because her feelings for him were getting stronger.

  “Sounds great,” she replied.

  Bear Creek Park was a short drive up County Road 88. Heather thought that the scenery was beautiful. The park resembled more of a nature walk than a man made park. It had a stream running down beside the park into a cascading waterfall. The sound of the water trickling over rocks was pleasant to the ears. She saw small cabins near by as they approached the lake.

  The sun slowly started to go down as they walked toward the pier. Jake reached for Heather’s hand as they walked, which made Heather more comfortable. Heather was tense from the thought of being all alone with Jake but euphoric.

  “It’s beautiful. I’m glad you brought me here,” Heather said as she took in the scenery.

  “I’m glad we could get away from town for a little while. We shouldn’t have any kind of interruptions here,” Jake said as he smiled.

  “No kidding,” Heather said playfully. “It has to be the most tranquil place that I have ever been to before. I could stay here forever.”

  “What about with me?” Jake inquired.

  “Of course. I don’t think I would be as content here with anyone else,” Heather replied.

  “Not even with a guy named Shawn?” Jake questioned.

  “Not with anyone other than you,” Heather replied.

  Jake took a deep breath. He was relieved to hear what Heather said. He cared a lot for Heather, but he didn’t know how much more he could play the devoted friend. He wanted Heather’s commitment to him and him only.

  As they walked onto the pier, Heather saw a couple of fish jumping out of the water and then back into the water again. Jake and Heather stood hand in hand taking in the view. They didn’t feel the need to talk. Both were comfortable just being in each other’s presence.

  At that moment when Heather looked over the calm waters she felt a sense of comfort and protection deep within. This has to be better than anything, having someone that you love standing next to you, Heather thought to herself. Money didn’t seem to matter to her anymore. She could live with Jake in a old wooden farmhouse. All she cared about was being with him because he truly made her happy.

  After a few minutes Heather looked up at Jake and said, “Can I tell you something? I think I’m falling in love with you.” Jake looked at Heather and asked, “Are you sure? Are you sure it is not because of what happened with Shawn at the movies?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I think I have known it for some time now, but I was afraid of saying it out loud,” she replied.

  “I’m so glad you said that, because I know without a doubt that I am completely one hundred percent in love with you,” Jake replied.

  Heather smiled as Jake pulled her closer to him to give her a kiss. At first he gave her a delicate kiss on the cheek. Then he kissed her on the lips. Heather was taken back at first, but she soon kissed him back. They remained in a close embrace until Jake heard something behind him.

  He pulled his lips from hers and turned around. A small deer was peeking at them from behind some bulrushes on the water’s edge.

  “Oh how cute,” Heather said as she saw the baby deer.

  “Whisper or you’ll scare him,” Jake instructed.

  The young deer nibbled on some grass as Heather and Jake watched in amazement. Then they heard an owl hoot in the background which scared the deer and it pranced back into the woods out of sight.

  “That’s amazing that we were able to get that close. Usually deer hide so well that no one ever sees them,” Jake said.

  “I’m glad we were able to see it. I’ve seen deer before but never this close. This is going to have to be our spot from now on. I love it here,” she said.

  “I think your right. Now come here,” Jake replied as he pulled her closer.

  Heather put her arms around his neck and they started to kiss again. This time with more intensity and passion.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mick was waiting on her as usual when Heather walked through the front door.

  “I thought we had agreed on you getting back at a decent hour?” Mick questioned.

  “We never set a time uncle Mick. Jake took me to Bear Creek Park. It is lovely there. Have you ever been?” she asked.

  “Yes, plenty of times. You two were alone all this time,” Mick said in an inquisitive tone.

  “Yes but you don’t have to worry. Jake was a perfect gentlemen,” Heather replied.

  “Glad to hear it. Just next time let me know when you’ll be a little late,” Mick said.

  “I will. Good night uncle Mick, I’m going to bed,” Heather replied.

  “Night night,” Mick said.

  Heather couldn’t sleep because she kept thinking about Jake and their date. Jake was tender and compassionate. She thought about the future and what it held for them. She didn’t worry about money or anything like that. She thought about how happy he made her, and she knew he was the right man for her.

  Now that she knew whom she wanted, she had to break it to Shawn. She was worried about his reaction and didn’t like the idea of hurting him. It was something that had to be done and she knew it.

  Heather spent the next couple of days hanging out with Jake. They went shopping, site seeing and then out to dinner at the closest steak house. John Boys’ steak house was fifteen minutes from Huckleburg. They had the best tasting steaks in the south. Their meat was the freshest, because they bought all their meat from the slaughter house.

  Heather wasn’t looking forward to Monday, and Jake knew it. Jake tried to keep her busy so she wouldn’t be worried about her conversation with Shawn. He knew she cared about Shawn, but she was dreading her talk with him. Jake told her that he wanted to be there with her, when she talked to him. She told him that she needed to talk to Shawn alone.

  She didn’t want any trouble between the two of them. She wanted everyone to be able to remain friends. So Jake agreed with her decision to let her talk to Shawn in private. She told him that she would meet him again at Sally’s diner to talk after school on Monday. That is if Shawn agreed.

  Jake took Heather home Sunday night and gave her a kiss. Mick opened the front door just as Jake’s lips touched hers.

  “What are you two doing out at this hour? Heather, I’m pretty sure you promised me that you weren’t goin be late,” Mick said as he walked out onto the front porch.

  “I’m sorry Uncle Mick. Time just flew by, and we weren’t watching the clock,” Heather replied.

  “Well that doesn’t mean a hill of beans to me. Get inside, you have school tomorrow. So do you Jake. I advise you to go home and hit the hay,” Mick said.

  “I will. I’m sorry for bringing her home so late,” Jake said as he rushed to his truck to go home.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Monday morning came way too early for Heather. She pulled back her quilt and slid out of bed. She could hear Mick banging pots and pans in the kitchen, and she realized that he must have been making breakfast.

  “Uncle Mick, don’t fix anything for me, I’m not hungry,” she said as she peeked her head out of the door.

  “You can get a bite or two. The school ain’t going no where,” Mick replied back.

  “Uncle Mick, I
’m running late this morning. I’ll eat something at lunch. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself,” she replied.

  “You can carry a biscuit with ya when you leave,” Mick argued.

  “Oh all right, if it will make you happy,” Heather said.

  After putting on her clothes and grabbing a ham biscuit that Mick made her, she hurried out the door to go to school. She didn’t think about having to talk to Shawn until she arrived at the school. She saw him getting out of his truck as she pulled into the parking spot next to his.

  Shawn stood by his truck as Heather got out of her car. He stared at her without saying anything as she drew closer to him.

  “Hi Shawn. How was your weekend?” she asked. Shawn was silent as he looked at her.

  “Are you still not going to talk to me?” she asked.

  “What do you want to talk to me about?” he asked.

  “I asked you about your weekend,” she replied.

  “I heard you but I think you want to talk to me about something else. Don’t you?” he inquired.

  “I don’t know what you are referring to,” Heather replied.

  “I am re-ferring to your date with Jake. Yea, I heard all about it,” Shawn said sarcastically.

  Heather was confused. She wondered how he could have heard about her date unless Jake had told him.

  “Who told you that I had a date with Jake?” she asked.

  “That doesn’t matter. Why don’t you quit beating around the bush and tell me what you wanted to tell me,” Shawn said.

  “Yes, we need to talk, but I wanted to meet with you in private. School is not the right place to talk. Will you meet me at Sally’s diner tonight after school?” she inquired.

  “Look, I know you like Jake. I know you went out with him and now you want to break it to me gently. Why don’t we just say that you did and leave it at that? I don’t want to prolong all this. Besides, I wanted to tell you that I had a date with someone this weekend too,” Shawn replied.

  “You did? Who with?” Heather asked.


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