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I Brake For Bad Boys

Page 13

by Foster, Lori

  Eric cringed. “Oh, man, don’t tell me this guy was using you to get the promotion.”

  “Yeah, he was,” she admitted, feeling her stomach cramp at how stupid she’d been to believe his interest had been genuine—and that she hadn’t figured out his agenda because she’d been so caught up in his romantic pursuit. At least she realized her affair with Eric for what it was—great sex and pure fantasy.

  Uh-huh, that’s why you hated that he’d left you last night after giving you the best orgasms of your life.

  Pushing those niggling thoughts aside, she continued. “One way or another, Jeremy was determined to get that promotion, and he figured I’d give it to him because we were sleeping together. When I passed him over, he cried sexual harassment and told the partners that I’d promised him my job and the big account in exchange for sexual favors.”

  Eric gave another grimace of commiseration, though he declined to make any comments.

  “It turned into a big, awful mess,” she said, and pushed her half-eaten lunch aside. “The partners said they believed my side of the story, but instead of facing a lengthy and expensive legal lawsuit, they settled the issue in-house. They made Jeremy an associate creative director, as well, and put him in charge of the account he wanted and claimed I promised him. As for me, I lost the promotion to senior art director to someone else, and because everything in the office was so tense, awkward, and stressful, I ended up resigning.”

  “Jesus,” he said in disgust. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Yeah, well, it was a valuable lesson learned in many ways. One of which is that I’m better off on my own.” That, at least, had been a decision she’d never regretted. “With my own agency, I call the shots, and the responsibilities are all mine. Best of all, I’m in control, and I depend on no one but myself in terms of my success. I have no desire to plant myself permanently into that kind of dog-eat-dog situation ever again.”

  While his gaze softened in understanding, his corporate, bargaining expression remained in place. “You know, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that the position the partners are offering you pretty much puts you at the top of the creative department, which means no dogs to deal with,” he said humorously.

  “That position is one rung below you, which would technically make you my boss and top dog.” And she was already sleeping with him, which made the entire situation too controversial for her. Not that she was considering accepting the job.

  “I have bigger aspirations and plan to make partner in the next year or two, which will eventually leave my position open for someone as intelligent and creative as yourself.”

  She ignored his sweet-talking compliment. “And let history repeat itself? No, thank you.”

  His sensual lips pursed with annoyance, and she knew he wanted to argue her point about history repeating itself with them, but that meant dragging their intimate relationship out into the open in the light of day and breaking the vow he’d made to keep their affair private.

  He sighed heavily. “I truly understand your reservations and reasons for being so hesitant, and I’m glad you told me about what happened,” he said instead, taking a more sensitive approach to the issue. “A whole lot more makes sense to me now. But I promised Gary that I’d talk to you, and now I can say that I did.”

  A part of her was shocked that he wasn’t pushing her harder to take on the position at Massey, yet she was grateful, too, for his easy acceptance. He seemed to genuinely care about her reasons for declining their offers, and his understanding of the situation touched her in places she didn’t want to acknowledge for fear of letting those feelings take on a life of their own—if they hadn’t already. This new connection between them was unique and special, and had nothing to do with sex or their fantasy world. It was about a man and a woman talking and relating to one another, and she liked the warm, heartfelt bond they’d established more than was wise.

  “Tell him I said thank you for the offers, but I’m not going to change my mind.” Her tone was firm.

  “Fair enough,” he said, conceding defeat without further prodding. “At least I can tell him that I tried my best.”

  Jill attempted to give the Enchanted advertising package another thorough proofreading and review, making sure all the materials were in place and perfectly coordinated for the client presentation scheduled for Wednesday of that week. She made a few last-minute notations for changes before her mind started to wander to other more personal issues, and the lack of concentration where it should be focused, on work, infuriated and frustrated her.

  So did Eric’s no-show at her place over the weekend. And therein lay the crux of her irritable mood.

  Three days had passed since her lunch with Eric Friday afternoon. Granted, she’d been a bit distant after their business conversation because it had encompassed too much of her personal history, but she’d never expected him to forgo their agreed-upon affair . . . for the entire weekend.

  And here it was, close to quitting time on Monday, and she was beginning to wonder where she stood with Eric. If maybe her story had turned him off to their affair, or if her final refusal to accept the position at Massey had also contributed to his decision to keep his distance. But that would make him no different than Jeremy, and she knew Eric had more character and integrity. Still, the possibility that he’d changed his mind about her made her chest hurt with an emotion she refused to analyze too closely.

  She’d seen him briefly in passing throughout the day, had even consulted with him in regards to the media proposal for the Enchanted account. Yet not once did he mention his absence over the weekend. Not that he owed her an explanation as to his whereabouts or how he’d spent those evenings, but she’d assumed there would be more than just one night of sex with him.

  He’d been his normal, amiable self all day long, treating her with the same flirtatious, easy charm as he always did, but he never crossed the line into anything remotely personal. She’d found herself continually searching his eyes and expression, but neither gave away what he was feeling. Or if he planned to visit her ever again. She was dying to ask, but she wasn’t about to be the one to break the rule they’d established to never mix their business relationship with their fantasy world.

  Closing her eyes, she pressed her fingers to her temples, where the beginning of a headache began a steady throb. Thank goodness the day was nearly over, because she needed fresh air, freedom, and a better perspective on the entire situation.

  A half hour later she headed home, and discovered a long, white flat box topped off with a big pink bow on her doorstep. She picked up the gift, unable to stop the warm glow of hope and excitement tingling through her. Once she was inside, she plucked the pink envelope attached to the bow, withdrew the card inside, and read the succinct sentence written in a bold, masculine scrawl: Wear all these things for me tonight.

  There was no name signed to the note, but she knew who the gift was from. Unraveling the ribbon securing the sides of the box, she lifted the lid, separated the pink tissue paper, and felt her stomach flutter when she discovered the sexy lingerie he’d sent.

  Jill would have pegged Eric as a man who would have gone for something black and racy and possibly in leather, but what she found instead caused her breath to catch and her heart to quicken. Her fingers glided over white satin and lace, the color of purity and innocence, which was such an incongruous choice since their illicit affair was neither. He’d selected an ensemble for her which included a demi bra in see-through floral lace with matching crotchless panties, and sheer white, lacy banded stockings accompanying a garter belt set.

  A flush stained her cheeks and she bit her bottom lip. The outfit was incredibly provocative and decadent, more so than anything she’d ever worn before, and she appreciated his thoughtfulness in providing a pale pink silk wrap for her to wear, too. Not that she’d be wearing the robe for long, she knew, already anticipating the fantasy Eric had in mind.

  Another smaller box caught her eye, and
she gasped as she revealed the contents. She stared in stunned disbelief at the exquisite double strand of gleaming pearls nestled in a bed of burgundy velvet. Picking up the necklace, she rolled the smooth, polished pearls between her fingers, the texture cool, luxurious, and sensuous to the touch.

  She was undeniably aroused by his gifts, no doubt just as he intended. She’d dress up for him tonight and play the part he wanted, but he had a few questions to answer before she let him have the full fantasy.

  Chapter Four

  Standing in the shadows of Jill’s patio that evening, Eric watched as she prepared herself for him, a sweet kind of torture that tested his restraint. She’d taken a fragrant bath, then slowly, methodically, slipped into each sexy piece of lingerie he’d bought for her. Unaware that her lover was spying on her, her movements were sensual and uninhibited as she clasped her bra in place, then shimmied into the panties that would give him direct access to her body when the time came. Sitting on the stool in front of the vanity in her bedroom, she pulled the pale stockings up her slender legs to her thighs, then clasped the lacy band to the garter belt secured low on her hips. She put on a pair of white strappy shoes with a good four-inch spiked heel, adding her own special touch to the tantalizing ensemble.

  With her hair a cloud of soft waves around her face and shoulders, and dressed so wantonly, she looked like a centerfold straight out of his fondest teenage fantasies. And he was rock hard with wanting her.

  Finally, she secured the pearls around her neck and absently touched one of the luminescent beads. One gleaming strand draped across the full swell of her breasts, and the longer one dipped into the cleavage in between. The tiniest movement rolled the pearls over her nipples like a fluttering caress, teasing them into hard little points that strained against her sheer lace bra. His cock swelled even more with the wicked thoughts filling his mind. Those pearls were going to be the source of immense pleasure for both of them, as was the single lavender rose he’d brought with him.

  Last, she slipped into the silk robe, and as soon as she had herself covered and the sash was tightened around her waist, he stepped out of the shadows and through the French doors.

  “Hello, Jill.”

  She glanced up at him, the instantaneous awareness flickering in her gaze quickly replaced with a cool reserve and a defiant tip of her chin. “I’m glad to see you didn’t stand me up tonight.”

  He blinked lazily, not at all surprised at her rebellious attitude. He’d expected it, actually, and the annoyance simmering off her pleased him immensely. Obviously, she hadn’t been able to blow him off as easily as she would have liked, which meant he affected her more deeply than she’d ever admit out loud.

  He also knew her haughty disposition wouldn’t last long. She wanted this next fantasy, wanted to be kissed and touched and fucked by him, or else she wouldn’t have taken such care getting dressed up in the things he’d sent her.

  Slowly, he strolled over to the nightstand, set the long-stemmed rose next to the bed, and sauntered the rest of the way into her bedroom. “The note I sent with the outfit insinuated I’d be here tonight.”

  “After not hearing a word from you all weekend,” she stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

  He inhaled the floral scent lingering from her steamy bath, and couldn’t stop the pleased grin that curved his mouth. “Miss me?”

  She gave a dismissive shrug, but the hurt he detected in the depth of her eyes told another story. “After our conversation Friday afternoon, I thought maybe you changed your mind about us.”

  He came to a stop in front of where she stood, sobered by the fact that he’d caused her any kind of emotional pain. He’d only meant to give her space, but he’d obviously given her too much time to think. “There’s not a chance I’d change my mind about us, sweetheart.”

  “Then why didn’t you come?” She raised a brow, her gaze searching his for answers.

  He owed her an explanation, needed to make her understand his reasons for staying away. And being honest with her was all part of the intimacy and trust he needed to establish between them if he wanted their relationship to last beyond a temporary affair. Because for as much as he enjoyed their fantasies, he craved more than hot sex with her. He wanted to see her whenever the urge struck, wanted make her a part of his life in a way he’d never allowed any other woman.

  And after their conversation last Friday, at least now he felt better equipped to deal with her fears and insecurities.

  Reaching out, he wrapped a loose curl around his finger to maintain some kind of physical connection between them. “Not coming over this weekend was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. And if it makes you feel any better, I did miss you, and thought about you every waking minute,” he said, all the truth. “But after you told me about Jeremy and what effect he had on you and your previous job, you were on the defensive and I know you were comparing that relationship to ours, especially after that comment you made about history repeating itself. I just felt as though you needed time to calm down and want me again without a past relationship gone bad getting in our way.”

  Her full lower lip puffed out in an adorable pout, but she didn’t argue his point. “You could have said something to me.”

  “I thought about it, but decided it would have spoiled the anticipation of being together again.” He ran his finger along the collar of the silky robe, and down the lapel to where it crisscrossed at her breasts. “You thought about me all weekend, didn’t you? About all the things we did together and what I still want to do to you.”

  “Yes.” A tangible shiver coursed through her. “But I don’t enjoy feeling like a fool, and that’s how I felt waiting up for you every night.”

  “I’m sorry, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He watched her guard drop and her countenance soften and relax. “I think all that buildup of sexual tension is going to make tonight that much more exciting and intense. Are you ready for the fantasy to begin?”

  With her nod of assent, he took her hand and guided her over to the side of the bed near the chaise in the corner. Then he took her mouth with his own and kissed her, more than ready to make up for the time they’d lost over the weekend. Grabbing the tie on her robe, he pulled it off and tossed the sash onto the chair behind him for later. Blindly, he parted the silky material, pushed the sleeves down her arms, and let the fabric fall to the floor at her feet. Lifting his head, he looked his fill of her in the sexy outfit he’d bought for her, and when she reached out to grab the hem of his black T-shirt to help him pull it up and off, he caught her wrist and stopped her.

  “Turn around and widen your stance,” he told her in a low, rough tone, which was all part of tonight’s fantasy. When she did as he instructed and he was looking at the smooth slope of her back and her widespread legs, he added, “Now bend forward and put your arms on the bed.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him, and probably realizing how exposed the position would make her, a glimmer of uncertainty flickered in her gaze. “Eric—”

  “Do it, Jill,” he ordered, forcing her past that initial twinge of modesty. “Or the fantasy ends.”

  He’d warned her that he liked to be in control when it came to sex, which served him well as a defense mechanism in keeping a tight rein on his emotional restraint when it came to women. But he’d come to realize that somewhere along the way he’d allowed Jill to threaten that physical discipline of his, which took their affair to a whole new level of desire and passion.

  While he’d continue to play those dominant, aggressive games with her, he’d told her their first night together that he’d never hurt her—and meant it. If she truly felt uncomfortable with anything happening between them, he’d given her the security of knowing a simple “no” or “stop” would put an end to the fantasy.

  Tonight, she obviously wasn’t willing to forgo whatever pleasures he had in mind. She bent at the waist and propped her forearms on the mattress, which thrust her bottom up in carnal i
nvitation. The peekaboo panties she wore framed the glistening folds of her sex, and it took every ounce of his willpower not to drop to his knees and use his tongue to take her to a shattering climax in that provocative position.

  Gathering his control, he passed his palm over one rounded cheek and squeezed the firm flesh, which brought him just as much pleasure. “God, you have such a great ass,” he murmured, and heard her moan in response. Positioning himself behind her, he pressed the huge bulge of his erection against her bottom. He could feel her heat and dampness, even through his jeans, and groaned at the perfect fit of their bodies due to the spiked heels she wore.

  He splayed his hand low on her spine, and she automatically arched into him to get closer, to feel more heat and friction. “I’ve dreamed of taking you just like this,” he said, and gyrated his hips against her, knowing the fly of his jeans was grazing her tender flesh, heightening her arousal. “Even right now, I’m so ready for you, and all it would take is unzipping my pants, releasing my cock, and pushing inside you, slow and deep. You wouldn’t even have to take off your panties.”

  Her deep breathing turned into a fast pant, and her fingers gripped the bedspread in tight fists.

  In one smooth motion, he stripped off his T-shirt, then leaned over her, completely covering her from behind with his naked chest and keeping their thighs aligned and her hips pinned to the side of the bed with the weight of his body. He pushed her wavy hair away from the side of her face and glided his lips along her jaw and up to the shell of her ear while his hands slid around her waist in search of more bare flesh. His fingers dipped inside the lace cups of her bra and pulled the stretchy material down, freeing her breasts. He filled his palms with the warm plump flesh, heard her quick intake of breath, and smiled in satisfaction. He could feel the wild beating of her heart, and reveled in her eager response.

  “In this position, I could fondle your breasts just like this,” he rasped into her ear as his rolled her tight nipples between his fingers and gently pinched them. “And I can touch your clit at the same time while I pump inside you.” He slid a hand between her legs and followed the lace-edged slit of her panties, knowing even before he touched her she’d be hot and wet. He wasn’t disappointed, and easily found that hard kernel of flesh already pulsing with need. “It would only take a few strokes inside your tight body to make me come.”


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