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Fire & Rescue Shifters Collection 1

Page 8

by Zoe Chant

  “Best to wait for a moment for the rush to die down,” he said, his breath warm in Virginia’s ear. He lowered her to her feet, though his arms still kept her pressed against him, his broad back sheltering her from the worst of the storm. He let out a short, rueful laugh. “I should have brought an umbrella.”

  “I’m not sure it would have helped.” Virginia laughed too, giddy from their wild dash through the storm. “Bertram’s goons certainly won’t be able to work through this.”

  She was soaked to the skin. She nestled against Dai’s muscular body, his closeness warming her to the core. Despite the heat radiating from him, he trembled a little as he held her, as if he himself felt chilled. His breathing was deep and even, but against her cheek she could feel his heart hammering in his broad chest.

  Virginia leaned back a little, tilting her head to meet his eyes, and found them wide and dark, the irises a thin green band around his dilated pupils. Emboldened by the suppressed fire in his gaze, Virginia reached up to brush his wet hair back from his forehead, her fingertips continuing down to trace the line of his cheekbone. His breath hitched. He caught her hand in his, pressing her palm to the side of his face, his eyes closing as if to better concentrate on the feel of her skin on his.

  “Virginia,” he breathed.

  The rain made a silver curtain across the archway, enclosing them in their own private world. She captured his face between her hands, drawing him down for a long, deep kiss. Fire shot through her blood as his arms tightened around her, his tongue exploring her mouth with hungry desire.

  Virginia drew back a little, breaking the kiss, though she kept hold of his head. “Why were you pushing me away this afternoon?”

  Dai let out his breath in a long sigh. “Because I’ve been very, very stupid.” He leaned his forehead against hers, eyes still closed. “And I’m terrified that you’re going to run away when you find that out.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Not if you don’t want me to.” Virginia slipped her hands down, lacing her fingers behind the back of his neck. “So yes, you have been stupid.”

  “No, that’s not it.” Dai raised his head, opening his eyes at last. His jaw set, as if he was bracing himself to face something. “I mean, I haven’t told you something about myself. Something very important.”

  Virginia raised her eyebrows. “You mean, that you’ve been deliberately vague about your ‘shifter ancestry’ because you didn’t want me to figure out just how much of a dragon you really are?” She couldn’t help laughing at his utterly floored expression. “Dai, I figured that out a long time ago.”

  He gaped at her, his mouth working as if he was having trouble finding words. “When?” he said at last.

  “Oh, round about the time Bertram started playing dominance games. The strength of your dragon side became pretty obvious.” She tilted her head at him. “Does it come from your mother or your father?”

  “Father,” Dai said weakly. He stared at her. “It doesn’t bother you? Really?”

  Virginia shrugged. “Well, it would if you were a dragon like Bertram.” She might have wondered if he was actually a full dragon, but Bertram’s barbed insults about ‘not being a proper dragon’ had made it very clear that Dai wasn’t a shifter. “But you aren’t.”

  “My bloodline isn’t even related to his,” Dai said, with great finality. “I can promise you, I am nothing like Bertram.”

  “So.” Virginia relaxed against him. “This is me, not running away.”

  She glanced up at him, a little shyly. He was looking at her as if she was some long-lost, priceless artifact that he’d just unexpectedly pulled out of the ground. The heat in his eyes made her stomach flutter. “What happens now?”

  Dai stepped back, taking her hand. “Now,” he said firmly, “we get extremely wet. There’s something at my house I want to show you.”

  Laughing, Virginia let him pull her out into the rain. The feel of his strong fingers interlaced through hers was enough to warm her whole body. She felt light with relief, as if only Dai’s firm grip kept her from floating away into the clouds.

  How could he have thought I’d be frightened if I found out he’s half-dragon? As he said, he’s not like Bertram, after all.

  He’s not a dragon shifter.

  Chapter 12

  Dai felt oddly shy as he led Virginia up the stairs to his bedroom. He rarely had visitors to his house—his dragon’s possessive instincts meant he couldn’t relax with anyone else in his private space. Now, however, his inner dragon was coiling itself into eager, anxious knots, desperate to see if their territory would please their mate.

  “Oh!” Virginia exclaimed in surprise as they entered the bedroom.

  Dai’s anxiety eased as she looked approvingly around the light, airy room. Dai’s house was small, but he’d converted the entire top floor into one big open space, lit by large skylights set above the bed.

  “This is nice,” Virginia said. To his amusement, she went straight to the floor-to-ceiling bookcases along one wall, being careful not to drip on the leather-bound volumes as she read their spines. “Vintage atlases and travelogues?”

  “They’re not particularly valuable, but I like them. Most dragons have some sort of personal collection. My father loved science fiction B-movie posters.” His mouth quirked in bittersweet nostalgia. “My mother always claimed to hate them, but she still has them all on display.”

  He took her hand. “But I wanted to show you something else.”

  Virginia’s eyes sparkled as he drew her over to the bed. “I was hoping you—”

  Dai put his thumb on the fingerprint sensor hidden in the headboard. With a click and hiss of pneumatics, glass-topped steel drawers slid out from under the bed, display lights switching on.

  “...did,” Virginia finished weakly. Glittering reflections from the hoard sparkled over her stunned face. “Okay. I have to admit, that wasn’t quite what I was expecting.”

  “Dragons like to sleep on their treasures, so I had the safe built into the bed. It’s a bit more comfortable than a literal pile of gold.” Dai fidgeted, trying to gauge Virginia’s expression as she knelt to inspect his treasures. “Do you like it? I know it’s not much, but—”

  “Not much?” Virginia cast him a half-amused, half-shocked glance over her shoulder. “If this is what a dragon considers not much, I’m terrified to think of what Bertram’s hoard must be like.”

  She laid a careful finger on the bulletproof glass, over the exquisitely-worked gold torc that took pride of place at the heart of his collection. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “The torc of Prince Dafydd ap Llewelyn, yes. A distant ancestor.” Dai swallowed, his mouth dry. “Would you...wear it?”

  “Oh, no, no, I couldn’t.” Virginia recoiled, looking as guilty as a child caught eying up a forbidden cake. “An artifact like that shouldn’t be handled too much. It should be in a museum, not under a bed!”

  Dai had been afraid she’d say something like that. “I know. But...I couldn’t give up any of the hoard. It’s more than just my dragon’s possessiveness, though that’s a factor of course.” He spread his hands. “These are family heirlooms, collected by generations of my ancestors. They’re part of my heritage. Part of who I am.”

  Virginia bit her lip. “’s not like you personally stole artifacts, like Bertram. And you can’t help your dragon instincts.” A slow smile crept back onto her face as she shot a sideways look at the torc. “Can I really touch it?”

  Dai let out his breath in relief. “I want you to touch it. I want you to touch everything.” He drew her to her feet, clasping her tight in his arms. “You have no idea how much.”

  Virginia’s hips pressed against his. “Oh, I have some idea.” She plucked at his soaking t-shirt. “Shall we get out of these wet things?”

  Dai put his hands on her shoulders, taking a half-step back even though he could hardly bear to tear himself away from her deliciously soft curves. “Before we do, there’s somet
hing else I need to tell you about dragons.”

  “Oh.” All flirtation slid from Virginia’s expression, replaced by a distinct wariness. “Uh-oh.”

  “This one’s actually a good thing.” I hope you’ll think it is, at least. Dai took a deep breath. “You remember I mentioned that dragons sometimes take a mate?”

  From the perplexed crease between Virginia’s eyes, she didn’t. “A...mate?”

  “Yes. All dragons have one true mate, just one person in all the world who’s their perfect partner. The mate bond is unmistakable, and unbreakable. Many dragons never even meet their mate, but those who do recognize them immediately.”

  He gestured at his own heart. “It’s...just a bone-deep knowledge, as simple and instinctive as breathing. Just suddenly being totally sure that you’ve found her. The one.”

  Virginia had gone very still. Her wide, dark eyes never left his. “You sound like you’re speaking from personal experience,” she said slowly.

  “I am.” Dai took both her hands in his own, holding them as carefully as if cradling a bird. “You’re my mate, Virginia. There isn’t anyone for me but you, and there never will be. I know this must all sound bizarre to you, and I swear it doesn’t bind you in any way—”

  “Just one question,” Virginia interrupted. She looked down at their joined hands. “This mate bond. Does the dragon’s mate feel it too?”

  “I—” Caught off-guard, Dai hesitated. He couldn’t remember his mother ever mentioning how she’d felt when she’d met his father. He sent a mental query to his own inner dragon, but was met with unhelpful silence. “Actually, I don’t know.”

  “Well.” Virginia met his eyes. Slowly, the corners of her mouth curled upward. “I do.”

  Dai’s heart missed a beat. Does she...can she really mean...?

  Virginia laughed ruefully, shaking her head. “It’s kind of a relief to know that I’m not going crazy. I never believed in love at first sight before.”

  “And now?” Dai breathed, drawing her close again.

  “Now I believe in dragons. And you.” She smiled up at him. “And us.”

  “If you really mean that, then there’s something I’d like to do.” He brushed her hair back from her face, still hardly able to believe that this was really happening. His inner dragon radiated smugness, mixed with both anticipation and a touch of exasperation that it had taken him so long to get to this point. “It’s a sort of ritual that seals the mate bond.”

  Virginia’s eyes brightened with interest at the word “ritual.” “So your father raised you to be familiar with his culture? I’d love to—”

  He bent to capture her mouth, cutting her off. He felt Virginia’s lips curve under his own, then she kissed him back, abandoning her academic curiosity for now. His hands went to the front of her blouse. His inner dragon wanted to just rip it off, but he made himself take his time, kissing her with luxurious thoroughness as he carefully undid each tiny button. By the time he slid the garment off her lush shoulders, he was shaking with barely-controlled desire. His trembling fingers skimmed Virginia’s glorious curves as he unfastened her bra and let it drop to the ground.

  Virginia reached for the hem of his t-shirt, but he intercepted her hands. “Please, let me undress you first,” he said, his voice so low it was almost a growl. “I want to do this right, and I won’t be able to restrain myself long enough if you touch me.”

  Virginia nodded wordlessly. With the lightest of touches, he guided her down to the edge of the bed. He drew off her shoes and socks, his thumbs caressing the elegant arch of her instep as he did so. There was no graceful way to deal with the soaking wet jeans that clung to the ample curves of her legs; Virginia stifled a giggle, wriggling her hips to help him as he carefully worked the tight material down her thighs and calves. With the same slow deliberation, he slid her panties off as well.

  Virginia ran her tongue over her upper lip. Never breaking eye contact, she leaned back on the bed, letting him feast his eyes on every inch of her.

  “And now?” she said, her voice husky.

  “Now I want to adorn you.” Dai opened the cases as he spoke, filling his hands with gold and gems. “I want to adorn you, and adore you.”

  He straightened, turning back to offer her the very best of his hoard. “Virginia,” he said formally. “I show you my hoard, so that you may judge whether I am worthy of you. Do my treasures please you? Will you accept me as your mate?”

  She didn’t hesitate for even a second. “I will.”

  Carefully, he fastened the torc around Virginia’s neck. The gold gleamed against her dark skin, lovely and precious--but not as precious as her soft sigh of pleasure, or as lovely as the beat of her pulse in the soft hollow of her throat.

  “My Virginia,” he said hoarsely, crowning her with diamonds and draping her shoulders with pearls. She held perfectly still for him, allowing him to wind emeralds around her wrists and encircle her fingers with rings of gold and platinum. “My mate.” He knelt to slip bangles over her feet, until she glittered from head to toe. He sat back on his heels, breathless at the sight of her, adorned like the goddess she was. “My greatest treasure.”

  He spread her thighs apart, bending his head to worship her with his tongue. She wound her fingers into his hair, wrapping her legs around him. He licked her with slow, circling strokes until her heels pressed deliciously into his back, her thighs clenching as she shuddered with pleasure.

  “Dai,” Virginia gasped, when she could speak again. “Oh, please.” Her fists knotted in his T-shirt, urging him upward. “Please, I need you now.”

  He didn’t need to be invited twice. Virginia lay back, watching him with desire-filled eyes as he stripped his own clothes off. The sight of her spread-eagled, undone with pleasure and gleaming with gold, drove him out of his mind with desire.

  Virginia threw back her head, welcoming him with a wordless cry of ecstasy as he sheathed himself in her with one deep thrust. Her fingers raked down the dragon marks on his back, setting his blood aflame. He moved urgently in her, fast and hard, driven by her mounting moans and his own deep need. Her inner walls tightened around him.

  “My mate,” he gasped as he lost himself utterly. *My mate!*

  And at last, she truly was.

  “Dai,” Virginia said hesitantly some time later, as they lay bonelessly together in the afterglow. “I feel...something strange, in my head.”

  *Hello,* he said down the mate-bond, and grinned as she jumped. He propped himself up on his elbows.

  “Sorry,” he said out loud. “I forgot to warn you.”

  “I didn’t imagine that, then? I heard you in my mind?”

  “It’s a dragon thing. We can communicate mind-to-mind with other dragons, and some other types of shifters as well.” He ran a finger over the torc around her neck. It had warmed to the exact temperature of her skin, as if the gold had become part of her. It was intensely erotic. “Now that you’re truly my mate, in a way you’re part dragon too. So I can send to you now.”

  He’d been concerned Virginia might find all this alarming, but her muscles stayed loose and relaxed underneath him. She hesitantly touched his forehead, a look of wonder in her eyes. “I think...I think I can sense how you’re feeling.”

  “Well, I hope you don’t need psychic powers for that.” He turned his head to kiss the inside of her wrist. “But yes, the mate-bond gives us a sense of each other.” The warmth of her mind was stronger than a summer sun. He wanted to lie there and bask in it forever. “You should be able to talk to me when you want, too.”

  *Why don’t you try it?* Dai sent.

  Virginia got a peculiar expression, as if she was attempting complicated mental arithmetic. Dai could feel her fumbling with the mate-bond, sending waves of random, unformed sensations at him. It was rather like being subjected to a kid trying out an unfamiliar musical instrument for the first time.

  After a moment she gave up, shaking her head. “That’s very strange.”

“It’ll become second nature before too long.” Sensing that she was beginning to find him rather heavy, he reluctantly rolled off her, tucking her close against his side. He buried his face in the curve of her neck, breathing in her delicious scent. “My Virginia. My mate.”

  Virginia giggled, impishly shifting her glorious backside against his stiffening cock. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Again? Already?”

  “I can’t help it.” He traced the gold and emerald chains looping her arms. “I’m wild for you even when you’re fully clothed. You have no idea what seeing you properly adorned does for me.”

  “Hmm.” To his surprise, Virginia wriggled away from him. He would have been dismayed, but the mate-bond reassured him that nothing was wrong—she’d just made up her mind about something. “Wait here a minute?”

  Dai crossed his arms behind his head, all the breath sighing out of him at the enticing sway of her breasts as she got up. “Any longer and I’m coming looking for you.”

  True to her word, she was back in moments, slipping into the room with a shy expression and something concealed in one palm.

  “You showed me yours.” A mixture of pride tinged with a hint of nervousness radiated down the mate-bond as she held out her hand, opening her fingers. “It seems only fair that I show you mine.”

  Dai bolted upright. “Fuck me!”

  Virginia burst out laughing. “That was my general intention, yes.”

  “No—I mean yes, but—” Dai clutched at his own head, nearly deafened by the roars of his inner dragon. The beast was a storm of flame and goldlust, wings beating frantically.

  The jewel, the lost jewel, the Dragon’s Eye! Jewel of kings!

  A torrent of mental images flooded his mind’s eye. Warriors in crimson cloaks, dragon-headed ships plunging across a storm-lashed sea, swords and shields and a dragon-eyed man crowned with gold and rubies...


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