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Beauty & Broken Daddy: A Second Chance Romance (Boss Daddies)

Page 8

by Claire Angel

  “Are you feeling better?” I asked him again.

  “My body isn’t flaming anymore,” he said with a mouthful of chicken.

  I tried not to laugh at his interesting description.

  “That’s great,” I said. He just kept ripping chunks off his piece of chicken while Max stared a hole through me.

  After dinner, the three of us relaxed in the living room where I was forced, once again, to comment on how interesting and exciting Cody’s animated shows were. After an endless array of animated piglets and space creatures attacking earth, I thought it a good idea to take Cody and Max for a stroll around the block.

  “Cody, put on your sneakers, my boy. I think you and Max are long overdue for some fresh air. Let’s go for a walk.”

  Max heard the word ‘walk’ and went ballistic, jumping around, barking, and whipping me with his tail. I was more than ready to get out into the evening air by the time I’d wrestled Max into his leash and helped Cody tie his shoelaces.

  It was a mild evening when we three males hit the curb. Cody started off all rambunctious, leaping about like a joey, but it didn’t last long. After ten minutes of speed and agility, he came over to me, his little eyes all glazed over in exhaustion.

  “Dadda, my legs want to go for a sleep.”

  He was pale, so I picked him up. His temperature was a little high, so I decided that he’d had enough ‘fresh air’ and started back for home. Max had his tail between his legs when he realised that his adventure was coming to an end.

  As I rounded the corner, two very disappointed beings in hand, I saw her. It took me a while to register—it was so unexpected. She was walking toward us, texting on her phone. She looked like she was deep in thought. She was about five meters away from us when she looked up, sensing she wasn’t alone. She stopped and had an equally surprised look on her face. She opened her mouth as if she was about to say something but closed it again.

  What on earth was she doing in my street? Was she there to see me? How did she even know where I lived? Okay, that was a stupid question. Obviously, she knew where I lived—she was my PA. We stood there, looking at each other for a moment.

  “Noah,” she said with a startled look.

  “Brooke,” I answered, in just as much shock.

  “What are you doing here?” she stammered.

  “The question is, what are you doing in my hood?” I said jokingly.

  “Which house is yours?”

  “That one over there.”

  “No! That’s so weird,” she said.

  “My house is weird?”

  She laughed. “No, I meant the situation is weird. My friend, Jen and I are visiting right next door to you.”

  “At Brandon's?” I asked, like a retard.


  “Well, fancy that.”

  Her bright smile made my knees weak. I thought it a wise plan to carry Cody home before I dropped him.

  “Want to come over for a drink?” I asked her.

  “That will be nice.”

  I felt rather awkward. This was so not how I expected my evening to go.

  Chapter 16


  Jen was bouncing off the walls when she fetched me from my apartment. She wore a pair of denim shorts, a white T-shirt, and her signature bright orange sneakers. Her legs were bronze from all the hours spent outdoors.

  “You look nice,” she said as I opened the door.

  “Thanks. Nice tan.”

  “Why, thank you. Okay, we’re done here. Let’s get going. I’m dying to shove my tongue down Brandon’s throat.” She grinned.

  “Now there’s a mental image I didn’t need.”

  “You really need to get laid,” Jen said and rolled her eyes.

  “I’m working on it.”

  “Not Noah, I hope!” she said, disapproval dripping from her words, like sap from a maple tree.

  “Never you mind. Now, take me to meet your pretty boy,” I said, hoping that would distract her.

  I wasn’t ready to answer questions about Noah. Who was I kidding, anyway? I had no answers. I didn’t even know what it was. What I did know was that I needed to find out how he felt about me. I wasn’t planning on being the boss’ office fling, just another notch on his belt.

  “Earth to Brooke! Are you listening to me?” Jen was clicking her fingers under my nose.

  “Yes, yes. Let’s go, Freud. We’ll jump off the Noah bridge when we get to it.” I chuckled.

  “How’s the job going?” Jen asked me as we were speeding along the freeway. I found myself braking every time she came to a curve.

  “Not too bad. Drill Sergeant Mom made sure that I was ready for all eventualities, including business espionage. She even phoned me on my first morning to make sure I was up on time.”

  Jen laughed out loud. “Yup, that sounds like Mistress Martha. Is she enjoying her trip?”

  “I think so. She called me from their second stop, two days ago. She’s having a blast. Says she’s met some really nice people, too. I’m so glad she decided to go. It will be good for her.”

  “That’s nice. How’s your dad?”

  “He left for his adventure with some buddies he went to school with. He’s super excited. I can imagine the mischief they’re going to get into.”

  “I hope I’m as cool as your folks are when I get to their age.”

  “Their age!” I laughed. “Mom’s only fifty-one. According to her, she’s still a pup. How’s your family?”

  “Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are coming for a visit next week. I may have to disappear to Europe for a ‘golf tour’.” She sighed.

  “Oh, oh, the infamous twins. Surely they must have calmed down by now. They are twenty-two already.”

  “You’d think! They’re still as nuts as ever.”

  “Oh, stop complaining. You love your nutty brothers. They’re a lot of fun.”

  “And work. Don’t forget the work.” Jen smiled.

  “How far away does your Brandon live? Mars?” I asked as we turned down yet another street.

  “We’re almost there,” she said excitedly.

  “This must be some guy.” I smiled.

  “Off, and then some.”

  “Nice neighborhood,” I commented. “Is your Brandon a trust fund baby?”

  “I’ve never thought to ask, actually.”

  “Too busy sticking your tongue down his throat, are you?”

  We were laughing hysterically by the time we pulled into Brandon’s driveway. We parked, got out, and walked to the front door. Jen knocked, then opened the door.

  “Hello! Guess who!” she called as we entered the house.

  “Hey, sexy! I’ll be right down,” a voice from upstairs called back.

  Jen led me to the living room, where we sat down, and waited for her man. The house was tastefully decorated, with the markings of an expensive decorator’s touch to it. A large, flatscreen TV just about covered an entire wall.

  “He likes his telly, does he?” I smirked.

  “Yup, big sport’s fan. He says he prefers seeing my buns in HD.”

  “I’m not even going to ask,” I said while Jen grinned.

  “Hi, ladies,” a voice heralded from behind us.

  “Hey, babe,” Jen said, and went over to Brandon. She planted a big kiss on his full lips, and I stood and waited my turn. An introduction that is, not a smooch.

  He was as good looking as Jen had described him. His dark hair framed his big, blue eyes, and he had a killer smile. He was tall, with a swimmer’s build, and as tanned as Jen. He was very handsome.

  When finally they tore themselves apart, Jen introduced us.

  “Brandon, this is my very best friend and partner in crime, Brooke.”

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Brooke. Jen has told me so much about you.” He smiled and came over to kiss me on my cheek.

  “I hope she didn’t spill any state secrets.” I smiled back.

  “Just the good ones.” Jen grin
ned, as she stood at his side, their arms linked.

  “What can I get you ladies to drink?” he asked and walked over to a built-in bar, stocked with all sorts of colorful bottles.

  “I’d love a gin cocktail, darling,” Jen cooed.

  “White wine for me, if you have,” I said.

  “Coming up. Chenin okay?”

  “That’s great, thanks.”

  “Jen never told me what you do to keep yourself busy, Brandon.”

  “You mean apart from adoring her twenty-four-seven,” he said, and smacked Jen gently on her buns.

  “Jen’s puns notwithstanding.” I laughed as the two passed a private look between them.

  “I own a chain of bike shops. Do you cycle?”

  “Not really, I’m a runner.”

  “That’s okay, we don’t judge,” he said, his eyes alight with mischief.

  “Cycling is way too much prep for me,” I said. “I want to slip on my sneakers and hit the trails. All that cycling gear and bike prep isn’t for me.”

  “Fair enough. Jen tells me you’re babysitting your mom’s boss while she’s away.”

  “I am indeed.”

  “He’s a handful,” Jen smiled, “but my girl here says she can handle it.”

  Jen and Brandon laughed, and I rolled my eyes in jest. After an hour or so of chatting, I left the two of them to ‘snuggle’, while I went for a walk. There’s nothing more irritating than a third wheel.

  The neighborhood really was impressive. Every house was immaculately kept, with rolling green lawns, colorful flower beds, and tall trees. I walked along, admiring the architecture, soaking up the last rays of the day. Now was as good a time as any to check my work emails and social media, so I took out my phone and started scrolling. I became aware of movement up ahead, so I looked up. What I saw stopped me in my tracks.

  It was none other than Noah Blakely, carrying a young boy, and holding on for dear life to a golden retriever on a leash. He looked as shocked to see me as I did. What was he doing roaming the streets of Brandon’s home?

  “Noah?” was all that came out.

  He stared at me for a few seconds. I said something about how I came to be in his street, and he invited me for a drink. I was in an alternate universe, surely. I walked with them, back to his house.

  “I don’t believe it,” I said as we walked up his driveway. “You live right next door to my best friend’s boyfriend.”

  “Small world.” He smiled. “Come on in. If I don't put Cody down soon, I’ll lose all feeling in my left arm.”

  He made a groaning sound as he popped Cody gently onto the sofa in the living room. True to form, the boy woke up as soon as his body touched down.

  “You little faker.” Noah smiled at his son. “You pretended to fall asleep so I would carry you home. Well played, you sneak.”

  Cody grinned up at his dad and gave him a great big grin.

  “Who is this, Dadda?” he asked, pointing at me.

  “This is Brooke. She helps me at the office.”

  Cody looked me up and down, then said, “Okay. This is Max,” he said to me, “and I’m Cody.

  “Nice to meet you, Cody. Max is a beautiful dog.”

  “He’s my best friend.” Max wagged his tail as if he knew we were talking about him.

  That’s what I loved about kids. No drama, just honesty. He seemed completely nonplussed about my presence in his living room.

  “Dadda, can I watch Arthur?” he asked Noah.

  “Sure, boy.”

  Noah switched on the TV and flipped to the kiddies channel. Then, he gestured to me to follow him. He took me to a large deck off the lounge and offered me a drink.

  “White wine? Or are you in the mood for a good Irish whiskey?”

  “I’d be crazy to turn down a good whiskey.” I smiled.

  “Good girl. I’ll be right back.”

  I looked around at the view, while my handsome host went off to pour us a drink. The view of the bay was fantastic. The sun had almost all but set, but the last rays of light illuminated the sky—perfect. My nerves were shot!

  I was in the lair of the beast. Now what?

  Chapter 17


  Brooke was on the deck off the lounge in my house. The universe sure had a good sense of humor. Cody took to her like a bear to honey. Even Max seemed impressed by her, and that was a big thing in itself. He never did trust Cassandra—he watched her like a hawk whenever she was around Cody. Smart dog.

  I grabbed the bottle of Irish whiskey from the drinks cabinet and two glasses. I heard Cody laughing at the antics of Arthur, the animated aartvark. He and Max lay on the couch, jolly and content, when I popped my head in for a quick check.

  I watched Brooke as she stood on the deck, gazing out at the bay. She was so beautiful my heart skipped a beat. I had no idea how I would manage to keep my hands off her. She turned when she heard my footsteps behind her.

  “What a stunning view,” she said.

  “I’m very spoilt,” I said and put the drinks on the table.

  “You certainly are. How’s Cody and his bestie getting along in there?”

  “Like a house on fire. Max has been at Cody’s side since he arrived. He keeps hoping to play outside with Cody, I’m sure, but he’s a patient pet—hell of a nurse, too.”

  She laughed at my comment. Her laugh could light up the darkest days. I watched as she lifted the glass of whiskey to her lips. Our eyes locked, and I felt the heat of desire rising from my legs to my core, then to my face. There was no mistaking that look—the one that signalled the presence of an itch that had to be scratched.

  “Won’t your friend be worried if you don’t reappear?” I asked in a low, husky voice.

  “I doubt she’d even notice. But just in case, I sent her a text.”

  “Good. I can’t have the cops raiding my hood.” I chuckled.

  “Nope. Their battens are rather large.” She grinned.

  So is mine! Wanna see it?

  “Have you lived here long?” she asked, and I was grateful for the change of subject.

  “No, actually. Not too long. I moved in during my divorce proceedings. Cody loves it here. Plenty of space for him and Max to run around.”

  “How’s your relationship with your ex?” she asked, seeming to regret the question as soon as she saw my expression turn from flirtatious to pissed.

  “Not good.” I half growled.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, Noah,” she said softly. I felt like a dick, again!

  “No, I’m sorry. My ex-wife has the ability to turn me from Sunday school teacher into a member of the Manson family. She’s a real piece of nasty.”

  “I see. And Cody? How’s he adjusting?”

  She wasn’t prying, I could tell, so I tried to be as polite as I could.

  “I’m suing Cassandra for full custody of Cody. Let’s just say, she’s not impressed.”

  “Ah, Cassandra. The object of your telephonic scolding,” Brooke said while swirling the golden liquid in her glass.

  “Yes, that’s the one. I’m sure they heard me on the first floor the last time I talked to her on the phone.”

  She looked at me with soft, caring eyes, then said, “Let’s change the subject.”

  “Excellent idea.”

  “Dadda, I’m tired.” Little Cody’s voice behind us startled me. “I want to sleep.”

  “Okay, my boy. Go put on your clean pjs and I’ll tuck you in.”

  “No, I want her to do it,” he said, and pointed a tiny finger at Brooke.

  She looked at me and said, “I don’t mind.”

  Then she scooped him up, placed him on her hip, and together she, Cody, and Max disappeared upstairs. I heard Cody chatting all the way up the stairs. I heard Brooke laughing, and Max let out a soft bark every so often. I felt a stirring in my heart at the sounds of my son and the woman I wanted so badly talking and laughing as if they’d know each other for years. I sat down on the deck
and stared into space. It was a wonderful dream. The one I saw when I closed my eyes. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Noah. She doesn’t want your baggage. She’d be crazy to.

  Ten minutes later, Brooke appeared on the deck. She was smiling, and I could tell that her joy was genuine.

  “Your son is adorable! Smart, too. He managed to talk me into reading him a quick story before he fell asleep.”

  “Yup, he’s got the Blakely babe slayer gene,” I said, and she blushed.

  “I guess so.”

  “I’m peckish. Would you like a snack?” I asked her, hoping cheese and cold grapes would cool down my ever-rising core temperature.

  “I could eat. Got hot sauce?” She smiled.

  “Never go anywhere without it. Come with me, fair lady. Time to raid the fridge,” I said, and took her hand. Her fingers felt good in mine—really good!

  In the kitchen we rummaged through the fridge, taking out whatever spoke to our hunger pangs. I grabbed some cheese and hot sauce, and Brooke dug around for grapes and found crackers in the pantry. We put the food down on the counter in the kitchen.

  “Would you like to eat here or on the deck?” I asked her.

  “Here’s just fine,” she said. “Besides, I’m a firm favorite when it comes to mosquitos. I’d rather not take any chances.”

  “You happen to be in very capable hands,” I said, as I popped a cold grape into my mouth. “I’ve got more calamine lotion here than I know what to do with, plus I know exactly how to get to those pesky, hidden bites thanks to Cody.”

  Her cheeks flushed again, and I kept my eyes on her lips. We stood next to the counter, facing each other. Without a word, I reached across, and popped a grape into her mouth. Her wet lips closed around the plump nugget, causing an instant hardon in my tight pants.

  She kissed the palm of my hand very gently and ran her tongue along one of my fingers. Her eyes pulled me in. It was so strong it felt as if a magnetic field was holding us in place. I didn’t stand a chance. I felt my legs moving me closer to her. I never once dared to look away from her. I was spellbound.

  I stood so close to her that I smelled the scent of her shampoo rushing at me from her silken hair. She had a tiny beauty mark in the nape of her neck with my name on it. I reached out and touched it with my fingers, then I put my mouth to it and caressed it with my tongue. Brooke breathed in sharply as my lips touched her skin. She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair until she reached the back of my neck. With one smooth motion, she found my mouth and kissed me, first gently, then hungrily.


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