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The Playbook

Page 7

by Emilia Beaumont

  Just then my stomach growled, causing him to take a step back and breaking the potentially hot moment. “I’m sorry,” I apologized, giving him a slight smile but feeling relief immediately. He was too close; I was starting to border on crazy notions that I shouldn’t even entertain. It was like the closer he was to me, the more my rational thought just picked up its bags and moved away. “I haven’t eaten properly since lunch.”

  He chuckled and tucked his hands in his pockets—perhaps resisting temptation to touch me again. “No, I’m sorry I haven’t fed you yet. I promised you a date, a dinner date, and here I am buying houses while you’re going hungry.” Jacob looked around the bathroom with a critical eye. “How about we have dinner here? We can celebrate, plus I haven’t explored the rest of the house yet, so we can poke around a bit, too. And I swear we’ll get something better than takeout pizza.”

  My cheeks heated at the thought of him ‘poking around’ and I shook my head to clear the remnant dirty thoughts. The tub, the bed—they were still too close for comfort, and I thought I was in danger of stripping naked for him right there if we didn’t go back downstairs quick. It was a similar feeling you experience when you’re at a great height, on a high bridge or a huge cliff, staring over the railing into a world of nothingness. And there’s a small, insane voice inside your head telling you to jump, to let go—to fly… to get naked.

  “No, I don’t mind, but don’t you think you’re being a bit premature with the celebrating? The owners haven’t even said yes yet,” I finally replied.

  “Oh, they will… and so will you. I’ll get you in that tub one day.”

  Really now?

  We left the bedroom, heading towards the staircase. He was excited about the house, and I was intrigued to see how the rest of this date was going to go—was I going to lose my mind? Or would I come out of it unscathed? I wasn’t too sure which option I preferred. Either way, I was starving…

  His smile told me I had pleased him with my earlier answer to stay and have dinner with him, and we walked down the stairs, finding the realtor at the bottom with perhaps the biggest smile of the night on her face. “I got it all set up, Mr. Maddox,” she said breathlessly, her eyes sparkling. “The house is yours, and the owners have nothing against you, um, staying the night if you want. All they ask is a couple of season tickets in exchange.”

  “Done.” He shot me a “told you so” look and I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Good, I can bring the paperwork in the morning, and we can make it all official.”

  “That would be awesome,” Jacob replied, giving the woman a grin. “Nine, then?”

  “Of course. Good night and congratulations,” she said, giving me another scornful once-over before handing over the keys to Jacob and hurrying for the exit. The front door shut behind her, and Jacob turned to me. We stared at each other in silence. The house was quiet with only my thunderous heartbeat as an accompaniment. I wanted to kiss him again…

  Thankfully Jacob spoke up, breaking the spell and raising his phone in his hand. “I’ve got the perfect idea. While I order food, why don’t you see if that pool is heated?”

  “In Florida, everything is heated,” I replied before the meaning of my words sank in. His eyes darkened, and I stepped back hastily, a little scared that he might jump me right there. Without thinking, I turned quickly toward the hallway. I hadn’t been lying either, the thought surprising me just a little bit more. I was heated, desperately burning up more with each passing moment in his presence.

  The humidity of the night air caused my dress to cling to my skin as droplets of sweat started to dot me all over. That was the only thing I disliked about Florida. The humidity made my hair frizz and my body always seemed to turn into a mini furnace. That plus the heat could be very misleading, and I wondered how Jacob was faring in the sudden change of climate from his previous team.

  The patio was nice and spacious, complete with an outdoor fireplace area with grill and a bar—perfect for entertaining on the warm nights. I couldn’t help but wonder why Jacob wanted such a big house when he would be the only occupant. My therapist’s hunch was that he was trying to make up for something missing from his past, something that had a significant impact on his life. My other side stated that it was because he needed to show off. Either one was a possibility.

  Stepping off the patio, I followed the small pebbled path to the pool, taking in the separate area that looked suspiciously like a hot tub, the colored lights under the watery surface glowing in the darkness. It was a pretty sweet setup, a house that I wouldn’t mind having, but on a smaller scale. I knelt down and touched my fingers to the water, letting them trail and float on the surface. The water was definitely warm, but I couldn’t decipher whether it was from the blazing sun or an actual temperature setting. Still, it felt right nice, and I found myself wanting to take a dip.

  Though my father’s estate had a pool, I rarely had time to use it lately. Too caught up with my work to take time out to enjoy the little things in life. Had I really become so tied up with my career that I had just weeded out the simple pleasures in life? How pathetic was that, anyway? Maybe it would be wise to scale back a tiny bit, add a few non-work-related activities back into my day-to-day, and then I wouldn’t be throwing myself at new players…

  With a sigh I stood and shook out my dress to rid it of the wrinkles that had formed. I should leave. I wasn’t stupid. I had a great deal on the line with what I was doing with Jacob. My personal rules, concern about losing my credibility, not to mention my own psyche, for that matter. I was taking a huge risk by allowing this to go beyond a silly dinner—because deep down I knew if I stayed, there would be more on the menu tonight than just food. But what if, in my sex-deprived state, I was reading too much into his flirtations? After all, just because a man said nice things to you, that didn’t automatically mean they wanted to see you naked. What if he didn’t want to sleep with me? I laughed then. Who was I kidding? I remembered his earlier words, though—he definitely wanted to see what was under my dress and had even said as much. The question was, what was I going to do about it?



  I opened the cupboard in the kitchen, whistling lightly as I found a box of candles that had been left behind by the owners. I had my house. Though the price had been steep, I knew the moment I walked into this place that I wanted it. And as long as I didn’t get a career-ending injury or traded again, I wasn’t going to regret the purchase, either. It had all the right elements, like the beautiful view of the waterway. It was spacious and was fitted with modern conveniences. The landscaping and amenities outside, which Lucia was currently checking out, were added bonuses.

  Pulling the box down from the top shelf, I was glad to see that it also contained a lighter. Good. I couldn’t conjure fire out of my ass. I set the box on the counter and looked at my watch. The food delivery was going to arrive in a few minutes, and I planned to turn on the Jacob Maddox charm. Not quite knowing what she liked, I’d ordered a little bit from every cuisine I could think of. We would feast on the food, and if everything went to plan, I would end the night feasting on her.

  What woman wouldn’t melt over a nice dinner by candlelight under the stars? It was the stuff of those sappy romance novels, and I was about to blow this bet out of the water. I would be a very happy camper, and I wagered she would be, as well. Either way, neither of us was getting a raw deal.

  From my vantage point, I could see Lucia standing by the pool, her arms wrapped around her waist as she looked out over the waterway. Despite having an ulterior agenda, I was enjoying her company. She was a witty, beautiful woman who was both intriguing and able to carry herself professionally. To me, that was a fucking major turn on. Playing professional football tended to lend itself to the same groupie issues that musicians faced. Every night there were some women waiting around outside the locker room, parking lot, or outside a house looking for that one moment when we’d notice them and would change their lives
forever. Or so they thought. Hell, most guys who weren’t married (and a few who were) gladly made those women’s dreams come true—if only for a night or two. It was the nature of the game, of our lives. But if we paid too much attention to one particular woman, then she started to get the wrong idea, hearing wedding bells and seeing dollar signs. If a woman was smart, she would attract a player in another way, like Lucia was able to do without even realizing it. That was when a man was truly sunk.

  The doorbell rang, shaking me out of my reverie, and I walked down the hall to the front door, finding a young guy dressed in a waiter’s outfit on the step. His eyes widened as I opened the door, recognition dawning on his acne-covered face. “Oh my God, you’re Jacob Maddox.”

  “I am,” I said as he handed me the receipt to sign with a shaking hand. “Did you bring everything I asked for?”

  “I, uh, yeah,” he replied, handing over the picnic basket loaded down with goodies before pulling a bag off his shoulder and handing it to me, as well. “Here’s the food. Dude, are you really here to stay?”

  “Yup,” I said and gave him a hefty tip in return, which he pocketed immediately.

  “Is this your pad?” he asked, looking up at the house in wonder. “Dude, it’s sweet.”

  “It is as of tonight,” I answered. “But don’t tell anyone, okay?”

  “Yeah, sure,” he replied, giving me a thumbs-up. “Hey, thanks for the tip. If you need anything at all, Mr. Maddox, just call and ask for Ted. That’s me. I will take care of it.”

  “Hey, thanks, Ted,” I said, giving him a smile. I turned back into the house, knowing full well that after tonight I was going to have to keep the main gates closed. It would be too tempting for Ted not to tell a few friends where I lived. It was just the nature of the beast, being a familiar face. Unlike some athletes and movie stars, I knew that you had to stay relevant, and to do that, people need to know who you are. Privacy was an illusion in this business.

  Walking through the hall and into the kitchen, I gathered my box of candles and walked outdoors, where the temperature had cooled off slightly since the sun had gone down. Lucia gave me a smile as she saw me. I set the basket, bulging bag, and the candles in the grass beside the pool. “What do you have there?” she asked, curiosity in her voice.

  “Dinner by candlelight.” I smiled as I started placing the candles on the tiled edging next to the pool so I wouldn’t set the damn grass on fire.

  She kneeled on the grass with a hesitant smile on her face. I reached into the bag and brought out the blanket I had asked for, followed by a bottle of chilled wine off the restaurant’s menu. Lucia moved back so I could spread out the blanket, lighting the candles one by one until we had a soft glow to add to the colored lights within the pool. “You really thought of everything, it seems.”

  “Money talks,” I shrugged as I pulled out the carefully protected glasses from the basket, unwrapping them before pouring the wine and handing it to her. “Besides, I prefer the privacy of this type of dinner.”

  Back on the blanket she kicked off her sandals, arranging her legs so her dress still modestly covered her. I didn’t plan on that being the case for too much longer. “I think it’s nice,” she finally said, making my chest swell. Hell, yeah, it was nice. It was going to win me a bet.

  “Hope you’re hungry?” I asked, pulling out the plastic containers still warm from the restaurant. “I think I probably got too much. I ordered one of everything on and off the menu.”

  She chuckled and took a swallow of her wine, looking at the small pile I was starting to make with the containers. “Jeez, you weren’t exaggerating. Were you hungry?”

  “Always,” I admitted, setting them aside and pouring a glass of wine for myself before holding it up. “A toast, to new beginnings.”

  She pursed her lips and clinked glasses with me, taking another long sip of the wine. “May I ask you a question?”

  I nodded, curious, and she ran her finger around the rim of her glass, her movements drawing my attention in more than one way. Was she always so precise and gentle with her touch, or did she ever get grabby and demanding? I wanted to find out.

  “What’s it like having to move where your job takes you? Don’t you miss your family?”

  I drained my glass and reached for the bottle. “You mean what’s it like being traded?” I replied, skirting around the other half of her question.

  “Well, I didn’t want to say it like that,” she laughed.

  I chuckled, as well, leaning back on one elbow. “Honestly?”

  “Of course. No point telling me if you’re not going to be honest.”

  I nodded, mainly to myself. This was new territory for me. I knew we were just talking casually, but this went a little deeper.

  “It sucks. One minute you are flying high, thinking you are doing a good job, and the next moment you are being handed your box of shit and told to get out.” Thank God I hadn’t been like a lot of poor saps who’d settled in permanently before their first year was up. Though of course secretly I’d dreamed of staying a very long time. “There was always talk amongst the coaches and the players that no one, unless you are fucking superman, should settle down until they were sure to the best of their ability and knowledge that they were going to stay longer than a few seasons. I had been lucky, I guess. My house was a rental, and when I got my walking papers, I managed to get another player to take over my lease agreement. Not everyone was that lucky though.”

  “Ouch,” she said. “I hate that I asked.”

  I shook my head, looking at my glass. “It’s fine, really. Stings, but it’s the nature of the game, you know?” I then looked up at her. “How long have you been around football?”

  “All my life,” she responded quickly. “I, ah, I mean I’ve liked it all my life.”

  “So how did you get into this job then?” I prodded, wanting to know a bit more about her. It was a weird feeling, because usually I really didn’t care to know anything about the woman I was going to fuck, but, well, Lucia was different.

  She cleared her throat and glanced out over the water, a pensive look on her gorgeous face. “I just wanted to help people, you know? You guys are under a ton of stress and pressure, so I thought it would be good to have someone you could go to and unload anything you wanted to. Bit of a niche clientele, I admit.”

  “Anything?” I asked innocently, causing her to swing her gaze back to me. “I would be careful with your words, Doc.”

  She blushed in the candle light and took a healthy swallow of her wine. “You always bring out the worst in me.”

  The worst, huh? She hadn’t seen anything yet. I took my chance and caressed the back of her free hand. “What about the restless heat that I bring out in you… the one you’re unable to cool?” I leaned forward, my mouth close to her ear. “I’m going to bring much more than that out of you… I’m going to make you scream and think you died and went to heaven.”

  She made a choking sound in her throat, hastily setting her glass aside. “I, uh, I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Lucia, come back… I’ll behave,” I lied. “We can just eat, I’ll be good.” I watched as she stood up and walked quickly to the house, her purse banging against her hip from the force of her steps. Hell. I hadn’t meant for her to abandon me that early. Had I pushed her too far?

  Running a hand through my hair, I swallowed the liquid in the glass, wishing I had something stronger, like a nice whiskey or bourbon. What if she didn’t come back? Then I would have to chase her…



  I closed the door to the bathroom quickly, biting my lip as I popped the lock for good measure before sliding down the door onto the floor, the cool marble causing goosebumps to appear on my legs. No, no, I couldn’t deal with him! I was messing with someone way out of my league, but damn it felt good to have someone so into me. I was actually enjoying his company, and not just because he was making me feel all kinds of weird emotions for the first time
in a long, long time. My insides were quivering with want and need, my pulse pounding in my ears as Jacob’s silky words ran through my mind over and over again.

  He wanted me.

  I could hear it in his voice, see it in his beautiful eyes. So why was I hiding in the bathroom? It was Jacob Maddox, for God’s sake, who had set up a candlelit dinner for me. Me. Not a model or some socialite, but Lucia, the therapist who was stepping out of her comfort zone. I was scared shitless, unsure of what to do or even what to say anymore.

  Reaching into my purse, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I reached a familiar name, pressing the button to dial the number.


  “Cara,” I said in relief, glad that she had picked up on the first ring. “I need some help.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” she said instantly, her voice littered with concern. “Who do I need to kill?”

  I couldn’t help but smile as I heard her voice, loving my bestie, Cara. We had met in college, both taking the same classes with the same goal in mind. While I was focused on my career, Cara was the wild and crazy side of the friendship. But I loved her all the same. “No one. I just need some advice.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Lay it on me.”

  “So there’s this guy,” I started, blowing out a breath.

  “Is he obscenely hot?” she interrupted before I could get anything else out. “I mean, like the complete package?”

  I thought about Jacob, his handsome features and hot body honed from all of this training. “Y-yes, he is the complete package. A little full of himself but…”

  “Then whatever you are contemplating, you should do it, now, Lucia. Live a little!”

  “But it’s complicated,” I protested, crossing my ankles together as I stretched out my legs. “There are other parts to this that are totally not good.”


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