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The Playbook

Page 20

by Emilia Beaumont

  “Aww,” I said softly, reaching up to touch his face. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t completely and utterly sweet.” Brushing my lips over his, I looked deep into his eyes. “Babe, I have nothing but faith in you. I love you. That’s all that matters.”

  “And I love you,” he said, his gaze softening. “Come on, let’s feed the both of you.”



  I put my bag in my locker and pulled out the small picture from my back pocket, positioning it just inside the small shelf. My chest ached as I looked at it. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined posting a pic of an ultrasound in my locker and feeling fucking awesome about it, but I couldn’t be prouder. I had helped create the little bug in the picture, and I was determined going to be the best damn father to him or her.

  “Dude! What the hell is happening in your life?”

  Grinning, I turned to Terrence, seeing the look of amusement and shock as he looked up at the picture. “I’m gonna be a daddy.”

  “That’s, um, that’s great,” he said slowly, eyeing me. “Right?”

  “Fuck, yeah!” I replied, that warm feeling wrapping around my body once more. I wasn’t going to regret this part of my life. Every day with Lucia made me realize how petty my life had gotten, and how close I had been to throwing away something that most athletes dream about. I’d been lucky to have someone who cared that I was screwing up and helped me get back on the right track.

  “With Lucia?” Terrence asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and he slapped me on the back, a grin on his face. “Dude! I can’t believe you were actually able to reel her in and get her knocked up!”

  “Well, I have to thank you for that, I guess,” I responded, pulling my pads over my shoulders and adjusting them. “After all, you were the one with that stupid book.”

  Terrence looked at me, then busted out laughing, holding his gut with his forearm. “The playbook? It was a complete fake. We do it to all the new guys, and most of them find out real quick that the names in there are not even real. Even the phone numbers are pure fabrication.”

  Puzzled, I crossed my arms over my chest. “You mean it’s all fake? But Lucia’s name was in there.”

  Terrence had the grace to look slightly embarrassed, the laughter dying down. “Yeah, well, you were the only one to find that out. Not that the things written in there were true, but we were just testing the new guys to see if any would bite. You were the first one.”

  I thought about how I had seen her as a challenge at first, a way to prove myself to everyone else. Instead she helped me see that I didn’t need anyone else’s approval but my own. “You know what?” I finally said, slapping Terrence on the back this time. “I think you did me a favor.”

  “You aren’t pissed?” he asked, surprised. I shook my head and pointed to the ultrasound, my reason for living now. “How could I be pissed when I have that to look forward to?”

  Terrence shook his head in return, a genuine smile on his face now. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I guess you have me to thank for your happy little life now.”

  “True. You might want to make it up to Lucia somehow, though.”

  “Shit, she knows?”

  “Of course.”

  “Mmm, consider it done. We’ll do something special.”

  I laughed and threw my towel at him. “Come on. Let’s go kick some second-string ass.”

  “Hey, do you still have the book?” he asked as we walked toward the locker room exit, filing out for another day of hard practicing.

  “I think it ended up on the owner’s desk,” I said casually. Terrence almost tripped over his own feet, his eyes widening in horror. “Are you serious?” he whispered. “Please, God, don’t tell me you are serious.”

  I grinned then, walking ahead of him. “I can’t confirm or deny that statement. Maybe you should ask Lucia what she did with it.” Terrence swore under his breath, and I broke out into a whistle as I hit the field.



  Four Months Later

  I fought the urge to bite my nails as I watched Greg call a time-out. Jacob ran to the sideline to coordinate with him. It was the final game of the regular season, the one that decided whether or not we went to the playoffs. Currently, the team was tied with another in the division, and a win tonight would push us over the top. With a minute left, there were only six points between us and the playoffs. One touchdown was all we needed.

  The referee blew the whistle, and I pressed my hand over my belly, feeling the small flutter of movement in response. She was a flurry of activity tonight, excited like I was for her daddy. When we found out that the baby was a girl, Jacob burst into tears. I had thought he would’ve been disappointed that it wasn’t a boy, but I was way wrong.

  “Wow,” he said, wiping his face with his hand. “A girl. I can’t believe it.”

  “Are you disappointed?” I asked hesitantly, knowing that most men wanted a boy, a little miniature copy of themselves to play ball with. Jacob shook his head, his eyes glimmering with tears. “She’s never gonna want for anything, Lucia. I will protect her with my very life. But she’s not dating till she’s at least thirty!”

  It had been the sweetest thing I’d ever heard, and I promptly burst into tears with him, which was something I did on a pretty frequent basis.

  But now, now the focus was on Jacob and the chance to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams—go to the playoffs and win the Super Bowl. I was nervous for him, but not as nervous as my father, who was currently wearing down the grass on the sideline, walking briskly with his hands clasped behind his back. This was going to be the pivotal moment to prove that he hadn’t made a bad investment. At his urging, Jacob and I had done a joint interview with the newspaper to try to smooth over the bad publicity that Jacob’s father had brought forth. Jacob had really opened up and talked about his childhood, though he left some of the more disturbing details out it. Then he turned to his future with the team.

  We also went public with our relationship and the pregnancy, knowing full well I wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer. Overall, the article had been well received, and I felt like Jacob was understood and accepted here in Jupiter. My dad’s campaign was in full swing, as well, which was another reason we wanted to air our ‘dirty laundry’, but right now the polls seemed favorable to him—the little scandal hadn’t caused too much of a fuss.

  But, if Jacob didn’t get the win tonight, I feared all his hard work would be overshadowed by one loss. He’d be back in the limelight again, the backlash would be fierce, old dirt would be dug up again and again.

  Up until now we’d been living almost in a dream state. I thoroughly enjoyed waking up next to him in the morning, loved watching him as he caressed my growing stomach tenderly before we got ready for our busy day ahead. And then coming home from work to find him there, waiting to hear about my day and vice versa. It was everything I never knew I’d lacked until now and with the unlikeliest of characters making me deliriously happy. I couldn’t imagine anyone else. We would weather the outcome of this game together as best we could, whatever happened, but I still kept my fingers crossed just in case.

  The offense broke the huddle, and Jacob trotted to his position behind the center, his eyes shifting left then right as he called out a series of plays. The crowd seemed to come to a dull roar as the ball was snapped. I held my breath as Jacob looked for an open receiver, his feet dancing around the turf to keep himself out of harm’s way. Then he let go of the ball, the entire stadium watching as it sailed thirty yards to the open receiver near the end zone. The ball soared directly into his open arms—a direct hit—and he took it over the line.

  I stood there, mesmerized, as the crowd went wild and Jacob thrust his arms into the air, the referee signaling touchdown just as the time clock wound its way to zero. He had done it! We were going to the playoffs! The sideline erupted, and I clapped excitedly, following my father as he rushed out onto the
field and high-fived the players as they came back to the bench.

  Jacob jogged to the end zone, a shocked look on his face as he pulled off his helmet and hugged his wide receiver, number 27—Terrence Gold—lifting him high in the air. They’d worked so well together in practice that Greg had had no choice but to bump Terrence up to first string. And now that decision was definitely paying off.

  “You did it!” I exclaimed as I waddled towards him. It was totally unorthodox for me to be on the field, but I dared anyone to stop me. He put Terrence down and ran to meet me, gently hugging me as we came together. “I did it.”

  “Playoffs, baby!” I laughed as he kissed me soundly on the lips.

  “Yeah,” he said with a grin, wiping the sweat off his face then stripping off the glove from his throwing hand. “I can’t believe it. Oh my God, we are going to the fucking playoffs. This is, fuck, I don’t know what to say.”

  “I knew you could do it,” I grinned, putting my hands on either side of his face and kissing his lips, tasting the tangy saltiness on them from the four rough quarters he’d had to contend with. “Nora and I knew you could do it.”

  Reaching down, he touched my bulging belly, a tender smile on his face. “Nora? Really, are you sure?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, naming her after your mom just seems right.”

  “It’s perfect,” he said, tears threatening to spill. “Hear that, Nora? Daddy is going to the playoffs!”

  I laughed then, feeling deliriously happy at all that life had brought me over the last few months. It was hard to even imagine what my life was before I’d bumped into Jacob and how unhappy I truly was.

  “So,” he said as I released him. “I had a bet and I’m going to make good on it.”

  “I thought you were done with bets,” I teased, remembering the playbook that had brought us together in the most unconventional way. “Don’t you know what kind of trouble they get you in?”

  “I don’t think I will have much problem with this one,” he replied. Terrence suddenly appeared, thrust something into Jacob’s hand and with a secretive grin backed away just as quickly.

  Jacob dropped to one knee, and my stomach did a somersault. I felt the world around me fade out as I realized what he was doing. I was torn between wanting to tug him up and wanting to join him on my knees on the field. “Jacob, we don’t have to do this.”

  “Oh yes we do, right here. Right now.” He smiled, tenderness in his eyes. “I should have done this a long time ago but I wanted to prove to you that I had what it takes.”

  “Oh, Jacob, I always knew you did.”

  “Lucia, will you marry me?”

  I looked down at him, biting my lip hard. I wanted to believe that he was doing this because he wanted to, but I had to be sure. “Did my father put you up to this?”

  “Babe,” he started, reaching out to grab my hand. “I want the world to know that you are mine. Marry me and put me out of my misery. Make me the happiest man alive, please?”

  “Yes,” I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his neck, all of my worry disappearing at his words. That was the Jacob I knew and loved. “Yes, I will marry you.”

  “Thank God,” he laughed, picking me up as he rose from his knee. Clapping erupted, and I looked around, finding the entire team surrounding us—tiny explosions crackled as they all launched confetti over our heads.

  “It’s about time!” I heard a voice saying. They came around us, congratulating us, but between a couple of the players, I saw my father standing idly by. His face was full of happiness as he nodded his approval. I suspected the bet was between the two of them.

  “You didn’t even look at the ring,” Jacob said, kissing me on the side of my neck before setting me down gently.

  “I didn’t need to. The look in your eyes told me everything I need to know.” He laughed and kissed me harder, causing everyone to cheer again.

  “Would you still have done it if you’d lost?” I asked as we walked. “Propose, I mean?”

  “Not on the field,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the locker room. “But yes, I would have done it tonight regardless. I can’t wait to make you officially mine, and this is the first step, babe. I hope you are ready for this ride, because I don’t plan to get off at any point.” I grinned and laid my head on his shoulder. It was sinking in only now that he was mine, for real. I was very lucky indeed that he had found that playbook and chosen to pursue me.

  Thank God for determined, arrogant football players, bad boys who didn’t give up so easily.

  * * *

  ...and they lived happily ever after!

  Bonus Chapters


  I awoke to someone shaking my shoulder. I took a moment to look around before I realized that Lucia’s anxious face was peering down at me. Instantly I bolted up to a sitting position in our bed, gently grabbing the flesh of her bare arms to steady her. “What?” I asked hesitantly, a thousand thoughts running through my mind at what could be wrong. “What is it?”

  She bit her lip, and I felt a wave of panic hit me. “I-I think my water broke.”

  It took one second for me to process what she was saying. “Right now? The baby? Fuck, the baby!”

  She nodded and I released her carefully, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead to show that I wasn’t worried, at least externally. “Don’t worry, we will be fine.”

  “I know,” she sighed, climbing off of the bed, her swollen belly pale and tight in the moonlight. For the last month she had struggled to find a way to get a good night’s sleep, trying everything from body pillows to sleeping naked. I had tried to help her as much as I could, even sleeping on the couch in the living room a few nights to give her all the space she needed. The funny thing was that we both ended up down there, unable to sleep apart. Thank God for an oversized sectional.

  I climbed out of bed as I went through the checklist in my head. Bag. Check. Clothes on. Check. Wallet. Check. Charged camera. Check.

  “Did you send out the text?” she asked as she struggled into a pair of loose pants on the other side of the room. “Doing it right now,” I replied. With a little apprehension, I utilized the group text Lucia had set up in my phone a month earlier, updating the progress before shoving it into my pocket. Lucia slid a tank top over her head and then looked at me, tears in her eyes. “What if I can’t do this, Jacob?”

  I was at her side in a few steps, gathering her in my arms, her stomach between us. “You are the bravest person I know,” I said softly, feeling my own heart break at the worry in her voice. I was a nervous wreck inside, scared to death that this day was finally here, and we would be seeing Nora in a few hours if everything went well. It was a terrifying feeling, but simultaneously exhilarating. But first, I had a pregnant wife to console. “Remember, you were brave enough to date a football player, putting everything on the line. That was far scarier, am I right?”

  “Yeah, totally compares,” she giggled, then hissed in pain. “I think the contractions are starting.”

  I immediately went into full-on boss mode, hiding my own anxiety as best I could. “Come on,” I said. “As much as I want to see my daughter, I’d rather a doctor deliver her.”

  Fourteen Hours Later

  * * *

  I cringed as Lucia’s dad barked into his phone for the hundredth time, his aide pacing with him as he walked the length of the waiting room. Merry and Cara were with Lucia now; we’d taken it in shifts to be in there with her. I had to do it this way—as much as I wanted to be in the delivery room all the time, I couldn’t take the fact that Lucia was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do about it. I could see it on her face, hear it in her voice, and even with the epidural, she looked as if she were being ripped apart. It was tearing me up inside.

  “I don’t care what it takes! He’s not getting the money, and that’s final!” David hung up his phone and put it in his pocket, stopping abruptly. The aide sidestepped at the last moment to avoid
running into his back and ended up falling into a chair as the new mayor of Jupiter turned back towards me, anxiety in his eyes, as well.

  He’d only been in the mayor’s office for a month, but I could tell he loved it, just like he loved owning the team. Me, I was just happy being his quarterback. Oh, and his son-in-law. Turns out it wasn’t so bad being both. They had accepted me as part of the family with very little resistance, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I belonged somewhere, with people who cared about my existence.

  “Why is it taking so long?” he growled again, his eyes swinging to his aide, who seemed to be with him wherever he went. The young guy shrugged and I bit back a laugh, wondering if David would push him hard for an answer. Instead his eyes swung in my direction, and I found myself shrugging, as well.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. I had the same question. As each hour ticked by my blood pressure rose. During our classes, I’d learned that the birthing process could take fucking forever, so I was prepared. Kind of… just not for the torturous looks she kept giving me, like it was all my fault that she was in so much pain.

  The door opened and Cara burst in, her eyes shining with tears. She had gone back about ten minutes ago, wanting to get an update and to get away from the growling men who were pacing the floors helplessly. I couldn’t blame her.

  “She’s here!”

  A weight that I didn’t even know was there lifted off my shoulders, and I swallowed hard. “Sh-she’s here? Lucia’s okay?”

  Cara nodded and then clapped me on the back. “Come on. Lucia wants you in that room pronto, Benchwarmer—you’re up.”

  I gave her a look but didn’t have time or thought process to throw her a retort. Instead I grinned and walked down the hall to the room, meeting Merry in the doorway, her eyes red but a happy expression on her face. “She’s beautiful,” she whispered, giving me a hug. “Congratulations, Jacob. You did a good job with this one.”


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