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Craig's Heart

Page 17

by N. J. Walters

  Damek walked up behind one of the humans watching the house. Really, this vampire hunter was most unaware of his surroundings, which wasn’t a good thing in his line of work. At the last second, Damek purposely made a sound with his foot. The hunter spun around, his eyes widening in fear. Before he could draw a weapon, Damek took control of his mind.

  “What is your name?” He could easily get it, but it was always easier when it was volunteered. Damek couldn’t afford to waste too much of his energy on the human hunter.


  “Hmm.” Damek walked closer and the man’s pupils dilated. He estimated the male to be around thirty with short brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall, taller than Damek, but size wasn’t everything. “And why are you here, Evan?”

  Even though his tone was even, Evan’s fear grew. The hunter was obviously new and untested. He’d probably staked a few newly made vampires and thought himself a great hunter. They all did at first until they finally met a vampire who either taught them the true meaning of fear and respect or killed them.

  “All the killings. We knew there was a vampire in the city. We saw one of his minions getting rid of a body and followed him back here.”

  That made sense. The older vampire was sloppy when he fed, but he wasn’t stupid. He had to know he had to clean up his mess behind him or it would bring hunters after him. A vampire didn’t live as long as Vladimir Drake without learning to deal with hunters. Too bad he hadn’t cleaned up his messes sooner, before attracting the attention of the hunters.

  “How many hunters are there?”

  Evan swallowed. “Two of us. Me and Leroy.”

  Damek slowly circled the hunter, intentionally breathing on the back of his neck. “And where is Leroy?”

  Evan shook his head, but Damek ruthlessly punched into his brain and drew out the information he needed. “Leroy is on the other side of the building.” Damek sifted through the hunter’s memories. “Now, you will go back to your hotel and you will stay there until I come for you.” It would be easier to simply kill the hunter, but Sonia frowned on such things if it wasn’t a life-and-death situation. “Leroy will be joining you.”

  He couldn’t take the time to deal with the hunters now. He had a vampire to catch.

  Evan nodded. “I need to wait at the hotel.”

  “That’s right.” Damek disappeared in the shadows and reemerged next to Leroy. In seconds, he had control of the large man’s mind and gave him the same instructions he’d given Evan.

  When the hunters were well on their way, Damek strode up to the front door and knocked. The minion opened the door, looking totally confused. The male appeared to be in his mid-thirties but already his dark hairline was receding. “Is your master at home?” Damek politely inquired.

  The minion shook his head, but said nothing. That was the problem with minions, especially when they were chosen from those less intelligent. They would follow orders to the letter, but they couldn’t think for themselves at all. Damek had never had any minions, found the entire idea repulsive.

  “When will he be back?”

  The minion opened his mouth but then closed it. Damek sighed and reached into the minion’s mind. It was total chaos. Screams lay beneath the outward calm. The human he’d once been was horrified by what he’d become. Damek picked through the layers and found what he was searching for. The information turned his blood cold.

  He released the minion and caught the man when he slumped. This man wasn’t a particularly smart one, but he hadn’t been a bad one. Damek looked him in the eye. “I am going to kill Vladimir Drake. When I do, you will be free.”

  The minion shook his head, panic in his blue eyes. For a brief second, he fought the compulsion of the other vampire. “Kill. Me.”

  Damek thought about it, but denied the man. “No. I’ll find you and take your memories. You won’t remember any of this.” He’d probably have nightmares for the rest of his life, but at least he’d be alive.

  As he turned away from the minion, he pulled out his phone, praying he wasn’t too late.

  Vladimir Drake stared down at the lifeless body of the prostitute he’d just fed from. Her legs were splayed open and her pretty green eyes were wide and unseeing. She had black hair, like Evie’s, but it was curly, not straight. A poor substitute for what he really wanted. Still, she’d satisfied a basic craving.

  He licked his lips, savoring the last drops of her blood from his mouth. Waste not, want not. Her blood was tainted with alcohol and drugs, but that only heightened the high he got. It was also laced with fear, which he particularly enjoyed and gave him a bigger buzz.

  He turned, straightened his coat and walked away, sparing the dead woman not another thought or glance. Vladimir pulled out his phone and checked his messages. One of his minions had called him several times.

  The voice message made him smile. Finally, things were happening the way they were supposed to. His lost Evie had been found. Now all he had to do was claim her. And if anyone got in his way… Well, he was still feeling a little hungry.

  Craig felt his phone vibrating in his back pocket. He pulled it out and his heart jumped when he saw the caller display. “Hey, Damek.” The others chatting around the table fell silent.

  “Are you at home?” Damek demanded.

  “No, we’re at Haven. We came to talk to everyone.” He didn’t say they came to make peace, but that’s what it amounted to.

  Damek swore. “Vladimir Drake is on his way. His minions have been watching the place, so if you’re there it’s only a matter of time until he is.”

  “You’re sure.” Craig stood, his gaze going to the front door. All around him, the male werewolves leapt to their feet. “We’ll leave.” No way did he want to bring danger to his friends.

  “It’s too late for that. Even if you leave, Vladimir will question everyone there.”

  Damek didn’t need to spell out exactly how that questioning would go down. Vladimir would torture them all to death to get the information he wanted.

  “I’m on my way. I’ll be there soon.”

  The call ended and Craig turned to face his family and friends. He knew they’d all heard what Damek had said. Evie drew her knife and gazed at the entrance.

  “I’m sorry. I brought this to your door. I never meant for this to happen.” He should have thought of this, should have realized it was possible. The vampire could have minions everywhere, watching, and he and Evie had been out at night before. Had come here. Maybe it was good searching on the other vampire’s part. Maybe it was simply luck, bad for them and good for Drake. Either way, what was done was done.

  “Take the women and go. This is my fight.”

  “This is our fight,” Evie said. “Actually, it’s my fight. You need to leave with your friends. I’ll kill Vladimir.”

  “I’m not leaving you.” Quinn stood beside his brother and allowed his hands to morph into claw-tipped paws. “I can rip out a vampire’s heart with these.”

  “Go for the throat,” Craig automatically corrected. “A vampire this old needs to be beheaded.” He frowned at his brother. “But you’re not staying.”

  “Yes, he is, and so am I.” Chrissten grabbed Craig’s arm. “We’re family. We stand and fight together.”

  “You need to get away from here,” Craig told her. It was bad enough that he knew Evie wouldn’t leave. But he couldn’t risk the safety of his family as well. “Now.”

  “Enough.” Isaiah didn’t roar, he didn’t have to. His tone carried absolute authority and everyone went silent. “No one is going anywhere. If this vampire thinks to attack anyone in my pack, he’s going to face the wrath of us all.”

  Craig swallowed the lump in his throat. Isaiah had included him in that statement. And when the alpha’s gaze flicked toward Evie, Craig knew that Evie was included as well. She’d been accepted by one and all. They would stand beside him and Evie and fight.

  A sense of determination welled inside him. Power surged through his
veins. He would protect his family at all costs.

  Benjamin, one of Meredith’s sons, came up to Craig. The large, powerful werewolf shoved up the sleeve of his shirt, exposing his muscled forearm. “You need blood to be at your most powerful. And there is nothing more powerful for a vampire than paranormal blood.” He offered his arm. “Drink.”

  Nothing could have convinced him more of the pack’s acceptance. The offer of blood wasn’t made lightly. “Are you sure?”

  Benjamin gave a curt nod.

  “Thank you, my friend.” Craig took his proffered wrist. His fangs punched down from his gums and he bit, careful not to cause any pain to his friend. Blood filled his mouth and slid down his throat, but it was unlike any he’d tasted. It was full and powerful and energizing. He sucked harder, very aware of everyone watching him, including Evie. He could feel her hunger growing.

  Chrissten yanked off her cardigan. “Here, Evie, you can drink from me.” His sister’s offer brought tears to Craig’s eyes. Evie was thunderstruck, backing away from Chrissten with her hands out as though she could ward off the other woman. The offer was unexpected and Craig knew Evie didn’t trust herself.

  Meredith stepped forward. “No, she needs pure blood. It’s stronger.” Meredith eased Chrissten aside and offered her wrist. “Take it, child.”

  Evie shook her head. “I’m afraid I’ll take too much.”

  Craig withdrew his fangs from Benjamin and licked the puncture holes to close them. “You won’t take too much, Evie. I won’t let you,” he promised.

  He went to stand behind Evie and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Drink,” he ordered. “It’s the only chance we have of defeating Vladimir.” As he’d hoped, that was all the impetus she needed. Her fangs descended and she eased their sharp points through Meredith’s flesh. Meredith jerked at the penetration, but her smile never wavered. Isaiah hovered behind his mate, ready to stop the feeding if he deemed it necessary to do so.

  It was erotic as hell to watch Evie drinking, even if it was from another woman. Craig felt the rise of his dick and willed it down, knowing it was brought on by a combination of the feeding, the danger and having Evie pressed against his front.

  In less than a minute, Evie withdrew and closed the puncture wounds. Meredith leaned against her husband, not because she seemed weak, but more to reassure him she was okay.

  Craig knew what Evie was feeling, the flood of adrenaline, the surge of energy rocketing through her. Her body trembled so he held her tighter. “I won’t let you go,” he promised her again, not in the least concerned that the others could hear.

  Evie slowly straightened away from him and he released her. She turned her head slowly toward the thick paneled door. “He’s here.”

  Craig jumped in front of her, eyes blazing, teeth bared. He felt it then, the surge of unfamiliar power. The other vampire had arrived.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Evie’s body hummed as though it were powered by a high-performance race-car engine, whereas before it had run like a lawn mower. The difference in blood was astounding. She could feel her cells soaking it in, feel them changing, getting stronger.

  She was still in shock over what had just happened. Instead of fleeing or being angry with her for bringing an unknown vampire to their door, the Haven pack was standing beside them. The entire pack, his siblings and their spouses were spread in a semicircle, all facing the main entrance of the club, all ready to fight. She knew them by name only. Had barely spoken to any of them, but they were willing to put their lives on the line for Craig and, by extension, for her.

  They’d given both her and Craig blood, for crying out loud. If she ever had any doubts about Craig’s friends, they were gone. He had a family here, both by blood and choice. He would be fine if anything happened to her.

  With that in mind, she stepped around him. His gaze was fierce, unlike any she’d ever seen on him. Craig was usually easygoing, laidback and intelligent. Sure he was competitive, but this was different.

  Craig was ready to kill. For her.

  It was in his stance, the way his eyes glowed red and his fangs flashed. He wasn’t as tall or quite as broad as the werewolf males, but he was more powerful. His brown hair brushed his shoulders and she wanted to reach out and touch it one more time, just in case she didn’t make it.

  She was a vampire, but immortality was different for each vampire. Remove her heart and she would die. Do that for Vladimir and he might not. It seemed that immortality grew stronger with time. And time was one thing she’d run out of.

  Her enemy was here, and this time there was no running away.

  Even if she tried to lead him away from Craig and his friends, the vampire would come back for them. She couldn’t let that happen. Vladimir had to die.

  The front door slammed open and Vladimir strolled in like he didn’t have a care in the world. She could almost taste his arrogant assurance that he would walk away the victor in this fight. Good. If he was overconfident he would be more likely to make a mistake.

  Off to her left, Isaiah cursed. “Damn vampires always want to make an entrance.”

  If the situation hadn’t been quite so scary, Evie might have laughed at the disgruntled tone of the werewolf. He sounded totally irritated by Vladimir’s actions, not scared at all.

  Vladimir, the monster from her dreams and waking hours, was just as she remembered. He was about the same height as Craig with dark-brown hair and eyes. He looked young, about the same age as her and Craig. But looks were deceiving. He’d lived for more than two hundred years. She didn’t even want to think about the number of people he must have killed over that time period.

  “Evie.” Vladimir ignored the others as if they weren’t even there and strode toward her, stopping about five feet away. “You’ve been a naughty girl, running away from me.” He tipped his head to one side and studied her. Evie could feel him trying to get into her head and concentrated on blocking her thoughts from him.

  Vladimir frowned and turned his focus on Bethany. Craig’s sister-in-law immediately cried out, grabbed her head and fell to her knees.

  Craig pounced. He flew across the room, knife extended and ready to strike. But Vladimir was faster. He moved out of the way and attacked at the same time, hitting Craig hard. Craig flew backward and smashed into the wall, leaving a huge hole in the drywall. The blade fell from his hand and clattered to the floor. The force would have killed a human. But Craig pulled himself up slowly and shook himself.

  An unearthly growl came from deep within Evie. Fury, the likes she’d never known exploded inside her. She jumped at Vladimir, claws extended, fangs out.

  She only had a second to realize her mistake when he snatched her right out of midair. He wrapped one arm around her neck, choking her. The nails of his other hand dug into her chest over her heart, gouging through the sweater and into her skin. She could smell her own blood.

  “How nice of you to come to me, my dear. Now we really must be going. I’ll come and visit your friends again some time.”

  “No.” She couldn’t let him live. Craig would always be in danger.

  “Let her go, Drake,” Craig demanded.

  Vladimir’s hold on her neck tightened and threatened to snap her neck. She didn’t think that would kill her, but she really didn’t want to test it.

  “Have you taken a lover, my dear?” His words were mild, but she could feel the fine tremor in Vladimir’s arms, feel his anger beating at her.


  “Yes,” Craig contradicted, practically taunting the older vampire. “She is mine and she will never be yours. Let her go. Fight me, unless you’re afraid of me.”

  Vladimir roared and the power behind the ear-splitting sound shattered all the liquor bottles behind the bar. They exploded outward, sending shards of glass ripping through the air like deadly missiles. All the werewolves ducked, but not all of them got out of the way in time to keep from being hit.

  She heard a female cry and a male
’s yell of concern. Teague dragged his mate to the side and worked quickly, carefully removing several large shards from her bare arms and one from her torso, while ignoring the several pieces piercing his own body. Benjamin, the dark-haired werewolf who’d given his blood to Craig, yanked a six-inch jagged piece of glass out of his leg and tossed it to the floor.

  Evie sensed their pain and smelled their blood. She struggled harder, but Vladimir’s grip on her was as strong as an iron bar across her throat—unyielding and potentially deadly.

  He grabbed her braid and yanked her head back, exposing her neck. “If you’ve had her, then maybe I’ll just drain her dry.” Her stomach roiled when Vladimir licked her neck. She desperately tried to get away, but he held her as though she were a rag doll. His strength was astounding.

  “Coward,” Craig taunted. “It’s easy to subdue a woman or even a human. Bet you’ve never taken on a male of your own kind.”

  Vladimir laughed, the sound low and deadly. “I killed my maker and he was much older than you. I can squash you like a bug whenever I choose.”

  Evie wanted to yell at Craig to shut up even though she knew he was stalling for time until Damek came. She turned her head so she could see Craig and was rocked by the pure determination and banked fury in his gaze. He really wanted to fight this crazy vampire.

  She had to think. There had to be something she could do to get Vladimir away from here. “Let’s just go.” It wasn’t easy to speak with him choking her, but she managed. She had to get him away from Craig and his family and friends before anyone else was injured.

  “See,” Vladimir taunted. “She wants to be with me. Don’t you, Evie?”

  “Yes.” She’d lie to the devil himself if it got Vladimir away from here. “Let’s go. Now.”

  “So eager.” Vladimir smirked at Craig. “You must not be very skilled in the bedroom, my friend, if she is so eager to leave you.”


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