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Rock Country

Page 4

by K. Webster

  “Thank you for dinner, Dottie,” I said.

  She grinned and gave me a big hug. “Any time, sweetheart. I’m just glad you’re back with your dad. June missed you so much too.” June’s face reddened at her mom’s confession.

  “June, I need to take Dad home. Want to meet at the mailbox in fifteen minutes?”

  She nodded and smiled at the mention of our old meeting place. I hurried out with Dad to get him to bed so I could get back to that beautiful woman. My June Bug.

  I approached the mailbox quietly and drank in the blond-haired beauty. She’d changed into a spaghetti-strap sundress and had those damn sexy-as-hell cowboy boots on. My feet crunching on the gravel caused her to swivel around to face me. The moonlight reflected on her face, giving her an ethereal glow.

  Not giving her an option, I took her hand in mine, threading our fingers together, and led her down the dirt road. We walked in silence for several minutes. June stopped and pulled me toward a field.

  “This way,” she whispered as she led me through the waist-high grass. At a clearing, she let go of my hand to sit down where the grass wasn’t as high. I followed suit and sat close to her.

  “You come here a lot?” I asked.

  She nodded as she stretched out her silky-smooth legs out in front of her. As she played with a blade of grass in her lap, my attention was brought to the fact that her already short dress had risen up her thighs. My hand slid over to her lap and rested on her upper leg. She shivered but didn’t push it away.

  “Yeah. I come here often when I want to clear my thoughts. This is the last place you tackled me after chasing me with that damn beetle. I always felt sort of closer to you by coming here. That day in this field, you made me so mad,” she admitted.

  I remembered the day clearly. It was the first time she’d cried and also the moment I’d wanted to kiss her. She turned to look at me since I was still silent. Her face was devoid of any emotion.

  “What happened, June? You seem like a shell of yourself. What makes you so unhappy?”

  Her eyes darted to mine and I saw it, just briefly—a piece of the June I remembered. She quickly masked it with indifference.

  “Nothin’ happened. Absolutely nothin’. That’s the problem, Bobby. I just drift through the motions. I’m a fuckin’ waitress at a diner who lives with her mother because her soon-to-be ex-husband whipped up on her. My life is nothin’. I am nothin’.”

  No tears. No sadness. Just a statement.

  “What do you want to do? There has to be something that interests you. If you hate the town, just move away. Come back to Vegas with me. I can totally see you as a Vegas showgirl,” I teased, hoping to get a real smile. I was disappointed when she didn’t reward me with one. There was something wrong with her, and it made me sick inside that she seemed so indifferent.

  “I considered going to college. But I have no idea what I would even do.” She’d completely ignored my Vegas showgirl comment and I frowned.

  “I’m going to help you,” I declared and rubbed a circle on the outside of her thigh with my thumb.

  “Help me with what?” she asked, a look of hope in her eyes.

  “We’re going to find what makes you tick. Everyone deserves to find their passion in life. Mine is music. I’d die without it. My guitar is like an extension of who I am.”

  “You know how to play the guitar?” A genuine smile played on her lips, and I almost ran back to the fucking house to fetch it.

  “A little,” I teased. Clearly she hadn’t heard of The Aces.

  “I can’t wait to hear you play.”

  This was the June I remembered, and before I could stop myself, I crashed my lips to hers. My kiss was aggressive, and I pushed her down to the grass so I could lean over her. Her hands made their way up to my hair as she threaded her fingers through it. Pressing my erection just below her pubic bone, I ground myself to her.

  “Bobby,” she moaned with her Southern drawl. Her legs wrapped themselves around my hips, allowing me better access. We continued to suck and taste each other as our bodies rubbed against one another. My hand inched up her dress to her belly.

  “I want you so fucking bad, June Bug.”

  As an answer, she thrust her hips up to me. I sat up on my knees and pulled off my shirt. She bit her lip as she looked me over. Her hands made their way up to her straps and she slipped them off of her shoulders. Hungry to see more, I grabbed ahold of them and pulled her dress down her body down past her breasts, which were spilling out of her pink bra.

  Warring between removing the dress off completely and touching her tits, I finally yanked it the rest of the way off so I could appreciate her entire body.

  “No fucking way,” I muttered in disbelief. Confused, she sat up on her elbows to see what the problem was. When she saw me looking at her tattoo just below her waistline near her hipbone, a tiny smile formed on her lips. A tiny black-inked beetle graced her otherwise flawless skin. My thumb instantly swept across it and she gasped.

  “You have one too.” Her voice was shaky as she made the observation.

  Mine was a little different than hers, but they were similar in size and both were all black. Leaning over, I kissed it and she shivered. Slowly, I dragged my lips across her skin to her panties, where I inhaled her sweet smell. I nipped the fabric with my teeth. Her hips bucked upwards, following my mouth. I chuckled at her, earning a teasing slap to the head.

  Not wasting any more time, I removed her panties in one swoop, taking the boots off with them. She reached behind and unhooked her bra. Tossing it aside, she revealed her large, perky breasts. My cock was straining to come out and play. Spreading her legs before me, I dragged my tongue slowly between her folds, loving her taste.

  Her whimpers only encouraged me to pick up my pace. This was something I most certainly did not do with the groupies—or anyone for that matter. Tasting a woman like this should be reserved for someone you truly care about, and June was that woman. Needing more of her, I pushed two fingers inside her, not slowing my dancing tongue. Her pussy was tight but incredibly wet. The third finger took a little maneuvering to get in, and I wondered how she would be able to take my large size.

  “That’s it, June Bug. Come for me,” I growled and then continued my motions. Her breaths were coming out ragged and uneven, indicating that she was close. A loud moan escaped her lips, and I felt her clenching hard around my fingers. I didn’t stop until she’d ridden out all of the aftershocks.

  Needing to touch her breasts, I moved up to one and sucked it into my mouth. I paid the other one attention by gently pinching the nipple.

  “Please, Bobby. I need you right now,” she begged, still panting from moments before.

  Wanting nothing more than to please her, I stood up and unfastened my jeans, letting them drop to my ankles. Kicking them and my shoes off, I then shoved my boxer briefs down and off my body as well. Kneeling back down if front of her, I admired her perfect body once again.

  I leaned back over her, pressing my dick against her pussy, and kissed her hard on the lips. She wrapped her legs around me and urged me to enter her by pulling me closer to her. Suddenly remembering that my wallet was on the dresser at the house, I cursed.

  “Fuck,” I groaned into her mouth, “I don’t have a condom with me.”

  She continued to grind her pussy against my cock, ignoring my comment. It was taking every shred of will power I had not to ram myself into her.

  “I can’t get pregnant,” she whispered against my lips.

  This was certainly a topic I wanted to discuss with her soon, but now was not the time. I used my hand to guide my dick between her folds, which were dripping with her juices. Wetting the tip first, I began pushing my huge girth into her, careful not to hurt her. Her pussy stretched as I slowly drove myself inside. She whined a little, but I finally made it all the way in.

  Her body gripped my dick so tight that it was a struggle not to come right then and I hadn’t even begun to move yet. Kissing
her hard, I allowed a moment for her body to get used to me. Finally, I started sliding in and out, lost in complete bliss at how constricted my cock felt inside her. Within moments, her body started shuddering again and the orgasm I was barely keeping at bay burst into her. Collapsing on her, I snuggled my face into her neck and sucked it gently. Yeah, I snuggled.

  “That was fucking perfect,” I praised as I nibbled her.

  “That tongue ring is perfect,” she giggled.

  Loving the genuine laugh, I pulled away from her neck to look into her eyes. This girl was a lot happier than the girl an hour ago. My heart swelled to know that it had something to do with me.

  “I missed you,” I confessed, my face serious. My dick, although now flaccid, stayed inside her. Neither of us was in any hurry to break apart.

  “I missed you too, Bobby.”

  That was the most amazing experience of my life. Sure, I’d had sex plenty of times with Markwayne, but it couldn’t have even held a candle to what Bobby and I’d just had. For once in my miserable life, something pulled at my heart.

  “Why can’t you get pregnant?” he probed, dragging me from my sexual haze.

  “Markwayne and I tried in the beginning, but after a few years of trying, we saw a doctor about it. They tested us both and the results were that I couldn’t conceive.” I truly had nothing to look forward to in life. One of the two things I’d desired had been snatched from me as well. At least the other one had come back to me.

  “I’m sorry, June.” He finally pulled himself out of me and used his T-shirt to clean me up. Stretching out beside me, he rested his hand over my tattoo.

  “So what have you been doing in Vegas?” I questioned, changing the touchy subject.

  “Well, at first, I would have never asked this question, but after seeing your Ramones shirt, there might be a chance. Ever heard of The Aces?”

  “Of course! I have all of their albums downloaded on my iPod. That one song, Leaving Her, reminds me a little of the day…” I trailed off and my eyes widened.

  He grinned down at me, and I loved the euphoric look on his face. “I wrote that song, and it is exactly what that song is about.”

  “Oh my God! No way. This can’t be real. I want to hear you play. Did you bring your guitar out here with you?” I rapidly sputtered out.

  He chuckled. “Of course I did. Well, I brought my Gibson acoustic. Most of those songs are about you, so I would most definitely love to play for my muse.”

  I pushed him over to his back and straddled his stomach. Leaning over him, I kissed him hard and bit at his lip. Every time his tongue ring clinked on my teeth, a shiver of desire burned through me. He was so ridiculously hot, and I needed him again.

  Scooting down, I clutched his hard-again cock and lined it up with my wet entrance. My body slid easily over him this time, having just been stretched to fit him. He groaned and gripped my hips as I rode him wildly. One of his hands found its way to my clit and he thumbed it in unison with the rhythm I had set with my bouncing. This time, I came much faster and was pleased to discover that he was throbbing his orgasm into me at the same time. We were amazing together.

  “I want to stay like this forever,” I admitted, hoping it didn’t make me seem desperate. For the first time in fifteen years, my body thrummed to life. Bobby was the key to this. He always had been.

  “God, me too, baby. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”

  I rested my head on his chest and sighed in content as he stroked my back.

  “So you play the guitar for The Aces?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “I do, and I absolutely love it. We have the most loyal fans. My best friend Chaz is our lead singer. He gets the girls going with his deep, alluring voice. Manny plays the bass. I’m wondering if he might be gay. After every show, he bails. We never see him with a woman. Then there’s Donnie. He’s the crazy one. The man could show up Dave Grohl on the drums—he’s that good.”

  “What about you, Bobby?”

  “I’m the guitarist that loves to put on a show. My work is really important to me. The whole process of starting with a song idea, putting words to it, fleshing out the instrumental part of it, putting the parts together, and finally performing it is what makes it so awesome. The guys help me with some of the songs, but I’m typically the one who writes them all.”

  He spoke with such pride about his work, and I wanted badly to feel like that about something. The diner certainly didn’t make me feel that way.

  “Why didn’t you ever visit your dad?” The question had been on my lips all night and I finally had the courage to ask it.

  He drew his eyebrows together and closed his eyes a second before answering. “Mom lied to me. She told me that Dad was a terrible person. According to her, he never called, he never sent child support, and he didn’t care about me. I believed every word. Once she found out Dad was dying, she confessed and handed me stacks of letters he had sent. That night, I took them all home and read them. He never stopped loving me. In one letter, he told me that he came to visit and she went ballistic, refusing to let him see me. She told him I hated him and that he was wasting his time even trying. Dad still wrote the letters though, as if I was still his twelve-year-old son. They were so fucking sad.

  “June, I never stopped thinking about you. When I was a kid, I didn’t know how to get past my mom to contact you. And when I got older, I figured you had moved on with your life. But you were always in my heart, June. You still are.”

  His words sent a flutter of butterflies from my belly to my heart. There hadn’t been a day that I hadn’t wondered about where he was and if he was happy.

  “I missed you so much, Bobby.”

  Pulling my face to his, he kissed me tenderly. “I missed you too, June Bug. And look at you now. You’re all grown up and beautiful. I’m so happy to be here with you right now.”

  “I love old people,” the home nurse assured me during our interview the next morning. Snap. She popped her gum for the millionth time since she’d been here, and I was about to yank it from her mouth. I was completely frustrated that, by the third interview, I had struck out because this one wasn’t any better than the first two.

  “Well, uh, that’s nice that you love old people, but can you elaborate on your experience?” I needed to get this over with and soon because I wanted to go check on Dad. He was having a rough day, and I certainly was wasting my time with these dimwits.

  Snap. That gum was going to send me into a murderous rage if she didn’t cut it out.

  “I was a receptionist at the hospital once for two weeks. Oh, I also totally love my grandma.”

  This small town had shit for selection. Snap. This probably wasn’t the best day to decide to quit smoking. I was going to throttle this woman. Snap.

  “Okay, we’re done here. I’ll get back to you after I’ve made my decision,” I spat a little harsher than I’d intended to. Thankfully, she didn’t even flinch at my words.

  Snap. “Cool. So, like, are you that guy in that band? I don’t listen to rock but I saw your face on People magazine.”

  It took an act of God for me not to roll my eyes at her but miraculously I refrained. “Yes. Thank you. We’ll be in touch.” Standing, I guided her to the door and quickly ushered her out.

  Leaving to go toward Dad’s room to check on him, I cursed in annoyance when someone knocked again. That chick was seriously getting on my nerves. I flung open the front door angrily. All frustration melted away when the beautiful, blond-haired June grinned back at me.

  “Hey, Bobby. I only had to work a short shift today, so I brought you guys lunch.”

  She was exactly what I needed at the moment. “June, come in. It smells great.”

  Beaming at me, she walked past, and I couldn’t help but check out her cute little ass in the short uniform. Dad was slowly making his way into the kitchen by that time.

  “June, it’s so good to see you today,” he wheezed.

  My stomach fl
ip-flopped in anxiety at the way he sounded. “Dad, sit down. I will get you some food. You should have stayed in bed. I could have brought it to you,” I admonished.

  He waved me off but thankfully sat down at the table. June busied herself with sorting out the food.

  “The usual, Mr. Acer,” she smiled down at him as she gave him his food.

  He looked at her as if she’d hung the moon. Those two had a long-standing relationship, and my heart swelled.

  “Bobby, I wasn’t sure what you wanted, but I remembered you liked bacon cheeseburgers when we were kids so hopefully you still do.” She seemed nervous when she set it down in front of me. At this point, I would have eaten anything she put in front me. I was just happy she was here.

  “Sounds amazing.” My comment earned me a grin, and my dick twitched. Damn, this woman could get me with a simple smile.

  After we’d eaten, June went over to her bag and dug around.

  “Mr. Acer, I, uh, got you some things and I really hope you’ll like them.”

  Her face was grim, and I felt uneasy by the look she gave Dad. He just waited patiently as she pulled everything from her bag.

  “Mr. Acer, I bought you some crossword and Sudoku books for the days when you don’t feel like getting up and around. And since you and Bobby missed a good portion of time together, I thought you could use this journal and camera to document the time you do have left. I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries. It just felt like the right thing to get you.”

  Dad’s eyes misted over, and I looked down at my beetle tattoo on my thumb in an effort not to cry. When he spoke, I glanced back at him to see him smiling.

  “June, that is incredibly thoughtful. I couldn’t think of a better gift for the time I have left.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. That’s when it hit me.

  “How much do you love that diner job?” I questioned, excitement building.


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