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Gemini: Murders of the Zodiacs

Page 10

by Alathia Paris Morgan

  Even though the other IT guys around weren’t listening, they could be worse than a group of old lady gossips.

  At the bar, I set up in the back corner, away from prying eyes. I knew that Mac would be able to find me. I did a few quick searches and found an itinerary for the Bishop twins. I attached it in an email to Ryan and Leslie, hoping it would help save a few lives.

  At home, I was continuing my searches to find out who had started this corporation and how it was connected to these serial killers. I’d been working on it during my off hours, and had information on the first founders who had been very prolific with their heirs. The main problems were that many who were considered their children hadn’t been claimed through marriage or other legal documents.

  I’d focused my attention on the CEO, Mr. Reed, the one that Noah Preston had been working for. He was a main starting point, and I had a feeling he knew where the skeletons were buried.

  Josiah Reed was the son of Taylor Reed, who had not been a part of the company in any big way. Taylor’s father, J.T. Reed, on the other hand, had skipped over his son in favor of his grandson running the company. It didn’t appear that the current Mr. Reed had any immediate family, but I had no way of seeing who would inherit his shares of the company when he passed.

  J.T. Reed had struck oil back in the early 1900s, and had used the money he made to help build his portion of what was then known as the Golden Opportunity Company. It had gone through a major rebranding in the early 1980s when the world finally became more conscious of how much damage was being done to the earth. Thus, the new titles of Urban Energy Corporation were established.

  It seemed that even with the name change and rebranding, there were still other parts of the Golden Opportunity Company that had survived, but were now run under a different premise. Gold Money Exchange was known for its ties all over the world to the cartels, mobsters, and mafia.

  “Ah-ha. Got ya.” I jumped up from chair in glee.

  The GME had been investigated many times, but even though the FBI, DEA, and the IRS had done audits, nothing had been found to incriminate them.

  This wasn’t the kind of information that I could share with just anyone, not even Agent Watson. I would have to wait until Ryan and Leslie were back in Texas to tell them in person.

  All the data I had discovered went onto two backup drives. I knew that I was overly cautious with what I did to protect information I came across.

  Unfortunately, the FBI had strict policies about copying information from their computers. Most nights when I came home, I spent it recreating important things that I came across during the day. Technically, I could get fired if they ever found out, but sometimes information could be used by the wrong people, and it was always good to have a backup copy.

  The GME was in bed with so many different sets of bad guys that they were considered the bank to go to if you needed to have your money washed. Nobody ever attempted to rob or double-cross them because they not only disappeared, so did their entire family.

  I was certain there were members of the GME in all sectors of the government. Things in cases connected to GME went missing or were misplaced until it was no longer relevant. The fact that this company and the Urban Energy Corporation were sister companies made things a lot more interesting.

  Our Zodiac Master might have ties to either group, but since he’d focused on the Urban Energy side, I had to believe that our connection was where the master was leaving all the bread crumbs. Most people assumed that the GME was corrupt, but they completely ignored the Urban Energy Corporation, which was above board.

  Josiah Reed’s name was on one of the papers in connection with the early existence of GME. It had faded from sight, but I was pretty sure that he still had a stake in both companies. It was going to take a little longer to dig deep enough to find evidence to link Mr. Reed to the crimes I was sure were happening behind closed doors.

  Wrapping the USB in a baggie, I went out for a walk with my dog. Just a walk in the park, or so it would seem to most people. I had a special spot that I could stuff the baggies into a weatherproof box I put together when I’d started this job. The other I mailed to a special PO Box that only one other person had access to. They regularly checked it and put it where I’d instructed them years earlier. If anything happened to me, they would proceed to plaster what I had over every news media outlet.

  The other one I took and put in the hollow post of my bedframe. It wasn’t a place that a robber would look, and even a sophisticated person looking for it wouldn’t notice anything amiss.

  I sent a text to Agent Watson:

  “Getting closer to a better security level at Urban Energy. Red flags that can be followed when I gain access.”

  Agent Watson: “Be patient, we know there’s something rotten. Eventually, we’ll unearth it.”

  I turned off my work phone in case someone was trying to monitor stuff and crawled into bed. Leslie and Ryan needed to catch these killers so we could make a case for the zodiac killer.

  Chapter 11


  Agent Watson had sent the coordinates of where the serial killer twins were, or the general location since they’d been driving most of the day. When we got off the plane, he and a few other agents were waiting.

  “We flew in when we got the word. I’ve called in the local branch and they’re tracking the phone as we speak. The twins are headed to Rhode Island. They stopped about an hour ago at a hotel. We’re hoping we get a lucky break and they stay there until we arrive.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Leslie gushed, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

  I’d wanted to talk to her about my news, but she was so exhausted from passing out earlier that she didn’t even make it through the safety instructions of the stewardess.

  Maybe when this case was over, I would have time to discuss or think about my impending fatherhood.

  “Is this about to happen? We’re going to find them before the end of the month? It’s almost too good to hope for,” she sighed.

  “I certainly hope so, but I’m not gonna get too excited until they’re both in cuffs.”

  “We’ve had too many close calls with the other killers. This is the place, though, because it matches the initials I found on the calendar.”

  Adam turned around from the front seat. “I heard about that. When you touched something that they felt so emotionally connected to, it overwhelmed you. It happens when someone is so evil they can leave it behind and the next person inherits their leftover evil thoughts.”

  “I think they were planning it for a while. There were initials in each box that fit the states we’ve been to for the last half of a month.”

  We pulled up to the hotel and the S.W.A.T. guys were waiting for us.

  “Sir, we’ve determined that the suspects checked into that motel room. Their car is parked right outside. The rooms on either side are empty,” the leader informed Agent Watson.

  “Proceed,” he ordered.

  They moved in and opened the door with the key card.

  “Rhode Island S.W.A.T., put your hands up!” the leader yelled as the door was pushed open.

  Moments later, he stuck his head out. “It’s empty. There’s a phone on the bed.”

  “They must have snuck out. Now the question is, where are they?” Agent Watson kicked at the building in frustration.

  I pulled out my phone. “Martha, pull up all the women who are twins in the state of Rhode Island with birthdays today or tomorrow. Then see if you can narrow it down to anyone within a hundred miles.”

  “Detective, I only have one close enough. It’s in the next town over.”

  “Send me the address,” I ordered. “Agent Watson, we have a set of possible victims only about twenty minutes away.”

  “Load up. I’ll send you the address.” He nodded to the S.W.A.T. leader as his team piled into the SUVs.

  We were too late. They’d known we were coming. On the front door, a hand-written note was taped with a
bloody fingerprint.

  Welcome to our crime scene. We finished it up just for you. Since you went to talk to our mother, we left you a little present. Aren’t you curious? Don’t you want to see what it is?

  We hope you enjoy it because we’re not done yet. We don’t think that you can find us. Follow the clues and we’ll see if you can make it to the end of the game. Have fun.

  Adam was arguing with Leslie, “I think it’s a really bad idea for you to go in there. Let Ryan go first, and if it’s the usual thing, then you can go inside.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of going into a crime scene,” Leslie protested.

  “It’s not about whether your capable or not, but you’ve already used up a lot of energy today. Your personal connection if you go in there could put you in the hospital,” he pleaded.

  I approached them. “I’ve got it. I don’t want to spend any more time with my partner in a hospital bed.”

  She gave a tight-lipped nod.

  Now that she wasn’t going in with me, I felt like I was suddenly more responsible for the entire case.

  The front door creaked as I opened it to a complete massacre. There was blood everywhere. They’d written a message in the women’s blood: Double the pleasure.

  I stumbled back outside trying not to lose the contents of my stomach.

  “There’s nothing we can do inside, but we need to find them.” I turned to Agent Watson who’d been right behind me.

  “Set up a perimeter. Checkpoints at all the state lines,” he ordered.

  “Martha, get started on trying to predict where these guys will go next. Have the team start calling all the hotels and motels to find out if they had someone pay cash to check in.”

  Leslie stood there, her face ashen. “Adam, you were right. I need to get away from here now.”

  I didn’t ask what was wrong because I knew. That moment when I’d stepped into the house, it seeped of evil. Even without any gift or being sensitive to ghosts or spirits, my skin crawled. If Leslie truly had special abilities and had walked in here, she might have actually died from the overpowering horror of it all.

  We had to find a way to get these guys.

  I got back into the SUV, just as Leslie’s eyes rolled back into her head. Thankfully she was in the seat, so she didn’t collapse like earlier.

  “Is this going to be something she does all the time now?” I questioned Adam.

  “Honestly, this is completely unusual.”

  “Isn’t there something you can do for her?”

  Adam shook his head. “Until she comes out of it, there’s nothing we can do.”

  “If we drive farther away from the house, would that break the connection?” I sat there holding her hand.

  “I wish it were that easy.”

  Leslie stirred.

  “They’re not leaving. They’re going to keep on with their next planned kill. We should be able to find them in a cabin about five miles from here. They literally walked away from the crime scene.”

  I texted Agent Watson: “We need to have search dogs go from the house. They’re still in the area on foot.”

  He immediately started talking to S.W.A.T. and the other officers on the scene.

  “I can feel them celebrating,” Leslie groaned.

  “You’re not going anywhere near those guys. If we can get to them before they do anything else, you’ll have to stay right here,” Adam warned.

  Local police had blocked off the crime scene, but most of them were following the lead of the dogs to where our killers were at.

  “I’m taking you to the local station where they’ll bring them in when they’re apprehended. Ryan, if you want to go with them, go now.”

  Leslie seemed to be okay at the moment, but I wasn’t going to leave her.


  When we got to the local police station, I held the door open for Leslie, who still looked pale in the light of the front desk.

  Adam flashed his badge. “We don’t need anything, but want to listen to the scanners as they conduct this chase.”

  The flustered desk officer motioned us back to the desk area where he turned up the radio.

  “Approaching the cabin where the dogs have the suspects cornered.”

  “Sending in flashbang now.”

  “Down on your knees, hands behind your heads!” the voice on the radio commanded.

  “Suspects in custody,” a voice announced.

  “Can it really be that easy?” Leslie asked.

  “I’m not sure. We’ll wait here, though.” I couldn’t believe it was over.

  Ten minutes later, Agent Watson walked in before the twins were escorted inside. Although they’d ditched the coveralls, the two victims’ blood hadn’t been washed off yet.

  The officers leading them put them in separate rooms.

  “Have they asked for legal representation?”

  “Nope, and they’ve been read their rights.”

  We weren’t the actual ones doing the interviews, but I was planning to watch every minute of them.

  “Will Leslie be okay watching?” I asked Adam.

  “It’s completely up to her, but maybe.”

  I’ll let you know if I can’t.” Leslie stood up with determination and walked toward the interview windows.

  A huge group of agents were standing outside each of the rooms, waiting for Agent Watson to get started.

  “You understand the rights as I’ve read them to you, Randell?”

  “Yes.” He gave a one-word answer with a grin on his face.

  “Did you murder those women tonight?”

  “Yep. They deserved it.” Randell spat at Agent Watson.

  “Have you ever met the Zodiac Master?”

  “Is that what you call him? I call him a savior. He knew what we needed and provided us with the idea. We did all the rest. He helped us fulfill our destiny.”

  “A destiny to kill twins? Your innocent sisters and cousins?” Agent Watson pounded the table in anger.

  Randell just sat there, giving him an appraising look before laughing out loud.

  “Innocent? I don’t think so. My sisters and cousins were stealing my mother from us. These others? They were taking all the energy away from the universe. It was destined that they die on the day they were born.”

  “So you felt that you were doing the world a favor by killing each set of twins? Did the Zodiac Master give you the names of those that needed to be eliminated?”

  “No, he just helped us find the way.”

  “Tell me about him.”

  “What’s to tell? He’s an amazing example of how to purify the earth.” Randell shrugged. “I have nothing further to say to you. Can I see my brother now?”

  “Not yet. If you’re done talking to me, then I’ll just go see what your brother is going to say.”

  “Go ahead. He wouldn’t have anything different to say than I did,” he taunted.

  “We’ll see. You just hang tight here.” Agent Watson winked at him. “I’ll be back.”

  He walked out, the door shutting behind him with a bang.

  With slumped shoulders, he took a deep breath before entering the room with the second brother.

  “Hello, Darrell. How are you doing this evening?” Agent Watson started out, trying to sound friendly.

  “Better than you, Agent. I’m riding the high from feeling the knife enter those women. Can’t get any better than that.”

  “Well, I can do you better because I have a different kind of high. It’s when you’ve been chasing a serial killer and you catch them. It’s so much better than the high you’re on because while you have to go out and kill again, I get to know that you’re in prison, and I get justice for you being in jail.”

  “See, that’s what you think. We know better. The thought of doing this has been keeping us going for months. We got a taste when our cousins died, but we were too young to really understand what was happening. Then with our sisters, it seemed so easy, and no
one ever questioned us to find out if it was the truth.”

  Agent Watson leaned forward. “What was the truth? That you killed your sisters? You didn’t know that killing your sisters was wrong? Did you feel bad about it?”

  “Feel bad about what? Killing people brought me joy. There was so little joy with them around. They were always taking all of our mom’s time and energy. It was a simple us or them situation. They had to go, and once they did, our world became a simple thing again.”

  “Really? So it was simple because only you and your brother were the focal point? How did killing all these other people help keep your world simple? They weren’t bothering you or taking away from your time with you mother.”

  “No, they weren’t. They were taking away from their family’s worlds. Baby girls and baby girl twins pull out all the energy. It was the perfect solution.”

  “But what if those twin girls were the only children in their family? Don’t you think that their parents would want them to be alive?” He circled back to the flaw in their logic.

  “Of course they would miss them. It’s not our place to worry about that. We have to do what we and the savior think is best. The parents will get over it. Ours did. Well, after Mom left Dad for not believing in us,” Darrell spoke with honesty.

  “This savior, how does he communicate with you? Is he helpful with ideas or just a general set of rules? How long have you known him?”

  “He said that you would want to know more about him. He finds you and trains you to do the best you can. He draws it out of you so that you want to please him. Rules? No, just to make sure the person dies on the day they were born.”

  “That’s interesting. So you believe that he brings out the best in you? Do you believe that you were called to be a killer? Destined, so to speak.”

  “We’re all just fulfilling our destinies. Called to a life of killing? Nah. We were just the products of the universe. We were destined to balance it.”

  “Interesting…very interesting.”

  “What, that we mentioned our savior? We answered your questions. He gave us permission to talk to you. He felt that you needed a win after four months of not having one. He said to tell you that you owe him one.” He looked past Agent Watson to stare directly at the mirror where Leslie and I were watching him.


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