Book Read Free

First and Tension

Page 17

by Tara Sivec

  Quinn: Kinky. I like it.

  Emily: Stop annoying me, or I’ll go back to your cottage and remove the presents I left for you.

  Quinn: Was the charred remains of what I think used to be a Vipers football jersey in the sand right off the deck of my rental cottage one of the presents you referred to?

  Emily: Son of a bitch. Tess must have gotten ahold of a lighter.

  Quinn: Now I’m definitely not going inside! What if she’s hiding in a closet? Goddammit! I can’t believe I’m afraid of her.

  Emily: You’ll be fine, I swear. That was actually her way of welcoming you and saying “Fuck the Vipers.” You should really be quite pleased. Tess welcomes no one.

  Emily: But if she is hiding in your closet, please try to wrestle the lighter away from her.


  Quinn: You got me presents!!!!

  Emily: Oh, good. You finally went inside. I thought you would continue being a big baby.

  Quinn: I’m going to ignore that, but only because you left me Nutter Butters, a DVD copy of Varsity Blues, and a pet! You got me a fucking pet!

  Emily: Technically, the cat is on loan from Birdie and the golf course. She has a bunch of strays she feeds that keep all the vermin and seagulls off the greens. The one you have is named Crouton.

  Quinn: That’s… odd.

  Emily: Don’t ask. Birdie named them all weird shit. She’s also got one named Meth, Chevy Tahoe, Lamp, and Rotisserie Chicken. Enjoy your pet salad condiment.

  Quinn: I already am. He’s currently purring on my chest. We might take a nap on the couch later after dinner, where I’ve heard someone has already ordered me a pizza to be delivered. I think you like me, Emily Flanagan.

  Emily: I fake like you, QB. Eye on the prize, man. Eye on the prize. Gotta go. Owen is up to bat, and if I don’t embarrass him by cheering the loudest, then what good is me being here, filling in for Wren?

  Quinn: How did Owen do at bat last night?

  Emily: Almost shit the bed with two strikes but pulled through in the end with a double. And then flipped me off when he got in the dugout.

  Quinn: Did you cheer too loud and over-embarrass him?

  Emily: No, I heckled him when he swung at the high ones. He’s fifteen. It’s fine; he can take it.

  Quinn: I’m now rethinking letting you come to any of my games.

  Emily: Good, because those are in the fall, and we’ll definitely be “broken up” by then.

  Quinn: Keep telling yourself that, kid.

  Quinn: I believe there is something you failed to mention about dear, sweet Crouton.

  Emily: Birdie said he’s the nicest cat out of all of them. What happened? Did he scratch you or something?

  Quinn: No physical scarring, but the emotional toll this has taken on me could have lasting effects.

  Emily: I feel like you’re being dramatic again.

  Quinn: The cat knows how to use the toilet, Emily.

  Emily: Oh, that’s right! Birdie told me she’s been training him. Isn’t it cool?

  Quinn: Cool is not wandering into my bathroom with my eyes partially closed, still half-asleep after the nap I took when I got back from having lunch with you at The Barge, whipping my dick out, flipping on the light switch, and making direct eye-contact with the cat who is currently shitting in my toilet.

  Emily: You’ll get used to it. It’s probably best if the two of you work out a bathroom schedule. I’m sure Crouton will be reasonable.

  Quinn: This is not funny. He stared at me the entire time! I’ll never forget the haunted look in his eyes…

  Emily: It could have been worse. Women have to sit down every time we use the bathroom. Birdie actually sat on him one night.

  Quinn: You have very strange friends.

  Emily: You’re just now realizing this? Also, this is payback for stealing my tots at lunch again.

  Quinn: Thanks for going on a run with me this morning.

  Emily: I didn’t go on a run with you this morning. You were waiting for me when I ran by SIG and insisted on running with me.

  Quinn: Just wanted to look out for your safety again.

  Emily: I had to protect you from a group of seagulls.

  Quinn: I have a fear of birds, okay? I’m picking the music next time we run.

  Emily: Who says I’m going to let you run with me again?

  Quinn: LOL that’s cute! Do you want to start off with Adele or Nirvana tomorrow morning?

  Emily: Nirvana, obviously.

  Quinn: I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to be mad.

  Emily: Oh hell no. That’s not how this works. You’re clearly going to tell me something you know I won’t like. What did you do?

  Quinn: Not until you promise. You’re scary when you’re mad. You still smile and act sweet. It’s honestly kind of frightening.

  Emily: You know I have the key to your cottage and can enter it at any time, right? Like when you’re sleeping. Tell me.

  Quinn: Is this supposed to reassure me that you won’t get mad?! You suck at this. A statement like that should be hot. Now I just want to sleep with the lights on.

  Emily: *annoyed emoji*

  Quinn: Fine. Sooo, my teammates all know about the whole fake dating thing. I had to be honest and up front with them, Emily. I’m finally with a team that is cool, filled with guys I want to be real friends with, and to do that I have to trust them and be honest with them about everything. I swear to you they will never betray us, say anything to the media, or be assholes. They’re awesome and they can’t wait to meet you.

  Emily: Okay.

  Quinn: That’s it. Just “okay”?

  Emily: I mean, this is your team and you know them better than I do. If you trust them, then so do I.

  Quinn: Drinks are on me at Dockside Eddy’s tonight.

  Emily: I didn’t invite you to drinks at Dockside Eddy’s so I can catch up with Ryan.

  Quinn: Oh, I know. Ryan invited me. He’s gonna teach me how to bowl, isn’t that cool?!

  Quinn: You got your wish. I’m leaving the island.

  Emily: Come on. The cat/toilet situation can’t be THAT bad.

  Quinn: Oh, that part is fine. You’re right. Crouton was very reasonable, and after we both slept on it overnight, we came to the agreement that he can have the bathroom, and I’ll just shit outside.

  Emily: I’m glad you two could come to an understanding.

  Quinn: I’m actually going back to the mainland for a couple of days, because Tyler set up a bunch of radio interviews for me. It will just be easier to stay there and get them all done back-to-back in two days, instead of spreading them out through the week.

  Emily: You know you don’t have to check in with me, right?

  Quinn: Just trying to act like a real boyfriend so you don’t get nervous again.

  Emily: I’ll be fine. But thank you for your concern.

  Quinn: So, since I’ll already be on the mainland on Wednesday, I’ll pick you up at the dock over there, so we can go to the charity event together.

  Quinn: And don’t even think about arguing with me. You are NOT meeting me there. I will pick you up, like a proper boyfriend.

  Emily: Are you sure about this? This charity event is a lot different than a private lunch with your boss in an empty restaurant, or dinner with my parents here on the island, or even just hanging out around the island. No one bothers us on Summersweet. But this charity event is public. Press will be there, all of your coworkers will be there, and fans will be there. People will be posting pictures of us before you even say hello to anyone.

  Quinn: This is all part of my master plan to restore your good name in the media. The world will finally see you’re not a hotheaded woman, with a banshee-like voice, who’s trying to ruin my career. They’ll love you, and they’ll see how much I don’t hate the sight of you.

  Emily: You say the nicest things.

  Quinn: I mean it. I really do. Just behave, and d
on’t scream at anyone.

  Emily: I make no promises.

  Quinn: It will be fun. It’s only for a few hours. The team will be there to sign autographs and take pictures, there will be stadium tours to show off some of the new upgrades Jeanie made, a fancy dinner with a band, where you can wear a pretty dress, and a cornhole tournament, where the winners get to decide what charity they want to give ten grand to.

  Emily: Ahhh, now I see why you invited me. So you’d actually be on a winning cornhole team.

  Quinn: Well, now we’re definitely playing on opposite teams.

  Emily: Do you really want to embarrass yourself in front of your teammates and fans?

  Quinn: Right, so we’ll be on the same team.

  Quinn: Hey! It’s Quinn. Would one of you guys possibly be able to stop by my rental cottage a few times in the next couple of days and feed my cat? I need to go back to the mainland until Wednesday night, and I don’t want to annoy Emily and ask her to do it.

  Bodhi: Wise decision, man. I can handle Chevy Tahoe for you.

  Quinn: I don’t have Chevy Tahoe. I’ve got Crouton.

  Bodhi: LOL! Did you almost sit on him when you went to take a shit? The first time is always the hardest. You get used to it. Just don’t make eye-contact.

  Shepherd: OMG. How did you get my number? I mean, I don’t mind at all. Text me anytime, day or night. Bodhi’s busy. I’ll take care of Crouton for you. Want me to straighten up? Wash the linens? The pink sheets were all Bodhi’s fault. I know how to do laundry. I even make my own fabric softener.

  Palmer: I’m sorry, Quinn. Shepherd has ZERO chill. I’ll take care of Crouton.

  Shepherd: You just screenshot this conversation and sent it to someone to prove you know him, didn’t you?

  Palmer: I did not! Quinn, I would never.

  Bodhi: We are literally sitting right next to you at Dockside Eddy’s. You just sent it to your agent and said “Boo-yah, motherfucker! We’re totally friends. I told you!”

  Palmer: He won’t tell anyone or I’ll fire him. I swear, Quinn.

  Quinn: I still don’t get why Emily won’t let me hang out with you guys. You make me feel so normal.

  Shepherd: We get that a lot. Don’t worry about the next few days. We’ll fight amongst ourselves for Crouton care. Have fun!



  “You’re totally going to fuck this up.”

  “Another great interview,” Tyler greets me as I exit the studio and meet him in the radio station hallway.

  “Did you have any doubts?” I smile, rolling my eyes when I have to wait for him to check out his hair in the mirror hanging on the wall of the hallway before we can start walking.

  As anxious as I’ve been about being away from Emily, when I just got her to be sort of agreeable about me staying on the island, and she hasn’t tried to murder me when we’ve hung out together, the interviews have gone better than I expected. I’ve always sort of begrudgingly done these things because I had to and couldn’t wait for them to be over. Now that I’m on a team I’m excited to play for, with a bunch of guys I admire, respect, and have a hell of a lot of fun with, I can’t seem to shut up. Which of course leads the DJs to ask if the new woman in my life is the cause for all of this chattiness. They’ve been really cool about me not wanting to discuss my personal life and just focus on the Sharks, since I don’t want to say anything out of turn that would piss Emily off.

  “I can’t believe you’re still getting away with saying ‘no comment’ on the crazy redhead situation.”

  My good mood thinking about Emily is immediately squashed. I’m in Tyler’s face and shoving him up against the wall so fast we’re both a little shocked it happened, but I recover faster.

  “Cut that shit out,” I snap in a low voice. “Her name is Emily. Use it.”

  The only person who hasn’t been cool during all of these interviews is Tyler. Every time I’ve walked out of another radio station the last two days, he’s referred to Emily by anything other than her name. The crazy redhead, the mess we’ll never be able to clean up, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, the ticking time bomb…. I was a fucking ticking time bomb with each new shot he took at Emily, and now I’ve finally had enough.

  “I love you, man, but if you don’t start being more respectful toward her, I will knock you the fuck out.”

  Tyler shakes his head at me, smoothing out his suit coat and straightening his tie when I drop my hands from his chest and step back from him.

  “Jesus Christ,” he mutters, looking up and down the empty hallway to make sure no one saw anything. “You really like her. I thought it was all supposed to be fake, because you’re a dipshit who couldn’t tell Jeanie the truth.”

  “Do you want to tell Jeanie the truth?”

  “Fuck no! She scares the hell out of me.” Tyler shudders. “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll try to be nicer.”

  With a nod, we both start walking down the hallway again. I’m not the type of guy to hold grudges. And Tyler isn’t the type of guy who apologizes. As long as he holds up his end of the bargain, I won’t have to rearrange his face. I’m already on edge enough after meeting Emily’s parents, hoping I didn’t fuck everything up for her with them. I have never met two people I’ve been more disappointed in. They don’t even see the absolutely amazing person they created, and I couldn’t just sit there and listen to her mother call what she does a hobby one more time. I couldn’t watch the beautiful, smart, talented, strong woman I’ve gotten to know look so defeated when it came to the people who were supposed to love her unconditionally and support all of her dreams.

  And I can’t even think about that goddamn kiss, or my head will explode. Both of them. I knew kissing Emily, really kissing her, would be an otherworldly experience, but I didn’t expect it to almost knock me on my ass. Or for her to just melt into me, kiss the hell out of me right back, and then still think it’s all pretend. Being around her day after day and not being able to kiss her like that again, constantly reliving every minute of her mouth on mine and her body pressed against me, has almost driven me insane… and definitely driven me to a lot of jerking off when I get back to my cottage.

  Good thing I’m persistent….

  “It’s not fake for me,” I finally tell Tyler when we both slide our sunglasses on, push through the double glass doors at the front of the building, and walk out into the bright sunshine. A smile finally takes over my face, thinking about all our text conversations. “Everything I say and do with her is the real me and how I really feel about her. It’s just easier for her to keep telling herself it’s fake, so she doesn’t fall madly in love with me.”

  Tyler throws his head back and laughs, walking around to the other side of the black SUV waiting for us in front of the building. When we both slide into the backseat, he gives the driver the location of the next radio station we have to be at and then actually turns in his seat to make eye-contact with me when we pull away from the curb.

  “How long are you planning on letting her think this is all pretend?” he asks me quietly when the driver answers a call on his Bluetooth earbud.

  “Until she realizes it’s not.” I smile at him. “Maybe tonight will finally be the night.”

  Although, I doubt it. Her stubbornness is one of the things I like most about her. And I do enjoy a good game. I’ve lost enough of them to her at this point.

  “You know you won’t be able to say ‘no comment’ anymore if you show up to this thing with her,” Tyler reminds me.

  “That’s my plan. And you better do nothing but kiss her ass tonight, or I will fire yours.”

  Tyler sighs heavily like it’s such a big chore to be nice to someone. “Fuck! Fine. It doesn’t mean I have to trust her, but I’ll be on my best behavior with the island girl.”

  When I ball my hand into a fist and start to aim it in Tyler’s direction, he quickly throws his hands up in the air and scoots his back up against his door.

  “Emily! I meant Emily!�
� Tyler quickly amends. “I just got Botox! Don’t you dare hit me.”

  Dropping my fist and settling back into my seat, I see Tyler pull out his phone and start working, and I pull mine out of my back pocket when it dings rapidly with multiple incoming text messages.

  Emily: Why is Shepherd asking me if you have an allergy to dryer sheets?

  Emily: And for that matter, why is Palmer asking me if it would be weird if he rearranged all of your Nikes in color-order?

  Shepherd: Look at this stud! He wears that shirt like a beast! *photo attachments*

  Shepherd: FYI: Shirts make Crouton mad. His claws are REALLY sharp. I think I got all the blood off the carpet.

  Laughing to myself when I see Shepherd has sent me three different photos of Crouton wearing a little sparkly cat shirt that says I am small and sensitive. But also, fight me, I thank him for helping out and tell him I owe him a beer, before explaining the cat feeding situation to Emily.

  Setting my phone down on the seat when I’m finished replying to everyone, I stare out the window at the quickly passing landscape as the driver gets on the ramp to take us to the highway, looking forward to getting this last interview over with, so I can get to my “fake girlfriend” faster.

  “Another glass of champagne for you.”

  “Hey, what about me?” I complain when Tyler hands Emily a glass that he just brought back from the bar for her.

  “Are your arms broken? Get your own drink.” Emily smiles at me before thanking Tyler and taking a sip.

  “We should have brought you around ages ago. You’re fun.” Tyler smiles at her, clinking his glass of bourbon against her champagne flute.

  True to his word, Tyler has done nothing but kiss Emily’s ass all night. Starting with being in the parking lot when we pulled up and opening Emily’s door to help her out of the vehicle. He’s lucky he’s like a brother to me and I don’t really fancy killing him. Any other man would have found my fist lodged in his throat with the look Tyler gave her when she stepped out of the car. I’m pretty sure it was the same look that was on my face when she first stepped off the ferry ramp. Eyes wide, jaw dropped, with a little drool dripping down my chin, and an instantly hard cock. She looked like Jessica Rabbit, with her long, red hair wavy and flowing down over her shoulders, wearing that skintight black dress from the APL charity dinner I mentioned I liked when I admitted to creeping on her pictures. The black dress that clings to all her curves and pushes up a mouth-watering amount of cleavage, with a pair of super high black heels that bring her full, shiny pink lips closer to mine when we’re standing together. The fact that Emily didn’t hold a grudge after how shitty Tyler was with her the first time they met, and she killed him with kindness all night long, definitely threw Tyler for a loop and shockingly put him on his best behavior.


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