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Page 3

by Katie Reus

  But she’d already turned back to her sister.

  “What are the odds that loser listens to you?” Alena rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “That, I don’t know.” But Nika had to try and help the guy.

  As they continued walking, the sound of excited shouting behind them caused a few people at the slots to turn toward the noise.

  Her sister glanced behind them, but Nika didn’t bother looking. She knew what she’d see.

  “Ten thousand. Not bad. Now how about we quadruple that?” A silvery laugh rolled from Alena and Nika bit back a grin.

  If it was up to her sister, they’d have hit up casinos a long time ago. As they strolled toward the nearest blackjack table, a few men turned and moved out of the way when they saw Alena.

  Nika pressed a nervous hand to her stomach as they took a seat. She just hoped this plan worked. If not, and Andre Makarov thought they were counting cards, they’d end up kicked out on their asses. Unless he was like his father. Then…yeah, she didn’t even want to think about that.

  * * *

  Andre Makarov stared at the private video feed streaming from the flat screen on his office wall. Using the remote control, he zoomed in on the dark-haired woman on screen. She was so petite yet also curvy. Everything about her was vibrant from her wide eyes to her bright smile.

  His throat clenched as she leaned in and said something to one of the patrons at the Blackjack table. Whatever it was, it had the man laughing. Andre couldn’t remember the last time a woman had turned his head. Hell, he couldn’t even remember the face of the last woman who’d shared his bed. Which said more about him than he wanted to admit.

  Instinctively, he glanced at the photo of his deceased wife. Tall and thin with a short platinum blonde bob. And of course, she was unsmiling. His gaze reverted back to the screen and a deep-seated—unexpected—hunger hummed through his veins. Mine. He wasn’t sure where the word came from but fuck him, he felt it.

  Andre pressed his intercom button. “Barry? You still out there?”

  “Of course, boss.”

  “Can I see you for a moment?”

  When his assistant stepped inside, Andre nodded to the screen. “I’d like you to have security ask that woman to join me at Tsuki’s.”

  Barry frowned and looked back at him. “Is there a problem, sir? Do you think she’s cheating?”

  “No. I’d simply like to speak with her.” His approach was likely arrogant. He just didn’t care. He wanted to talk to her now.

  “Of course…you do know who she is, correct?”

  When Andre shook his head, Barry picked up a cigar magazine from the stand by the door and flipped it over. “Her name is Alena Brennan.”

  That’s why she looks so familiar. Her hair was pulled back tight against a face that was slimmer, more hollow looking in the picture—no doubt airbrushed. He preferred the real life version. “Thank you, Barry. After you make the call, get out of here. It’s too late for you to be here anyway.”

  “You sure?”

  Biting back a smile, Andre nodded. “Just because I’m here, doesn’t mean you have to be here too.”

  The younger man smiled. “Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  As Andre flipped off the live video, he called Tsuki’s. The hostess picked up on the third ring, which meant they were probably busy. “Chiyo?”

  “Yes, Mr. Makarov.”

  “Is my table available?” He knew it would be, but he asked because Chiyo would get flustered if he simply showed up unannounced.

  “Of course, sir.”

  “I’d like a bottle of Dom and two glasses waiting for me. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  “Right away, sir.”

  Andre glanced at the silver-framed photograph on his desk one more time, then slipped it into his top drawer. Two years had passed since she’d died and he wasn’t a fucking masochist. It was past time for him to get over his unfaithful wife.

  Chapter 4

  Nika glanced behind her and Alena. A small crowd of men and women had gathered around them. Mainly drunks. Some worse off than others. The stench of booze and one woman’s overpowering musky perfume was nauseating. And the pockets of misery surrounding some of the people were enough to make her want to lock herself in their room and never come out.

  “Damn it Alena, it’s time to find another table. We’ve been here over an hour,” Nika murmured low enough for only her sister to hear.

  “We’re up two hundred thousand.” Alena didn’t even glance at her, her gaze riveted to the table.

  Nika gritted her teeth at her sister’s attitude. Her spidey sense—as Alena loved to call it—was on high alert. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. They’d been noticed by someone who worked at the casino. She felt it bone-deep. After her sister won yet another hand, the table cheered and the dealer shot them a hooded look.

  Nika squeezed Alena’s leg and this time, she wasn’t taking no for an answer. “It’s time to take a break. Now.”

  Her sister started to argue, but she stopped when they made eye contact. “Okay, okay.”

  Gathering her chips, she stood. Nika moved to help her, but before they’d picked them up, two men wearing gold nametags that simply said Security appeared. They weren’t rude or outwardly threatening, but the dark expression in both of their eyes sent a chill snaking down her spine.

  And Nika hated that. Normally she got a feel for people right away, but these two were like Greek statues. As if their heads were completely empty. Not too comforting.

  “We were wondering if you two ladies might come with us.” The tallest dark-haired one spoke. Even though the statement was perfectly polite, there was an almost threatening undertone to his words, belying that it was an order, not a request.

  “Why?” Alena put a perfectly manicured hand on her hip and frowned.

  Nika noticed the dealer closing the table. As he did, the other people quickly dispersed.

  “Andre Makarov, the owner, would like to meet you.”

  “What about my money?” her sister pouted, in full-on actress mode.

  The tall one nodded behind her. “Our pit boss will take it to the cages for you. Don’t worry, it will be waiting when you come back.”

  Alena glanced at Nika, who shrugged nonchalantly, just as they’d practiced. A meeting with Andre Makarov was exactly what they’d wanted. She just hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly. Either karma was on their side tonight or she was about to kick their asses.

  Nika felt as if jagged razorblades were attached to the bunched knots in her stomach. It almost hurt to breathe, but she forced one foot in front of the other and followed the two men in dark suits across the plush red carpet.

  One of her mother’s favorite sayings—one of the few things she actually remembered about her mother—played in her head. Be careful what you wish for.

  A trickle of sweat rolled down the side of her face but she didn’t dare swipe at it. Even though the security guys were in front of them, she didn’t want to draw any undue attention to herself. Especially since she guessed they were being watched on the casino’s camera system.

  They stopped in the lobby of a posh Japanese restaurant within the casino. “If you wouldn’t mind waiting here?”

  “Do we have a choice?” Alena huffed as the two men disappeared behind a crimson curtain next to the hostess stand.

  Nika inwardly sighed at her sister’s bimbo, socialite act. It might be necessary but it was still annoying. Right now, she just wanted to run away and live a normal life with normal friends. Unfortunately, she doubted it was possible. She didn’t even know what normal was anyway. She’d never had it.

  “Ms. Brennan.” Nika and Alena turned at the sound of a deep, gravelly voice. One of the security men held back the curtain as Andre Makarov—their enemy’s son—strode from the interior of the restaurant.

  He was just as they’d seen in his pictures. Dirty blond hair, incredibly pale blue eyes, Slavic bone structure, w
ell over six foot, and very fit. He might be wearing a dark blue, two-button—no doubt custom made—jacket, but underneath the expensive suit was a ruthless man. Or at least that’s what they’d heard. He certainly looked confident.

  “Which one of us are you talking to?” Alena asked.

  “Ah.” For a split second the man’s step faltered as he walked toward them. “You are Alena Brennan, correct?”

  “Yes, and this is my sister, Nika.” Alena motioned with her hand.

  He flicked a quick glance in Nika’s direction before turning to frown at one of his men. Just as quickly he looked back at Alena. “I apologize. I did not realize you were here with anyone. I simply wanted to ask you to dine with me tonight.”

  “That’s fairly presumptuous for a man I’ve never met.”

  “You must excuse my manners—”

  Nika cleared her throat, ready to make a quick escape. This was better than they could have hoped for. And she could sense that Andre didn’t have any dark motives. She still wasn’t sure how she knew, but she felt that familiar tingling of sensation again telling her. “Alena, I’m not feeling well so if you’ll excuse me…”

  Andre quickly swiveled in her direction, a surprisingly concerned expression marring his handsome features. The vibes from him were sincere too, as if he was actually sorry. That was interesting. And unexpected. “Ms. ah, Nika. I didn’t mean to offend you. I’d be pleased if you’d both join me for dinner.”

  “We’ve had a long day and I’m exhausted.” Nika leaned over and kissed her sister on the cheek before turning back to him. “Make sure my sister gets back to our room at a decent hour.”

  Without giving him a chance to respond, she strode from the restaurant. Alena would have no problem handling herself with Andre Makarov. If anything, her sister would perform better without Nika there.

  People rushed by her in a blur as she made her way toward the elevators. She hadn’t been lying when she said she was tired. All this traveling was taxing, and she had no desire to make small talk for hours. Not to mention being in a casino seemed to increase her sensitivity to people. She was picking up all sorts of depressing emotions and it was draining. Tension knotted her neck and lower back as the elevator opened onto her floor.

  For the past week she’d been assaulted with incredibly vivid, incredibly erotic dreams and it had left her in an almost permanent weakened state. Which might explain her hyperawareness to the people around her. A very sexy, mysterious man had invaded her deepest sleep. It was as if this dream man had come out of nowhere and latched onto her mind. Everything about him was real from his spicy, masculine scent to his strong, callused hands.

  And he visited her dreams every single night. She woke up tired, panting, and half the time, unfulfilled from his kisses and caresses. It was like he was keeping her on the hook, which she knew, sounded insane even as she had the thought. The man wasn’t freaking real.

  She slipped her keycard into the door and waited until it closed behind her. Since she expected her sister back in a few hours, she didn’t put the extra latch in place. After washing her face, she stripped out of her dress and tugged a T-shirt on before sliding under the soft sheets.

  Just sleep. No dreams. She repeated the words over and over as her head sank deeper against the pillow.

  No dreams…

  Nika sat up in bed and pushed the sheet off her. It fell to her waist, exposing her breasts, but she didn’t care. Her mystery dream man had seen her naked more than once. She was so far beyond caring about a little nudity at this point.

  “I know you’re here.” As always, there was a slight echo to her voice in this dream state. A reminder that in her dreams anything could happen, but she was still safe and in control.

  She was in her hotel room, and while things were the same, the atmosphere was different. Like a photograph that hadn’t fully developed. The edges of the air were thick and hazy. It was the only way she was sure of her current reality.

  From the shadows stepped the man who brought her pleasure and frustration. Taller than her by almost a foot, his jet-black hair mirrored his dark, enigmatic eyes.

  Eyes she’d gotten used to looking into the past week. It was stupid, this weird addiction she seemed to have for her fantasy man. And part of her wondered just how fictitious this man was.

  Years ago, when she’d started researching the paranormal, she’d stumbled onto an entire world of people with different gifts and abilities. Empaths, healers, those with telekinetic powers—she was still wrapping her mind around that one. She’d never met someone who could enter dreams before, though she had heard rumors of night walkers. They were supposed to create nightmares, but so far her mystery man hadn’t done that. Just the opposite.

  She rolled onto her side, facing away from him. “I don’t want to play tonight.” Okay, that was a big fat lie. She wanted to feel his hands and mouth on her body and stroke him everywhere in return, but she was too mentally taxed after tonight.

  The bed didn’t dip, it never seemed to in dreams, but she felt him slide in behind her. Well, she sensed him, more than felt anything until his big body moved flush against hers, his chest against her back. “Rough day?” The question was sincere.

  Which just made her feel crazier that she’d conjured him up. Still, she answered. “Yeah.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  Yes. “No.” Saying out loud what she and her sister were going to do made her feel even crappier.

  “Want me to leave?” His big, callused hand slid across her stomach, moving downward until his fingers skittered over her mound.

  Instead of answering, she rolled over so that she was facing him. He immediately adjusted his hold before he cupped her once again, his hand so damn possessive it made her shudder.

  Slowly, he stroked his middle finger along her slit. They hadn’t even kissed yet tonight, but he touched her body with a wicked familiarity she was getting far too accustomed to.

  She reached for him, wanting to shove his dark cargo pants down his legs. Why was he even dressed anyway? He stopped her before she got very far, his hand moving lightning quick to circle her wrist.

  “No touching,” he murmured before he captured her mouth with his.

  Her tongue danced against his even as she tangled her fingers through his dark hair. No touching? Screw that. She was going to touch tall, dark and sexy all over. This was her dream.

  As if he read her mind—for all she knew he did—he chuckled against her mouth before pulling back.

  “You’re killing my restraint.” A soft growl emanated from him and she couldn’t help but find it incredibly hot.

  “Forget restraint.” She started to slide one of her hands down his chest but he moved quickly and she found herself pinned underneath him.

  Exactly where she wanted to be. She rolled her hips against him. This was her dream and her rules. She could do whatever she wanted with no consequences.

  “You going to keep teasing me tonight?”


  “All buildup and no release.” She felt her cheeks warm up at the statement, which was ridiculous.

  He watched her for a long moment, as if contemplating something. There was indecision in that dark gaze, then something she couldn’t quite define. “Hold on to the headboard.”

  “Why should I?” she demanded.

  He just watched her, the lust and heat in his gaze scorching.

  She did as he said and wasn’t exactly surprised when silky bindings appeared around her wrists, securing her hands in place. Just as quickly her clothes disappeared, as if they’d never existed at all. Oh yeah, things were about to get interesting.

  They hadn’t played with restraints before and she’d definitely never done so in real life, but she felt safe with him. This was her dream, she reminded herself.

  “If you don’t like them, think them away,” he murmured, his head dipping down to one of her breasts.

  She arched her back, trying to push her nip
ple farther into his mouth. If she had imagined him, she’d done a damn good job. With his wicked tongue and fallen-angel face, he was sex personified.

  He flicked against her nipple, teasing it into a hard peak until she was panting and tugging against the bindings. She’d wrapped her legs around him as he teased her, digging her heels into his back.

  She was already slick and impossibly turned on. And she didn’t even know his freaking name. This whole situation should feel wrong, but everything he did had her trembling for more.

  He moved to her other breast, then lower, lower… She rolled her hips insistently when he settled between her open legs, crouched like a predator about to devour his prey.

  She didn’t exactly mind being his prey. Not when he was watching her with a hunger so intense, she felt it all the way to her core.

  Keeping his gaze pinned to hers, he slid a finger down her slit, feeling how turned on she was.

  “This is for me.” A statement, not a question. There was so much intensity behind those few words, his eyes looking midnight dark in the hazy room. Oh yeah, she could easily see him as a fallen angel as she watched him.

  Before she could blink, he’d moved, dipping his head between her legs, his mouth sucking on her clit. There was nothing gentle about it. He slid his tongue over her pulsing bud with a raw intensity that had her crying out and rolling her hips, begging for more.

  It was too much and not enough. When he slid two fingers inside her, she almost came undone. It was like the last few days had been building to this and she was about to push right over the edge with almost no buildup.

  He began moving his fingers inside her, thrusting in a gentle rhythm that seemed so at odds with the intensity of his tongue.

  That was all it took. The orgasm punched through her with practically no warning, sharp and striking all her nerve endings as she writhed underneath him.

  This was what she needed so desperately, even if she hadn’t realized it. Pleasure continued to pummel through her until she finally collapsed against the sheets, her breathing ragged.

  As she did, the bindings fell away, but she could barely move her body, much less her hands. Watching him through a hooded gaze, she found his eyes on her too. He still crouched between her legs, all sexy predator.


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