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Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)

Page 9

by Piper Davenport

  “I get that you’re freaked,” he said. “But just so you know, you can’t scare me off. I know you’ll try to push me away, but you’ll figure out I’m not going anywhere.”

  I frowned. “I won’t try to push you away.”

  Knight laughed. “You keep telling yourself that, sugar. But it won’t matter, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Hold that thought,” I said as my phone pealed from where it was charging by the bed so I reached for it. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Kim, it’s JoEllen. Fozzie’s acting a little strange.”

  JoEllen owned the barn where I boarded Fozzie and she never called unless there was a problem.

  I sat up. “Strange, how?”

  “He’s super lethargic, isn’t focusing—”

  The phone went dead. “Jo? JoEllen?”

  I frowned and glanced at the clock on my nightstand. I had two hours before my shift.

  “Babe? What’s going on?” Knight called.

  “Something’s wrong with Fozz,” I said, rushing to the bathroom to clean up. “And JoEllen, I think.”

  I stepped back in my bedroom to find Knight already dressed and pulling on his boots. “I’ve still got med bag in my saddlebags. We can take your car or my bike. Which do you prefer?”

  “Car.” I tugged on my work uniform, but threw Knight’s sweatshirt over the top. “By the way, I kept this.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, sugar, I know, considerin’ I gave it to you and didn’t ask for it back.”

  I smiled. “FYI, you wouldn’t have gotten it back even if you asked.”

  I grabbed my muck boots on the way out and, after Knight threw his bag in the trunk, we drove back to the barn. Well, he drove... you know, ’cause ‘he’s a man.’ I was too worried about Fozzie to object. My beat down in response to Knight being a chauvinist would have taken longer than the time we had to get to my horse, so I let him win... for the moment.

  Before Knight had even pulled the car to a complete stop, I was out the door and running for the stall.

  “I found JoEllen,” Knight called. “She’s pretty banged up.”

  Forcing myself to put humans before animals, admittedly something hard to do in the moment, I rushed to the side of the barn where Knight was helping JoEllen sit up.

  “What happened?” I asked her as I knelt beside her.

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I was talking to you and then I felt pain in my head. That’s all I remember.”

  Knight checked her over and grabbed an icepack from his bag, twisting it to activate the chemicals. He laid it over the back of JoEllen’s head and said, “Keep this secure. I’ll check on Fozzie and then we’ll see if we need to call an ambulance. I think you’re okay, but you might want to go to the emergency room to check for a concussion.”

  JoEllen shook her head. “It’s fine. I’ve had far worse hits falling off horses.”

  “Okay, hold tight,” Knight said, and stepped back into the barn to look Fozzie over. I stood at the threshold so I could watch both JoEllen and Knight. Fozzie was not himself, but I had to let Knight work.

  “Where’s his feed?” Knight asked.

  “In the loft,” I said. “Up those stairs.”

  “Stay with Fozzie, Kim. I’ll be right back,” Knight demanded.

  I forced back panic, walking into Fozzie’s stall, and dropping my forehead to his. He was so dull. So unlike him. I heard Knight return before I saw him.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Twenty-four-seven. Buck’s good. Get Cricket to cover Kim’s shift tonight too, yeah? Thanks, brother.” He walked back in the stall, a syringe in his hand.

  “What’s that for?” I asked.

  “Fozzie’s been poisoned, Kim. This will help reverse the effects.”

  “What?” I rasped as Knight sunk the needle into the horse’s neck, pressing the plunger down.

  He rubbed his hand across the shot area and faced me. “Buck’s comin’ to watch him.”

  I felt tears drip down my face and Knight pulled me against him, stroking my hair. “My uncle did this.”

  “Probably,” he agreed.

  “He won’t stop, Knight. Things are going to get worse.”

  “I’ve got you, sugar. Both of you. Booker’s doin’ backgrounds on everyone who works here and we’re gonna install cameras.”

  I took a second to let him comfort me, my heart racing as he did. “What was it?”


  I shook my head and met his eyes. “Which is what?”

  “Bracken. Fozzie’s oats are littered with it, but since the symptoms came on so quickly, I’m guessing someone’s shot him up with it.”

  “Quickly?” I gasped. “What normally happens?”

  “It’d take a month or more for him to have these symptoms typically, so someone got impatient.”

  “What did you give him?”

  “Thiamine shot. It should start to reverse the poison. We’ll give him more in three hours, then intramuscularly for a few days. I drew some blood and I’ll see how much is in his system and if we need to give him antibiotics.”

  I pulled out of the comfort of his arms and reached for Fozzie who nuzzled me gently, and then shoved his nose against my hand. “Can I give him a peppermint?”

  “No, sugar. Sorry. We need to make sure this works.”

  “Sorry, boy.” I stroked Fozzie’s nose. “Gotta make sure you’re okay first.”

  Knight ran his hands over him again, checking his eyes and mouth, his countenance easy and gentle as he cared for my horse. “

  “Did I hear you say something about Cricket?” I asked.

  Knight nodded. “She’s coverin’ your shift tonight so you can focus on Fozzie. Buck’s gonna come take first watch.”

  If I didn’t love him before, I sure as hell loved him now, and I was so glad he was with me when the call came. “I’m liking the armor,” I whispered.

  He gave me a gentle smile. “Good.”

  “Knight,” a deep voice called, causing a few of the horses to whinny.

  Knight leaned over the stall. “Back here, Buck.”

  The next few hours were relatively painless. Fozzie responded almost immediately to the shots Knight administered and he was happy with his progress. JoEllen refused to go to the hospital, so Knight insisted she hang around so he could check for signs of concussions. After he gave Fozzie the second shot, he grabbed his bag. “Let’s head to the clinic, babe. I’ll run the blood and grab more supplies.”

  “I don’t want to leave him,” I argued.

  “And I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I got ’em both, brother,” Buck said.

  Knight turned his head slowly toward the young recruit and I stepped between them. Bikers weren’t overly fond of other men getting between their relationships, even if he was a Dog, and I saw the irritation in Knight’s expression.

  “I think we’ll be okay here,” I countered.

  “Not comfortable with that.”

  I patted his chest. “What if something happens while we’re gone? I’ll be the only one who’ll know if Fozzie’s acting out of character. It would be better if I stay. I trust Buck.”

  He stared at me for a second and then glanced over my head. “You carryin’?”

  “Always,” Buck said.

  I slid my arms to Knight’s sides. “We’ll be fine, honey.”

  Knight focused on me again. “You notice anything weird... with Fozzie or just in general, you call me.”

  “I will.”

  He sighed. “I don’t like leaving you.”

  “I know. But we’re okay.”

  After a few more minutes of go-around, he kissed me, grabbed my keys, and took off to the clinic. I headed back into the stall where my horse was quiet for the moment, but no longer lethargic. The temperature had dropped considerably since we’d arrived, so I grabbed Fozzie’s blanket from my tack box and carried it into the stall.

  “Need some help?” Buck asked, peeking in.

uck was new... a recruit who was maybe eighteen. He was African American with startling green eyes. He resembled Michael Ealy and he was gorgeous. I couldn’t wait to find out what his story was.

  “No, I’m good.” I smiled. “He gets jittery around men he doesn’t know.”

  “You let me know if you need me.”

  “I will, Buck, thanks.”

  Once Fozzie was wrapped up, I texted Dani to fill her in on what was going on, then spent some time mucking Fozzie’s stall, sneaking him a peppermint (or two) before Knight got back. I was surprised to see Booker and Mack following him. I stepped out of the stall, receiving a quick kiss from Knight before finding myself pulled in for a tight hug from Mack. “Hey, buddy.”

  Even though Mack didn’t release me, Booker kissed my cheek gently and I smiled. “Hey, babe. FYI, I made Dani stay home. She’s not happy with me, so you might want to call her. She said no more texts, she wants to hear your voice.”

  “Okay, I will,” I promised, and glanced up at Mack. “What are you guys doing here?

  “Booker’s hookin’ up cameras and I’m here ’cause my girl’s pet is hurt.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “And where’s Darien?”

  Mack chuckled. “Dinner with her agent.”

  “Ah-ha!” I exclaimed.

  “But, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have been here anyway.”

  I giggled. “I appreciate that.”

  He checked his watch. “’Course, I have to meet her in an hour.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.”

  “You and I also need to have a conversation.”

  “There it is,” I grumbled. “I knew you had an ulterior motive.”

  “But check on your horse first.”

  “Oh, can I, sir? Thank you,” I retorted.

  Knight stepped out of Fozzie’s stall, leading him with him.

  “Is he okay?” I asked, pulling away from Mack and stepping to my horse.

  “Other than not likin’ Booker, yeah,” Knight said, smiling. “He looks great, sugar. His bloodwork is good too. I took blood before and after the Thiamine and he’s good. We’ll watch him over the next few days, but I think we got it fast enough.”

  I finally relaxed. “Thank you.”

  “I’m gonna walk him a bit.”

  “I’ll come.”

  “Nope,” Mack countered. “You and I are gonna talk.”

  “Ah, no... right now I’m going to take care of my horse.”

  Knight glanced behind me and then back to me. “I got Fozzie, babe. You and Mack go talk.”

  I frowned, stepping closer. “Seriously?” I whispered.

  He smiled. “He needs this, honey.”

  “I thought you were my armor.”

  “I got your back, sugar, but he’s one of our best friends. If I didn’t trust he’d take care, we wouldn’t be here.”

  I sagged against Fozzie. “Fine.”

  Knight smiled, leaning down to kiss me quickly. “You got this.”

  “You’re gonna hear about it if I don’t.”

  “Bring it, sugar.”

  With my horse well cared for, I headed toward Mack letting him pull me against him as he led me out of the barn and toward the covered arena.

  Mack wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him. “So... Knight.”


  “And how long’s this been going on, young lady?”

  I laughed. “You’re an idiot.”

  He faced me, squeezing my shoulders. “I trust him with my life, Kim. Just not sure how I feel about him with you.”

  “You can’t be all that surprised.”

  “I’m not surprised. He’s let his feelings be known since the honky-tonk.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  Mack smiled. “Babe, he saw you and Dani walk into Blush that first night and the only reason he wasn’t with us when we dealt with those douchebags is because he had to deal with the Russians. By the time he got rid of Nikolai and his sister, you were both gone and he wasn’t happy. But he staked his claim as soon as you walked into the honky-tonk... which is why he drove you to Dani’s and not me.”

  I gasped. “Are you being serious right now?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then why were you always the one person between us?”

  “I wasn’t, Kimmie. I was your soft place to land.” He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. “You needed a champion, sweetheart, and I was happy to be... will always be happy to be that. But now it’s his turn, as long as he lives up to the privilege.”

  I blinked back tears. Outside of Knight and Elliott, I didn’t know I could love another man as much as Mack. “He’s got me, Mack.”


  I nodded.

  He searched my face before saying, “That changes, you tell me and I’ll handle it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, I think I’m quite capable of handling anything that might come up.”

  “Even so, I got your back.”

  “Thanks, buddy,” I said, and hugged him again. “Have you found out anything about the creepy stalker?”

  The gifts had stopped coming about a week after Mack had picked them up from my apartment, but then started up again about a month ago. This time, I didn’t hesitate to reach out and have him do some digging.



  “Do you remember a guy by the name of Aaron Simms?”

  “Um, no, I don’t think so.”

  “He used to work at the bar.”

  “Oh, wait! Six feet, super big guy, scar down his right cheek?” I asked.

  “That’s the guy.”

  “Doug fired him and then I think he went to jail for assault or something.”

  “Yep. He got out... about a month ago.”

  I shivered. “He’s the one who’s been leaving me that stuff?”

  “Yeah, babe. He didn’t leave anything at your apartment because he didn’t know where you live, but since you’re still working at Doug’s place, he left everything there.”

  “Ooh, that guy was creepy. Pauley and I made a pact to always walk out together and never allow each other to be alone with him.”

  “Good plan. He’s been dealt with, Kim, so you don’t have to worry about him, but something else comes up, you let me know.”

  I debated asking more questions, but I knew he’d never tell me and my head hurt too badly to get in a fight I couldn’t win, so I said, “I will, Mack. Thanks.” I smiled. “I’m going to check on my horse now, okay?”

  Mack nodded and walked me back inside the barn.

  “Knight?” I called.

  “In here, sugar.” He glanced over Fozzie’s stall and pushed open the door. “Come have a look.”

  I stepped inside and Fozzie nudged me. “He looks so much better.”

  “Yeah, he’s fine, Kim,” Knight confirmed.

  “Cameras are installed,” Booker said, and walked into the barn.

  “Where?” I asked, glancing over the door.

  “One in the stall, and one focused on his run, one at each entrance of the barn, and one in the hayloft covering his stall.”

  “Thanks, Book.”

  “No problem, babe. We’re gonna get trackers on Fozzie’s stuff—”


  “Saddle and ah... what’s the shit called?”

  I smiled. “His tack. Bridles, halters, saddles... his ‘stuff.’”

  Booker nodded. “Right. We’ll get that done this week.”


  He smiled, hugging me gently. “I’m gonna head back to Dani.”

  I smiled. “Say hi for me.”

  “I will. ’Night.”

  Booker and Mack left and Knight guided me out of the stall. I resisted... which was futile. “I don’t want to leave him alone.”

  “I get it, sugar, which is why Buck’s here until Flea relieves him tomorrow.” He stroked my cheek. I’m installi
ng a chip in the morning.”

  “Like what they put in dogs?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Just for an extra safety precaution.”

  “Thank you, but I still think you’re missing the point.”

  “Nope. The point’s clear, Kim, but it doesn’t matter. You and I are goin’ back to your place to finish what we started.”

  I couldn’t stop a delicious shiver. “What if whoever did this comes back?”

  “Then I’ll deal with them,” Buck piped in.

  “He’s good, sugar. If I was worried, I wouldn’t let you leave him,” Knight promised.

  I studied him for a few seconds before acquiescing and facing Buck. “You’ll call if there’s anything weird?”

  Buck nodded. “Yeah, babe.”

  I chewed on my lower lip as I leaned against Knight. He slid his hand to my hip. “Kim, Fozzie’s good. I’m not even planning on giving him more meds since he appears to be back to normal, he also doesn’t need antibiotics because we caught it early.”

  I trusted Knight. He would never lie to me and he had all the markings of a kick-ass vet, so I relaxed with a nod and smiled up at him. “Take me home before I change my mind.”

  Knight grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the barn.


  YOU LIKE THAT, don’t you, pretty girl?

  My dream was changing. Now my uncle’s hands were like vice grips as he pinned me to the bed. I screamed and forced my eyes open.

  “Sugar, it’s me,” Knight whispered as I blinked up at him.

  It was him holding me down, not my uncle. I relaxed. “Hi.”

  Concern covered his face as he released me. “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said, and pulled me onto his chest. “Shit, Kim, I want to kill him.”

  I burrowed into his chest with a nod. “Me too sometimes.” I sat up, straddling him and leaning down to kiss him. “I need you.”

  He slid his hands to my hips. “You sure?”

  “This is me asking you for some control.”

  Knight frowned. “Fuck, sugar.”

  “Is that weird?” I asked, resting my hands on his chest.

  “No, baby,” he breathed out. “I just hate that you need that.”

  “Then make me forget.”

  He sat up, keeping me anchored to him as he kissed me. “Happily.”


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