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Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)

Page 11

by Piper Davenport

“Because he’s an asshole.”

  “Well, there is that side of him, yes, but he’s not all that bad.”

  He scowled, but let it go... thank God. “I’ll swing by and pick you up after your shift.”

  “I have my car.”

  “I had Jax drop me in, so I can drive you home.”

  Aidan currently lived with his older brother, who also happened to be an FBI agent. Somehow they made their conflicting lifestyles work... don’t ask me how.

  “You planned it so you could take me home?” I asked.

  “Yeah, sugar.” His eyes softened as he smiled. “It also means I’m in your bed tonight.”

  I grinned. “Even better.”

  “Drinks up, Kim,” Pauley called out, and I sighed.

  “I should be done around three.”

  “I’m gonna hang out for a bit, make sure you’re okay before heading back to Blush. I’ll be back at three. Text me if you’re done earlier.”

  “I will.”

  He patted my bottom and I grabbed my tray of drinks. I didn’t see Knight again until well past closing time and virtually fell into his arms as I handed him my keys at the end of my shift. “You drive.” I yawned. “I’ll sleep.”

  He chuckled and drove me home. Once inside my apartment, I dropped my stuff on the floor, rather than putting it away. “I’m going to take a shower and then I’m going to die.”

  “Want some company?”

  “In the shower or the grave?” I retorted.

  Knight laughed as he locked up. “We’ll start with the shower and then go from there.”

  I pulled the shirt from my jeans and unbuttoned it as I headed toward the master bathroom. “Knock yourself out, honey. But be warned, since I can barely lift my arms, I might need you to soap me up.”

  He grabbed me gently from behind and pulled me against his chest, kissing the sensitive part behind my ear. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  I leaned into his touch, yawning again. “I just don’t know how responsive I’m going to be.”

  “Why don’t you take a bath while I take a shower? We’ll just sleep tonight.”

  I let out a quiet snort. “Right, like that’s going to happen.”

  “I can abstain, Kim. God knows I have for a while now.”

  “I know you can, but I can’t,” I admitted, turning in his arms and smiling up at him.

  “Okay, how about you take a bath, I’ll shower, and then I’ll take care of you before you sleep.”

  I kissed his throat. “Deal.”

  * * *

  Knight followed Kim into the bathroom watching her fill the tub, barely able to keep her eyes open as she sat on the edge. “Sugar, why don’t you just go to bed?”

  “I’m okay.” She gave him a tired smile. “I need to get the bar smell off me.”

  He didn’t argue, despite the fact he wanted to, as he removed his clothes. Kim finished undressing and slipped into the bath, sighing as she sank under the water. Once she was settled, Knight turned on the shower and stepped inside.

  “What time do we need to start tomorrow?” Kim asked.

  “We can skip tomorrow.”


  “Yeah, honey. You need a break.”

  She yawned again. “Sounds heavenly.”

  By the time he turned off the water and grabbed a towel, he could tell Kim was no longer awake. He smiled as he dried off, then leaned down and kissed her gently. “Hey.”

  “Hey. I fell asleep, huh?”

  “Yeah, sugar, you did. Let’s go to bed.”

  She nodded. “But I reserve the right to wake you in the middle of the night.”

  “Technically, it is the middle of night... it’s almost four, but if you need to wake me, you wake me.”

  “Good answer.”

  “I’m here for you, sugar. Don’t ever forget that.”

  She giggled and stepped out of the tub. They skipped clothing of any kind and climbed into bed. Knight pulled his girl close and, after kissing her, held her as they fell asleep. He wasn’t asleep long when his cell phone buzzed. Kim was out, so he slid away and checked the text in the other room. It was Buzz telling him to call right away, so he did.

  “Someone tried to fuck with Kim’s horse again,” he said immediately.

  “Who?” Knight demanded.

  “Don’t know,” he said. “Mack’s got ’im back at the compound.”

  “And Fozzie?”

  “He’s good, brother. We’re watching him.”

  “Thanks, man.”


  Buzz hung up and Knight slipped back into Kim’s bedroom. He smiled. She’d rolled onto her back and shoved the sheet down to her hips so that her chest and stomach were exposed. She was gorgeous. The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “Aidan?” she whispered, reaching for him.

  “I’m here.” He climbed in beside her, kissing her breast and then her neck.

  “Everything okay?” she asked sleepily, wrapping an arm around his waist.

  “Club business, sugar. Gotta go. I won’t be long.”

  “How about a quickie before you go?” she whispered, pushing him onto his back and straddling him.

  Grinning, he flipped her on her back and did as she requested.

  * * *


  I came awake slowly, opening my eyes to find my bed still empty. I grabbed my phone... it was almost noon and there was no word from Knight. Something big must be up. I decided to call Dani instead.

  She answered after one ring. “Hello? Who is this? It can’t possibly be my best friend. She’s been MIA for weeks.”

  I giggled. “I know, honey. I’m sorry.”

  “Training and working must be kicking your butt big time,” she observed.

  “Yeah. Knight’s given us the day off, which is good, because he’s in the middle of club business right now.”

  “I don’t know anything if you’re wondering.”

  “No, I figured you wouldn’t.” I sighed. “Is Booker at the club?”

  “Huh-uh. I’m so close to popping this baby out, he won’t leave me.”

  I smiled. “I don’t blame him.”

  “You okay? Is Fozzie okay?”

  “Yep. Knight’s got him covered twenty-four-seven.” I stretched a little, missing my man. “He’s never been safer.”

  “Neither have you.”

  “This is also really true,” I said. “I wish I’d listened to you sooner.”

  Dani started to laugh, so hard she had to put the phone down for a second. “Ohmigod, I just peed a little,” she admitted once she got back on the line. “I’m so over this kid sitting on my bladder.”

  “I can only imagine.” I smiled. “I can’t wait to snuggle him.”

  “Me too, lady.”

  I climbed out of bed and stepped into the bathroom. “Okay, so shower next weekend... still want to do it at your place?”

  “Yes,” Danielle said.

  “Well, that’s good since the invites have gone out.”

  She giggled. “I got mine. Thank you for working so hard on those, they’re gorgeous.”

  “You’re welcome.” I had hand-stamped twenty-five cards, then glued little motorcycle boots and blue bows to them. It was the project from hell and one I had no intention to attempting again. Invitations via email were happening next time my bestie got herself knocked up.

  I heard the front door of my apartment slam and it startled me a little. “I think Knight just got here. I’m gonna let you go.”

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “Love you too.” I hung up and slid on my robe, padding out to the living room. “Honey, is that you?”

  “Yeah, sugar,” he called from the kitchen. He peeked out from fridge and smiled. “Who else would it be?”

  I relaxed. “I don’t know. A burglar?”

  “Pretty shitty burglar makin’ all this noise.”

  “This is true. Everything okay?”

��Peachy.” He lifted a beer to his lips and I saw his knuckles had been bandaged.

  I frowned, leaning against the island. “What happened?”

  “Someone made another attempt on Fozzie.”

  “What the hell? When?”

  “Couple hours ago.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” I snapped as I headed back to the bedroom.

  “Kim, he’s fine. The guy didn’t get anywhere near him.

  I yanked open a drawer and pulled out a pair of leggings. “I’m going to see for myself.”

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. “I’ll take you out there, Kim, but can I get an hour of shut-eye first?”

  “No! Ohmigod, Aidan, I want to make sure he’s okay.” I shrugged out of his embrace. “I don’t need you to come with me.”

  “Fuck, Kim.”

  I took a deep breath. “I need to check on Fozzie. Stay here, get some sleep. I can go and be back in an hour.”

  “No,” he let out in a resigned sigh. “I’ll take you.”

  I slid my hands to his chest. “I’m not trying to be difficult, honey. I’m really okay with going alone. I have the Dogs at my back, so—”

  “I’m comin’ with you, Kim. End of discussion.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, sir. Anything you say, sir.”

  Knight dropped his expression of irritation and smiled. “Hold that thought until I have you naked and under me.”

  “Okay, honey.”

  I dressed quickly and dragged my tired man down to the garage. This time he didn’t object when I insisted on driving. “What happened to your hands?”


  “Aidan, if they’re bandaged, that means something happened,” I countered. “Was that about Fozzie?”

  “Club business, sug.”

  I hissed in irritation, but let it go... for now.

  Pulling up to the barn, I climbed out of my car and made a run for Fozzie’s stall, stopping short when I saw the perfectly coiffed head of my mother cooing at my horse.

  Buzz gave me a look of assurance... he was obviously watching her, not letting her anywhere near touching distance of Fozzie.

  I moved again, feeling Knight behind me and beyond relieved he was with me. “Mother.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” she gushed, and then frowned. “You look tired. Are you getting enough sleep? Why is this scary looking man watching Fozzie?”

  Before she could pull me in for a hug, Knight stepped between us, and stuck out his hand. “Mrs. Church. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Knight.”

  I’m not too proud to say that I hid behind his giant body and dropped my head to his back, drawing strength from his protection.

  “As in medieval?” my mother asked.

  “Somethin’ like that, ma’am.” He chuckled. “I’m Fozzie’s vet.”

  “Oh, you’re a doctor?”

  I groaned. God, she was so transparent. It was all about status for her.

  “Yes, ma’am. And this is Buzz. I have him watchin’ out for Kim’s horse.”

  I found my backbone and stepped out from behind Knight. “What are you doing here, Mother?”

  My mother’s surgically lifted and botoxed face made the only expression it could, but I could read her judgy eyes perfectly. “Well, that’s a nice how do you do, considering you haven’t returned any of my phone calls.”

  Knight settled his hand on my lower back. “That’s actually my fault, ma’am. I’ve been keeping her busy.”

  My mother gasped and I glared up at Knight, then softened my features. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  “You have no idea what I’m thinking,” she said, haughtily.

  “Knight’s a vet, but he’s also Aidan Scott.”

  “Olympic trainer, Aidan Scott?”

  I nodded.

  “Your daughter’s training for the American Olympic Team, Mrs. Church. With me.”

  She let out a squeal and pulled me in for a bony hug. “Just wait until the shrews down at the club hear about this. None of their daughters have gone to the Olympics. I’m going to be famous.”

  Of course you are. Because it’s all about you.

  “Well, I’m not on it yet, Mom.”

  She broke our embrace and smiled. “Right, well, now that I know you’re not dead, I’m going to meet Chantel for lunch.”

  Before I could comment, she flittered away and I dropped my head onto Knight’s chest. “Ohmigod, she’s insane.”

  Knight’s arms pulled me closer as he chuckled. “Baby, she’s twirly.”

  “What?” I met his eyes.

  “She’s a twirly twirly princess. She has no power.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “Yeah.” He slid his hands into my hair. “You can manage her.”

  “I can?”

  “You absolutely can, sugar. Trust me. You’ve got this.”

  “Well, you handled her like a pro,” I said, pulling away from him and, after greeting Buzz, I stepped into Fozzie’s stall. Knight stepped across the aisleway and Apollo poked his head out. “You moved Apollo?” He’d been one barn over due to mine being full. “When?”

  “This mornin’. With all the shit goin’ on, figured both of them could be watched.”

  “Good idea,” I said as Fozzie shoved his nose into my hand. I handed him the peppermint I was holding and ran my hands over his neck. “Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?”

  “No one’s gettin’ near that horse while we’re around, Kim,” Buzz said.

  I smiled. “I appreciate that, but you don’t know what my family’s capable of.”

  Knight chuckled. “And you haven’t figure out what we’re capable of.”

  “I’m counting on that,” I said. “Since we’re here, I think I’ll lunge him a bit.”


  Knight sounded wrecked and I sighed. “I can skip it, honey.”

  He smiled. “Yeah?”


  “’Preciate it, sugar.”

  Feeling far more confident in the protection Buzz and the other guys were providing, I gave Fozzie one more treat and kissed his muzzle then led Knight back to my car.

  “What’s going on, Knight?” I asked as we stepped into the elevator.

  “Not entirely sure yet, sugar.”

  “What do you know so far?”

  “Can we talk about this after I grab a little shut-eye?”

  “Only if you promise we’ll actually talk. You have a unique ability to deflect.”

  We walked through the front door and straight back to the bathroom, although, Knight didn’t follow me.


  I stepped back into my bedroom and found him sprawled across my bed... out cold. See? Unique ability to deflect my questions.

  Good lord, he was gorgeous, but his boots were close to touching my Ralph Lauren bedding and I did not want to have to deal with removing manure from my linens. I managed to pull his boots off and drop them in the laundry room without waking him, and then I headed into the kitchen to make something to eat.


  KNIGHT DIDN’T WAKE up for close to four hours. I was curled up on my sofa watching some murder show and paused the television when he walked into the room. “Hey.”

  “Hey sugar.” He smiled and kissed my head, then walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer. “Want anything?” He sauntered around my home as though nothing concerned him... that he wasn’t keeping valuable information about who was targeting my horse from me.

  “Nope, I’m good.”

  He settled himself next to me and I shifted so I could cuddle up to him. “Feel better?”


  I smacked his belly. “Good. Now, tell me what’s going on.”

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. “The guy we caught this mornin’ works with Brian Combes.”

  “The guy who...?”

  “Yeah.” He patted my hip and took a swig of beer. “They’re connect
ed, but not to your father. That just happens to be a coincidence.”

  “So Daddy’s not doing this?” I asked, relieved.

  “Doesn’t look like it. But whoever’s doin’ this wants us to think he is.”

  “I’m telling you it’s my mother and uncle.” I glanced up at him. “You might think she’s twirly but she’s really diabolical.”

  “No, baby, she’s twirly. But it’s possible your uncle’s got somethin’ on her and is forcin’ her.”

  “It’s a guarantee he has something on her, but highly doubtful he’s forcing her to do anything,” I argued. “She has always done whatever my uncle wanted. It’s this weird, sick and twisted kind of sibling thing.”

  “You understand it’s not normal right? That not all siblings are like that?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, honey. I absolutely understand that it’s not normal.”

  “You had me worried there for a second.”

  I chuckled. “Even before I started seeing Dr. Grace, I was well aware of their perverted relationship.”

  “Do you think...?”

  “I have no idea,” I admitted, my stomach roiling as I whispered, “But if he raped me, he probably raped her.”

  “Fuck,” he breathed out.

  I shivered. “I don’t want to think about it.”

  Knight sighed. “I swear to God, if I ever see him, he’ll be peeing out of his asshole.”

  “Wow... that got dark.” I wrinkled my nose at the thought.

  “Yeah.” He took a swig of his beer.

  “Is Brian still a worry?”

  Knight shook his head. “He’s been dealt with, sugar.”

  “Dealt with, how?”

  “You probably don’t want to know, but seriously, Brian’s never gonna bother you again. Did Dani tell you what Booker did to Steven?”

  I nodded. Booker had done some internet hacking, placing Steven on a no-fly list, marking him as a terrorist, and other kinds of things that would keep Steven from ever hurting anyone again.

  “Well, he’s put Brian on the sex offender registry and Booker’s watching him. So far, Brian’s behaving himself. He’s a nobody, Kim.”

  “I’m going to trust you on this one, honey, mostly because I’m too tired not to.”

  “Good plan.”

  “I’m also going to talk to Doug tomorrow.”


  I nodded. “You’re right. I can’t keep up this pace.”


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