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Road to Victory (Dogs of Fire Book 5)

Page 16

by Piper Davenport

  “Yep,” I said.

  Courtney grumbled something incoherent.

  “She’s a little nervous,” I explained.

  “You’re gonna do great, Court. All of you are riding your asses off.” He smiled. “The team’s gonna medal. Do you know how amazing that is?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, that’s pretty amazing.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  I watched as my man gave Courtney a pep-talk and loved him even more. He really was an amazing guy and I realized how much I wanted to be with him forever. I just wondered if I’d be brave enough to let it happen.

  “Let’s get over there, yeah?” Knight said.

  I grabbed my vest and helmet and followed them out the door. The rest of the group joined us and we walked over to the horses, nervous energy surrounding us.

  “’Preciate you bein’ on time, sugar,” Knight whispered as we hung back a bit.

  “Bite me, honey.”

  Knight chuckled. “I plan to. Over and over again.”

  “You’re an evil man.”

  “You win this, sugar, and I’ll do anything you want me to.”

  I clapped my hands. “Really? Anything?”

  He nodded. “Anything.”

  “I’m gonna win this,” I whispered.

  “I have no doubt.”

  Arriving at the stalls, we saddled the horses and spent time warming up. I was a bundle of... well, who knows? I would be the last on the course and that meant a lot of extra pressure if no one else rode well.

  As the day went on, I was sure I would lose my mind. Morgan’s horse had three refusals which meant she was out of the competition, Jack had a nasty fall and was being checked by paramedics for a broken arm, but he finished, thank God. Marcus cleared, as had Courtney, but her time wasn’t as good, so it was now up to me.

  Knight helped me onto Fozzie’s back and squeezed my leg. “Just do your best. Remember it’s just you and Fozzie on the trail. Trust him to bring you through.”

  I blinked back nervous tears. “I feel sick.”

  “I know you do, honey,” he whispered. “But you’ve got this, and remember... anything.”

  I smiled, rolling my eyes. “You really want me to win.”

  “You know it.” He patted Fozzie’s neck. “Ready?”

  I nodded. “No.”

  “You got this.”

  I guided Fozzie to the start line and when the buzzer sounded, I dug my heels in and we were off. We cleared the first three jumps and I could tell Fozzie was having the time of his life. His ears were forward, his head up and alert, and there was a little bit of a prance in his steps... obviously performing for the crowds who were urging us on from the sidelines. I couldn’t help a smile as we headed toward the water. I had him take it at a slight angle because although the jump wasn’t high, it was deep, so Fozzie needed to stretch to clear the hazard.

  “Okay, boy, we’ve gotta jump long on this one,” I whispered, and tugged him back to center. He jumped it without issue and we continued.

  As we approached the final jump, my heart pounded in my ears, blocking out the roar of the crowd. Fozzie’s hooves pounded against the ground as he gathered speed. My thighs clenched together as I leaned forward and urged Fozzie into the jump. His neck was damp with sweat. He stretched forward, lining up for the jump. I felt like we were one as we raced forward. Nothing else in the world mattered.

  Once we cleared the last jump, I dug my heels in and leaned against his neck, giving Fozzie his head and urging him faster. We flew through the finish line and I walked him for a few minutes before bringing him back to the team and dismounting.

  Flea was waiting for me. Before I could say anything, he stepped in and slid Fozzie’s reins over his head, and began to walk him around. I thanked him, grateful for his help since the adrenaline was beginning to wear, leaving my entire body unsteady.

  Knight approached.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “We’re waiting,” he said, crossing his arms. “I think you’re clear and well within time, but not sure yet.”

  My back and head felt wet with sweat. I removed my helmet and wobbled over to join Courtney in the tent. She passed me a bottled water and I thanked her and downed it.

  “How did you feel?” she asked when I came up for air.

  “Amazing,” I breathed out. “God, that was so much fun.”

  She grinned. “Right? My girl flew over those jumps.”

  “So did Fozzie. I almost want to go and do it again.”

  “Okay, well, that’s a little weird,” she retorted.

  I was distracted by Knight rushing into the tent, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me off my feet. “You won!”

  “What?” Water sloshed all over the floor as he spun me around.

  “You won! The whole fuckin’ thing, Kim!”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Individual gold, sugar, and this means we get team gold as well.”

  I let out a squeal as the rest of the team milled around and we group hugged it out for the next five minutes. I couldn’t believe we’d actually done it.

  * * *

  I felt soft lips kiss my shoulder and sighed as Knight’s mouth moved to my cheek. “You need to roll over, sugar. You’re gettin’ burned.”

  I did as he suggested and sat up a little, staring out at the pristine water of Copacabana Beach. It was crowded today, but we’d managed to carve out a little privacy under an umbrella not far from the water.

  It was one week after the closing ceremonies, just over a week since our horses were shipped home (safe and sound), and two days before Knight and I had to head back to the States. The rest of the team had left the day after the closing ceremonies, but with a promise from Flea and Buzz to take care of Fozzie, Knight had convinced me to stay behind so we could have a short vacation alone. It honestly hadn’t taken much cajoling.

  “Why are we leaving again?” I complained as he sat on his towel next to me, handing me a cold beer.

  Knight wore a pair of black board shorts that sat low on his hips and showcased his incredible chest. He refused to wear the traditional “sunga” that most of the men wore... he said it was way too “fuckin’ close to a speedo” for his liking. I didn’t mind, he looked hotter than any other man on the beach anyway, as evidenced by the looks he got from other women (and a few men as well).

  His tanned chest proudly displayed his Dogs of Fire tattoo over his left pectoral and I rejoiced in the fact that, other than that one tattoo, his body was blank. I had never been a tattoo lover, and even though I appreciated the art form, it just wasn’t my thing.

  He chuckled. “We’re gonna get home and have to sort out all your promo offers. Mine too, I guess.”

  “This is why I’m asking. I kind of want to put it off.” I took swig of beer and smiled. “I guess they’re good problems to have.”

  “Mack’s gonna help us with the legal shit.”

  I nodded. “Good ol’ Mack.”

  “I think I’m gonna buy some land.”

  I cocked my head. “Really? Where?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure. Carter and Cass live up in Felida and they talk about acreage being for sale close to them... Ridgefield and Battleground area. We could buy land, build a house and stables, put in a covered arena, make it the training center to beat all training centers.”


  “I’m not doin’ this without you, Kim.” He frowned. “Why? You want somethin’ different?”

  “I always thought I’d eventually move into Gran’s house, honestly.”

  “Oh, yeah? Does it have land?”

  “About seven acres.”

  He grinned. “You willin’ to build somethin’ here, sugar? We’ll protect it. ’Cause I don’t want any of it, so you’re covered.”

  “You really want to take the risk of going all-in, huh?”

  “With you, yeah.” He slid his hand to my neck and stroked my pulse. “Sugar, I want the kids, the dog
s, the horses... all of it. But only with you.”

  I blinked back tears and studied him. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  “You’re comparing spending the rest of your life with me to a heart attack?”

  He smiled. “You sayin’ yes?”

  “I haven’t actually heard a question.”

  “Kimberly Elizabeth Church, will you marry me?”

  I studied him, warring again with my emotions, wanting so badly for “us” to work... wanting to believe in forever, but I just wasn’t quite there. I couldn’t subject him to my crazy. “Aidan Isaac Quinn, no I won’t.”

  “What the hell?”

  “But,” I rushed to say, “I will promise to be open to thinking about it.”

  “Seriously?” he asked, his hand slipping from my neck.

  I smiled. “Yes, seriously.”

  He let out a surprised laugh and pulled me to my feet, kissing me quickly before scooping me up in his arms and making a run for the water.

  “Ohmigod, Knight, you better not be doing what—” I didn’t have a chance to finish my warning, because I was promptly hurdled into the water. He never lost hold of me, though, so I had the chance to pull him under with me and we both came up for air laughing hysterically.

  “You are an ass!” I snapped. “Now I’m going to have to actually wash my hair before dinner.”

  “Don’t know why that’s a problem.” He grinned pulling me into his arms. “Means I get to fuck you in the shower, sugar.”

  I looped my arms around his neck. “FYI, you would have gotten to fuck me in the shower anyway.”

  “My bad,” he said, and kissed me.

  I smiled against his lips. “You’re just lucky I’m an Olympic gold-medalist or you’d be in big trouble.”

  He dropped his head back and laughed. “How long shall I expect you to milk that?”

  “Um, for as long as we last.”

  His expression grew serious. “So forever, then.”

  I bit my lip. “Promise?”


  We made out in the water a little more, then decided to head back to the hotel.

  * * *

  Knight left Kim in the room for a few minutes to make some last minute plans for their evening, returning to find her securing an earring, wearing one hell of a dress. “You look amazing.”

  She smiled, the same smile that brought him to his knees more often than not. “Is it okay?”

  She wore a white dress with what she’d called a “halter neck,” and it looked like rope had been woven into a knot as it went around her neck and low on her back. It fell in pleats to her knees, showing off her kick ass legs.

  “Fuck, sugar, you look amazing.” He ran a finger down her spine, kissing the back of one of her shoulders. “I love it when you keep your back bare.”

  She grinned at him over her shoulder. “Will I freak you out if I tell you everything’s bare?”

  “Everything?” His dick took notice as he ran a hand up the outside of her thigh, pulled the skirt up and discovering she wore nothing underneath. “Fuck!” he rasped, kneeling before her.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaked.

  He threw the fabric over his head, sliding his tongue over her clit before sucking gently.

  “Knight, baby, this dress is silk... ahhh... ”

  He said nothing (and neither did she) as he continued to focus on her bare pussy, adding his fingers and thumb to elicit an orgasm that had her gripping the end of the bed. “On your knees, sugar.”

  Carefully gathering the fabric of her dress up over her hips, she knelt on the bed and Knight slipped his pants down his thighs, sliding into her from behind.

  “Do not ruin this dress,” she warned as he moved slowly against her, reaching his hand around to finger her clit.

  “I won’t, sugar,” he promised, and thrust into again.

  He pushed the dress further up her body so he had access to her tits, and guided her up so her back was flush against his chest. “So fuckin’ beautiful, Kim.”

  She dropped her head back to his shoulder and moved against him, her pussy contracting around his cock, pushing him to the brink. Her hand snaked around the back of his neck and she tightened her hold. “Come, baby.”

  With one final thrust, he came inside of her and he felt her come almost as quickly. Kissing her neck, he held her for a few precious moments as they caught their breath. “I’ll be right back,” he said, and headed to the bathroom.

  He returned and cleaned her up, then helped her off the mattress, careful not to wrinkle the dress.

  “Okay, so the dress works,” she said with a giggle.

  “Yeah, honey, you look beautiful.” Knight grinned. “But the fact you’re naked under it works more than anything.”

  She grinned using him as an anchor to slide her strappy sandals on. She stood straight and smiled up at him. “Do you know how much I love the fact you’re way taller than me?”

  “Do you know how much I love the fact you’re way taller than the average woman?”

  “I’m beginning to understand how much you love a lot of things about me.”

  “A-fuckin’-men!” he said. “About time.”

  She giggled, kissing him gently. “Now that you’ve fucked me like a whore, you need to feed me like a wife.”

  “You goin’ without panties all night?”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “Yeah, honey, I am.”

  “Fuck,” he breathed out.

  Kim slid her hands up his chest. “We can always order in.”

  He shook his head. “No way. I wanna show off my woman.”

  “I like that answer.”

  “Good. Grab your purse and we’ll go.”

  They left the hotel room and headed toward the restaurant. He loved the way she slid her arm around his waist and leaned against him... how she stayed within touching distance at all times... she was rarely out of arm’s length and he loved that she felt safe with him. He knew she hadn’t had a lot of that in her life.

  * * *


  “I thought we were going to eat,” I said when Knight opened the door to a jewelry store.

  “We are, but we have something to do first.”

  “Babe,” I whispered.

  He grinned, kissing my temple. “I called ahead.”

  “You did?”

  An older woman approached and asked with a heavy accent, “May I help you?”

  “I called a few hours ago... about rings,” Knight said.

  “Oh, yes. Welcome. Follow me.”

  I grabbed Knight’s hand and squeezed. “What did you do?”

  He grinned. “Come see.”

  We followed the woman to the counter and she unlocked the case and pulled out a small tray of engagements rings... there were six... each one exquisite and unique in their own way.

  “Knight,” I whispered.

  “Do you like any of them?” he asked.

  “I love all of them.” I sighed. “But I haven’t said yes, Knight.”

  “You will.”

  “Aidan, don’t waste your money.”

  “Kim. It’s my money and I want something to celebrate our win and to symbolize the promise of your promise.” He slid his fingers over my back. “Pick one, sugar.”

  I stared at each ring for a ridiculously long time. I was sure the saleswoman was ready to kick me out, but I waffled between elation and worry that he could afford any of these choices. None of the center diamonds were less than two carats.

  “First blush, which one do you gravitate towards?”

  I pointed to the halo diamond band, three-carat emerald cut center diamond with over a carat of individual diamonds up each side of the band and cradling the center gem.

  Knight chuckled. “Try it on.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Kim,” he said, his tone dipped low. “Put it on.”

  I bit my lip and slid i
t onto my hand, gasping as it fit perfectly. “Ohmigod, honey, it’s... ” I couldn’t finish. I didn’t have the words.

  “We’ll take this one,” Knight said, and I thought the saleswoman would giggle hysterically with glee. “She’ll wear it home.”

  “Very good.”

  Knight handed her his credit card, the woman walked away and rang up the purchase, and we left the store a few minutes later. No fanfare, no arguments, no declined credit card, just a beautiful promise ring and the love of my life walking next to me. The perfect end to a perfect vacation. Now I was ready to get home and completely melt down. I could feel something epic coming on.

  “Don’t,” Knight whispered.

  “Don’t what?”


  I shook my head. “Don’t talk to me like you know me.”

  “Just enjoy this, sugar. There’s no pressure.” He pulled me to a stop outside the restaurant and stroked my cheek. “Look at it this way... you won the gold at the Olympics. I wanted to buy you something that showed you how proud I am of you.”

  I leaned my face into his hand. “You make everything okay, Aidan.”

  He grinned. “That’s my job.”

  “You do it really well.”

  “Ready to eat?”

  I nodded and after he kissed me, we made our way to the restaurant.


  KNIGHT AND I stepped off the plane and headed out of the gate. As we neared the security barriers, I saw Dani and Booker... then I saw the rest of the club.

  Hoots and hollers echoed through the area and Knight chuckled as we approached our friends. “Looks like the welcoming committee’s here.”

  “Did you know about this?”


  Dani handed Cash off to Booker and made a run for me, wrapping her arms around me the second I stepped out of the secure area. “Congratulations!”

  I hugged her back. “Thank you.”

  After hugging Knight, she grabbed my hand. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

  “Me too,” I lied... sort of. I was happy to be home, but I kind of wanted to go back to the protective bubble Knight had created more.

  “Why aren’t you wearin’ your medal,” Mack asked, pulling me into a bear hug.

  I giggled. “Because that would be obnoxious.”

  “You up for a party?”


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