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Love Divided (Fortis Security Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Maddie Wade

  He jolted in his seat as he felt Lucy’s hand on his dick and turned to look at her while trying to keep the car from veering over the white line. She was looking at him with unabashed heat in her eyes. She parted her mouth and swiped her tongue over her lips.

  “Fuck Luce, are you trying to get us killed?”

  “Just get us home Jace,” she answered her voice husky with desire.

  “Is this what the thought of having me fuck you for hours does?” he said with a smirk.

  “No, it’s the thought of you taking these hold-ups off with your teeth that gets me hot,” she said and stroked his dick through his jeans. Fuck if she didn’t stop this was going to be over before it began. His dick was now rock hard and straining his jeans. Jace gripped the steering wheel until his hands were white.

  He drove the car through the streets trying his best to maintain control as he felt Luce unzip his fly and burrow her hand in to grasp his cock. He bucked, and the car swerved as she released him and bent her head. He knew he should stop her but fuck, he didn’t have it in him to deny this woman anything and he sure as fuck wasn’t going to deny himself.

  Looking down at her soft silky brown hair, he bucked his hips as he felt her soft wet mouth engulf him. His hand went to her head, and he speared his finger through the silky length. He turned the steering wheel and pulled into her driveway as she sucked him hard. Pulling up the handbrake, he turned off the ignition and pulled her head back so that she released his dick from her mouth.

  The sight of her messed hair, her open slightly swollen lips, and the open hunger in her eyes nearly undid him. Cupping her neck with his hands, he crushed his mouth to hers taking her mouth in an almost savage kiss. He heard her whimper as he stroked his tongue inside tasting the sweetness there. Her hands were at his waist, and she ran her hands up his abs. Jace pulled away, breathing heavily and trying to get control of his body long enough to get inside the house.

  “We need to go inside before we freeze,” he said as he rested his head on the headrest.

  “Okay,” she breathed.

  He set her away and straightened his fly, shoving his dick back in but leaving it open. He got out of the car and rounded the bonnet to meet her half way. He took the keys from her hand and ushered her in front of him watching the sexy sway of her ass as she walked. She was the sexiest woman he had ever known and half the time she didn’t have a clue, which made it even sexier.

  Crowding her into the door, he slipped the key in the lock and pushed her through. He turned to the control panel and keyed in the alarm code. Luce was standing right next to him, and as he turned back, she dropped her bag and launched herself at him. He took a step back as he caught her, her legs going around his waist, her arms around his neck.

  She kissed him with an intensity and heat that he had never had before. Running his hand up her thigh, he twisted so that her back was to the front door keeping her there with his hips and body. His hands encountered the soft skin of her thigh and he cupped her bare ass. Needing to know if she had indeed been carrying a knife he slid his other hand up her other leg and encountered a leather thigh holster with what felt like a small K-BAR in it. His need went from hot to scorching at the feel of it.

  “I need to fuck you,” he said in her ear as his hands started to pull the dress up and over her head.

  “Yes,” she demanded, “Fuck me now Jace.”

  God, he liked it when she talked dirty. Throwing the dress to the floor, he pushed her bra cups down and took a nipple into his mouth, laving and nipping at the tight bud until she threw her head back against the door, her hands grasping his hair.

  “Fuck me, Jace,” she begged. Releasing his dick from his jeans with one hand, he held her hips as he drove in hard. The hot tight heat was incredible, but he gave her second to adjust. She started to wiggle against him, and he took that as the signal to move. He started stroking into her hot and fast. Her pussy was gripping him as she reached for her climax.

  “Jace,” she said on a plea.

  “What do you need baby?”

  “You I need you,” she moaned.

  “Tell me what you need baby,”

  She gripped his face and stated in a very Lucy way, “Fuck me hard, or I’m taking over.”

  “Fuck no you’re not, not this time anyway,” and with that, he ploughed into her hard and fast, his hand reaching down to stroke her clit. She rode her climax, but he didn’t relent using his body and hands to drive her straight into another, this time her release triggered his, and he buried himself into her to the hilt.

  They were both breathing hard and covered in sweat. Jace looked down at Lucy with her breasts bared, her legs around his waist, his dick buried in her and the K-BAR attached to her thigh and thanked God that she was finally his.

  He vowed then and there that he was never giving her up not for anyone or anything.

  Lucy started to giggle then, and he looked into her beautiful face, which was relaxed and happy.

  “What is so funny?” he asked with a smile.

  “Just thinking about the girl's faces as I dragged you out of Dane and Lauren’s place. You do know every woman in there knows exactly what we are doing right now,” she said completely unselfconsciously.

  He smiled back and dipped his head so that his lips brushed her ear. “You do realise that every man in there was smiling when you practically clubbed me over the head and dragged me out of there.” He felt her stiffen at his words but then she shrugged.

  “Meh, I don’t care what anyone thinks,” she paused, “except maybe my dad and brother.

  “Yes, well luckily, they didn’t seem to notice,” Jace, said with a grin. “Now let’s go get showered, then I have a lesson to teach someone about teasing.” He said with a smile, let her go and righted her on her feet as she snorted, “I don’t think so and anyway how is it teasing if I gave it up?” she said as she twisted to look at him from the bottom step.

  He grinned as he watched her saunter up the stairs in nothing but hold-ups, a bra and a deadly weapon. Oh, this was going to be so much fun, and by the time, he finished with her she would be begging for him.

  He locked up and did a visual check of the house before he went to join Luce who had started the shower without him. Shedding his clothes, he stepped into the hot steam with her.

  After soaping up and washing each other, Jace left Lucy to wash her hair while he stepped out and dried off. He pulled on some boxers and after brushing his teeth sauntered to her bed. Laying down on top of the quilt, he put his hands behind his head and flipped on the television. He’d seen the look of exhaustion that had crossed Lucy’s face earlier today when she spoke to her dad and decided they would leave the fun and games for another night. Plus, it would heighten the excitement for them both. Turning to the sports channel, he looked for the footie highlights. He turned his head and watched when the bathroom door opened and Lucy came out. She was drying her hair with a towel, the other wrapped around her body.


  Lucy walked out of the bathroom her body still tingling with the after effects of their door sex. She was rubbing the excess water out of her hair when she saw him. He was laying on the bed one arm stretched over his head the other flicking through the T.V channels on the remote.

  His body was magnificent. The ridges and plains of his sculpted muscles rippling slightly as he moved his head to watch her. He looked at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him.

  She needed him to know how she felt about him and yet she was hesitant and fearful. She hated to feel vulnerable with anyone, but with Jace, it was worse. He had the power to hurt her, and she never wanted to feel that again.

  Dropping her towel she made a decision, she would show him how she felt. She watched his eyes go wide and then heavy with need. She sashayed up to the bed and put a knee into it. Holding his eyes, she crawled to Jace and swung her leg over his hips

  His hands came to her waist, and he stroked the skin there, causing goose
bumps to break out over her skin. She ran her hands over his chest and felt his body harden under hers.

  “What’s up baby?” he asked huskily.

  “Nothing, I just didn’t want to watch T.V when I could be doing other things. Things that I have dreamed of.”

  “You dreamt about me?” he asked with a grin. She swatted his chest playfully, “Don’t be an arrogant ass.” He laughed then and shifted under her causing her to fall forward. His hands stroked over the base of her spine and down the curve of her ass.

  “What would you rather be doing?” he asked her. Their faces were so close now she could feel his minty breath on her face.

  “Anything as long as we’re naked while we do it,” she said as she played her fingers over his ribs, making him squirm.


  “Yeah,” she repeated.

  “How about I teach you a lesson for teasing me earlier,” he whispered, and she shivered.

  “I told you it isn’t teasing if I give it up.” She’d been thinking about it all night, which was what had gotten her into such a state of arousal.

  “Do you trust me, Luce?” Jace asked. She thought for a minute and part of her did, but a part of her still felt like she wasn’t enough to keep him. She believed he believed what he was saying, though. She’d been so quick to think he had done wrong but when she had calmed down she had realised that Jace wouldn’t do that.

  “Yes, yes I trust you.” She watched as the doubt filled his face and he pushed his head forward to catch her mouth in a soft, tender almost reverent kiss that had her toes curling.

  “No you don’t, but that’s okay because you will,” he said and shifted so that she was beneath him.

  Lucy didn’t argue because maybe he was right. She wanted to trust him though, and she couldn’t help thinking it was less about him and more about her. She watched as the love he felt for her shone from his eyes and hoped that he could see the same coming from her.

  Raising her head, she touched her lips to his and kissed him, her tongue sweeping inside and tasting him, her hands stroking over the hard muscles of his back. She let her body do what her words could not. She showed Jace how much she loved him. Jace made love to her with his hands and mouth. Touching every part of her and bringing her pleasure that she had only ever dreamed of. He was so tender that when her climax hit, she felt the tears that leaked from her eyes. He kissed the tears away as he continued to show her with his body.

  When they both lay sated and still, their legs tangled, bodies plastered together he asked, “You okay baby?”

  She answered instantly, “Yes.” and nuzzled her face into his neck. He must have realised she was telling the truth because he relaxed and held her close. It was then she realised she was okay. Not perfect but she would be okay as long as she had him and her family she would be more than okay she would be happy and for the first time in what felt like forever it wouldn’t be a front.

  Drifting off to sleep she felt a small smile curve her mouth.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rhea Winslow looked out of her office window. The cold, barren vista that met her eyes somehow suited her. It was why her entire office was decorated in pristine white. She couldn’t remember the last time she had looked at something and felt anything other than rage, betrayal or disappointment.

  Crossing her arms, she looked at the diamond watch on her delicate wrist. Nearly time to talk to her daughter. Well not her daughter but the poor substitute she had been granted to raise after her own child was taken from her.

  She felt the familiar knot of overwhelming pain as she thought of her real child. Quickly she banished the feeling and crossed to her desk, taking out the bottle of tablets from her locked desk drawer. Swallowing two of the tablets down with some bottled water, she immediately felt the numbing effects of the drug.

  Unfortunately, with the numbness came the hot flushes but that was a small price to pay for never having to feel again.

  Rhea walked to the built-in wardrobe and pulled out a red shift dress with a square neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. It was made from a silk blend so felt cool on her skin. It also had the advantage of making her look slimmer.

  Her 5ft 6inch frame was only 50kg, but she hated the curves that God had decided to bless her with. Entering her private bathroom, she pulled her hair into a tight chignon and reapplied her make-up.

  She wondered idly as she looked in the mirror if she should visit Felicity but dismissed it. She would have one of the others deal with it. Now was not the time for sentimentality. Her plans were finally starting to come together.

  Fifteen short years after she had taken over and the end was in sight. She had a lot to thank her husband for. Bringing her here so that she could find her true calling, helping rid herself of her devastating gift, and giving her their baby girl only to lose her.

  Sadly, for him, that was when he had made the fatal mistake of betraying her and breaking what heart she had left. He had come to see the error of his ways though, but it had been too late.

  Finishing her preparations, she stepped back and surveyed herself in the mirror. Yes, that would do it. She looked like the strong, powerful, beautiful woman she was. Now to deal with that deceitful little bitch.

  Opening her office door, she looked at the two men who stood guarding her inner sanctum, AK 47’s strapped to their shoulders. She walked down the hall, and the two men fell into step beside her, both ready to take a bullet and die for her. That was the beauty of the drugs she commissioned; you didn’t need to buy loyalty you could just administer it like a pain pill.

  That was the trouble with the masses they couldn’t see her vision. The world would be so much nicer once feelings and gifts could be managed. That was why she had been led to this calling. To save humanity from itself, to stop wars. The one true leader would unite the world and save the planet from the greed and destructive nature of human beings allowed to feel things.

  Reaching the private suite of her daughter, she opened the door without knocking. Her daughter was sitting in an armchair with her body facing the window. She turned and stood when Rhea entered.

  “Mother how nice to see you,” she demurred and dropped her eyes to the floor as she came to greet her.

  “Megan, it is unfortunate that I don’t believe you,” Rhea replied. Rhea watched as Megan’s face paled.

  “But why wouldn’t I be pleased to see you?” she asked. Rhea stepped up close to her daughter and roughly grabbed her by the chin forcing her to look at her. She looked closely at Megan and wondered why she had lived when her daughter had not.

  What made her and the others so special? Why had they been chosen by the fates to be the true mothers? Looking into Megan’s pain filled face she felt disgusted. After everything she had given her, this little bitch had betrayed her.

  “Maybe because you know that I know what you did,” she said and released her roughly causing her to fall back against the chair and hit her face.

  “I didn’t do anything,” Meg begged.

  “I didn’t do anything,” Rhea repeated in a whiny voice. She backhanded Meg causing her to fall to the ground. Did the little brat honestly think she could get away with helping Jace Ward escape?

  “Did you think you would stop us from our plans or did you think you wouldn’t get caught?”

  Rhea walked up to Meg who was trying to mop up the blood coming from her split lip. Rhea could see the look of defiance in her eyes, but fear tempered it. This was her own fault she should have dragged it out of her, but they hadn’t wanted the drug to have any effect on the children she would have.

  As the children of the chosen mothers, they would be the future of the Divine Watchers and the future leaders of the new earth. Therefore, she could not risk it.

  Rhea looked away in disgust and commanded the men, “Take her to the private hospital wing and hold her there. Nobody is to see her without my express permission.” Rhea turned to Meg, “Don’t worry you won’t be alone for long
. Your sisters will be joining you soon.”

  She watched as two men came in and lifted Meg to her feet, carrying her as she kicked and struggled. One was the man who had been kept with Jason Ward. He had been a tough nut to crack but once the drug had taken hold he was a good little worker bee and with his skills could easily become one of her top lieutenants. It had just been a case of getting the dose right.

  Pleased with how things had gone she returned to her office to make some calls. One of those would be Elliot Henderson at Omega Pharmaceuticals; she was sick of him swanning around as if he was in charge. It was time for him to realise who was in charge, therefore her other call would be to her friend Usov.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It had been two weeks since Lucy had heard from Roz. In some ways the longest two weeks of her life but in others the best. Her relationship with Jace had gotten better every day. They spent their days working together at Fortis or following leads and their nights making love, at either her place or his, although it was mostly hers as Jace preferred her place.

  The nights were her favourite though. She had never had a lover like Jace not only did he know what he was doing but he constantly surprised her. One day he was playful, the next tender, the next a complete wild man. She loved them all, but she most loved how in sync they were. It was as if he could read her body and knew exactly which Jace she needed.

  Yes, the last two weeks had been almost perfect. Now she was starting to get antsy about the deal they had made with Roz. December 30th she had received a coded message from Roz on a website that they had frequently used for sending messages; she would help on her terms and would not meet up with them as previously promised.

  Lucy had been disappointed but not surprised. Roz was extremely secretive and protective about Zenobi and wouldn’t do anything to compromise them. The fact that she said she would help at all showed how highly she had thought of Lucy.


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