Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II Page 1

by T. S. Hill

  Adventure Back on the Bayou

  An Erotic Adventures Book II


  T.S. Hill

  Everybody has a story,

  but mine is a legend!

  Copyright 2017 by T.S. Hill, and Adventures Publishing

  Copyright © T.S. Hill,


  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. You must not circulate this book without the authority to do so.

  Amazon Kindle Edition, License Notes

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share the book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All sexually active characters portrayed in this e-book are eighteen years of age or older. Please do not buy/read this e-book if strong sexual situations, multiple partners, violence, drugs, alcohol, domestic discipline, and explicit language offend you.

  All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, brands, works of artists, and incidents, historical or otherwise, are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  First digital publication September 1, 2017

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

  Chapter Two

  Beginning to Sort It All

  Chapter Three

  Unraveling Our Own Tangles

  Chapter Four

  The Million Dollar Solution

  Chapter Five

  Maneuvering for Position

  Chapter Six

  Two’s Company, Three’s a Party!

  Chapter Seven

  Same Place, Same Day, Different Game

  Chapter Eight

  A Surprise within a Surprise,

  with a Surprise

  Chapter Nine

  Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

  Chapter Ten

  Completing a Round Trip

  Chapter Eleven

  A Lucky Man? Maybe!

  Chapter Twelve

  A New Day, A New Way

  Chapter Thirteen

  Going Deep

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Big Dinner

  Chapter Fifteen

  Our Next Assignment

  Chapter Sixteen

  Closing the House



  Elite corporate investigator, Tagg Hill and his new girlfriend, Lori Parsons, are about to head back to Louisiana from Crocket, Texas, where they have been holed up in a luxury hotel, intermittently having hot sex, and processing evidence documents to clear Tagg from being framed.

  But Tagg is especially itching to get back to the security of his exotic tree house in the bayou. And, he is wanting to submit the evidence data that he has on Dixie Mafia kingpin, Sam Milinni, so that upon his conviction, they can collect their huge pending commission on the forfeiture of the gangster’s ill-gotten gains.

  Meanwhile, the complications of life go on. People get horney and have needs. And, everybody knows that needs have to be met, especially the sexual ones!

  In this sequel to Adventure Across Texas, An Erotic Adventures Book, Tagg and Lori, begin pushing to expand their horizons, both business wise, and sexually. When Tagg’s plans meet with the reality of a far-reaching crime organization, Tagg tries to lead the goons of the wily gangster Sam Milinni, on a wild goose chase, then cut and run back to Louisiana.

  Prepare to meet Tagg’s lifelong friend, and elite firefighter, Aug Benoit, and his pregnant wife, Sally, who has decided that she desperately wants more out of her sex life than she’s been getting. And, when Lori is surprised by the presence of Tagg’s sexy Hispanic vixen of a housekeeper, Rosita, who has had the hots for Tagg for two years, the reactions, and outcomes, are far from what you’d expect.

  Sasha “Sugar Tits” Adamson, also makes her bizarre, and enchanting, introductory appearance to the series, that can’t even be described in this limited space. Meeting Sasha, is alone worth the read. The other characters are all valuable bonuses for the purchase price.

  The hottest sex that Tagg Hill has ever encountered in his life, just may also be the hottest sex that you’ve ever encountered. Turn a page, and come inside. Let Tagg tell you this arousing, and satisfying story.

  Chapter One

  Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

  We prepare for our day, and then strike forth with all confidence, as though we have a clue as to what is about to happen.

  I must have been energized and Lori must have been near burn out, because I awoke a good hour before she did, and had already, trimmed my budding beard, showered, and dressed, before she even stirred. I had ordered coffee and decided to wait for Lori for breakfast.

  I was standing beside the bed mentally reviewing my plans for the day, when I heard her voice whimper, “Cowboy, did you not come to bed?”

  “Yes, Sweetheart, I slept right there beside you.”, I answered. “You must have slept very hard if you didn’t notice me there with you.”

  “Yeah, I did.”, she groaned. “What time is it?”

  “Eight twenty-three.”, I replied. “Good morning, by the way.”

  “Good morning Cowboy.”, she drawled, flopping both of her hands up beside her head.

  “My you look beautiful in the mornings! And sexy too!”, I told her, bending down to kiss her gently on the lips.

  There was a light knocking at the door. “That’ll be the coffee.”, I told Lori.

  “Let me get to the bathroom.”, she whispered.

  As soon as room service had left, I poured Lori a cup of coffee and took it into the bathroom to her. When I told her that I was leaving it on the counter top for her, she asked me to wait, and then pulled back the shower curtain. “Let me sneak a sip”, she said, holding her hand out.

  I handed her the cup, and as usual, took the opportunity to study her body as she leaned her head forward from the steaming shower, sipping the hot coffee. Her breasts swayed forward seductively. I never grow tired of watching this woman and her body. “Thanks Cowboy!”, she cooed, handing the cup back to me.

  “I’ll leave the cup right here.”, I told her, as I watched her body disappear behind the shower curtain.

  “Thanks sugar lips!”, She called out. I chuckled. This was the first time that she had called me any term of endearment other than Cowboy.

  While Lori dressed, I packed up our dirty laundry, detergent, and my file box of documents, along with the new digi-cam. Once again, after executing my routine paranoid exit of the hotel, without incident, we found ourselves cruising through Crockett. “Where are we off to Cowboy?”, Lori asked.

  “I thought first breakfast, then the library, then depending on the time, we could either get lunch or head to a laundromat
. Where would you like to eat breakfast?”

  “Anywhere but Wasserman’s or a twenty-four hour diner.”, she replied, and then added, “Could we please find something comfortably in between those.

  “There’s only one Wasserman’s, and that one‘s in Oklahoma City.”, I told her. “I don’t know restaurants in Crockett at all. I’ve only been through here once before, several years back, and truthfully, I’m not sure if I even stopped to eat here. Why don’t you look in the GPS and see what you can find?” In a few minutes, she had found something about six blocks from where we were, and we headed that way.

  When we arrived, we found that although it was curbside parking only, the breakfast crowd had thinned, and there were plenty of spaces along the store front. It was café style seating with tables only. No booths, and no counter. Of course, we made our way to the back of the restaurant, with our backs toward the wall and a view of the entrance. Just before we sat down, I asked Lori, “Does this suit you okay, Sweetheart?”

  “Oh yes! Just fine!”, she answered. “Does this violate any of your rules?”, she asked me.

  Not a one!”, I answered chuckling.

  After we had ordered, and coffee was served, Lori had left her hand laying on the table beside her coffee cup. While she had been sipping her coffee, I had been studying the beautiful features of her face, and I felt moved to touch her. Reaching across the table, I took her hand in mine, gently squeezing. She raised her eyes to mine and asked, “Is something wrong Cowboy?”

  “Oh no!”, I quickly answered. “There’s something very right though.” Then taking a sighing breath, I continued, “Lori, I am just totally, and completely, in love, and infatuated, with you.”

  “Aw Cowboy.”, she drawled. “You know I’m totally smitten with you too.” Then she continued, “I don’t mean any harm, and actually I like the way you’re looking at me. But do you know that the way you’re looking at me, is like you’re undressing me with your eyes?”

  “What if I am?”, I asked.

  “Well, since it’s you Cowboy, I consider it to be a real nice complement!” She smiled at me and I could feel my pulse quicken.

  “Guilty as charged, Mam!”, I joked back at her. “I guess I’m like that guy in the old country music, comedy, song about the tattooed lady.”

  “What’s that Cowboy?”

  “You’ve never heard it?”

  “I’ve never even heard of it.”

  “Well, you’ve missed something then.”, I told her. “It’s this really old, folksy, song where a guy tells about marrying a lady who had a USA map tattooed around her body. As the song goes, every night when she goes to sleep, he flips back the bed covers and has himself a look at the map. Then, he proceeds through the song, telling where different things on the map were located, like the West Virginia hills where he loved to roam. Finally, at the end of the song, he sees the moonlight on the Mississippi, and recognizes his home sweet home.”

  “Wonder why he calls it the Mississippi?”, Lori asked.

  “I haven’t any idea.”, I quipped back. “Maybe because the Mississippi is deep and wide?”

  “Hah!”, she shrieked loudly, covering her mouth with her hands. Then she smacked my hand that I had left lying on the table. Giggling uncontrollably, she said, “That’s awful, Cowboy!”

  “I’m sorry. That’s just the first thing that popped into my mind.”, I said trying to justify my comment.

  Then, as she calmed her laughter, and eyeing me half seriously, she said, “Oh, so is that what you think of my Mississippi?”

  “Oh no Lori! Your Mississippi is a real tight passage. I’d say a regular mark twain!”

  “What,”, she exclaimed, “has that old geezer, writer, got to do with my pussy-cunt?”

  “No. No, Lori.”, I kind of chuckled and shook my head, looking down at the table. I looked up at her semi scowling face, and smiled. Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Clemmons. He took that name from an old river boat term. When a crew member dropped a line in the water to measure the depth of the river, “mark twain” is what he would call out to the river boat captain, meaning that the depth of the river is perfect for the river boat to pass through. What I meant is, your Mississippi is perfect for passage of my river boat.”

  “Cowboy, you were about to get my dander up!” From now on, how about leaving the literary language out of our discussions of my pussy-cunt and your dick?”

  “Cock!”, I corrected her.

  “Dick, Cowboy!”, she snapped back.

  “Cock!”, I insisted.

  “Only, sometimes!”, she partially relented.

  “Today, I’ll settle for that.”, I said.

  “You might as well. Today, it’s the best you’re gonna to get!”

  Just then, the waitress arrived with our breakfast, and the discussion ended, for the time being. We made very little conversation during the meal, outside of comments about how good it was. Later, when we had finished, and were just out of the door and headed back to the truck, Lori spoke up, “Hey Cowboy?”

  “Mmmm?”, I indicated she had my attention.

  “I knew all about Mark Twain. I was just poking at you.”

  I acknowledged her comments with, “Hmmm.”

  Arriving at the truck, I held her door open for her to climb in. She placed her left foot up into the truck, and then with that leg, began lifting herself up. Just as her right foot left the ground, I shouted at her, “Watch out for the paddle wheel!”, while simultaneously, swatting her left ass cheek with a round house swing of my left-hand palm. Her bent leg, bearing her full weight, had drawn that cheek taunt, and when my palm made contact with it, there was a smack so loud, that passersby jerked their heads around toward us. The smack stung my hand pretty bad, so I knew it had carried a substantial sting to her ass. She let out a loud squeal, and surged forward into the truck.

  “Son of a bitch Cowboy! That fucking hurt!”, she yelled at me, settling into the truck.

  “That’s a reminder that I do the poking in this family!”, I shot back at her, just before closing her door. I went around to the driver’s side and climbed in. When I looked at Lori she was crying. “Aw, I’m sorry, Sweetheart.”, I whined. “I didn’t mean to really hurt you! I was just playing. Then reaching for her, I said, I didn’t mean to get carried away like that!”

  She suddenly threw her arms around my neck, and sobbing said, “I told you not to ever be sorry Cowboy! You called us a family! Please don’t be sorry for saying that Cowboy!”

  “I’m not sorry for calling us family, Lori!”, I said, wiping her tears with her skirt hem. Hey! Why wouldn’t I call us family now. You heard what Allie said to me when we left her store, didn’t you? She told me to take really good care of her new sister! Allie never says anything like that, unless she means it. I mean it too Lori, and I’m sorry if I swatted you too hard.”

  “Cowboy!”, she began with firmness in her voice. “I’ve told you, and I meant it. Don’t ever be sorry.” I held her close and rubbed her back.

  “Okay.”, I answered.

  Just then I noticed an old geezer in a huge cowboy hat, standing on the sidewalk, and staring through the truck window at Lori’s hot legs, which I had almost fully exposed in lifting her hem to wipe her eyes. Without trying to cover them, I leaned forward toward the passenger window, and shouted at him. “Damn nice legs, eh?” He looked me in the eyes, looked back at Lori’s legs, and then nodding his head, and smiling, tipped the brim of his hat, as he moved on along the sidewalk.

  Lori kissed me with a sweet smacking kiss on the lips and said, “You’re just making everybody’s day!”

  “Yeah, makes me wonder just what I’m gonna get involved in next.”, I mumbled.

  “Well let’s go find out!”, Lori said cheerfully. “I’ve got a feeling, it’ll be fun!”

  “I’m beginning to learn not to argue with you Lori.

  “It’s about damn time.”, she quipped back.

  The GPS located a local branch of the
Houston County Library, just a few more blocks from the restaurant. Arriving, we marched in to the front desk toting the file box and digital camera. After inquiring about public computer use, and the availability of space to spread out my documents to photograph, we were turned over to an attractive, busty, young, bleached blond, girl.

  My guess was that she was no more than eighteen. In fact, if it hadn’t been a school day, I would have sworn, despite her mature physical build, that she was barley of high school age. She spelled trouble right from the start. Despite the obvious age difference, she seemed to be taken with me right off. Even with Lori being right at my elbow, and giving her the “back off bitch” look, she still batted her eyelashes at me, and spoke to me in an obvious, flirty, manner.

  Not only was the girl overly friendly, flirtatious, and probably way more helpful than library policy dictated, but she also insisted on escorting us to the conference room where there was a large long table with chairs around it. She said that particular table would be the best place in the small library to spread out our documents. Along the way, we passed a row of PC work stations, which she pointed out as the ones I could use. When she led us into the conference room, I noticed that she flipped over a placard hung on the door, so that it read, “Occupied”.

  She waved her arm around the windowless room, and looking at me asking, “How will this work for you?”

  “Fine. It’ll work just fine.’, I replied. “Thank you very much for your help.”

  “Sasha.”, she said. Lori and I stood at the head of the table on the opposite side from the room’s door, looking at her. After an awkward moment of silence, she spoke again, “My name is Sasha. If you need anything else, I’ll be at the front desk.” She paused, then continued, “Or if I’m not there, just ask for Sasha, and they can get me. She paused again and began awkwardly backing out the door. “I’ll be here until three o’clock. I get off at three o’clock. If you need anything…” Her voice trailed off.


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