Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II Page 2

by T. S. Hill

“We’ll be just fine, Sasha.” I said to her. “You’ve been very helpful. Thank you very much.” By now, Lori was full blown glaring at the girl. But the girl didn’t notice, as she was focused solely on me, either staring at my eyes, or stealing glances at my groin.

  “Anything at all.”, she said with a starry-eyed look on her face. “Just ask.”

  Just as she was almost out of the door, I raised my hand at her and asked, “Sasha?”

  “Yes?”, she exclaimed, stepping back inside of the door. Looking at me with widened crystal blue eyes, she leaned extremely forward. At that point, I noticed that somewhere in our path through the library, she had loosened a couple of more buttons on her yellow blouse that strained across her magnum sized breasts.

  Now it was visibly obvious that the posturing of her tits was natural, and without the support of a bra. Jail bait or not, I have to say, the girl put forward an impressive rack. Somehow, pulling my own control string, I turned my eyes away from her, and back to Lori, who was visibly displaying a severe storm alert.

  “Could you pull that door shut as you’re leaving?”, I asked her matter-of-factly.

  “Sure!”, she responded cheerfully. And then just when she almost had the door closed, she reopened it and said, “Oh! And you can use this room for as long as you like. No one has reservations. So, just stay as long as you like.”, she continued, backing out the door again, with her voice trailing off.

  “Sasha?”, I called her name again.

  “Yes?”, she eagerly called back, as she stepped back into the room.

  “The door?”, I said turning back toward Lori again.

  “Oh! Yes!”, she said, reaching for the door handle again. Then bending forward, into the doorway facing us, with her massive cleavage exposed, she grinned and waved, as she backed out of the room. Finally, the latch clicked. I let out the breath that I had been holding, and Lori let out a string of expletives.

  “That little, whoring, bitch, slut, better get her itchy, little, cunt, back up to that front desk, and fucking well hope that her little skanky ass ain’t still there when we leave! She wants to flop those titties around under somebody’s nose? I’ll tear’em out of that tight assed blouse, and tie them in a fucking square knot across her skank assed chest! And then, smack’em into her fucking little face! I’ll feed that damn little book whore her own fucking, cow nipples for lunch!” I thought about being a smart ass and asking Lori why didn’t she tell me how she really felt about Sasha, but I thought better of it, and just stayed quiet.

  “Can you believe the nerve of that little twat?”, Lori continued. At that point, I still felt it best to remain silent. In my time, I had annihilated some pretty bad hombre’s empty handed, I had also recently seen the collateral damage that this little lady could lay down in a matter of seconds. I wasn’t eager to pit my wrestling skills with her fury today, or any other day for that matter.

  “Thanks Cowboy for not encouraging the little skank hoe!”, she blurted at me. I just nodded once and still kept my tongue. “Of all the fucking nerve! Right in front of me! That little skank ho! Fucking bitch!” Finally, she jerked out a chair and sat down. Then when she smacked her palm down on the table with a moderate blow, I knew that she was finally winding down to a lower level of anger.

  “I’m sorry Cowboy, but that kind of blatant, come on, to you, right in front of me, is just as fucking insulting as it gets. That’s like, totally disrespecting me as a woman! That little bitch is essentially telling me, that I might as well be a man in the room. That she’s got what you want, and is going to give it to you, and that I’m nothing more than a picture on the wall that can’t do anything about it, but hang and look on! Damn! What a fucking little arrogant assed bitch! Cowboy, if you think that I’m leaving here, without leaving her with a token of my visit to remember me by? Well! Hmmm! I’m going to enjoy our departure, much more than I enjoyed our arrival! Way more!”

  “I’m glad to see that you’re handling this kid like an adult.”, I said.

  “Kid?”, Lori exclaimed “Kid!” That girl is no kid! Kid’s don’t throw titties in your face! Hell, kids don’t even have titties like that!”, she sputtered.

  “C’mon Lori. She’s just a starry eyed high school kid.”, I reasoned.

  “Then why isn’t she in high school? This is the fucking public library! She’s no kid. She knows damn well what she’s doing! The little bitch!” She sat quietly with her arms crossed, steaming, then spoke again, “Hell! You were probably turned on and attracted to her. I mean you’re a man, and she was throwing those big ole tittles at you, and giving you the blue eyes treatment. I guess I couldn’t blame you for that.”

  “Actually, Lori, no. I wasn’t. In fact, I kept diverting my eyes toward you.”, I said.

  “You didn’t notice her big blue eyes?”

  “Well, yeah, but I didn’t stare at them.”, I answered.

  “And, you didn’t notice those big ole titties wallowing around in her tight blouse, and that she had about three buttons unbuttoned?”

  “Four buttons.”, I replied. “And yes, I noticed, but I also looked away and looked at you.”

  Grabbing Lori by her shoulders, I looked at her and said, “Lori, to me she’s just another googly eyed, brainless, twat, that might want in my pants. But I know, that I would never mean anything else to her than a successful conquest, somebody she once laid, and it would be a total, completely, meaningless, fuck, to me. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll pass.”

  “I’d rather have my dignity, and more importantly, I’d rather have you. In fact, I’ve got you, and so, I’m as satisfied as it gets! Just let the little slut pass into oblivion. She’ll probably wind up with some little dirt bag of a prick who mistreats her, and runs around on her, and maybe even beats her, before he runs off with some other little brainless slut. So, if anything, maybe you should pity her, instead of being jealous and angry at her?”

  “Yeah, maybe so Cowboy.”, Lori said, speaking calmly again. “You always have a way of seeing things in a calmer, common sense way, especially when I’m all worked up. I’ll try to behave. I promise.”

  “We’re not all that different, Lori.”, I reasoned. “This time you were the one offended, the next time it could be me. You remember that store clerk where we met?”

  “Oh, yeah!”, she replied.

  “Well that shot I fired at him, was in retaliation for him shooting out my back window.”

  “So?”, she questioned.

  “That shot hit exactly where I aimed. Those hand loaded hollow points that I use, pretty well blew his left foot completely apart. That was because I got angry. It wasn’t a tactical response. It wasn’t a defensive action. It was simply me being incensed at him for taking the shot at me. Pure anger. No reasoning involved. Just pure rage. The only redeeming thing about that situation was, that my original aim was to kill, and at the last split second, I chose, instead, to just shoot him in the foot.”

  “And I’ll tell you something else that I’m not particularly proud of. There was a time when I woulda fucked that girl. I would have fucked her right here on this table, or on the floor, or sitting on my lap in one of these chairs. She wouldn’t have walked out of here all horney, and wishing, and stumbling all over herself either. She would have walked out of here, if she could walk at all, knowing what a real fuck felt like. And at the end of the day, I would have been another meaningless conquest for her, and she for me.”

  “But, that didn’t happen today, Lori. And, it wouldn’t have happened even if you weren’t here with me, because you’re all the woman that I need. You fill me completely, and when you drain me, you drain me completely. No one else has anything for me, and I don’t have anything for anyone else. Do you understand me Lori?”

  “There was a time that you woulda fucked that huh?”, she asked pointing at the door.

  “I’m not particularly proud of it, but yeah.”, I replied honestly.

  “How long ago, Cowboy?”, she asked.

I hadn’t expected a question in this direction, but I never knew one hundred percent what to expect form Lori.

  No matter, I answered honestly, “Six months and almost a week ago. That’s the last time that I would have definitely fucked her. For the next six months, I was on the run, trying to gather what I needed to not only clear myself, but also to finish nailing Sam Milinni’s coffin permanently shut. I had no time, nor presence of mind, to even think about pussy.”

  “Then almost a week ago, I abruptly met you. Well, I didn’t actually meet you until you woke up from my blow to the top of your head. And too, we didn’t formally meet until our real names were revealed to each other. But, it actually all goes back to when I picked your limp body up off of the side of that highway, and put you back in my car. That was the first time that I saw your face, and the full length of your body. I had never seen anyone so beautiful in my entire life. I looked into your face, and something grabbed me, that hasn’t turned loose since.”

  “I was trying to ride along, while you were unconscious, and plan my next steps to finish my assignment, and figure out how to deal with you when you woke up. But the entire time, all I could think about was how much I would hate to part with you. And then, I thought about all of the wild ways that we could make love. Honestly Lori, I was lusting after your beautiful body and face. I admit it. But then, as we began interacting, and talking, well, I found that where before I had been conflicted between wanting to get rid of you, and lusting for your body, that now I was actually liking you.”

  “The more we interacted, which I admit was very little at first, the more I liked you. Finally, I just fucking fell for you! Then we made love, and not just once. And then we made love that was not just for the sake of sex, and everything changed.”

  “I’ve been changed by you Lori. And, it’s one of those forever changes. Today, I was amused by that girl’s flirts, but not attracted. I’m only attracted to you now Lori. You’re the only woman that turns me on. You’re all I want, and all that I need.”

  “Oh shit, Cowboy!”, she exclaimed standing up.

  “What is it?”, I anxiously asked.

  “You do realize that you’re going to have to fuck me, right now, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.”, I said as our bodies slammed together. Our lips locked, with our tongues forcing themselves against each other, with an urgency like had never been there before. Her right leg pressing against my left, slid upward as high as she could reach, wrapping her thigh against mine, and her calf around the back of my legs.

  We both were feeling a desire for the other that we couldn’t control. The more that little blond bitch had flirted with me, the more I had wanted Lori. Something about the situation had obviously stirred desire in Lori also. Now, I couldn’t contain my passion for her, and obviously she was out of control with her passion for me.

  She forced her right hand between our bodies and clawed at my swelling cock through the fabric of my jeans, as my right hand gripped and squeezed as much of her left ass cheek as would fit in its grasp. Out embrace and kiss ran on without breaking, until saliva was running out of our mouths and down our chins. We could literally feel each other’s body burning through our clothes.

  From where I was standing at the end of the long conference table, I placed both of my hands on the sides of Lori’s tight waist, and lifted her up until we were eye to eye. Then, turning to my right, I slowly lowered her until she was sitting on the top of the table, with her back to the door, which was beyond the other end. I gently pressed her down toward the table top, on to her back, with her legs, from the hips down, hanging off.

  Leaning down, I once again pressed my mouth to hers, and my hands to her breasts. Her back arched, shoving her tits into my palms. My fingers surrounding her firm, fully fleshed, breasts, went out of control. I gripped the fabric of her dress and ripped the front open, rending it to either side, and open in the middle. Reaching for her bra cups, I pushed them up and off of both tanned globes, and immediately grasped both nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

  Raising up from her, my eyes drank in the richness of her bosom, and the sensual beauty of her face. As she looked into my eyes without protest, I could see her already dilated pupils, and watched her nostrils flaring with each deep breath that she took. Those breaths were so deep, that each breath in, pushed her fleshy tits even more tightly into my hands. I plunged my mouth to hers once more, seeking to feel her desire for me, as my tongue danced its message of passion to hers.

  Rising from her again, I hiked up her dress skirt and reached my right hand around the waist band of her red thong panties on her left side, and then snatched it hard away from her body. The brute force popped the waist band on her left side and stretched the leg opening out on her right side. When the waist band popped out of my hands, the thong fell down her right leg and hung on the top of her boot.

  Placing my hands behind her knees, I lifted and spread them, exposing the beauty of her wet pussy lips. As I pressed her legs further apart, I could see her pussy quiver as its lips parted. Plunging my mouth over her soaked pussy, we both moaned loudly.

  Grabbing her calves, I lifted her feet above my head and propped her ankles upon my shoulders. Lori stretched her arms out on the table beyond her head, as I feverishly unbuckled my belt and zipper, dropping my pants to my knees.

  Upon being released from my tight jeans, my cock surged to a fully engorged erection, and began throbbing with each beat of my pounding heart. I tried inserting my cock into her with both of my hands occupied with her legs, but it began flailing wildly with involuntary spasms.

  I released her left leg and grabbed my cock, quickly guiding it past her pussy lips and into the beginnings of the interior of her hot pussy. As I released my cock, and grabbed her leg again, I could feel her heat and wetness surrounding my manhood, lubricating it as her internal muscles completely enveloped and gripped me.

  Gripping her legs off of my shoulders now, and spreading them wider, I slowly leaned into her, pushing my cock completely into her depths, until my balls were resting against her ass. I held the pressure against my cock, and she slowly began rocking her hips, which rubbed her clit up and down my pelvis bone above my cock. I was beginning to feel her fluids flow down my ball sack, when I heard a loud click.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw Sasha, the blonde librarian, standing in the doorway. Her eyes were wide and her gradually fell open. She slowly pushed the door shut behind her, and it clicked again. I tried to speak, but from my sexual excitement, and the sudden, surreal, shock of seeing the blonde librarian standing in the room with us, the words wouldn’t form, and stuck in my throat.

  Sasha, whose blouse was now completely buttoned up, placed both of her hands into the button placket of her yellow blouse and slowly pulled it open, with buttons and fabric popping and tearing from the top all the way down to her waist. Each give of a button, or fabric, made a muffled flutter of a sound. Her massive tits tumbled out of the retreating blouse, and wobbled a dance, as she unhurriedly reached her small hands toward them.

  As both of her hands met with the undersides of her huge breasts, she began massaging them and pinching her large brown nipples. Lori now seemed oblivious to anything in the room, or the world, except our sexually locked body parts, and she continued to rhythmically undulate her clit and pussy around and against my pelvis and steely hard cock. My throat tightened so that I almost couldn’t breathe, much less speak. I was horrified and at the same time aroused by what was happening.

  Sasha leaned back against the closed door, and began sliding her left hand down her body to her skirt. Grasping the black fabric, she began to lift it, revealing her pantiless, brown thatched, pubic area. Releasing her right tit, she allowed it to join her matching left in a synchronized sway.

  Sliding her right hand down to her bushy twat, and inserting two fingers, she bucked her hips forward allowing their full penetration. Lori moaned and slowly rocked her head to the si
de. I was frozen, without a voice, my cock pressed as firmly into Lori as it would go, feeling like I was a prisoner in a surreal dream, from which I couldn’t, and maybe didn’t want, to awaken.

  The bleached blonde librarian, slowly pulled her fingers from the depths of her shaggy pussy, pausing to toy with its lips and clit. Moving her hand to her face, she rubbed her two dripping fingers over her right cheek, and then opening her mouth wide, she closed her mouth over her wet index finger, slowly pulling it back out between her red lipsticked lips, savoring her juices from it. Then, she placed her soaked middle finger in her mouth and repeated the process. Finally, she held both of her fingers together in front of her mouth flicking her tongue over them.

  Arching her back she raised her body from the face of the door, her oversized, but firm breasts wobbled seductively as she rocked her shoulders in moving toward an upright position. Grasping a tit in each hand, she squeezed them forcing her huge, brown, erect, nipples out between her index and middle fingers. She lifted her left hand, bringing the huge protruding nipple to her mouth where she firmly planted her teeth over it, biting it so hard that it appeared painful.

  Then pulling the nipple in a stretching action from between her teeth, she stuck out her freakishly long, pink, tongue and flicked at the thumb sized hard brown nipple. Dropping her right tit from her hand, it wobbled and shook from the shock of supporting its own weight.

  Lori was beginning to run her fingers through her hair, and undulating her whole torso. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before orgasm would grip, and roll through, her entire body. I could feel the muscles in her calves rippling in the tight grasps of my hands, as her pussy closed itself tighter around my pulsing cock.

  The blonde librarian now appeared to be in a trance of passion with herself. Her eyes were glazed and she seemed to be staring at the wall behind me. Continuing to clutch her pillowing left breast with her left hand, nipple pinched between her fingers, she slid her right hand down to her crotch and began working her three middle fingers up and down her clit, passing her fingers deep into her vagina with each downward stroke.


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