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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 9

by T. S. Hill

  While my mouth is large enough to accommodate both of their tongues. Mine can’t be in both of their moths at the same time. So, I concentrated on Lori, and Sasha had to just tag along. Only Lori doesn’t have the larger room in her mouth that I have. Like I said, it was awkward. If something ever became of this threesome, we would have to work the kissing thing out.

  Finally, back at the diner, we said our good byes, with individual kisses all round. Being accustomed to navigating my way through city streets, I took Lori on a convoluted route back to the hotel, just to be sure we weren’t being followed. The paranoia never leaves me, it’s just that at times I tolerate it, and toy with it more, than at other times.

  Back at the hotel, I asked Lori to save the red for a special occasion. I told her she could privately open it, and try it on, but to save it for my eyes, on a special occasion. I also told her that for our one week anniversary, that I wanted her to open her other present, but also most of that present, I wanted her to save for another special occasion of my choosing. I told her there was a small part of that present that she could wear now or anytime that she wanted.

  As I had looked forward to, she jumped up and down on her toes, clapping her hands and said, “Oh, Goody!” When she opened the box from Denton, she was awed by all of the coordinated pieces. She was almost crying.

  Then, holding up the tiny box containing the cameo ear studs, she asked, “Is this the part that I can wear now?”

  “That’s it!”, I replied. She jumped up and went into the bed room.

  “I’ll be right back!”, she called out. I thought that maybe she didn’t like them. She hadn’t really said. But then, in a few minutes she appeared in the doorway. Lori was totally naked, except for the cameo locket, and the tiny ear studs.

  “They’re absolutely beautiful Cowboy! I love them!”, she said. I sucked in a deep breath between my pursed lips, and then slowly let it out. At first, I was speechless, when confronted that way by her stunning beauty, but finally I spoke.

  “You’re beautiful, Lori Parsons! And, I love you!” She stood there in the doorway, leaning on one hand propped on the door jamb, above her head, her weight on one foot and the other leg crossed over the weight bearing one, her other hand on her hip.

  “You are the most beautiful thing that I have ever beheld in my life!”, I said. “You look too good to eat!”

  “Then do me better than eating me!”, she purred seductively. I stood from the table and began undressing, as I slowly approached her. By the time I was in front of her, I was naked with my raging erection standing between us. She hadn’t moved, but had given me seductive eye play, during my entire trip from the table, to where I now stood. I stooped slightly, putting my arms around behind her and then scooped her up into my arms. Lori flipped the light switch off as we passed through the doorway, and I carried her straight to the bed, where I gently lay her down, and then climbed between her waiting lovely legs.

  Despite what I had told Sasha, we really didn’t get any more work done that afternoon. About nine o’clock that night, with our slow, sweet, love making, and passion, all spent on each other, hunger began to once more wake our bodies.

  “I’d better call room service for some food.”, I told Lori.

  “Mmm.”, she added. “And the front desk again if you want to get all that paper work processed before we leave town.

  “Did that earlier today.”, I groaned in reply. “Lori? Why am I so fucking tired?”

  “Because I just had the longest love making session that you’ve ever laid on me.”, she drowsily replied. “You’ve fucked my mind out.”

  “You mean your brains?”, I asked.

  “Yeah, that too.”, She moaned. We did manage to peel ourselves from the bed around ten o’clock when the food was delivered, and then crawled right back in for the night.

  Chapter Four

  The Million Dollar Solution

  Truth itself is never painful, but accepting it can be a struggle.

  I found myself wide awake at five o’clock on Monday morning. Since there was plenty of work to do, I got out of bed and ordered coffee, deciding to hold off on breakfast until Lori was up. I made us a reminder note, that Lori and I should send Sasha an email to open up communications between us. Then, I went to work on photographing the paperwork from my file box. Once the coffee arrived, and the caffeine began to course though my body, my efficiency picked up. When my sweetheart, Lori got out of bed around nine, I only had about another hour of work left to finish.

  Once Lori was up, I took a break, and ordered room service breakfast, then shared the last of the coffee with her. She seemed to be feeling especially liberated from her self-imposed shackles. The events of the last two days, had set her free. Even with the reservations that I had, I was glad for her, and open to a life with this woman, come what may. After coffee, Lori went to shower, and I continued to work on the files that I hoped would clear me from the trumped-up charges, concocted by that asswipe gangster Sam Milinni. All the while I continued to think about what was going on in my and Lori’s personal lives.

  My only drawback, was the discomfort that I still felt about her sharing me with another woman. I was rather surprised that I still felt this way. I would have thought that I would have been jealous of her, with anyone besides me, but unexpectedly, I wasn’t jealous of her being with another woman. You would think that having your woman encourage bringing another woman into the relationship, with whom she would willingly share you sexually, and otherwise, would be thrilling. But, that was exactly where I was having difficulty accepting the arrangement.

  Actually, there was no arrangement just yet. We were considering, and flirting around with, the idea of an arrangement though. Sasha on the other hand, when we met her yesterday, had seemed to have made up her mind about us, almost upon first sight. A girl falling instantly in love simultaneously, with another girl, and a guy, who are already in love with each other, seemed strange to me. I guess if a girl and guy can fall in love that way, then who knows? Anything is possible, right?

  Wrapped in her bathrobe, Lori bounded into the room from her shower, full of energy. She zoomed up behind me and gave me a monster hug, then stuck her head around in front of me and kissed me enthusiastically.

  “How much you got left to do, Cowboy?”, she asked, with her arms still hanging around my neck. About thirty minutes, and then we can compress these files and start emailing them to Steve.

  “You got his law firm email addy?”, she asked.

  “Memorized right next to that mental picture of your nude body diving on me in that hayloft!”, I responded. “With it there, then I can’t possibly, ever forget it! She hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. “Lori, I want to get this show on the road today.”

  “What’s the plan Cowboy?”

  “We send these files to Steve, for him to evaluate for clearing me, and possible implication of the SOB, Milinni, for framing me. I doubt that there’s much of a chance of him being implicated, but I’m confident of being completely cleared of everything that for which he framed me.”

  “Next I’m going to play on the vulnerability that’s in Al Longworth’s operation. Since Waco, I’ve known for certain that he has serious security breaches, and I’m fairly certain his phone is only one of them. But to start with, we’re going to exploit that unsecured phone, to drive that SOB, Milinni, crazy. His contacts in Al’s organization will be feeding him info as to our whereabouts, and the SOB will be swarming all of the resources that he can muster, to get us. Only, we’ll be a step ahead before he even makes a move. I plan to deplete his resources so badly, that he has to start calling on his cronies to send in reinforcements.”

  “Hopefully, that will leave New Orleans short on people that might spot us. Then, we slip into town to pick up your evidence catch. Once we’re out of town, we’ll process your evidence just like this file box, and get Steve moving on submitting this first batch so that the SOB, Milinni, and his closest henchmen, can get take
n off the streets. That will get our commission check at least starting in the works. Once there’s legal seizure, and finally a conviction, there’ll be wet ink on the check! When we get your evidence processed, maybe there’ll be even way more commission coming in.”

  “Cowboy, I’ve asked you not to use that SOB’s name! Please!”

  “I’m sorry Sweetheart! I chased his ass for three years, and it’s just hard to suppress the name, and only call him the SOB”.

  “So, when do I burn down his office?”, Lori asked.

  “You don’t. I do.”

  “No! I’m not putting you in that spot for me!”, Lori argued back.

  “It only makes sense Lori. I was trained in fires and arson investigation. I can start it, and it will be an electrical malfunction. There will be no way for any investigator to call the cause as anything, but an electrical malfunction. I know what I’m doing with this, and you don’t. So, no argument! Case closed. End of discussion!”

  “But...”, Lori began.

  “Shut it!”, I ordered her sternly.

  Lori stomped around and slammed things in angered silence for the next thirty minutes, as she packed our things getting ready to leave, and I finished processing the last of the files. When I finished, I called to her, and when she appeared standing before me silent, I pointed at the chair on the opposite side of the table.

  “Sit!”, I ordered her, but instead she folded her arms and remained silently standing in front of me. I stood up and pointing at the chair, growled loudly at her, “Sit!” This time she took to the chair and unfolded her arms. She folded her hands on the tabletop, with her eyes looking down, and her lower lip pouting out.

  “Lori did you ever think of a way to resolve the conflict we have with this assignment?”

  “No!”, she said bluntly.

  “Then what are we to do, besides what I propose?”, I asked her.

  “I’d rather do nothing than that!”, she blurted out. “If something goes wrong, then I will have no reason to live, and that SOB would win again!”

  “Actually, doing nothing, gives me an idea Lori.”

  “What kind of idea?”, she asked, still pouting with her head down.

  “The kind of idea where we combine doing nothing with another idea that I’ve been rolling around in the back of my head.

  “Will it get the SOB?”, she asked.

  “It could, but maybe not. If it doesn’t get him, in the sense of him being dead, it will definitely get to him in the worst way. I know him well enough to know that it will definitely enrage him for the rest of his life, that is if he lives.”

  “So, what’s the idea?”, she asked, raising her head.

  “That pout you had going was actually rather sexy.”, I pointed out.


  “Okay, here it is. But one question first. What was your mother’s full name?

  “Mary Katherine Adamson Parsons, but what’s that got to do with this?”

  “I had this idea. If you don’t like it, then we can just scratch it, and move on, but...”

  “What is it Cowboy?’.

  “Well, when the SOB killed your mother, or had her killed, it left you an orphan, supposedly in his care, but he had also just raped you.”

  “I don’t need to be reminded of that shit Cowboy! It was me! And, it was my Mom!”

  “I know Lori, and I’m sorry, but it’s the only way to explain this. Anyway, you were left an orphan, and so. Anyway, I thought that I could set aside a portion of the commission that I get from uncovering ill-gotten gains from the SOB’s criminal enterprises, and set up a non-profit memorial organization, named after your mother, that benefits orphans, and especially orphans that have been in abusive situations. We’d call it something like, the Mary Katherine Adamson Parsons Memorial Foundation for Orphans.” When I was finished talking, Lori remained silent and just stared at me with that same blank poker face that I had first seen yesterday.

  “How much?”, she asked. “How much do you plan on setting aside for it?”

  “I initially thought half a mil would be a good start, but I’ll make a deal with you.”

  “What’s the deal?”, she asked.

  “We get the SOB convicted on what I have, and anything that is in your evidence catch that can contribute to it. We keep back what you have, that may implicate out of state interests. The word will be spread on the street, that he has evidence on those out of state interests in his head, and in his office, and that he is working a deal with prosecutors. Instead of us taking the risk of burning his office, and not even considering you trying to kill him, we let his cronies handle the SOB. Whatever happens then happens.”

  “The remainder of your evidence will be submitted through a trusted attorney, with the request that a commission be paid for it to the Mary Katherine Adamson Parsons Memorial Foundation for Orphans. To sweeten the pot, if you’ll go along with this solution, I’ll increase the minimum beginning donation from half a mil, to a full one million dollars. I think we can live on the other six mil rather nicely, once we actually collect it.”

  “Having his resources, stripped from under him, and supporting a foundation that honors the very woman that he treated like shit, and killed, and it spends those resources to help orphans, just like the one he raped, the SOB will fucking well have, a fucking coronary! That is, of course, if his peers don’t off his ass first. So, what do you say, Lori?”

  “Lori put both of her hands over her eyes and began crying and sobbing. I pulled my chair around the table and sat facing her side, holding her in my arms while she sobbed. Finally, after several minutes, and several restarts of crying, she began drying her tears and speaking between sobs.

  “I don’t deserve a man like you Cowboy. You could’ve had it all! Millions! Tens of Millions! You could just cast me aside and take it all, but you’re willing to sacrifice all of that, to keep me from being an idiot! If I tried to kill that SOB, I’d probably just get killed, and if I did kill him, I’d probably be in prison for the rest of my life. And if I tried to burn his office, I’m so stupid that, if I didn’t burn myself up, I’d get caught for that too!”

  Then she started bawling all over again. She shook uncontrollably as she cried, and I just kept my arms around her and held her tight. At the end of it all, I had to ask her was it a deal, and after crying for another five minutes, she finally said the one word that I wanted to here, “Deal!”

  After emailing all the documents to Steve, and dropping an email to Al’s off-site email account, we sent Sasha an email, so that she would have out new online addy. That address would only be used for her. For Stan there was another, and for Al yet another. Finally, everything was beginning to take on forward momentum.

  After we packed, and were barely checked out on time, Lori lamented about our not getting to make love one more time before we hit the road. I promised her that we would make up for it somewhere along our way, and she reminded me of an old raconteur’s saying, “If you ever miss a piece, you can’t ever make it back up, because when you get the next one, it’s the next one, and the piece that you missed is gone forever.”

  “Where did you hear that?”, I asked her.

  “Oh, I probably read it in some old ribald novel. I used to read those too, in addition to watching a lot of porn.”

  “You really needed to get a life, Lori!”, I told her.

  “I got one!”, she responded, wrapping her arms and hands around my right arm. “Now where to?”

  Chapter Five

  Maneuvering for Position

  When you jockey for position, you’d better also know what is positioning for you.

  “RealMart!”, I said.

  “What?”, Lori, asked.


  “I think you got a thing for RealMart!”, she stated.

  “RealMart is going to play an integral role in the disruption of the SOB’s operations.”, I told her. And you’ll see how in just a few minutes.

we arrived at RealMart, I pulled around to the side of the building and parked. I got out of the truck and gathered up several handfuls of the sweet potatoes from the baskets in the bed and piled them against the wall of the store building. Then I asked Lori to hand me the original throw away phone. I called Al on his unsecured phone line and had the predetermined conversation with him, that I had arranged by email that morning. Then I went in to RealMart with Lori and we purchased a roll of duct tape, and a pair of gloves.

  Back at the truck, I put on the gloves, wiped down the phone. After making sure that it was still on, I taped it up with duct tape, to be sure that it didn’t fall open, or pop the battery loose. Then, as gently as I could, I tossed the phone onto the RealMart roof. For good measure, I tossed a few sweet potatoes up there with it. Then, we got the hell out of Crockett. As we were driving away, Lori was laughing and giggling.

  “What’s so funny?”, I asked her.

  “I get it Cowboy!”, she said between giggles. The call to Al will put the SOB’s goons on to your cell phone, and tracing it down within the cell system, will pin point it here, where instead of finding us, they’ll find fucking yams!” She cackled with loud boisterous laughter. After this morning, it was good to see, and hear, her laughing again. “They’ll know, and the SOB will know, that we survived that inferno in the barn, and for sure it’s us, because of the yams from the barn!” She shouted out, “I fucking love it!”

  “Where next Cowboy?”

  “Palestine Texas!”, I shouted, excitedly.

  “How far?”, she asked.


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