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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 16

by T. S. Hill

  “When you work, that is work, and you get paid. When we enjoy and share with each other, that is not work. When you are a member of my household, you will act like a member of my household! Lori and I both love you! Do not offend us as an independent contractor, when it is time to be a household member! Do you understand?”

  “Sí, Tagg.”, she sniffled.

  “Now go change into your dress, and join us for dinner. Rosita, stood up, but continued to look down, and left the room. I picked up the spoon and gestured toward Lori. “Put this back, and bring another place setting for Rosita.” Lori didn’t say a word but immediately did as instructed. When Rosita returned in her red dress, with her tears dried, she sat at the place setting that Lori had placed on the table. Lori reached out to her, taking her hand and squeezing it.

  I reached over and taking her other hand in mine, held it and began to gently speak to her. “Rosita, when you are doing your duties, that is work. Everything else is our household family. Everything else! No matter what! Do you understand?”

  “Sí, I, Rosita, understand. No quiero ofender.”

  “We have invited you to be one of our household family. We are happy that you accepted. It does not offend us for you to behave like a household member. You belong!”

  “Rosita looked at Lori and said, “I love the Tagg!” And then looking at me, “I love the Lori!”

  “We love the Rosita!”, we both responded. Rosita and Lori smiled, while I tried to suppress mine, but failed, and it turned into a grin.

  After we had heaped as much praise on Rosita for her cooking, as we had her food on our plates, Lori and I cleared the table and insisted that Rosita stay put and rest a few minutes. When everything was put away, we rejoined her at the table.

  “Rosita, after you finish at Mrs. Donovan’s tomorrow, can you stop by here for a few minutes?”, I asked.

  “Sí.”, she simply answered, but her look, asked the question.

  “We have a surprise. The girl that we mentioned, Sasha, will be here tomorrow, and we want you both to meet each other.” Rosita, smiled really big, and then clapped her hands, much like Lori does when she is tickle pleased with something. I also have a favor to ask of you, as an independent contractor.”

  “I change my clothes now?”, Rosita asked.

  “What? No. No!”, I stammered. “This is discussion, not work.”

  “Discuss work is independent contractor work?”, she asked.

  “Well yeah, but you don’t have to change your clothes, to just have a discussion. You don’t have to change your clothes anytime for that matter.”, I told her. “Just put on your independent contractor hat.”

  “No have hat! What is independent contractor hat?”, she asked, with a puzzled look on her face.

  “These women are going to be my end!”, I said as I stood. “I’ll be right back! Don’t move!”, I said as I headed toward the foyer at the top of the steps. When I came back, I had my Braves baseball cap in my hand, that Aug had brought back to me from a trip to Atlanta. I put it on Rosita’s head and told her, “You can borrow my independent contractor hat for tonight! Now, can I please ask you for a favor, and some work?”

  “Sí. What is favor, and what is work?”

  “It’s all the same one thing, actually. I can give you a few days to get ready, but Rosita, what I want to ask you is, do you think that I could pay you rent for Sasha to stay with you for a while?”

  “Sí. Yes. You can give a few days to prepare?”

  “Yes! She can stay here for a few days while you get situated. Do you have room? I will pay you for this as an independent contractor.”

  “I have a room, but need to, as you say, move it around. I know Tagg is always fair man. Sasha is to be welcome. Sasha es bienvenida en mi casa.”

  “I do not quiet have the space here for her on a long term, beyond a few nights, and what we are working on now is very sensitive, secret, dangerous. It is not safe for Sasha to stay in a motel or hotel.”

  “Tagg is not worry.”, Rosita said. “I understand!” Then looking at Lori, she said, “Tagg is good man, is fine man, is fair man.” Then turning back to me, she spoke seriously, looking into my eyes, “I am sad to offend you, Tagg. Pido disculpas. Do I can stay now tonight?”

  “Of course, you can, Rosita!”, I exclaimed. “That was never in question!” I noticed that she and Lori were holding hands again.

  “As you say, anyway!, I have a joke for you, and Lori!”

  “Okay!”, Lori and I said together.

  “Let’s hear it!”, Lori begged.

  “You spank me.”, Rosita said, looking at me. “It’s not so bad! Maybe we play spank in bed sometime?”

  “Maybe so.”, I answered, while Lori smiled, nodding her head.

  “But tonight!”, Rosita announced loudly, holding her head high. “You can say, you have one hot ass woman in bed!” Rosita started giggling, and Lori giggled. I smiled, and then the two women started laughing almost hysterically. Finally, I giggled along with them.

  The rest of the early evening we spent chatting aimlessly. Lori and I insisted that Rosita rest, as she would normally be off by now, then we finished cleaning the kitchen while we chatted. Lori asked Rosita, if she had an internet connection at her apartment, but she only had a dial-up. I knew that Lori was pained by the deathly slow upload speeds of my satellite/land-line link. The down loads were instantaneous, but all uploads were at an antiquated 56k. I told her that we had a strong cell and 4G signal in the area, but I didn’t want to use my cell account for anything just now. She suggested that we get a cellular wifi box, maybe in Sasha’s or a fake name. I told her I would sleep on it, but it did sound like a good idea.

  Once the dishes were done, I suggested that we get to bed early, so that tomorrow, we wouldn’t be oversleeping. We would all face a busy day the following morning. They agreed, but both wanted to shower before bed. In the end, they decided to share the shower, and I told them I would get mine after they had finished. As they went off to the bathroom, I went to my den, feeling that I deserved a double scotch.

  After pouring my scotch, I stretched out on the sofa, to relax, telling myself that it was to test it, in case Sasha spent some nights here. It seemed comfy enough, if it needed to be put into service. As I lay there sipping my scotch in silence, I could hear the girl’s voices. I couldn’t make out anything that they were saying, but it was an engaging sound to hear the giggles, and then quiet again voices, that built once more to outbursts of delight.

  By the time that I heard their voices return to the bedroom, I had finished my scotch, and was relaxed, and mellow. On my way to the bath, I observed that there were two hot, sexy women in my bedroom, wrapped in my white bath towels. One was deeply tanned with curly blonde hair, and the other a mocha brown, with long black wavy ringlets of hair. Both of them had voices like finely tuned, delicate, musical instruments.

  The enormity of having these two exquisite women in my bed, for the second time today, finally sank in. I also realized that tomorrow I was picking up and bringing home another beautiful woman. I knew that I must have done something really right in a previous life, because I had done nothing in this one to account for such grand fortune.

  When I came out of the shower, and passed through the bedroom. I had two beautiful naked women sitting, legs crossed, in the middle of my bed, having a whisper quiet, serious conversation. I passed on through to the den and poured myself, this time, a single scotch. Upon returning to the bed room, I found Lori sitting upright in the bed with her back against the headboard and pillows and Rosita near the foot of the bed, sitting on the corner. Lori had the sheet and comforter pulled up beneath her chin, as though she were cold, and Rosita, was lounging nude on the bed foot corner as though she we seeking relief for excess heat.

  As I walked to the dresser and placed my glass of scotch there, I observed her reddened ass cheeks as they were turned out in my direction. I found the sight of her rosy cheeks against her mocha body to be extreme
ly arousing. That was something that I had only experienced once before with Lori.

  Dropping the towel that I had wrapped around my hips, I climbed under the coverings next to Lori’s, left, and also sat with my back to the headboard and pillows, the same as Lori. When I had settled, Rosita crawled up beside me, and joined us on my left. Having a warm, naked, strikingly beautiful woman, snuggled against me on either side of my body, qualified me for an instant erection, and I had it! But the women had something that they wanted to discuss with me. Lori spoke first.

  “Cowboy, do you remember the conversation, and session that followed, about how important it was to me, for you to cum in my face?”

  “I don’t think that I’ll ever forget it.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet of you Cowboy! I’m glad that you think like that. Anyway, after what happened tonight at the table, Rosita and I were talking, about who belonged and what not, and how, and the whole symbolic gesture of a man giving, and a woman receiving, his cum in an intimate way. I know maybe you don’t understand it like we women do, but if you do, or don’t, that’s okay. But, we were talking about it and all, and Rosita wants to accept your cum to her face. It will mean a great deal to her if you will give it to her, and allow her to receive it. It’s kind of like a ritual Cowboy, that binds us to you. I hope you understand. And we hope that you will consent to bind her to you in this way.” I didn’t need to think. I just started speaking.

  “Even though I will love you too Rosita, and always treat you as special to me, because you are, you have to understand and accept something. Lori is my number one, and the woman that I am most loyal to, and will love forever, above all others. You both must accept that as reality.”

  “I accept.”, said Rosita. “You are fine man and Lori is wonderful sister spirit! Rosita is very happy to accept.”

  “What’s not to accept?”, quipped Lori.

  I’m still not quiet getting this, at this point. But, what the hell? I love them both, and Lori the best and most. So, I figured, I’m good with this!

  “Okay then.”, I said to both of them. “We’ll all do this together. We’ll do this tonight!” Both of the women hugged me tightly, and followed up with a kiss to my cheeks. Then, as they were giggling gleefully, their faces met inches in front of mine, and they exchanged two light lip kisses with each other. On the third meeting of their lips, both of them opened their mouths, and their passion for each other took control, erupting from only inches before my eyes.

  While they were deeply kissing, with their tongues tangling in each other’s mouth, they each slid a hand down the front of my naked torso, where they exchanged sensual touches with each other, and the skin of my chest, abdomen, and finally throbbing cock. As a hand of each woman grasped my raging cock, their kiss, rather than breaking, simply unfolded against my lips.

  Both of their tongues slid into my mouth, and were slithering over and around mine, as well as each other’s. This three-way kiss wasn’t awkward, as the first one that I had encountered with Lori and Sasha, but came as a more natural expression of our affections and passion for each other. This three-way kiss, truly cranked up my sexual stimulation, as I reveled in the feel of my cock pressing back against the pressure of their delicate, and talented fingers.

  An ample breast of each woman was pressing into my chest, with a second, laying softly against either of my sides. Their legs, were entangled with each other, wrapped across mine. Both of their bodies began to writhe, and harmonious moans came from their lovely throats. As our kiss broke, they both smothered my face with gentle lip kisses. My body plunging into a sea of erotic bliss, I gently stroked the dark smooth skin of each woman’s back.

  As the two girls worked their kisses, and occasional nips and nibbles, down and around my neck, they continued to use their soft hands to tickle and tease my bouncing cock and nut sack. I could no longer discern which hand belonged to which woman, as their attentions had melded into one concerted effort, shared between them.

  Lori adjusted her position, to better access my chest with her hungry lips. Thus, bringing her firm ass, with its velvet skin, within reach of my right hand, with which I had been lovingly stroking her smooth back. Rosita followed her lead, making the same adjustment, as I also slid my left hand down to her curvaceous, rouge splotched, brown ass, and began caressing its wonderful fullness.

  Both of the loving ladies, continued to stimulate my senses, with the love sounds of their moans and whimpers, as well as their tender kisses, licks, gentle bites, and touches. When they each took one of my nipples into their mouths and began a brief love making session to them, my entire body felt electrified, with my back arching and pelvis lifting from the bed. Their actions and reactions to my body, began to meld as though they were a single lover, using her amazing body, and mine, to convey her love and dedication to me.

  Our lovemaking session, was becoming surreal, an almost spiritual experience. The pleasures were becoming so intense, that I felt I was in a waking dream. Gazing down the glistening trails, that their kisses and licks were leaving on my torso, I watched with intense pleasure, as they plied their mouths to my body, and each other. Their two, exquisitely beautiful, faces, were expressions of complete bliss and abandon of anything, but the three of us.

  Beyond their mesmerizing combined beauty, and perfect lips, their hands continued to lightly torture and tease my totally engorged cock. While we men are more visually attuned in our senses, a woman’s sensual affinity leans toward touch and sound. Which I guess, explains their deep enjoyment of these senses, as well as their extraordinary ability to use them to deliver pleasure, with such amazing talent.

  I turned my eyes from their beautiful faces, and delicate hands, which were joined in the teasing dance on my lower abdomen and cock, and refocused on the two writhing, lush, delicious, and shapely female bodies, and the pleasures that my hands could possibly bring to them from my position.

  The girls repositioned for the second time, gaining closer access to my cock, and bringing their four, shapely, smooth legs, and luscious ass cheeks, within my reach. Momentarily, I couldn’t choose which gorgeous leg or ass cheek to caress first, but finally placed my hands around the nearest ones that I could reach, on either side of me. The more the girls writhed, the more they were caressing my upper body with their smooth, shapely legs, and beautifully manicured, dainty, soft feet.

  As I watched, and felt, their lovely, silky limbs coursing over my torso, I moved my hands to their respective ass cheeks, and began gently caressing their skin, and massaging their muscles beneath. Running my hand across the reddened, discipline whelps, that I had left on Rosita’s pretty ass, I found them to be less pronounced now, but somehow sexually stimulating to me.

  With my right index finger, I slowly traced around the rim of Lori’s invitingly pink sphincter, then prying Rosita’s cheeks apart with the fingers of my left hand, I gazed at hers. Her puckered sphincter’s coloring was intriguing, in that it matched the areola and erect nipples of her breasts. Its colors were the same graduated shading from the dark tan outer edges, to the rose pink rimmed center.

  While I had engaged in anal sex before, I had never engaged in anal play, until when Lori and I had showered together, and washed each other’s rectum. But now, the beauty of these two, compelled me to caress and gently massage them both. Both girls encouraged my attentions, by slightly shifting their legs and pelvises, giving my fingers full access.

  As I began circularly massaging their lovely, puckered, ass rings, with my thumbs, they both indicated their pleasure, by whimpering, moaning, and pressing their asses back against my gripping hands. As my hands tightly gripped their outer facing ass cheeks, with my thumbs firmly massaging circles over their rims, I wished that I could kiss and bite their inner most ass cheeks that were against my body and being neglected. But, their writhing calves, ankles, and lovely feet had me pinned against the pillows and headboard.

  This single-minded lover, made up of this goddess and her princess, f
or a third time, shifted their bodies, bringing their heads down to meet their hands, at my turgid cock. Thus, positioning them with full access, to further engage my cock, as a team, and as they, my lover, chose. This move also repositioned their pelvises so that while keeping my thumbs over their lovely sphincter’s, I could, just below, now simultaneously engage their sweet pussy-cunts with my fingers.

  As I slightly repositioned my hands to take advantage of this new exposure, I could feel their hot wetness transferring to my open fingers. Without hesitation, I gently slid my combined index, and middle fingers, of each hand, into the lush, sweet goodness, of their respective pussy-cunts. They identically responded, immediately arching their backs in a way that slightly raised their wet, sweetness, gifting my hands with absolute access. My flaring nostrils inhaled their sweet, intermingled, fragrances, which coursed through my nose, downward through my body, pushing upward into the ever-hardening shaft of my cock.

  Their calves, ankles, and feet, now were at my head level, and I eagerly attacked all four of each with my lips, teeth, and tongue. Showering them with kisses, licks, bites, and nibbles, I covered all four lower legs and feet with my attentions. At times, I had delicate toes from both women in my mouth at once, caressing them with my tongue. By now, I was acting and reacting to the two women as though they were my single, delicious lover.

  Their hands and talented fingers continued to orchestrate sustained ecstatic pleasures on my now, iron hard, cock, as their mouths suddenly met on either side of its pulsing head. With their toes falling from my mouth, I cried out with sheer, agonizing, bliss! Their tongues wrapped around and over each other, and my cock’s bulging head, before their touching lips, smacked loose, and their cock filled kiss broke. First Lori placed her mouth over my complete cock, taking it deeply into her throat. After several plunges of her head, she pulled her mouth off with a loud pop of her lips, and gasped to refill her lungs.


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