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Adventure Back on the Bayou: An Erotic Adventures Book II

Page 22

by T. S. Hill

  “Are you guys coming?”, Sasha called out from the top of the stairs.

  “We’ll be right there, Sash!”, I answered.

  Once we were inside and had taken all of Sasha’ luggage into the den, I fixed a double scotch and flopped into my favorite chair.

  Sasha and Lori flopped down on the sofa.

  “Lori can you fix you guys something to drink?”, I asked.

  “Sure, Cowboy. What would you like Shug?”

  “Nothing!”, Sasha replied. I just want to sit here and breath, and realize that I’m finally, actually, here.” She took three incredibly deep breaths, and slowly released each one.

  “Holy shit!” Sasha exclaimed, suddenly sitting upright. “Do you guys smell that? Of course, you do!”

  “Smell what?”, we both said in unison. Sasha took in another slow, deep, breath, and then slowly release it.

  “This place smells like home!”

  “We know!”, we once again answered in unison.

  “There you guys go again! You guys are just so fucking awesome! What you have between you is so fucking awesome! I hope just a little bit of it rubs off on me!”

  “Actually, Sash, we think you’re pretty fucking awesome too! And we’re hoping a whole lot of you rubs off on us.”, Lori responded.

  She held out her arms toward each of us, and enthusiastically said, “Whenever you’re ready, just rub away!” Lori and I both giggled.

  “That wasn’t funny Sash. But it was cute. Almost as cute as you are, but not quite.”, I quipped.

  “But then nothing’s quiet that cute!”, Lori added, raising an eyebrow to me.

  “Listen, sweet people, I understand no sex and all, right now, but can I please shed this fucking hot assed bra? It’s about to choke the Titty Girl’s titties! I’m not used to this boob trap, and It’s about to cut me in half.”

  “I don’t think that I would like a half Sash, as much as I like a whole Sash, so by all means, feel free to set’em free!”, I replied. Lori’s eyes lit up and went directly to Sasha’s huge tits. She smiled and watched with interest as Sasha unbuttoned her blouse and removed it and then reached behind her back to unfasten her bra.

  “Need some help?”, Lori asked.

  “I cut my eyes at Lori, and she rolled hers.”

  “Nah, I got it, Sasha answered, not picking up on our eye play. She slid the bra off of her huge knockers and they bounced freely. Sliding her hands underneath them she lifted them, and momentarily massaged them, before dropping them back to her chest. The massive globes wiggled and wobbled all over again. I was amazed at how such huge masses held themselves up so well. Sasha leaned back and threw her arms over the back of the sofa, and took a deep breath, her huge tits, with their huge brown nipples, rising and then falling with her breathing.

  “What a fucking relief!”, she stated emphatically.

  “For you maybe!”, I quipped, adjusting my swelling cock in my pants. She and Lori both snickered.

  “I could use an ice-cold bottle of water right now!”, Sasha sighed.

  “C’mon, Sugar Tits, we’ll get you one in the kitchen. I don’t know if I can trust Cowboy alone with you like this.”

  “Whether or not you can, is irrelevant, at the moment.” I replied, taking a sip of scotch. “But, I agree completely that you shouldn’t! What time is it?”

  “Two twenty”, Lori replied as she went through the doorway.

  “See if Rosita put any left overs in the fridge! I’m fucking starving!”, I called out after her. Sasha leaned forward to rise from the sofa, her beautiful massive tits swinging forward.

  “I’m fucking starving too!”, she added.

  “There’s no way that you’re starving the way I am!”, I quipped. I watched her fantastic tits sway across the room as she headed for the door. Just before she passed through the door, she turned and winked at me.

  After that, all that I could see was ass wiggle and leg action. This was the first time that I had actually noticed her ass. The beautiful, shapely legs I noticed at the café in Crockett, but her ass was also superb. As least as far as I could tell, since it was covered by a tight little black skirt. I remember thinking at the time, that these women will very likely be the death of me, but what a fucking way to go!

  Rosita being her usual competent self, had left a large container of moqueca de camarons, and the containers of the southern fried steak, brown gravy, slaw, and collard greens. We all ate heartily, since neither Lori or I had eaten since dinner the previous night. But I’ve never seen a girl as little as Sasha, eat as much food in one sitting as she did. And she didn’t get picky about the vegan thing. Didn’t even mention it. This raised some suspicions in my mind, and I thought that maybe it was time for her to tell us her life story.

  Something; hell, a lot; was missing from her story. And, when she ate more than Lori and I, who had missed breakfast and were just late for lunch, something was amiss. I instinctively knew that something, as oppositely dark as her undaunted optimism was bright, had been at play in her life. I had a gut feeling that she needed to get it out to us, so that we could help her move past it, and rise above whatever it was.

  I knew in my soul, that she and I were kindred spirits, and that I could get her to share with me, and then Lori, and Rosita. Then we could all help her fend off whatever had eaten away part of her soul, and help her mend. She had opened Lori’s, and my eyes to so much, and helped us out of our shells in such a short time, that I felt that we owed her that much. Additionally, I was almost as ready to admit to myself that I was in love with her, as I had admitted my love for Lori and Rosita. Not quite, but almost

  I will add this. I’ve never had a late lunch that was as sexy, as sitting at the table with these two lovely women, with Sasha’s, bared, great tits, front and center. I had a hard on for the whole damn meal!

  About the time we were finishing cleaning up the kitchen, Rosita stopped by, just as I had asked her to before, but had totally forgotten about. She was through the stairway foyer door before I heard her coming in.

  “Holy sheet! Señor Tagg and señorita Lori, you did not lie about the little girls teets!”, was the first thing out of her mouth. By now, the air-conditioning had chilled Sasha’s huge nipples to pull then into fully erect status. I saw Sasha’s eyes narrow, and her grin grow.

  “You like them?”, she asked Rosita.

  “¡Si señorita! They are, what does senor Tagg say? ¡Fabuloso, tittiannas!

  “Rosita! Now, you’re making shit up! If you like her tits, just say so! And, let me speak for myself! Of course, I agree. They are fabulous! But, way more than that, she is a fabulously beautiful, smart, and talented woman! Just like you, and just like Lori! By the way, Rosita Arianna Almeyda, meet Sasha Adamson, Sasha meet Rosita. You know I don’t know your middle name Sash.”

  “Alantra.”, Lori piped in. “You didn’t ask before.”

  “Is a beautiful name! Sasha Alantra Adamson”, Rosita commented. Then turning to Lori, she asked, “You are family? Like niece?”

  “They had the same great, great, great, great, grand something back in seventeen…”, I said, but stalled when my memory failed.

  “forty-three”, Lori finished for me.

  “James Walker Adamson, to be exact.”, Sasha added.

  “So, you are almost not family?”, Rosita asked.

  “I call us kissing cousins!”, Sasha offered.

  “Yes, she does like to kiss!”, Lori said giggling

  “You can will be too Rosita’s kissing cousin?”, Rosita asked Sasha, leaning down and offering her puckered lips to Sasha. Sasha’s eyes flashed surprise, but she politely leaned forward and gave Rosita a light kiss on the lips.

  “Sure, why not?”, Sasha quipped.

  “Sash, I know that you’re enjoying being free of the confines of that bra, that was about to cut you in half, but I’m thinking that Aug or Sally, or both, might just be popping in, so do you mind putting just your blouse back on?”

  “Oh, s
ure! No probs Stan!”, she replied, rising from her chair and heading out toward the den.

  “Sasha is sweet girl!”, Rosita said, as soon as Sasha went through the door, but still loud enough for Sasha to hear. I will have her room ready soon. Dos days.”

  “Actually, I’ve had another idea.”, I said very slowly. “Lori, I’ve been thinking that the office is too little for the office space that we’ll need now, and I hardly, I mean we now, hardly ever use the den, so maybe…”

  “Make a bedroom out of the office, and turn the den into the office?”, Lori finished for me smiling, with twinkling eyes.

  “There is a creative, idea hatching, side to the technical work that Sasha will be doing.”, I explained. “So, I’m thinking, if she had everything at her immediate disposal, right here, that it would all just go smoother.”

  “I like it!”, Lori confirmed excitedly, “but who’s going to move all that fucking heavy furniture?”

  “Aug and me.”,

  “And me, Rosita! I am strong housekeeper!”

  “I’ll help too!”, Sasha piped up from the doorway, as she was returning with her blouse in her hand.

  “You’re not upset with this change of plans Rosita?”, I asked.

  “Is relief! My lace business would be like mountains!”

  “Why didn’t you tell us to start with?”, Lori asked her. “We didn’t want to impose or cause hardship. You know? Make difficult?”

  “Rosita do not say no to Tagg, or Lori.”, Rosita replied. “Is a love thing. Yes?”

  “I know what you mean Rosita, I feel the exact same way!”, Sasha said, threading her arms into her thin, white, silk blouse, with her magnificent tits swaying in every direction.

  “I need to go back to the widow Donovan now, and then to the salon for wax. I have the appointment like you want, for Lori and Sasha can come too! Is five o’clock.”,

  “Great!”, Lori responded. “Rosita, one more favor. Can you please come by and pick us up?”

  “I can take you guys.”, I quipped. “No need for Rosita to come back, and out of her way.”

  “Tagg! Is event for senoritas!”


  “A girls’ outing!”, Sasha said excitedly. “What are we doing?”

  “Brazilian wax!”, Rosita shouted as she headed toward the entrance foyer. “One quarter of the five o’clock, at the bottom of the steps! Bye Sasha! Bye Lori! Bye Tagg!” And, she was gone.

  “Brazilian wax? Oh, holy fuck no!”, Sasha yelled!

  “Don’t worry Sugar. It only hurts bad the first time or two, after that, the touch ups are a piece of cake”, Lori sought to assure her.

  “This would be my first fucking time!”, Sasha snapped back at her. “And besides, I don’t want a totally bare-naked twat!”, she said struggling with the upper buttons on her blouse. “Stan, can you help me with this motherfucker? Squeeze my boobs together, so I can get these two fucking buttons fastened!”

  “Lori! Help her! And, if you two will excuse me, while you discuss this girl event stuff, I’m going to have a scotch, and start moving the office. I’ll talk with both of you later. Today, my fucking nerves are shot! I’m just not fit company.”

  I made it as far as pouring the scotch and plopping down in my favorite chair. I flipped on the regional, twenty-four hour, weather and news channel, and zoned out. About half way through my scotch, I heard the shower start, and Lori silently and suddenly appeared beside me. Laying her hand on my shoulder, she began talking to me in a soothing tone.

  “Sasha’s in the shower, and I’m going next. After this morning, we’re both feeling sweaty and nasty.”

  “Dibs on third.”, I quipped.

  “I’m sorry that so much went south on you this morning Cowboy. Are you gonna be okay?”

  “I honestly don’t know Lori. That poor dumb cop! Just didn’t ask for that shit!”

  “I know Cowboy.”, she sympathized, and moving around behind me, began massaging my shoulders and neck. “Cowboy, criminals like the SOB extract prices from even innocent people. You shouldn’t blame yourself for this.”

  “Shush!”, I barked at her, grabbing up the remote, and cranking the volume. “That’s the RealMart in Lafayette!”, I said pointing the remote at the TV.

  The news announcers voice abruptly boomed from the speakers, “Officer Lambert who is expected to fully recover from what he termed as, minor wounds, gave credit for his survival to his body armor, and the unknown good Samaritan that shot his underworld assailants before disappearing. Witnesses described the man as a white male, dressed as a cowboy. RealMart spokespersons say that due to a glitch in their surveillance system, regrettably, no videos, leading up to, and during the shooting, are available. Lafayette police chief, Raymond Blackwood, is lauding the unknown cowboy as, and I quote, a true American hero! For channel nine news, I’m Allister McClellan, in Lafayette Louisiana.”

  I hit the off button and the room fell silent. I stood and headed for the door.

  “Cowboy, are you okay?”, Lori asked.

  “I gotta walk!”, I snapped.

  “I’ll go…”

  “Alone!”, I cut her off. I rushed down the steps and headed up the path toward Aug’s tree house.

  Chapter Eleven

  A Lucky Man? Maybe!

  Meeting with good fortune when you are actively moving forward isn’t luck. Luck is when you do nothing, and fortune falls in your lap. In the real world, it is rarer than being struck by lightning.

  About halfway up the trail, there’s an old, single, cypress board, nailed between two tree trunks, to make a bench. I sat down there, and let the tears of emotional release stream off of my face. I hadn’t wanted Lori, or anyone else, to see me like this. Learning that the Lafayette cop had lived, was a good thing, a happy thing. But it also served as the trigger, that sent the flood of pent up anxieties and emotions pouring through me. I let it out. I let it all out! And then, leaving all of it on that bench, I dried my eyes, and finally moved on toward Aug and Sally’s.

  The way Sally answered the door should have given me a clue that something wasn’t right, but in my state of mind, it just didn’t register. She opened the door looking fearful, and without greeting me. When I told her that I needed to talk, she silently stepped aside of the door, making room for me to pass. She closed the door behind me and then led the way back to the kitchen.

  “You want coffee?”, she finally spoke, waving her hand at a chair at the table.

  “I could use a cup”

  “Still black?”

  “Never changes.”, I responded, taking a seat. Sally set the steaming mug in front of me and sat down in the chair opposite of me. “How you been, Sal?”

  “I’m sorry Tagg! Oh, I’m so sorry!”, she cried out with sudden tears streaming down her face. She covered her face with both hands and continued to sob and wail. I had no idea of what to say, and I couldn’t just walk out, and leave her alone in such a state.

  As her crying waned, she sobbed at me, “Well say something Tagg! You must think that I’m horrible!”, and then her crying re-erupted all over again.

  I handed her the dish towel from beside the sink, to wipe her tears with, and still didn’t know what to say. Finally, I mustered the courage to speak.

  “Sal, I don’t have a clue what you’re upset about, and sorry about. I’ve had a very trying day, and maybe it’s just me missing something. But, you’re going to have to tell me what this is about, because for the life of me, I can’t think of a thing that you should be sorry for.”

  “This morning!”, she sobbed and started crying all over again.

  “What about this morning?”

  “The bathroom!” She was still crying holding the dish towel over her eyes and looking down.

  “Sal, just tell me what you’re talking about, in detail please, because honestly, I haven’t a clue what you’re upset about.”

  “I was there. It was me.”

  “You were where Sal?”

��Your bathroom!”, she practically screamed at me.” Then it clicked. The shower, double-wide door, standing open this morning.

  “The shower door? You?” She nodded her head, still sobbing and wiping tears.

  “I saw that strange truck over there with Rosita’s car, and worried. So, I got my pistol and went to check it out. I heard the pain noises in the bath, and the shower running, but when I jerked the door open, it wasn’t a bad guy that had Rosita. It was you and that other woman!”

  Now I had my hands over my face.

  “Oh shit! Sal, I’m so sorry! I wouldn’t have exposed you to that for the world! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! Oh, fuck! I don’t know what to say.”

  “No Tagg. You don’t understand. It wasn’t like I was appalled and shocked, and ran out screaming.” We just sat silently for a minute; neither of us saying anything. Finally, I spoke.

  “Sal, you’ve not harmed me, nor offended me in anyway. I’m sorry that this happened to you. From now on, when I get back from one of my trips, I’ll always let you guys know, first thing, right up. I don’t know what else I can say, or do, except to let you know how sorry I am. I mean, how were you to know any different? You were just trying to look out for Rosita, and I appreciate that. This was my fault.”

  Tears welled up in Sally’s eyes again and she covered her face with the dish towel, with her head lowered toward her lap, in humility.

  “Tagg, I sat on the toilet and watched you. And I… I… You know… I masturbated!” After another minute of silence, I weighed back in to the conversation.

  “Sal, I’ve heard a whole lot of confessions in my life, and while yours is the oddest one I ever heard, it’s also the most guiltless I’ve ever heard. You don’t need to apologize to me for anything. How you reacted to what you encountered? Not only is it none of my business, but even if it was, I’d have no problem with it. It’s not my place to judge your feelings, needs, and emotions. Right now, Sal, I think you’re being just plain, too damn hard on yourself.”

  “Just let go of the guilt, and think about this logically. It kinda all makes sense. Shit happens! If it was a scene in a movie or a book, it’d maybe be a little humorous, or sexy, or something. It’s just life, Sal! Please, don’t beat yourself up over it anymore! Okay?


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