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Roping Savannah

Page 15

by Jory Strong

  A fresh fear rippled through his stomach. Some of his earlier confidence giving way to doubt with the realization at how difficult the task ahead truly was. She would never be content with such a life. Even on such short acquaintance he could see her body vibrated with energy while her mind raced, looking for puzzles to solve and observing the world around her, all in readiness to right any wrong she might find.

  Draigon pushed the thoughts away and forced a deep breath into his lungs. He needed to concentrate on the immediate task at hand. One his cock was well prepared to handle.

  A small measure of peace returned to him as he recalled Jeqon’s words and reminded himself that even Adan—and Lyan, a man not troubled by boundaries—had struggled to claim their bond-mate.

  Draigon brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to it. “I do not wish to argue with you, Savannah. This is the first opportunity we have had to be alone as you and Kye have been alone.”

  Her body softened, the anger leaving her face to be replaced by the teasing smile Draigon was coming to both love and dread. His heart raced in his chest when she closed the distance between them. “Still waters run deep,” she said, making him want to laugh and yet protest at the same time. But he could only groan when her finger brushed across his bottom lip as she whispered, “I don’t want to argue with you either.”

  Savannah’s tongue traced the seam of his lips and Draigon was lost, assaulted by emotion and desire. His thoughts dissolving under wave after wave of need. Not just the needs of the body for release, but the hunger of the heart, the craving of the soul. For a future. A home that was more than walls of crystal.

  “Savannah,” he said when the kiss ended, realizing as he did so that his hand had gone to her breast, was even now cupping it, pressing the hardened nipple against his palm.

  She laughed, a sound that had his cock pulsing and jerking, his eyes lowering to her chest, his breath coming in shallow, rapid pants as she freed her hand from his and began unbuttoning the front of her shirt, slowly revealing curves and lightly tanned flesh. Making it impossible for him to look away.

  Savannah couldn’t help herself. It was like taking a dare and climbing onto a bronc or a bull. Like standing on the bare back of a horse and urging it into a canter. There was something about Draigon that made her want to be reckless, as though her own recklessness would free the man from the control and restraint he imposed on himself.

  She grinned. Or maybe it was just the heated look on his face. The hooded desire, with just a touch of longing, like a boy standing in front of a store window and wanting what was displayed there.

  Not that she would ever consider him a child. He was all man. Hard and fierce. Strong. Utterly and completely masculine.

  She opened the front clasp of her bra and the flimsy material pulled back, one side falling away from her breast to expose a nipple already puckered, aching for the feel of Draigon’s lips.

  Her cunt spasmed and clenched at the way his nostrils flared and his eyes darkened with lust. She moaned when he lifted his hand just enough so the other bra cup could fall free, so flesh could touch flesh, a calloused palm first and then fingers, grasping, rolling, squeezing and tugging, exploring as he watched, his attention completely focused on her, on learning what she liked, how to please her. His face showing his satisfaction when she whimpered and arched into his touch, when suddenly it wasn’t enough and her hand dropped to her lap, unbuttoning her jeans and jerking the zipper down so her fingers could slip inside.

  “By the Goddess, you undo me,” he said, his expression so hungry Savannah tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged, whispered, “Put your mouth on me.”

  He complied with a groan, going willingly to her breast, his mouth and tongue rough, wet, teasing over the taut nipple and feverish flesh when she wanted firm sucks and nearly painful bites. She pushed against him, writhed, tried to make him clamp down, but he resisted until she began begging, his name filling the cab of the truck, turning into moans when he suckled as though he would pull every ounce of pleasure from her body, as though he would pull her very soul into his own.

  She leaned back against the passenger door, taking him with her, moaning as his hand pushed hers aside, as he fought the awkward angle and the tightness of her jeans so his palm could slide along her pubic down, his fingers reaching wet arousal and flushed, swollen cunt lips.

  “Draigon,” she whimpered, widening her legs, shifting, tilting her pelvis so his slick fingers could enter her, could torment her as she imagined what it would be like when his cock filled her. “Harder,” she begged. “More.” And he groaned, repositioned himself, putting more of his weight on her as his mouth covered hers and his fingers pumped into her, his palm striking her clit and sending pleasure through her with a jolt that nearly tumbled them both to the floor.

  It took a moment for the haze of desire to lift, for Savannah’s sense of humor to rush in as she realized the truck was tilting at an odd angle. And then tenderness flooded her at the embarrassment staining Draigon’s cheeks for having forgotten to set the brake or put the engine in park.

  He sat up stiffly. His damaged pride a wound that made her ache.

  She scrambled to his side, pressing her lips to his cheek, her hand to his chest. Stroking him. “You can rock my world anytime,” she said, blurting out the first thing that came to mind, immediately grimacing as she looked at the boulder now kissing the bumper of the Chevy, preventing it from traveling further down the hill.

  Her words landed. Leaving Draigon stunned. And then the laughter came. Forced out of him from deep within and expanding until tears flowed down his cheeks.

  Never had he found such amusement in one of his own errors, in his own carelessness and lack of control. But Savannah’s easy humor took the sting of his failure away and replaced it with a memory that would no doubt be used against him in the future—and yet even the prospect of being teased about this event filled him with happiness rather than dread. Connection instead of alienation. Savannah’s laughter adding to his own joy.

  When the laughter ended Savannah brushed her lips against his. “I like you like this. All loosened up with a sense of humor and some macho he-man thrown in just to keep me on my toes.”

  Draigon closed the nearly invisible distance between their lips, his tongue stroking into her mouth, caressing, a tender communication more poignant than words, a coming together that left them lost in their own world for long moments.

  Her lips were swollen when he pulled away, her eyes half-closed, her face reflecting hunger and yet peace as well, comfort. With him. With the intimacy they would soon share. He kissed her once again, this time hard and quick, and then he turned his attention to maneuvering the primitive vehicle back on to the road.

  Savannah was torn between getting down and dirty or getting naked and clean as Draigon slammed to a halt in front of the cabin. She climbed out of the truck but before she took a step he was there, standing in front of her in all his masculine glory.

  She gave him the once-over, her gaze lingering on the impressive erection pressing against the front of his jeans, and she couldn’t suppress a snicker. Couldn’t resist saying, “What do you think, you up for the hot tub?”

  He wasn’t as quick as Kye in getting it. There was a fleeting frown—confirming what Savannah had concluded earlier, that Draigon must not get away from his insular community very often—then a glimmer of masculine understanding. A heated look as he took her hand and placed it over his erection. “Whenever you are near I am always up for whatever will please you,” he said, his voice deep and husky and flooding her panties with arousal.

  She laughed and rubbed her palm up and down his jeans-covered cock, reveling in the way his face immediately tightened with desire, his focus on her so complete he made her feel as though she was the only woman in the world for him. “Let’s do it,” she said and this time his response was immediate, confident, an echo of her own words. “Yes, let’s do it.”

  They left a tr
ail of clothing around the side of the cabin as Savannah led him to the hot tub her brothers and cousins had built, the water heating automatically with the aid of energy derived from solar panels, the tub actually “sunken” since the guys had built a small deck around its rim. So all we have to do once the babes are primed is to roll them out and climb on top, one of her cousins told her the first time she’d seen what they’d done to the line shack.

  Not that she was any better. She’d filled the tub with water this morning in preparation for a little action with Kye after they got back from town.

  Her gaze slid down Draigon’s rock-hard body, finding it every bit as arousing as Kye’s. Her smile growing more sultry when his cock bobbed in greeting. She couldn’t say she was sorry it was just the two of them—for now, for this first time together.

  Draigon stood still under Savannah’s scrutiny. His gaze traveling over her naked form. By the Goddess, her beauty nearly blinded him. Had he once thought humans were less? Unblessed because they didn’t have wings?

  There was nothing fragile about his mate, and yet her lack of wings engendered such feelings of protectiveness in him that he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her side. No wonder the Fallon had often walked on Earth! No wonder some of them had stayed!

  And while he still held the view that Earth was primitive, the thought of lingering in the hot tub—an experience not indulged in on his home world because it was difficult, if not impossible, for most to transmute their wings on Belizair—of covering his body with Savannah’s, of bathing his cock in the hot depths of her cunt even as the rest of him was encased in heated water, had his penis straining, leaking, urging him to seek her welcoming sheath.

  She closed the distance between them and wound her arms around his neck. His hands went to her waist, pulling her against him so flesh touched only flesh for the first time.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to go up in flames,” she said, brushing her lips against his, leaving him breathless from the sheer pleasure of holding and being held by her.

  “Perhaps we had better get into the water then.” But he was loath to let her go even though he wanted to explore her body more thoroughly. Wanted to be in a place he could more easily couple with her.

  In the truck Draigon had thought to take her immediately. To take her hard and fast. To escape the fury of his emotions by burying himself in her body. But as they slid into the hot tub and moved into each other’s arms again, the world around them slowed and urged them to slow as well, to savor this first joining. To make it more than a hurried mating.

  He groaned as his lips took hers, as their tongues rubbed against each other, his earlier resolve to explore her body weakening with the feel of her slick folds against his throbbing cock, of her breasts against his chest.

  Draigon lifted his mouth from hers, his heart soaring with joy at the way her green eyes sparkled with so many things. Happiness. Acceptance. Anticipation. Desire.

  “You have already become my world,” he told her, fearing it was too soon for such a confession but unable to stop himself from giving it to her.

  Surprise rippled through Savannah along with a touch of recognition, déjà vu, the conversation in the bar with Krista flooding in. Krista’s question and her answer to it.

  Do you still believe love can happen a few heartbeats after lust at first sight?

  Yeah. I think it’s possible to recognize someone you can spend your life with at the same time your hormones are in overdrive and you want to jump his body.

  Oh yeah. She thought it was possible even if she wasn’t ready to admit to Draigon or Kye that they’d become the embodiment of her every fantasy and she couldn’t even contemplate doing without them.

  Savannah speared her fingers through Draigon’s hair and pulled his mouth back to hers. Telling him with a kiss, with the press of her body to his, what she wasn’t yet willing to tell him in words.

  Draigon allowed more of his weight to settle on Savannah, his heart thundering in his chest, the wild beat of it pulsing through his cock as his tongue delved into the wet heat of her mouth. Her unspoken message singing through him. Filling him with hope.

  She enthralled him. Made him feel so many different emotions that they often overwhelmed him. Left him uncertain, unbalanced, sometimes feeling as untried as an inexperienced youth, sometimes feeling like an uncivilized barbarian.

  Savannah was meant for him. As surely as if the Goddess had looked beyond Belizair and found the one who would complete him, the one who would give him what no other could. Children, yes. But they had become a joyous consequence of forming a mate-bond with Savannah and no longer the primary reason for doing so.

  He shivered when her hands caressed his shoulders. Moaned when her foot caressed the back of his leg, the movement tilting her pelvis so his cock rubbed against her stiffened clitoris.

  “I want you inside me,” she whispered when the kiss ended, her words driving a sun-hot shaft of need from his heart to his penis.

  Draigon shifted position, found the submerged bench and leaned back, pulling Savannah on top of him. His earlier fantasy of bathing his cock in the hot depths of her cunt as the rest of him was encased in heated water rushed in and only masculine pride enabled him to command rather than to beg. “Take all of me then.”

  She laughed, her husky laugh his only warning as she did what he’d ordered, took his penis in her hand and guided it to her entrance, slowly impaling herself on its rigid length, fucking herself on him an inch at a time, her fist limiting the depth of his penetration until he was growling, bucking, wild with need for her. Until he took control, forcing her arms around his neck as his fingers dug into her buttocks and held her into position. His mouth fusing with hers. His tongue thrusting against hers as he claimed his bond-mate, as he swallowed her screams of release and filled her with his seed, his hopes for the future. The lava-hot rush of semen only opening the floodgates to the passion he felt for her.

  They lounged in the hot tub afterward, caressing, teasing, lips separating only for breath or muted conversation. Each moment forever etched into Draigon’s memory.

  He wanted to ask her to bond with him, to accept the band he’d crafted for her and allow him to put it around her wrist. He wanted to ask her to go home with him. But he knew it was too soon even though he was already completely lost in her.

  Reluctantly he left her mouth, trailed kisses to her ear, her neck, downward, the bliss of the heated water suddenly a barrier, an impediment to what he wanted, what he needed. To taste her. To explore her. To claim her completely.

  With a low growl he scooped her up and placed her on the sun-bleached cushions covering the deck, his mind rebelling at the thought other men might have been here with her, might have experienced this with her. Kye he could accept, less reluctantly now that he had seen the truth of Kye’s earlier assessment, the need for two males to keep Savannah safe while she remained on Earth. But the thought of anyone else—Draigon latched on to Savannah’s nipple, biting, sucking, laving. Aggressive now. Wanting to mark her. Wanting to imprint himself so thoroughly on her that she would never remember another male here with her like this.

  Savannah arched into Draigon, her legs opening, splaying wantonly. Her cunt lips already flushed, parted, coated with arousal.

  The memory of her cousin’s words making her laugh. Oh yeah she was primed. And she wanted Draigon to roll on top of her.

  She groaned in protest when his lips left her breast, when he slid lower, putting distance between his penis and her pussy.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair, prepared to drag Draigon upward—until his mouth found her slit. His tongue dancing over her swollen flesh, delving into her and making her cunt clench in a desperate attempt to hold him, to pull him deeper.

  His hands held her in position, prevented any possibility of escape, but she was a willing prisoner. The jerks of her hips punctuated by gasps as she tried to fuck herself on his tongue just as she’d done with his

  He growled and took control, used his weight and strength to hold her motionless as his tongue and lips assaulted her, alternating between thrusts and licks to her slit, to her clit. Until she was panting, writhing, screaming in release.

  Satisfaction roared through Draigon as he covered Savannah’s body with his own. As he pushed his cock into her, the sensation so intense he wanted to remain still, to savor it forever. He longed to be on Belizair where he could show her his true form, where he could spread his wings above them as he made love to her. But when she wrapped her limbs around him and smiled, eyes full of feminine satisfaction and desire, he gave himself up to the moment. To the need. His body pumping into hers in a dance as ancient as time, in a rhythm that had no borders, that transcended universes. Her sighs joining his groans. Her orgasm summoning his own.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Concern flickered across Jeqon’s face when Kye entered the scientific chambers. “There is trouble with Draigon?”

  “Other than the fact he is probably coupling with Savannah at this very moment?” Kye said then grimaced, raising a hand to halt any comment by his friend. “It is not the Vesti way. But…truly, I have accepted that Savannah will belong to both Draigon and me. And if we are to remain on Earth for any period of time, it will take two men to keep her safe. I am indebted to you for arguing my case so convincingly. Had I known beforehand that Draigon was her mate by Council law, I would have held no hope at all he would accept me as a co-mate. So all goes well. Perhaps even better than expected. She accepts the idea of two mates.”

  “So what brings you here?”

  “Hope for our women,” Kye said, closing the distance between them and setting the take-out containers he’d been cradling in his arm on the table. Choosing to save time and explanation by mentally replaying the events at the coffee shop, Kelleher and Vaccaro’s shielding of their eyes, their strange glances, Vaccaro’s amusing threat to Draigon, to clip his wings nice and short.


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