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The Ties That Bind Us

Page 7

by Annie Buff

  Smoke felt better about Jake being there. He wasn’t a rat, he was just a scared kid who got mixed up in something he couldn’t avoid. The Devils had to help being as he was family. Now they had to devise a plan to bring down the elder Harrison known as Jester and keep the youngest in one piece.

  “I’m gonna take a wild stab and say you’re expect ed to return to wherever they are right?” Smoke asked but not really needing the answer. Then Krispy had things to say.

  “He did this! I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him that son of a bitch! He’s gonna die slow!” He was on his feet screaming. “Where is he! You take me to him now” Smoke had to put a stop to this and do it quick. Both Harrison’s would likely be killed if he let them go after Jester and the rest of the Bastards.

  “Slow your role kid. Jester is vicious and one slimy mother fucker. I ain’t letting the two of you go off and get killed. We need to do this right. I got an idea, Jake how you feel about dyin’? “ Smoke chuckled as they made their way back to the front lawn. He saw Ajax waiting out front of everyone and had a bad feeling the cleaner was about to cause trouble. Smoke would let Krispy handle his brother and Ajax. The president made the introductions.

  “Jake’s gonna help us, Jester is the one who ran Izzy off the road. He knows if he screws the Devils over, well let’s just say he won’t be makin’ any babies if ya know what I mean. “ They all knew and Smoke heard the low laughs. He caught glimpse of his wife and knew she was about to welcome Jake into the fold, just the same way she did with them all.

  “Baby brother this is the queen. She’s in charge and trust me you don’t wanna cross her, she has a mean right hook.” Jake nodded, following suit with his brother and kneeling. Peyton giggled and got down on their level.

  “ Holy crap you two, get up!” She smiled as she held out her hand. “I’m Peyton McAllister and you’re Joshua’s brother Jacob. You’re skinny, come with me. Nero you can have him back after he’s had a proper meal.”

  Ajax who had been silent during the intros decided it was his turn. “He ain’t going anywhere until he spills where his sperm donor is! “ The cleaner stood with his arms crossed over his chest. His stance said he meant business and nobody was safe, not even Jake. Tara stood listening to the time in her husbands voice. She knew he wanted retribution, that wasn’t a hard leap but this young man had nothing to do with Isadora being hurt; that was all Jester and his sick mind.

  “Noah.” Tara started but was quickly cut off. “No! Not this time baby. You know I’d do anything for you but now I gotta be the cleaner, the asshole son of a bitch we all know I am. He’s gonna tell me what I need to know so I can go take care of business.” Red had been mute during most of this, it was Devil’s business but when his cleaner began to get out of hand he had to step in.

  “Ajax! Number one we donot talk to our women like that! Number two, Krispy is the one who will handle Jester. We back him up but the kid has to be the one, understand?” Whether or not he understood wasn’t the point. Ajax was livid at what happened to his daughter but old Red was right, Tara didn’t deserve his tone nor his words and Krispy had to be the one. Jester was his father and he deserved to be put down with some sort of honor no matter how bad he was.

  Krispy hadn’t said much, he was waiting for the right time to announce his babies and now looked like as good of time as any. “Hey before we start killin’ people, Bones let me see my kid on the ultra sound thing. It was so cool, I got a tiny human inside the woman I love. Two tiny humans actually, due in the spring; look.” He had the printout of the ultrasound in his hand, very proudly showing off the twins. Ajax stood looking in utter shock. Becoming a grandpa hadn’t quite sunk in yet and now he was hearing twins. He had to sit, sinking down to the dirt.

  “You OK old man? You’re gonna be a gramps for two. Ain’t that some shit! “ Red said laughing. This was definitely a Kodak moment. The look on Ajax face was pricele

  HEALING It had been a week since the accident and Isadora was up and about. She didn’t let the cast on her wrist slow her down, keeping up with Krispy as best she could. Her middle was still bruised and painful. Bones had said ten days on most of her stitches. The next few days would take a lifetime since they were starting to itch like mad. Every time she went to scratch someone was scolding her, usually Krispy.

  Smoke had taken Jake down to the old mill road and staged a bike accident, Jace had called in a few favors to make it look like he hit a semi and was killed instantly. The corpse they borrowed looked eerily like Jake so Slinger just added the ink Jake had to the cadaver. It was creepy how much like Jake the body looked. It was the only way the club could think of to keep him safe.

  While everyone was off taking care of business, Krispy took Isadora to his rock on the canyons edge. They needed time for themselves, just the two of them without the brothers around. “I missed being alone with you like this. I mean I know we live together but since I got hurt you’ve been sleeping on the couch and spending so much time planning, well I miss you Joshua.” She told him as she crawled into his lap, straddling him. Izzy missed it all including the intimacy of their love making and she had plans of her own as her hips grinded against his crotch.

  “Baby, your stitches. And the babies, won’t we hurt them?” “The babies will be fine and as far as my stitches, well you’re just gonna have to be very, very careful.” The sound of her voice was low, sexy and sultry as her teeth bit down on his earlobe. He was erect instantly, somehow the biting was erotic and Krispy wanted more and he wanted it now.

  “Harder baby, bite harder! Damn that feels so good!” She did exactly as he asked, leaving teeth marks down his neck and shoulder. It didn’t take much more coaxing to have Krispy hard as steel and needing to be inside her. To make the ultimate connection with the one woman he loved.

  He stripped her down and then himself, returning her to the straddled position on his lap. He would have preferred her legs over his shoulders but her ribs weren’t ready for that so Krispy lowered Isadora down, giving her all of him and starting a slow pump.

  He knew this wouldn’t last long if he quickened the pace, especially with her being so wet. His balls were dripping from her essence. “Izzy baby… damn, fuck… “ was really all he could muster with her nails digging into his back.

  Krispy nibbled on her neck when she flung her head back, whimpering at how good he felt in her. He was so close to his orgasm and if she didn’t hit soon he wouldn’t be able to hold off. She must have known just how close he was, Krispy was close to hyperventilation just trying to stop himself.

  “Let go Joshua, come baby.” And that was all the encouragement he needed, grunting and spilling everything he had to give. He knew she hadn’t got hers so he planned to remedy that situation, lifting her up and laying her down on his shirt, kissing down her body until he settled between her legs.

  “Joshua you just… “ Izzy mentioned, knowing what would be leaking out. “Don’t care, need to feel you shake like when you come. “ His tongue found it’s mark, licking her swollen clit and letting two fingers slide inside her. Izzy was so slick, it was her juices mixed with his running out. As his tongue worked it’s magic he let a finger slide over her anus. Two were still inside her rubbing on that spot every woman hopes her partner will find. His thumb was circling her ass and she wasn’t objecting so he gave a little push; watching the thumb disappear.

  The sounds she made as he touched her had Krispy hard again and there was something he wanted to do. She knew what was on his mind and turned herself over, inviting him to breach that spot every man wants. “Baby if it hurts, tell me. I’ll stop.” Isadora just nodded as she felt the tip of his cock rubbing on her asshole. She hadn’t done this either but with him, anything would be ok.

  He remembered watching this so many times on the porn site, and how to pull her back on him as he pushed. To his surprise it wasn’t a fight, sliding all the way in. The small gasp she let out caused him worry, was he hurting her? Krispy tried to pull out but she protest
ed. “Don’t stop.”

  Krispy found a slow, gentle pace that made her whimper again and for him; he was going to lose it. The guys had said there was nothing like this and he had to agree. More so because this wasn’t something that happened every day. Reaching around he found her clit once more and let his thumb circle it. Soon her hand joined his and the motions had her panting.

  Isadora was shaking, with every touch of his fingers and every pump of his cock in her ass she was almost shouting. “Harder Joshua, oh my God! I’m gonna come! “ He felt her walls pulse as she lost it, him hot on her heels; pulling out and depositing his seed on her ass cheeks.

  With her in his arms he just held on. They shared their bodies and their souls. Nothing would be off limits for them. He trusted her but more importantly; she trusted him.

  Krispy cleaned her up with his shirt and redressed her, then himself; going bare chested. He would toss the old shirt in the basket. Every time he wore it from then on, Krispy would smile. He didn’t rush but didn’t take his time either, knowing the alone time was limited and nobody was going to see her naked or them the way they were. That was private, for them only.

  They walked back to the clubhouse holding hands. Anyone who saw these two just knew. They were a forever couple. No man would or could come between them.

  Smoke sat in his usual chair but his companion was a surprise, Jake Harrison. Krispy saw them before they saw him and slightly smiled. Maybe his baby brother would be a good fit and the president would accept him and let him prospect. Krispy knew he couldn’t be his sponsor. Smoke wouldn’t allow that but maybe one of the other brothers would take him in.

  Jake looked up seeing his brother and smiled. He hadn’t met Izzy yet and was in awe of how beautiful she was. “Damn Josh, how the hell did you get her! She’s a fuckin’ knockout.” Krispy knew that already. Isadora was nothing short of a runway model. He had no idea how he managed to nab her affections but he did, and that’s all that mattered.

  Krispy just shrugged, his brother didn’t need any details. Smoke motioned for him to sit, something must be happening. Isadora stood behind Krispy, waiting for the president to ask her to leave but he didn’t. Instead he offered her his favorite chair. “Sit little mama, we got two new Devils cookin’ in there. “ Smoke chuckle as he pointed to her tummy.

  “Seems Jester has taken over the Rack, the owner is MIA and I got a good idea where he is. Already sent Ajax and Renegade out to the reeds.” The reeds was a place by the lake where the mud was so thick you’d sink like quicksand. Many a body had been disposed of there back in the days of Merlin, Smokes father.

  Smoke spoke and Krispy listened attentively, having an idea of his own. It would work if they played it right. The women wouldn’t have to worry anymore and Krispy could get the justice he needed. “Prez, I think I know how to get him; my father. He went after Jake on purpose, knowing that would be the one thing that would get to me. See, when we we’re kids I would take the beating to keep him away from Jake. Al Harrison was as brutal then as he is now as Jester. No way Jake would have made it but I’m tougher and as the older brother it was my job to protect him. When he went to prison it was like life started over, then my mom disappeared and we went into the system. To this day I think he had someone kill her, she ratted him out to the cops. Anyway I think it’s me Jester wants.”

  It made sense, baiting the kid with his brother. Knowing Krispy would do whatever he could to keep the brother safe and now with his ‘death’ Jester had to be pissed.

  “You just might be right kid and we need to deal with him, but business comes first. Renegade is leading a job down south. Seems the new leader of the Eighty-eight would like do some business with the Devils. Pedro Morales Gonzalez is his name, I remember him from my time across the border. He was just a kid then but aren’t they all. If memory serves me he was a decent guy so I’m not too concerned about a double cross. What I am worried about is the Bastards so let’s do this exchange and get your asses home so we can handle them.”

  Isadora didn’t like the fact that her man would be out in the open like that but at least he wasn’t going alone. “Smoke, “ she asked. “When do they go? We’re supposed to see Bones in the morning.” Smoke already knew, as president he made sure he was informed on what was going in in his club. And knowing the young couple had an appointment to check on not only Izzy but the babies too, Smoke set the meet for the following night.

  That night Isadora slept in Krispy’s arms, feeling safe and content. He wasn’t sleeping however. Krispy had his hands on her stomach, whispering to his children. It was still surreal knowing he made not one but two babies and both were safely tucked inside their mother. “Hey you two, it’s your dad. Bones says you can hear me. I haven’t even got to hold you guys yet and I love you so fuckin’ much. I been writing poems for your mom so I guess I can make one for my kids.” He said as he began to whisper to his children.

  “It doesn’t matter

  Girl or boy.

  I’m just so filled

  With absolute joy.

  Then we find,

  Not one but two.

  I hope you all know How much I love you.

  I can’t wait to see,

  To love and to hold.

  You’re precious gifts.

  More valuable than gold.

  My loves,

  My hearts,

  My life,

  My joy


  BUSINESS EIGHTY EIGHT STYLE The ride down towards the border was without incident which surprised them all. Renegade led which was expected but he let Krispy ride on his right. Slinger and Jace were behind them and Falcon drove the rig which was several car lengths ahead. They needed distance so the authorities didn’t suspect anything, but close enough to be there if trouble arose.

  The meeting with Pedro was in a small cantina just on the American side. He was sitting in the corner with his back to the wall. The young leader had obviously made some enemies already. “Welcome amigos. Sit and enjoy some food and drink before we do our business.” Ren nodded and held out his hand. It was just a small gesture but one showing good faith. Smoke had given orders and they all would follow. Nobody wanted to piss off the president, that included Renegade.

  Pedro was much more personable than his predecessor, even joking with the brothers. The new Jefè even offered them some female entertainment which they all declined. Business was business as far as they were concerned. Even with the hospitality being shown, each man aired on the side of caution.

  With their business finished the brothers took to the road and headed north towards home. Falcon rode bitch on Jace’s bike. His was the newest and had the biggest rear rider seat. “Just don’t hug on me the way Peyton does with Smoke. I will seriously throw you off somewhere down the highway.” Jace said with a snorting laugh. It was about a three hour ride home and they took the back roads. This route was still a state highway but one far less traveled than the interstate. They all agreed it was the safer way back and informed Smoke of the change.

  An hour away from the compound was the turning point. Renegade heard them before he saw them, the Bastards came from the deep desert brush. Six bikes and one four wheel drive truck. It was flat black with a roll cage and the driver looked just like Krispy, that had to be Jester. Ren went into fight mode, pulling the Kukri from his saddlebag and preparing for a battle.

  “Kid we need to get off the road and find cover! “ Renegade shouted over the rumble of their bikes. He knew Krispy took this road frequently and would know of anyplace to hide. “Fuck! I hate these assholes!” So did Krispy, he saw the driver of the truck and guessed so did Renegade. Too bad someone hadn’t shanked the old man on the prison yard. That would have made his life so much easier.

  Krispy took off ahead, leading the bikes. He knew where they needed to go. The old Steele farm was still standing, aside from the barn that they burned down. That’s where they headed, pushing speeds of nearly ninety on the curves of the old high

  As soon as the group hit the dirt turn off, Krispy hit the brakes and bailed, letting his old bike crash into a saguaro cactus. The others followed suit, running behind him. “The shed out back has ammo!” The kid shouted. For whatever reason he liked to stash guns and ammunition in odd places. This was one if those moments he was glad for his odd compulsion. Smoke had gifted him with Tech Nine and that too was stashed out at this farm, but not in the tool shed. Krispy hid that in the main house, upstairs in the toilet tank; bagged up with plenty of bullets. He and Renegade hit the main building as Jace and Falcon raced for the old shed.

  Krispy ran the stairs like Rocky Balboa, taking them in three leaps and busting through the locked bathroom door like it was nothing. Renegade was just inches behind him, knowing they needed high ground to gain the upper hand on the Bastards. Krispy assembled the Tech in seconds, peering out the window to see if their company had arrived yet.

  They listened but heard nothing. No voices, no engines of any kind. “Kid this ain’t right, they should have been right behind us.” Renegade knew something was wrong. Bastards were never known for retreat so Krispy stood to look out the window, that’s when he took the first bullet. It tore through his shoulder and imbedded in the wall behind him.

  “Fuckers!” He screamed as the fire began to spread throughout his upper body. It was a through and through and not life threatening but it still burned like a bitch and inhibited his shooting. Renegade swiftly traded off weapons for the Tech Nine and shoved Krispy to the side, spraying bullets out the open window. He counted six armed bikers which meant Jester was still out there somewhere. As he stopped to drop the empty clip, Renegade grabbed his phone. He had to get backup and quick but couldn’t find a signal.

  “Fuck! I hate this goddamned phone! You got any service kid?” Krispy fumbled to dig his phone from the inside of his cut. He had no bars which meant no service either. The mountain must be interfering with cell signals. He looked up at Ren and shook his head. This was going to be a bad day all around.


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