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The Dragon Twins

Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  "I can feel your worry," Hunter commented softly. "Is that part of our bond? It's not that I can see that you're worried, I can actually feel the anxiety that you two are experiencing."

  "Yes, as the bond grows our connection to one another grows also. Forbes and I have always been able to read and feel one another, but now we can read and feel you as well."

  “This is a lot Flynn, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Like I said before, I feel like I belong here with you both and I have never felt that not even at home with my father and brother. I have never had that sense of belonging until I met the Keith twins.” He snuggled against Forbes’ shoulder.


  "You're tired, we should go to bed and pick this conversation up in the morning," Flynn suggested and Forbes' seconded. Just then Hunter's phone began to vibrate. He pulled it from his pocket, checked the number and denied the call.

  “Was that your brother calling?” Forbes asked.


  “Are you ever going to talk to him and let him explain himself.” Forbes pressed.

  “Maybe, but not right now. I’m not ready to hear his apologies or his excuses.”

  "Understood," Forbes told him, but he also knew that Hunter had a good relationship with his brother Lyle until the betrayal and perhaps there was more to the story. He would address the subject again at a later date. From what he'd discovered Lyle was repentant and eager to reconcile, but it was Hunter's call.

  "We'd like you to share the large room with us. We've moved your things in there, and tomorrow we can divvy up the space as far as closet and drawers and what not. We want you with us. Are you okay with that?" Flynn asked as they walked together towards the large bedroom.

  "I'm very okay with that. I want to hold you both and fall asleep in your arms." Flynn had no problem with that, and neither did Forbes. One more hurdle out of the way as far as they were concerned. They both put their arm around Hunter as they led him to the bedroom. This was turning into a very good day.

  They laid him on the bed, and together they stripped him to his briefs and tucked him in. Hunter got to lay there and watch two of the most gorgeous men in the world strip in front of him. With each piece of clothing, the scene became more and more erotic, and Hunter felt his breath quickening and his heart began to race as his eye devoured them both.

  Flynn slowed down and took his time when he saw the way Hunter was enjoying the show. He glanced at Forbes and he too turned the moment into a performance for their mate.

  “Like what you see, my love?” Flynn purred as he crawled up beside Hunter and laid down.

  “I like everything I’m seeing.” Hunter raved and bounced his eyebrows suggestively. Flynn took Hunter's lips in a wet kiss and he felt Forbes take his place next to him. The kiss was hot as fuck, greedily exploring and breathlessly urgent.

  Forbes pulled back the comforter and kissed his way down Hunter’s torso to the waistband of his briefs. He slid his hand inside and forced the briefs down baring Hunter’s throbbing cock. Hunter felt the cool air hit his hot flesh and the sensation was delicious but did not even come close to the ecstasy he felt when Forbes abruptly took him into his mouth.

  He wasn’t going to last long as Forbes deep throated him again and again. He wasn’t a small man, but Forbes had no difficulty taking him completely into this mouth, sucking him down again and again. How much pure mind-blowing debauchery could one person take? Hunter figured with Flynn and Forbes in his life he was soon to find out.

  Flynn ate away at his mouth while Forbes ate away at his cock and the combination was lethal. In seconds Hunter was tied in knots as he stiffed and came so hard, he thought he would pass, again. His screams were swallowed by Flynn but still came out with as a tight squeal.

  Forbes took it all every drop drinking him down and continuing to suck the tip until Hunter thought he would die of over stimulation. Forbes finished with a kiss to his over sensitive cock and then tucked him back inside his briefs and moved up to lay down beside him.

  “You are delicious.” He said against Hunter’s ear. Flynn finished the kiss and lay down on his side with his arm across Hunter’s middle.

  "He's right, you are delicious," Flynn told him.

  "I think I'm in heaven," Hunter said to a combined chuckle. They gathered him close tucking him tight between them and they all fell blissfully asleep.


  The next morning, they were up early and after a quick breakfast, Forbes told them he was going to the main house to speak with Alrick. The idea that the wolf was still out there and still a threat to Hunter was something Forbes could not let stand.

  "I have to go to the Federal and meet the sales agent. Kyle said the agent has papers prepared that need a signature." Flynn stated off hand. "Would you like to come with me, Hunter?" He asked.

  “You’re buying the Federal?” Hunter was thoroughly surprised.

  "Yep," Flynn answered.

  "And if you're lucky there might be a bartending position open. But we'll have to take an application and make sure we get the best candidate." Forbes teased.

  "Might?" He said with a side eye towards Forbes. "Maybe I'll apply somewhere else. I have experience now. Maybe I'm not at all interested in your open position." Hunter answered with a toss of his head.

  The twins were on him immediately apologizing and assuring him the job was his. "I was just joking, I didn't mean it," Forbes exclaimed.

  Hunter began to laugh hard and pulled them both in for a hug. “You two are so easy.”

  “You’re not mad?” Flynn asked.

  "No, I just didn't want to look too eager or too desperate, but just so you know, I am eager and desperate." He laughed again and their relief was obvious.

  "Well, the job is yours. According to the agent, we could take possession as soon as next week." Flynn stated, but I have to give them some signatures.

  "I'd like to go with you," Hunter said. "I'm not a fan of Frank but I liked Briggs, he was nice to me. It would be good to see him again." Hunter slipped on his boots and then turned to ask something he'd forgotten about.

  “What kind of shifter is Briggs?”

  "Bear, grizzly to be exact," Flynn told him.

  “Wow, what an interesting new world I live in.”


  “How are things with your new mate?” Alrick asked. Forbes was meeting with him in the large living area of the Lodge, Bryn was also present.

  “It’s moving along nicely. We’ve claimed him and gave him the talk so now we’re all just working out the kinks and getting used to each other. He’s an amazing young man and loving him is easy.” Forbes was not prolific when it came to communicating his feelings, but he made himself clear. He then got down to the purpose of the meeting. He shared with them the attacks and his suspicions.

  "It's the wolf, no doubt in my mind," Bryn stated loudly. "Those fucking rogues are nothing but trouble." Wolves had harmed more than one of their mates, so the discussion was impassioned from the start.

  “There is no room in this town for our enemies. We will make it clear that only death awaits those who cross us. We have the elders arriving and we have a baby on the way, there is no time for bullshit. Find the wolf and if he is the cause, kill him and anyone who dares to stand with him.” Alrick was not fucking around.

  “Yes, sir.” Forbes got up and was walking towards the back door when Bryn spoke.

  “If you need any assistance, call me.”

  “Thank you, I will.”


  "I'm glad Frank wasn't here," Hunter commented. Flynn had just completed the paperwork with the agent, and they were having a quick walk around with Briggs as their guide.

  "Yeah, me too." Flynn agreed. Briggs was handling the place and said that Frank had already left for another job in Fort Collins.

  “We’d like you to stay on Briggs, with a raise of course and Andy too.” Flynn expressed hoping he’d agree.

  “I’d like that, thanks. I
don’t know about Andy, but I’ll ask him and get back with you.” Briggs told him.

  Before they left Briggs pulled Flynn to the side and informed him that the wolf, who went by the name Rage had been asking around for magics. "I don't know what it means, but it can't be good."

  “Thanks.” Flynn wasn’t sure what it meant either, but he would make sure the Clan was made aware. Magics were erratic, and some magics, magics of a Mage had the power to affect dragons. It's not lasting, but it slows the dragon's abilities for a short time.

  The Clan had a run in with Mage magic several years ago and one of their number, Kyle, had been taken hostage and prevented from shifting. It ended well and the perpetrator was destroyed, but magic was unpredictable and Flynn for one wanted no part of it.

  While they were in the SUV, Hunter’s phone vibrated and again it was his brother. This time he looked perplexed and Flynn thought for a moment he was going to answer but he denied the call and dropped it back into his pocket.

  "Not ready yet?" He asked, and Hunter shook his head.

  “I’ll listen to his messages later. I’ll start there.” He said while staring out the side window.


  Forbes was waiting once again on the front porched for their return. Hunter was beginning to look forward to the welcome home he always got from Forbes. He scooped him up into his arms and kissed him senseless before setting him back down on his feet. He kept his arm draped over Hunter’s shoulders and Hunter looped his arm around Forbes’ waist.

  “What did Alrick say?” Flynn asked when he joined them on the porch.

  "We have the go-ahead to finish this." Forbes dropped a kiss to the top of Hunter's head. "I did a search of the usual haunts for rogue wolves, but he wasn't at any of them nor were there any wolves. Something is going down because most of the wolves have left town, completely left town." Forbes turned with an arm still around Hunter and headed inside with Flynn coming in behind. "Cameron is monitoring all the CCTV connection throughout town and will let me know when he gets a lead. It won't be long."

  "Briggs told me that the wolf goes by the name Rage and was around looking to buy some magic," Flynn told him. They sat down on the large sofa again, still not wanting Hunter to be too far away. This time Hunter draped one arm over Flynn's thigh and the other over Forbes' thigh. The brothers loved that he was coming into his own and finding his place and his comfort there with them.

  "He must have heard that his hired hit men were killed," Forbes said. "Magic isn't going to save his ass."

  Flynn’s cell rang and so did Forbes’ they both answered, and it was the main house calling and announcing that Chance had delivered a son and they named him Liam after Calum’s father.

  "I'm going to head over and make sure the ceremonial meal is planned and prepared for Calum and Chance and that it is set up appropriately." Flynn was a stickler for rituals and even though a child hadn't been born to their Circle in over three hundred years, they all still knew the importance of respecting tradition. This was their new beginning, and everything had to be correct and followed to the letter.

  "Give them my regards," Forbes replied. Flynn gave Hunter a kiss and instructed him to stay close to Forbes.

  “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” He kissed him once more and headed out.


  Forbes was stretched out, and Hunter was curled up to his side on the sofa watching a movie when the first sign of something amiss was noticed. Forbes felt a change in the air, a slight temperature drop as if a cool wind had passed them by and chilled the room. He got up and checked the house top to bottom but nothing was out of the norm except the temperature and now a heaviness seemed to be charging the atmosphere of their home.

  "Come." He took Hunter by the arm, and they stepped out onto the porch. The air outdoors was warm and fresh. He held tight to Hunter's hand and stepped off the porch and walked out onto the grass. Hunter didn't speak he held Forbes' hand and stayed close and ready.

  Forbes lifted his head and smelled the air, and it was then that the intruder made himself known. He stepped from the garden's edge and walked towards them. Forbes pushed Hunter behind him and tried to shift, but his dragon was paralyzed.

  “Don’t bother straining yourself.” Rage laughed. “The Mage I bought this magic off of said that it would incapacitate a dragon keep him from shifting and would bind his powers so don’t try frying me alive. It won’t work.”

  Rage began to draw nearer, and Forbes tucked Hunter closer and further behind him. This asshole was not going to touch his mate, Forbes would gladly die before that happened.

  “Don’t hide your mate. Let me see that little shit.” Rage stopped a few feet in front of Forbes. For all his bluster Forbes could scent his uncertainty at getting too close to the dragon.

  "You and your brother made a laughing stock out of me. I can't show my face around town without being called out for what happened at the Federal. Well, they'll be treating me differently after I kill you and your fucking mate. I'll come back for your brother later." He laughed again, but it was a crazy laugh.

  “How did you get in here? This property is protected.” Forbes asked hoping to get him talking long enough that whatever magic he was using would wear off. No magic lasted very long when used against the power of a dragon and hopefully he did not know that.

  “It was a cake walk, loser. This magic lets me do whatever fucking thing I want to do. I should have accessed this shit sooner.” He turned to look at the main house and then back at them. “They don’t have a clue I’m even here.” He barked another laugh.

  "I'm going to kill your mate and skin him alive right here in front of you. Should I snap his neck, rip out his throat or tear his heart out." He sounded more and more giddy with the talk of retribution. Forbes needed to end this.

  Forbes felt Hunter’s fear, but it was subtle. Hunter trusted him to beat this maniac. Forbes tried to shift, and he felt a loosening of his binds. The magic the wolf was expending to trap him and cloak the main house was taking its toll.

  "There are eight dragons that reside here, are you going to kill us all? There is a reason paranormals don't borrow magic. If it doesn't belong to you naturally, it tends to destroy you over time." Forbes kept his voice calm and even. "My brothers will kill you ugly, unless the magic kills you first. There is no way out of this for you now."

  “Shut your stupid mouth!” He erupted and threw a ball of charged, deadly energy hurling towards Forbes. Forbes tossed Hunter to his right and away as the ball hit Forbes in the chest and knocked him backward onto the ground. It was a powerful jolt, and would have depleted the wolf.

  Forbes looked quickly towards Hunter who was getting to his feet and running at the wolf and Forbes thought his heart would freeze in his chest. "No, no, no!" He jumped to his feet just as the wolf raised his hands to hurl another energy ball, but this one was aimed at his mate, his precious gift, the center of his world.

  But nothing happened the little magic the wolf had left sputtered and sparked from the tips of his fingers and then died. Rage looked at him and the terror was palatable. Hunter charged the wolf and with a full body swing struck him with his left fist in the jaw knocking his head back but not throwing him off balance. The wolf found his fury once again and pushed to shift, but his magic consumption had rendered his wolf incapable of coming forward. Hunter stumbled to his left and Forbes grabbed him and tossed him away from the wolf and back towards the house.

  Forbes was thoroughly impressed with Hunter’s bravery and strength and was humbled by his mate’s desire to defend him. His little human mate was willing to face a raging rogue wolf shifter with nothing but his bare hands. The man was incredible.

  The wolf came at Forbes and Forbes was ready to end him until a roar broke through the air and shook the very earth they were standing on. The main house was no longer cloaked from what was happening behind the garden. Calum, the Chieftain of Clan Keith whose child was just born was now made aware there was a thr
eat to his home and his family.

  The roar was deafening, as the dragon burst forth from the main house, his body so large it blocked out the sun. Its shadow swallowed the entire area. Forbes knew what was coming and ran to cover Hunter who was still laying on the ground a few yards from the house. He could withstand the dragon fire, but his human could not. Forbes heard someone coming and looked over his should to see Flynn racing towards them.

  They threw themselves over Hunter covering him completely just as Calum blew dragon fire down upon his enemy. The wolf went up like a dry leaf leaving nothing but ash. The garden was scorched, as were the surrounding structures.

  When it was over Calum landed near the tree cover and shifted back. “Forbes, Flynn.” He called out. Forbes rolled off Hunter and immediately began checking him for injuries. Flynn was kneeling next to him and waiting. It took a moment for Hunter to regain his bearings and open his eyes. He started to cough and then sat up.

  "Here, sir," Flynn called out to Calum who rushed over to them.

  "He's fine sir," Forbes assured Calum.

  They all looked over to where the wolf had been standing and just fell silent for a moment. "Magic and wolves," Calum growled. "I fucking hate magic and I fucking hate wolves." He nodded towards Hunter. "Take care of him, I need to return to my family."

  “We will, sir.” They said and Calum took off towards the main house.

  Flynn nearly started to cry when he pulled Hunter into his arms and just held him. Forbes understood, they almost lost him today and it was a feeling of dread that would remain with them for a while. Forbes leaned in and wrapped his arms around both of them.


  The evening was spent holding one another and thanking the powers that be for the life of their mate. "You know we probably won't be able to let you out of our sights for a month or more and we won't let you out of our arms for a good week. You'll have to get used to having two dragons draped around your neck." Flynn was the first to speak.

  Hunter was more than happy to have the two of them close. “I was so afraid he was going to hurt you.” He said to Forbes. “I don’t want to lose you, either of you.”


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