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Summer Heat

Page 18

by A. C. Arthur

  As the ceremony proceeded Karena listened intently, watching as Tia and Trent pledged their love to each other and then kissed to seal their union. After being pronounced and before walking back up the aisle as was customary, Trent went to the silver-haired woman and retrieved the stroller she’d pushed in. Coming back up the aisle now were Tia, Trent and little Trevor Donovan.

  A family.

  Watching them was like a newsflash.

  Karena knew exactly what she wanted to make herself happy.

  He’d seen her the moment she stood to exit the terrace, following the rest of the guests into the ballroom where the reception would be held.

  He’d thought about her every second since he’d left her father in her office.

  Now, as he made his way to the table where she was sitting alone, for the first time he knew in forever, his heart hammered. His palms began to sweat slightly as nervousness about approaching a woman began to set in.

  It was foolish. He’d already met her, slept with her, confessed his love to her. He shouldn’t be nervous about sitting down beside her and saying hello. Yet when he came to the table, pulled out the chair and sat down, all words fled from his mind.

  She turned to him, her gaze instantly grabbing his, and she didn’t speak. Instead she cupped his face in her hands, pulled him to her and kissed him, soundly, assuredly, passionately.

  “Are you ready?” she asked the minute their lips separated.

  “Ready for what?” Sam asked, his voice shaking just slightly. He hadn’t known what to expect when he’d sat down beside her. That kiss wasn’t it. And the heated gaze she was giving him wasn’t it, either. But he wasn’t about to complain.

  “For me.”

  Questions were pointless. The reception was quickly forgotten as Sam stood, pushed his chair back and reached for her hand.

  “Let’s go.”

  Without a word Karena put her hand in his and followed him out of the ballroom, down the hall to the set of elevators that led up to the rooms.

  Sam’s stride was quick, his finger jabbing insistently over the button signaling the elevator. They entered the small space, standing all the way to the back against the wall. When the doors closed his arms went around her waist and she felt herself being pulled against the impenetrable strength of his chest. His lips came down quick and hot against hers. His tongue stroking, begging, promising what was to come.

  Her knees buckled and she leaned in to him. Her arms twined around his neck, running over the smooth, close cut of his hair. This was what she wanted, Karena thought as her mind spun out of control, every bone in her body weakening with his touch, with his kiss. Their tongues clashed and dueled for control.

  One minute she leaned against his chest enfolded in strong arms and the next her back was against the wall, his large hands gripping her bottom tightly. Ripples of pleasure soared through her at a rapid pace.

  His hot mouth was everywhere. From her mouth, to her cheek, to her ear, down her neck… He devoured her and she melted in his arms.

  Ting. The elevator came to a smooth halt. Not that she noticed it. Luckily Sam had. A ragged moan sounded and he reluctantly pulled away.

  Karena opened her eyes. Her vision blurred with passion. “Your room or mine?”

  “Whichever is closest,” was his reply.

  Stepping off the elevator, she dug in her purse and found her key card. She was 221. Simultaneously Sam had reached into his back pocket, retrieving his key card. He was 204.

  Showing their cards to each other, Sam grinned, grabbed her by the hand and headed toward room 204.

  Mt. Charleston was a great resort, with wonderful views and four-star rooms. But that was the farthest thing from Karena’s mind at this very moment.

  They should talk, she knew. She had things to say, things to clear up, but the moment Sam closed that door behind them and took her in his arms, all those thoughts slipped away.

  His hands moved like lightning, ridding her of every piece of clothing she wore. Hers moved just as frantically until they both stood naked. While she thought they’d make their way back to the bedroom, Sam had other ideas.

  He kissed her again, his tongue moving wildly over hers. She gasped for air, trying to keep up with his hands, his moans.

  “Sam.” His name broke free from her lips as he backed her to a wall.

  “Shhh, baby. I’ve got this.”

  His words were arrogant, controlling, demanding as he turned her so that she was facing the wall and he was close behind her. They should have bothered her, but the feel of his rigid arousal tapping persistently against her bottom replaced any agitation with desire so strong and hot she whimpered with its impact.

  Her head fell back, resting against his shoulder, her hands reaching back to skim the sides of his thighs moving high to cup his tight buttocks. She was shaking, anxiously awaiting his entrance.

  Strong hands palmed her breasts, lifting the heavy mounds and squeezing until her puckered nipples rolled through the tips of his fingers.

  She gasped, licked her lips and moaned.

  He bit her lobe then flicked the tingling skin with the tip of his tongue. Her heart pounded in anticipation. Her lids, heavy with arousal, closed of their own accord.

  The flat of his tongue traced a long hot trail from her neck down to her collarbone while he bent his knees, encouraging her to do the same.

  She was open, her essence rolling down her thighs, her scent permeating the air. Abandoning her breasts, his hands spread her legs wider, gripping her inner thighs.

  She bit her bottom lip until she thought she might draw blood. She was so hot for him, so ready for total satisfaction.

  Sliding both hands farther up her thighs, he used his thumbs to spread her nether lips, his fingers eagerly slipping along the heated flesh. He dipped his knees lower and she followed suit, reveling in his thick length moving enticingly against her buttocks. He slipped one finger into her opening as the other hand grasped the bud of her arousal and squeezed. Coherent thought long since a thing of the past, she hissed, cursed and then begged him for more.

  “I love you, Karena,” he whispered as the tip of his manhood breached her opening.

  Her palms flattened on the wall as she took him inside. That wasn’t all she was taking in. His words resonated in her ears, swirling around inside to mingle with the desire that only Sam could incite. It was now or never, she knew. She had thought this situation through until her mind was about to explode, only to find the answer was so simple: love always mattered.

  “I love you, too, Sam.”

  Like music to his ears her words touched him, wrapping around his heart with silken fingers. He thrust his hips, planting himself deeper inside, wanting to be one with her and only her.

  For endless moments there was nothing else, only the movement of their bodies, the joining of their passion, the fusion of their hearts.

  Pulling out of her, Sam lifted Karena into his arms, carried her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, coming to lay beside her.

  She rolled to her side and cupped his face in her hands. “No, I’m sorry. Guidelines were stupid.”

  “And pushing you into something you weren’t ready for was stupider.”

  Sam pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “We’re some couple, huh?” she whispered as he lifted her leg and dropped it over his hips, maneuvering himself so that he was slipping slowly inside her heated moistness once more.

  “We’re a perfect couple,” he said, his lips finding hers, taking her for another ride on desire’s train.

  Perfect was an understatement as they moved in sync with one another, peaking and cresting at the same time, whispering words of love and contentment until they both fell asleep.


  February—Greenwich, Connecticut

  Karena was coming for dinner and to spend the weekend, Sam hoped. He hadn’t asked her to specifi
cally. That was part of their taking-things-as-they-came agreement.

  There were no set days that they met. He awakened in the morning, went to work and either called or e-mailed her. She did the same. Sometime during the course of the day, one of them would mention getting together and it would be. A few nights he’d stayed at her condo, but more nights she’d stayed with him, in his house, with his dog.

  She loved Romeo almost as much as Sam did, and for a moment Sam had been jealous. But when she’d expressed how much she’d wanted a dog of her own while growing up, he’d understood completely. And Romeo, big spoiled baby that he was, accepted all of Karena’s affection while still demanding time from Sam.

  So as he lit candles throughout the living room, Sam hummed an old Keith Sweat song, “Make It Last Forever,” knowing that no matter what, Karena was his forever.

  She pulled up into his driveway, turned off the ignition and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel once more. The decision was final. It was impetuous and insane and totally out of character for her. Yet it felt absolutely right.

  There was no denying how she felt when she was with Sam. Just as there was no ignoring the decrease in her headaches and increase in her appetite since they’d begun seeing each other. She felt healthier, more energized since she’d begun leaving business at the gallery except when absolutely necessary—and keeping Monica’s demands and opinions to a minimum.

  She hadn’t discussed this decision with anyone. Hadn’t wanted any outside opinions or interference. This was her life, her moment, her happiness.

  Stepping out of the car, she went to the trunk and popped it open. She was just reaching in to get her suitcase when she heard Romeo’s familiar bark. Turning quickly, she braced herself for his greeting.

  He jumped up and she caught him, his full length towering over hers. Turning her face, she caught his lapping tongue with her cheek. “Hey, boy. Hey. You miss me?”

  “We missed you,” Sam said, making a silent approach. “Down, Romeo,” he ordered the dog.

  Romeo, albeit reluctantly, obeyed and rested at Karena’s side. She was petting his head when she looked up to see Sam, but something else caught her gaze.

  On a leash Sam held tightly in his hands was a black Great Dane with natural ears. Its eyes were darker than Romeo’s, more subtle, just a tad more relaxed.

  “I figured since I had a girl now, Romeo needed one, too,” Sam said, shrugging, releasing the leash a little and offering it to her.

  “She’s beautiful. Isn’t she, Romeo?” Beside her, Romeo stood. Sam gave him a stern look and he remained still.

  The girl beside him, however, had already begun to move, lolling her head, extending her neck as she reached for Romeo or Karena, or both of them.

  “What’s her name?” Karena asked, taking a tentative step forward and falling to her knees to get a closer look. As she’d hoped, the girl ducked her head and fell right into Karena’s caress. Her heart soared. “Juliet.”

  Karena’s head snapped up as she looked at Sam, who was smiling down at her.

  “Yeah, she’s yours.”

  “Mine?” Karena whispered. “All yours.”

  Karena moved so quickly jumping into Sam’s arms that he released Juliet’s leash and the dog took off running. Romeo followed suit and Sam laughed, hugging Karena tightly and spinning her around.

  “You said you always wanted a dog.”

  She was nodding as he stopped spinning and put her down. Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him. “I did. I really did want a dog.”

  “And now you’ve got one,” he said, using the pad of his thumb to swipe at the tear falling from her eyes.

  “I’ve got two,” she said, smiling. “Romeo and Juliet. Perfect.”

  Sam lowered his head, kissing her lightly. When he pulled his lips away, she whispered, “Why don’t you help me take my bags inside and then we can finish this?”

  “Your bags?” he asked quizzically.

  “Yeah,” she said, smiling and nodding toward the trunk of her car that was still open. “My bags. There are too many for me to carry alone.”

  He looked over her shoulder, saw the trunk full of suitcases. “Ah, baby, how long are you planning to stay?”

  “How does forever sound?”

  She was in his arms again, spinning in another circle of love. “It sounds damned good. Damned perfect.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6462-9


  Copyright © 2010 by Artist C. Arthur

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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