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The CEO’s Fake Fiancee: (A Virgin & Billionaire Romance)

Page 23

by Amber Burns

  “Wow, I didn’t realize,” she shook her head and looked back at me with her full attention. “This is all that disability will pay for?”

  “Mom and dad helped with the furniture. Disability keeps the roof over my head and the lights on. Fortunately, water is included in the rent,” I folded my arms over my chest. “You judging me?”

  “No, no, God if it seemed like I was I’m sorry,” she started fidgeting with the hem of her shirt like I was giving her a real hard time.

  I snorted and came over to her, “That shit was over four years ago. It’s been awhile since I even looked at it. If anything, the only time it occurs to me is when I’m down for the count hurting or waiting in line at the VA to get a refill on my pills or to see my PCM. Don’t worry about it, sweetcheeks. I’m taken care of.”

  “If you lived with someone, would it affect the amount you got in disability?”

  “Nope, but I’m not really looking for a roomie. Let’s get going though,” I went to get my bag, throwing it over a shoulder. “I’m ready to get back to our slumber party when you are. If our party is going to include sex of the real kind, I’ll need to make a stop by a gas station at least to get some rubbers.”

  Her face went pink, and it was hard for me not to smirk at her. The last bit was said with the intent to embarrass. Kind of an asshole thing to do, but her poking put me on edge a little.

  “Would you consider moving in with me?” she squeaked, almost a whisper.

  I nearly dropped my bag, I stood there staring at her for what felt like hours, but it could’ve been five minutes.

  “You said earlier that it was too soon for me to think about putting a ring on it. Isn’t it too soon to ask this question?”

  “It was something I was considering while we were laying in bed earlier,” she admitted, and she walked past me like she hadn’t just said something important. “I want you to stay the entire weekend with me. Even if we don’t do anything and it’s just ‘couples shit’ we talked about a week ago. Then if we're in agreement to not breaking each other’s hearts, we can talk about being roommates seriously.”

  “Uh huh,” I followed her out, watching her closely.

  I was growing on her like she was growing on me. If she was talking about me moving in seriously, then I wasn’t the only one playing for keeps.


  Rain came quite late Thursday night while we were sleeping. I had the great pleasure of waking up with only a slight drug induced haze and Madi wrapped around me like a blanket. Morning wood was up and loaded, too. I twisted and rolled, so we were lying chest to chest. Sleeping next to here definitely made the idea of moving in with her appealing. She kept her pajamas simple, a t-shirt and whatever panties she had been wearing that day. It gave me the opportunity to feel the silkiness of her thighs and follow them up to the curve of her ass. Heaven, this was where I was. It couldn’t get better than this.

  I could stay like this all day if it weren’t for the need to piss. That’s what got me up. I slid out from under her and hurried to the bathroom. After getting finished with business I went ahead and brushed my teeth. The question here was, do I wake her up or do I just assume and do breakfast?

  It’s been a day, I think I can manage something, I told myself.

  I wandered into the kitchen and raided the fridge; eggs and toast were pretty much my options. Not knowing her well enough as to how she might like her eggs, I opted for scrambled. I was watching the eggs at the stove when I felt her slim arms wrap around my waist.

  “You cook?”

  “I have a few things that I can cook,” I answered. “Don’t expect a four-course meal out of me.”

  I didn’t hesitate to lean back against her. I stood there in only a pair of boxers, and when I glanced over my shoulder at her, I confirmed the fact that she hadn’t bothered to get dressed either. This seemed domestic.

  “I dunno how you like your eggs. Scrambled okay?”

  She nodded and just seemed content in holding onto me. Gave me the warm fuzzies. I turned the stove off and plated to the eggs with toast already buttered.

  “We gonna eat like this? I’m not sure how we could do this. Got any ideas?”

  “Sorry. I enjoy hugging you.” She let go of me after giving my ass a slap, “I doubt it would be practical for me to try to eat while hugging you. You’re bigger than me, and that would be messy.”

  She got us two glasses of orange juice, and we sat at her table for breakfast. Gave me that domestic feeling again.

  “This how shit will be in ten years?” I asked as I took a sip of the brightly colored juice.

  “You expect this to last that long?”

  “I expect it to last longer, baby,” I didn’t look at her as I ate. “Gonna put a ring on it, remember?” She didn’t argue. Instead, she nodded. “Then that’s the way this will be. You going to complain?”


  We spent the day being lazy around one another, didn’t bother getting dressed and just lounged around. The kind of shit you want to do with your significant other. It was after lunch that things went from just being comfortable to frisky. Madi started out with just stroking my thigh then twisting so that she could kiss my neck, I let her. I wanted to see where this could go.

  Her hand skipped over the growing tent in my shorts and splayed on my stomach to toy with the line of hair that led down. Her fingers skimmed at the waistband before I decided to take some sort of action.

  “You really want to do this on the couch? Wouldn’t it be a better idea to do this in the bed?”

  She waited a bit before getting up and leaving me on the couch. I watched her go into the bedroom and I knew, fighting a grin, what she wanted. I got up and followed her, my excitement at the prospect of finally having sex after so long was pretty evident. She had the box of condoms out and on the bedside table. When she saw me enter, she didn’t wait for me. She tugged her shirt up and over her head, giving me a full view of just how beautiful she was.

  “Don’t tell me you intend to just stand there and stare at me,” she huffed lightly her hands fidgeting with her panties.

  “Leave them on,” I raised a hand to stop her. “I want to take those off.” I saw her eyes widen and I prowled forward. “But I want to just look at you and drink in how fucking gorgeous you are.” She shifted and before insecurities could get the better of her I cupped her face in both my hands, looking her in the eye. “You are fucking gorgeous.”

  I didn’t give her the chance to protest either. I caught her mouth and kissed her with a hunger I felt from the moment I first saw her. I could feel her wanting to get close, to press our bodies together.

  I wasn’t giving her what she wanted. I turned us and backed her up until she hit the mattress. I left her mouth, tilting her head so that I could work my way down her neck. My hand drifted down to cup a breast. I brushed my thumb around her nipple until I felt it tighten I started to lean her back until she was resting on the bed. I followed the path my hand had gone until I reached the breast I had been fondling before. I traced the line of her breast with my tongue, teasing the underside until I swirled back around to the peak. I didn’t neglect the other breast, teasing the nipple until it tightened. Her hands were in my hair, and they tugged me in the direction of her other breast, encouraging me to pay it equal amounts of attention.

  My free hand wormed its way into her panties, and I mapped out her slick opening. She was already wet for me and that thought was enough to get me hard. I was ready to dive right in. But this was a part of the build up, not just for her. I enjoyed the flavor of her skin, the smell of her and her desire, the way that she clenched around my fingers when I pressed them into her, the soft gasps and low moans she made as I gave her pleasure. It all curled through my ears and into my brain… and then right down to my dick. With the way she arched and rolled her hips against my hand, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to wait much longer. I needed to have that sweet heat wrapped around me.

  I pul
led away from her and used my free hand to get a condom out. Ripping it open with my teeth, I gave the rubber a hard look to make sure it was good to go before I shucked off my boxers and rolled that bad boy on. I pulled my hand from between her thighs and tugged her panties away as I did. I had originally wanted to spread her out and have her cooing like she was while I tasted her, but that plan was tossed out the door. I had wanted this girl so long that I couldn’t wait anymore now that she’d given me the go ahead.

  “C’mon baby, let’s get on the bed right.”

  She nodded, her face flushed and her eyes dilated. As soon as she was settled in the middle of the bed, I prowled over her and settled down between her thighs. Her breasts pressed against my chest and her arms immediately when around my neck as I went to kiss her. The connection that existed between us seemed to intensify as soon as my cock pressed against her outer lips.

  Words bubbled up in me as I started to press into her, all the thoughts that circulated her seemed to well up like a pot ready to boil over. I thrusted forward slowly, and the sweet hold started to envelop me, giving under the pressure until I was fully seethed in her hold.

  “God,” I hissed out against her lips. “You feel so good, baby, so good.”

  I’m a babbler, I won’t lie. Each time I pulled back then thrust back into her was accompanied by me telling her how beautiful she was and how much I loved the feel of her on my cock, not counting the barrier of the condom. I reached down to hitch one thigh over my hip, she didn’t need a lot of prompting after that. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I tilted us so that each thrust I made into her brought me deeper and deeper into her.

  Muscles spasms started, because of course, they would assault me when I was in the middle of fucking a beautiful girl. I grimaced and managed to open my eyes so I could see her expression.

  “Not going to be able to go as long as I wanted.” I had to break it to her because I either sped this up for us both to have a happy ending or I’d go soft and that would be embarrassing. I’ve had it happen before, part of the reason why it’s been a while.

  Her eyes fluttered open connected with mine, she nodded though it seemed like she was at a loss for words. I slipped a hand between us and started brushing my thumb over her clit, trying to press her along to that orgasm that I could feel squeezing me tighter.

  “Don’t hold out,” I begged. “I can’t much longer.”

  She cried out, her fingernails digging into my back and her cunt clenching around me so that I choked out a groan in response. I clenched my eyes closed as my vision started to swim, like I was actually being choked. I saw stars and tensed up as I exploded inside her, well close enough to inside her.

  “Fuck!” I curled my arms around her, managing a few more short thrusts before I was milked dry. “Fuck,” it was like a plea being ripped from me. I buried my face against her neck as the feelings shuddered through me. “I fucking love you.”

  Of course, reality didn’t crash back into me and let me know how fucking dumb I was. Not yet. We were both still drunk from sex and it probably hadn’t occurred to her what I said, much less me realizing it. The fact that I had managed to stay hard through the entire thing was saying something. I wanted to stay buried between her thighs and just live here. It felt so good, and it seemed to take so little effort. But, I was sure she wouldn’t be able to take my full weight on her for too much longer. Not that I’m fat, two hundred pounds of mostly muscle, thanks.

  I turned us on our sides, unhooking her ankles so that I wasn’t putting unpleasant pressure on her. Then I relaxed and breathed in the musk that seemed to accompany a good fucking. And that was when reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I tensed and waited for her to react.

  Maybe she would ignore it? Did I want her to ignore it? Did I want her to acknowledge it?

  Fuck me! I told this girl I loved her! I knew I did, love her that is, I realized it Thursday night while she was nursing me back to health. But, I hadn’t planned on blurting it out like that and so soon.

  She rested against me, and for a second I thought she might’ve fallen asleep. I felt for a moment like I dodged a bullet. I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved or disappointed though. Regardless, I was still fucking scared. Was I so much of a bitch that I’d tell her I loved her during sex all the time? I couldn’t imagine a chick complaining, but if she wasn’t ready to hear the words, it might derail our short-lived relationship.

  “You love me?” she questioned quietly.

  So much for her being asleep.

  “Did you mean that?”

  I pulled away from her, swallowing hard as I met her big green eyes. “I uh… I really didn’t mean to say that,” I released a shaky breath. “But it was said. No point in trying to take it back. Yea,” I nodded and started to relax and accept my fate. “I love you.”

  If her eyes could have gotten any bigger, I would of been surprised. I wasn’t sure if I should have been afraid or not. My heart was thundering in my chest, and I could barely hear anything past the rush of blood in my ears.

  “I’m not ready to say it back to you,” she admitted.

  That wasn’t rejection, was it?

  “I’m not going to kick you out,” she said slowly, sensing my fear. “I… I just didn’t expect you to get here so soon. I never thought I’d hear a man say that to me.”

  “Why not?”

  It didn’t make sense to me why she hadn’t heard those words before. She was beautiful, she was loving to me even though she hadn’t admitted to loving me. She seemed caring and had been open with me. Surely some jackass was able to see the prize that she was.

  “Because,” she looked away even though she rested against me. “I didn’t think I was good enough.”

  “That asshole’s loss in my gain,” I said, and I tilted her chin so she was forced to look at me. “I only curse him for doing this to your self-esteem. If you were still with him, you wouldn’t be here with me. Then where would I be?”

  I didn’t give her the chance to dwell on it, I kissed her slowly to distract her and hoped I hadn’t royally fucked myself.


  Despite my ill-timed admission of love, I hadn’t completely tanked my chances with Madi. She didn’t send me home; which would have been hard to do seeing how my bike was still parked at the bar. She didn’t put me on the couch either. I still had the pleasure of being in her bed, wrapped around her. The first time we had sex wasn’t the last time either. On Saturday while we watched a movie, I’d mention the name, but I forgot it, she started giving me the signals. She managed to get me up on two occasions, a record I hadn’t been able to get back to in four years. I was glad to experiment with how responsive she would be in different positions and seeing how long I could last while thrusting into her from behind and then with her riding me from above. I don’t know which she enjoyed more, but the latter seemed to make her more vocal.

  I could get used to waking up to her curled into me and being surrounded by her scent. I wanted to wake up like this every day. Come Sunday though, we had to go back to the real world. She had work to get back to, and I couldn’t keep her with me forever. She took me back to the bar for my bike, and we spent the rest of the day around people. People are overrated. Having sex in her bed is a much better idea if you ask me.

  “Whipped,” Jimmy sang out when I saw her off. “Pussy whipped in under a month. Goddamn, I need to revoke your man card.”

  “Man if you had the opportunity to get good pussy you’d be whipped, too,” I didn’t even pay him any mind. I wasn’t offended by what he said.

  “I ain’t seen you in days,” he pulled his wallet out and counted out a few bills. “Ted said you were damn near dead on Wednesday. You telling me you’ve spent the weekend being balls deep in that?”

  “Not giving you details,” though there was some definite satisfaction that I was feeling after my long weekend in Madi’s arms and bed.

  “That’s enough for me,” he offered me the money. “From Antho
ny. He was real happy with the work you did on that bike. He was talking about seeing about making arrangements to start bringing his friend's bikes here; if you’re interested in the extra money.”

  “I ain’t getting into illegal shit,” I said without looking at him. “And if you’re into shit without Teddy or Wilson knowing about it, you could get into serious deep shit.”

  “Take the money,” he snapped. “And worry about your own broke ass.” I took the offered money from him and met his glare with one of my own. “Mind your own Goddamn business and you ain’t got anything to worry about.”

  I stuffed the money into my pocket and nodded, even with the sour taste in my mouth. I gave him a dark look before going into the bar. I didn’t know what he was dealing in, but the answer was enough to confirm the fact that Teddy and Wilson weren’t involved. What kept me from going to them though was the fact I had nothing. I had a hunch, and that was it. Maybe a little more than a hunch with what Anthony said to me.


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