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Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 6

by Anya Merchant

  Leon nodded. It was still hard for him to believe what he was seeing, and part of him wanted to stay, and see more of it. He looked at the LED monitor of his suit and realized that he’d completely forgotten about the charge of the battery. They were half empty, and he remembered Kim and his mom, and knew that at this point they probably thought he was dead. He scribbled one last message on the chalk.


  He wrote the words and showed them to the mer, but found himself wondering just what he could do, or what anyone could do, to make the relationship between humans and these new underwater people a peaceful, and non-exploitative one. Humanity had a bad track record, and Leon didn’t trust his government, or the world at large to behave in a way that would allow for peaceful relations.

  A small group of mer, including Dimitra and one of the others that had originally brought him in, escorted him out of the throne room. They began to float up, and Leon used his water turbine to follow them out of the city, which seemed to delight and amaze them.

  They led him back to the construction site at a fast pace, and Leon had to use his jet at its max speed just to keep up. There were so many thoughts running through his mind, the first of which being exactly what he would say about his discovery to Kim and the rest of the inhabitants of Project Cobalt.

  They landed down on the ocean bottom within sight of the new dome’s foundation. Dimitra swam over to him, and looped around in a quick circle before wrapping her arms around him. Leon smiled at her, and tried to assure the girl with his eyes that he would be back, and then the group of mer swam away.

  He walked back over to the construction site slowly, working out the details of the story he was going to have to tell in his mind. His dad hadn’t told anybody about the mer. It seemed like the only logical thing for him to do was to toe the same line, at least until he better understood the situation.

  Leon saw another suited figure on the far side of the empty dome foundation. It was just out of visual range of where he and the mer had been, and caught him off guard. It would be a problem for the new dome to be so close to their city, he realized. He knew that there was a very limited amount of time available for him to work out the conditions for equilibrium between the humans and the mer before it went into operation.

  “So you’re alive.” Miles voice was shrill in his intercom, like the sound of a mosquito buzzing. “I was hoping that we wouldn’t find anything.”

  “Nice to see you too, Miles,” said Leon. “I can tell that you’ve missed me.”

  “Fuck you,” he replied. The man’s body language was angry, and dangerous. “You know Kim’s not listening in right now? It would be easy for me to say that I found you with your suit ripped open, already dead from the pressure…”

  “Why don’t you try it, and see what happens.” Leon was hesitant, but ready. The strange reaction of Miles had stirred up something angry and primal deep within him. It seemed bizarre to him that he could encounter an entirely new species and have the interaction feel so calm and natural, and come back to his own kind only to immediately butt heads with someone who he had so much more in common with.

  The two of them stared each other down for a moment. Miles walked up and into Leon’s face, slowly and deliberately. He stood just inches away, and Leon could see the rage through the sealed eye holes of his suit. Suddenly, he moved as though to strike Leon. It was a fake out, and Leon didn’t flinch.

  “Are you done?” asked Leon.

  Miles didn’t say anything, and instead turned and shot off back towards the dome using his water turbine. Leon waited for a moment, and then headed off in the same direction.

  “Leon! Leon is that you!” Kim’s voice was suddenly in his ear as he drew close to the dome. “Oh my god, somebody tell Julia, he’s alive! You’re alive!”

  “Of course,” he replied. “It takes more than the crushing pressure of the ocean to take me out.”

  Leon and Miles reached the water pressurization chamber at the same time, and shared a tense silence as the room slowly drained out. Leon walked through the front hatch and back into Project Cobalt. He quickly changed back into his dry clothes, feeling a little strange being out of the water and totally weighed down by gravity again after so long moving through the sea.

  He had barely taken a single step outside of the gate before Kim had pulled him into a tight hug, with his mom sprinting over from the direction of the science hub and wrapping him in her own frantic embrace.

  “Sweetie, oh my god, I can’t believe it!” said Julia, with unrestrained tears streaming down her face.

  “Leon, you ass,” cried Kim. “I thought that I’d…it was my fault, I sent you out there.”

  “It was nobody’s fault, and I’m fine,” he said. “I ran into some trouble in the construction site, and passed out. I don’t know if it was my suit malfunctioning, or my nerves, but I guess I was unconscious for a little while.”

  Leon was a little apprehensive about having to lie, and tried to make his story as innocuous and believable as possible. He couldn’t tell them, but he had to say something, and he didn’t really have a wide range of imagined cover stories to pick from.

  “I’ll take a look at it later,” said Kim. “Let’s get you into the medicine hub and make sure nothing major is wrong with you.”

  “Leon, I love you so much,” said Julia. “Don’t ever do that again. Don’t ever go outside, never again!”

  “Relax mom, I’m fine,” he said.

  She didn’t let up as they made their way into the facility of Project Cobalt’s assigned physician, and continued worrying and doting on Leon in a way that only a mother can. The doctor took his blood pressure, checked his breathing, and asked him some questions before clearing him and sending him on his way.

  “Take the rest of the day off, Leon,” said Kim. “I’ll explain everything to Elizabeth. I’m sure she’ll be in to see you sometime today.”

  “Thanks, I will,” he replied. “But really, I’m fine. Don’t let people worry themselves anymore on my behalf.”

  “I’ll always worry, Leon,” said Julia. “That’s what I’m here for. That’s part of being a mom.”

  “I know, I know,” he said. Kim was walking back towards the science hub, and though they were outside and in public, Leon felt like he had to take a moment to really touch base with his mom. He looked deep into her eyes, which were still full of emotion, and at her attractive, proportioned body.

  Julia let her face slowly draw in closer to his, and the two of them shared a hungry kiss, their tongues flicking into each other’s mouths. Leon felt as though the incident had triggered a mammalian survival switch in his brain, and more than anything he wanted to do what mammals do best.

  He forced himself to pull back, feeling his cock springing up in his pants. Julia looked at him, and Leon smiled.

  “Mom, I should head back to the domicile and rest for a little bit,” he said.

  “I’ll go with you, honey.”

  “No, it’s fine. Let’s meet up later tonight, you can cook me dinner and we can have a nice, undramatic night.”

  Julia nodded, and kissed him softly on the forehead.

  “I love you honey,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, mom,” he replied.

  Leon walked back towards Julia’s domicile, but stopped as soon as he saw his mom enter the meeting hall. He turned around and walked to the science hub. He wasn’t shaken by his experience on the dome, on the contrary, he knew that there was a lot to do and he had to move fast.

  He walked into the building and moved slowly through the hallway. There had been no compelling reason for him to visit his father’s old office before, but now he knew it was exactly where he needed to be.

  The door to it was wooden, with a small glass window on the top of it that bore his father’s initials. He opened it, and slipped into the room. The inside of it, as he immediately saw, was a complete mess, with trash and clothes skewed about in a man
ner that made it very clear that someone had been essentially living inside of it.

  Leon slowly made his way over to his father’s desk and sat down in the leather chair behind it. Part of him just wanted to things as they were, and to leave the mystery of the mer and his father’s memory untouched. But he had to know, and he had to understand the truth.

  He opened the first drawer of the desk and began flicking through various papers. Most of them were standard procedural stuff, and academic reports on some of the more mundane research Project Cobalt had been conducting. Leon kept looking, setting aside everything that looked unrelated to the mer, and digging deeper, until at the very bottom of the stack of files, he found exactly what he was looking for.


  It was a small journal, written in his father’s unmistakable handwriting and similar to the note he had found back in Julia’s domicile. Leon opened it, and began reading from a page about a third of the way in that had been ear marked.

  “I still haven’t told anyone about it, but I’m sure of what I saw. There is something outside of the dome that’s much more intelligent, and much more humanlike than any of us suspect. It seems as though the more I look for signs of it, the more of them I see. Perhaps I’m just tricking myself? It doesn’t seem that way, not from my perspective, at least.”

  Leon flipped to the next page, scanning over several passages that seemed to just be regular accounts of life in the dome and his normal research. There was another section that jumped out at him, which his dad had scrawled quickly and with excitement, several of the words being underlined.

  “I got Kim to let me test one of the suits. Originally I thought it would be much more trouble to convince her, but it was easy to get outside the dome. For the first time, I’ve seen them up close, and with my own eyes. This entire time, I’ve been right. I can’t tell anyone yet, not until I’ve found more of them and know just what they are.”

  There was a noise at the door, and Leon quickly moved to put the journal back in his father’s desk. The door opened before he had time to react, and someone walked someone unexpected walked into the office.

  “Hey there, sailor,” said Kendra, walking towards him and offering a very suggestive smile. “I heard you had a close call outside the dome.”

  “Uh, yeah,” said Leon. “My suit, I guess it malfunctioned a bit. But I’m okay.”

  Kendra nodded, but was clearly amused, and even skeptical of his answer.

  “I would have thought that a suit malfunction would have been fatal, under most circumstances,” she said.

  “Yeah, well I guess I got lucky,” replied Leon.

  Kendra walked around to the side of the desk he was sitting at. Leon swiveled his chair so he was facing her, and felt his cock becoming acutely aware of the fact that such a bombshell of a woman was standing over him, in a private room.

  “So what are you doing in your father’s office, if you don’t mind me asking?” Kendra was intelligent, and Leon felt his mind racing as he thought about just how to play the situation.

  “I was waiting for you, of course,” he said, winking at her. She laughed, and again seemed amused at his response.

  “Is that so?” asked Kendra. “Maybe I can get you to tell me through…other means. Would you like that, Leon?”

  The beautiful woman leaned over and set one of her hands on Leon’s chest. She unbuttoned her blouse, giving Leon a perfect and incredibly arousing view of her cleavage.

  “You’re welcome to try, Kendra,” he said, feeling himself rising to the occasion in more ways than one. “I think you might be biting off more than you can chew, however.”

  “We’ll see about that, young man,” she whispered. “I can be very persuasive when I choose to be.”

  She let her hand slide lower, and lower, until it was resting right on Leon’s erect cock. He locked eyes with her, and watched as she slowly undid his fly and began to stroke his member slowly and sensually.

  Kendra unbuttoned her shirt further, and then let it slide down and off her shoulders, leaving her in just a bra. Leon felt his own horniness beginning to overtake him, and stood up and pushed into the arrogant woman.

  “Oh wow, you certainly are forward for your age, aren’t you,” she said.

  “Shut up, Kendra,” said Leon.

  He kissed her, and felt himself becoming a little angry at the woman’s nosy nature. Kendra was ready for him, and repositioned herself against the desk. Leon clicked her bra off and stared at her big, gorgeous breasts, and then pushed her down on top of his father’s workstation.

  “Oh, you think you can handle me, huh?” Kendra asked. “I’m impressed, Leon.”

  “That’s nice to know,” he replied.

  His fingers quickly went to work pulling down her pants, and then her panties. His own cock came out next, and then he quickly mounted Kendra and pushed the head of his member against her warm and wet entrance.

  He hated to admit it, but it felt really good, and as much as he wanted to maintain control and dominate the woman, part of him felt as though he would cum the second he entered her. He let his cock slide into her cunt slowly, and her a small gasp escape her lips as he went deeper.

  “Oh god, Leon,” she moaned.

  “That’s right,” he said. “It’s funny just how quickly two people's roles can be reversed.”

  He started fucking her, slowly at first. Each stroke was incredibly pleasurable, and he allowed himself to pull almost all the way out, before pushing all the way in again. His rhythm was even and deliberate, and Kendra’s breathing quickly outpaced it.

  Any thought of why Kendra had come into his father’s office to begin with was lost in his mind as he began to speed up. He loathed her and the way she seemed to be plotting and planning out of view, but it felt amazing to have his dick inside of her.

  “Oh yeah, Leon,” she said. “That’s right, I want you to enjoy this.”

  He hated himself a little for it, but he was enjoying it. He was enjoying it quite a bit. Leon began to push into the woman faster, letting his hips move on autopilot as his hard rod became coated in her juices. Kendra’s tits bounced each time he moved, and his hands were drawn to them automatically, groping at her flesh and twisting her nipples.

  “Fuck you, Kendra,” he said.

  “Don’t use curse words, young man,” she said, through ragged breaths. “Unless you want me to tell your mom.”

  Bringing up his mother only made the encounter more hot and illicit. Leon moaned and began pumping his cock into her as hard as he could. The office was alive with the sound of their bodies writhing against each other, and soon enough, he couldn’t hold out any longer.

  “That’s it, go ahead,” said Kendra.

  Leon began to cum, and felt incredibly defeated and a little disappointed at how Kendra seemed to have regained control. His emotions were counterbalanced by the massive, throbbing pleasure he began to feel rushing through his body. He collapsed on top of the older woman and took a moment to catch his breath while his cock ejected its load inside of her.

  Once his orgasm had subsided, Leon quickly pulled himself up and began getting dressed. He didn’t say anything to Kendra, who also started to put her clothes on. There was a key hanging from a hook on the side of his father’s desk, and he grabbed it and decided to shut the situation down.

  “Alright, I have to get back to work,” he said. “It’s been fun Kendra. I’d prefer if you didn’t talk about this with anyone.”

  “Of course, Leon, I’m a very modest woman,” she replied. He was relieved at the fact that the topic of his presence in his father’s office seemed to have been forgotten, and as they exited the room, he locked the door behind him. Kendra turned to him one last time, with that same smug, self satisfied smile on her face that Leon had first noticed.

  “Have a nice day, Leon,” she said. “We’ll talk again soon.”


  Leon headed out of the science hub, and for the one place he felt
like he knew he could get some real feedback on his ideas. There weren’t many people in Project Cobalt that he felt like he trusted, but Kim was definitely one of them, even though he had only known her a short amount of time.

  She was still in Gate 2, taking a look at the suit that Leon had worn on the last expedition. He felt a little bad, realizing that his lie had dropped some extra work on her plate. He walked up to her slowly, and sat down on a small bench built into the wall.

  “Hey Kim,” he said.

  She jumped slightly, and brought her hand to her chest.

  “Jesus Leon, I didn’t realize anyone was there,” she said, exhaling sharply.

  “Sorry,” he said. “I just wanted to talk to you a little about…what happened beyond the dome.”

  Kim set the tool she had in her hand down and walked over. She sat down on the bench next to him, closer than what would have been appropriate for just a coworker or friend.

  “Leon, I’m really worried about you,” she said. “And the more I look at this suit, the more worried I get. I’ve been blaming myself, you know? Suit maintenance is part of my job responsibility, and supposedly I sent you out there in a faulty one.”

  “I just need to know if I can trust you,” said Leon. “I want to, and I think I can, but what I’m about to tell you…you can’t run to Elizabeth, or anyone else on the station with it.”

  Instead of answering with words, Kim leaned in and kissed him, slowly and sensually. Leon felt a warm rush spread into his chest, and pushed some of her hair out of her face.

  “There is only one person I really trusted on Project Cobalt, and it was your dad,” she said. “I’ll take any secret you tell me to the grave.”

  Leon nodded, and then let out a sigh. It was hard for him to know even where to begin.

  “Listen…there is something outside the dome,” he said. “Something much more intelligent that any sea creature we’ve discovered before.”

  Kim looked at him, confused.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.


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