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Double-Back (Jake Waters Book 3)

Page 33

by Bob Blink

  "Back on the bridge, I guess. Somewhere that is that close."

  Paul went to his suitcase and pulled out a map. He tore a piece of paper and marked the linear distance between the Livermore airport and the middle of the San Mateo Bridge. Then he used the paper to mark an equal distant half circle around the airport.

  "It looks like some place in Oakland would be the closest to where we are now. That would make a better story also. We tell him we have to go across the Bay to Oakland to conclude the business at hand."

  "This isn't good," Eric said, as he and Tony scanned Jake's house from cover several houses away. They had waited in vain for the anticipated convoy to arrive. When too much time had passed Tony had called Jake and been unable to get an answer.

  "Something is wrong," he'd warned Eric. "We need to get to the house immediately."

  They'd made their way through the underbrush to the hidden Nissan Pathfinder, and then driven well above the acceptable speed limits toward San Jose. Eric had tried multiple times to contact Jake or Susan, but to no avail. When they'd arrived, they spotted the vehicles parked in the driveway of the house, which still had a number of lights showing.

  "Let's have a look," Tony said anticipating the worst, leading the way toward the side of the house.

  "Uh-oh," Tony said softly as he looked through a side window, spotting a body on the floor. "I think we know where the convoy went. They knew about this place. I think that's Jake."

  After verifying there were no unfriendlies present, Tony and Eric broke into the house, finding the bodies of their friends spread around the study area.

  "I think it's time for some payback," Tony said tight-lipped as he looked at Susan's blood stained body a short distance away. Jake wouldn't be able to Back-Track their way out of this one.

  "You know my father is not at all happy about all this," Thomas said from the passenger seat of the sedan as they drove off the Bay Bridge and headed south on the freeway into Oakland. "He's going to have a talk with your Uncle Carlos in the morning. He would be very displeased that I've agreed to allow you to go running off again this evening, potentially causing even more trouble. You understand why I have to come along?"

  "Not to worry," Paul assured his friend, who he could tell was having doubts about the wisdom of ever agreeing to help with this activity.

  Natalie was silent as she focused her energies internally, stretching to find the link to herself at the airport. Then finally, she felt it begin to form. Once it was solid enough she was certain it would work, she nodded at Paul. He smiled as she triggered the Backslide to the airport the afternoon before, realizing as she did so that she had returned to a time where her enemies were still alive and hunting them.

  Natalie's eyes lost their focus for a brief moment as she adjusted to the sudden shift of locations and time. Then, as her thoughts settled, she muttered a brief "oh", and reached for her purse and pulled out her phone. Making a show of checking the device, she stepped over to Paul and showed him the screen.

  "Excuse us," she said to the others. "We'll be right back," she added as she pulled Paul back to the plane just as they were about to exit with the others.

  "What are you doing?" Paul asked as he followed her back inside the small jet.

  "It's Trask," she said to Paul once they were inside again. "We beat them," she added with a touch of smugness, which dissipated almost immediately as she realized again that the fight that had ended the lives of those who sought them had no longer happened. "They knew about us coming here. It was all part of a plan they put in motion to get a shot at me. They knew where we were staying, and they have a sniper. He made a long shot and killed one of Thomas's men. It's even possible they are watching us arrive. I don't think standing around outside is a good idea."

  "Trask is the one we want?" Paul asked, realizing what the rush of information meant. "You looped back after finding out?"

  Natalie nodded.

  "We got lucky. Your uncle Carlos found out that Trask is really someone named Jake Waters, and where he lives. We were able to surprise them at his home and you shot Trask before he could act. Afterwards Carlson confirmed he was their Backslider. Then we killed the rest of them."

  "So why all the acting like you got a phone call?" Paul asked.

  "We need to go back to New York right now," Natalie said. "Our purpose in coming here has been completed. But when I was in the car riding back to a point close enough where I could Backslide I realized we hadn't thought out how this would work. In the past, I simply triggered the Backslide, and didn't worry about those around me. The situation would simply cease to have existed. But this time it's different. We have a long plane ride to take before we can get back to a point where I can loop back to early last week. Jeff knows what I can do, but the other two outside don't. They aren't going to understand why we want to get back on the plane and fly back where we came from. Also, what about your friend Thomas who is waiting outside the arrival area? How do we explain to them what is going on."

  Paul realized what she was saying.

  "What do we tell them?" he asked.

  "How about Jeff and the others go with Thomas and get settled. "Tell Thomas that we have to make a quick trip to Los Angeles. Something has come up, and we'll be back in the morning. He probably won't be happy, but in a few hours when we reach the East Coast I'll Backslide and none of this will ever happen. It'll save complicated explanations, and we can't very well just fly away. Well, I guess we could, but they might contact your uncle while we are in the air, and he might be able to contact the pilots complicating things for us."

  "I told you about not informing Uncle Carlos, didn't I?" Paul asked.

  Natalie nodded.

  "Let me handle it," Paul said. "You stay inside just in case. They know I'm not the one they want, so I should be safe enough."

  Five minutes later Paul stepped back aboard the airplane.

  "Jeff will explain to Thomas that there was an unexpected change of plans and we'll be back in the morning. Jeff and the others will go and get settled in with Thomas. At least he won't have come to the airport for nothing. I'll tell the pilots to refuel and that we'll be flying back to Baltimore as soon as we can. They won't be happy about that. We're lucky we have two pilots on board."

  "See if they can fly directly into New York," Natalie asked. "That will save us a three to four hour drive from Baltimore. I'm hoping to loop back to last Sunday morning while we were still in New York thinking about going to Atlantic City."

  Seven hours later the small jet was on final approach to their landing. Natalie had slept most of the flight after asking Paul to wake her as they approached the city.

  "Can you do it?" Paul asked hopefully.

  Natalie had explained that the Backslide she hoped to make would be at the very limits of her ability. If she couldn't reach far enough back, they might have to settle for making the attempt against Jake Waters on another day, but she worried that that period had seen both her and Waters making multiple loops, and he might be aware of any change in how the day proceeded. The days when he first tracked her brother would be safest.

  "Barely," she said. "I can sense myself, but I don't think I should make the attempt from a moving plane. I'll wait until we are stopped on the ground."

  "Ah shit," Natalie moaned, then rolled over and gagged, barely keeping the contents of her stomach inside. "My head," she groaned, clenching the pillow to her face as if the softness would offset the agony that pounded inside her skull.

  "Nat, are you okay?" Paul asked. He'd been pulled from a comfortable sleep and a pleasant dream by her sudden cry and violent movements.

  "Shhhh," she hissed. "Give me a minute. Go and find some aspirin, please," she urged.

  "Here," Paul said a few minutes later when he returned with a couple of the pills and a glass of water.

  "Only two?" Natalie asked. "Oh God, my head hurts," she moaned.

  "Nat," Paul asked again. "What happened?"

  Natalie down
ed the pills and slumped back against the pillows. "I just looped back from next weekend," she said. "I know who their Backslider is, and you have to make plans today to deal with him. It's our chance to take him out before he knows we are on to him."

  "Who is it?" Paul asked. "What happens in the next few days?"

  "You have no idea," Natalie said. "Next week was a mess of interactions where their Backslider and I looped around each other and changed events multiple times. But in the end, we beat them. We killed them all."

  "Why didn't you just leave things that way?" Paul asked. "Why come back and have to do it all again?"

  Natalie shot Paul an annoyed look, then realized this Paul couldn't know what had happened.

  "You made me," she said a little curtly. "To get where we were, you had lied to your Uncle Carlos about a number of things, you stole his private jet, and lied to a guy named Thomas on the West Coast who was helping us."

  "I lied to Uncle Carlos?" Paul asked uncomfortably. "That isn't good. He doesn't take well to being lied to."

  "Don't worry about it," Natalie said. "It didn't happen until this coming Wednesday, and now it won't ever happen. That's part of why you insisted I come back. It was the only way to keep both of us out of trouble. It also gives us a chance to finish all of this, including getting rid of Carlson before anyone figures out what is going on. They did figure out who killed Anne, and that led them to us," she added.

  "What do you think we need to do?"

  "Trask, or Waters, will be following Jeff around today. Supposedly he's alone, at least none of Jeff's watchers spotted anyone else, but given the sniper in California and the fact they had a couple of people watching us we never knew about, there may be someone else. Maybe a couple of people. Rather than let Waters tail him all day, you need to set up an ambush, and contact Jeff and have him lead Waters into it. Since at this point none of the confrontations had taken place, there will be no reason for Waters to sense that the events are different from before."

  "That's short notice, but I think I can get people in place. Probably by early afternoon. Jeff can do whatever he was planning in the morning and we can see if this Waters fellow does the same as before."

  "Don't alert Jeff in advance. He'll be more natural if you just let him go about his business. We'll call him after lunch and tell him what to do."

  "Okay," Paul agreed. "Let me make some calls."

  "Paul," Natalie said.


  "Whatever you plan, make sure it works. I'm totally spent. I won't be able to Backslide for days. If things go wrong, I don't think I'll be able to help you by looping around the problem."

  Paul grinned.

  "That shouldn't be necessary."

  "Don't say that," Natalie hissed. "You don't know what I've seen in the coming week, and I suspect a lot of what happened next week I don't recall because Waters changed some of it. I've seen you dead. They killed you and Jeff, and Aaron, and others. I looped back so we could change things. This guy is good. Don't underestimate him."

  "You're scared," Paul said surprised at seeing her shiver.

  "You're damn right. It was a very close thing, and in the past we've jumped around each other to keep our teams alive. You don't know what I've been through and seen. Now we are going to make a change that will mean everything that happened before won't be the same, so we can't be certain how it will end. And this time, I can't help. Jumping back this far has drained me of any ability. I wish we could have just gone on once we finished it."

  "Maybe we should wait a few days for you to recover?" Paul asked.

  "That's not what you wanted when you directed me to come back to today," Natalie said. "Besides, it would take a couple of days to get any ability back, and by then Carlson and others will know about Anne and the link to me, and Waters will have a team in place which will mean attacking him when he is prepared. If we were going to do that, I would have been better off not coming back this far. I'd have been in better shape."

  "Okay," Paul said finally. "We'll move on him today. I assume once this Waters is killed, we will have complete control of events."

  "If you get him," Natalie agreed. "But make certain you plan for him having someone watching his back."

  "Understood," Paul replied.

  "Oh, and Paul. Bring me some more aspirin," she begged.

  Chapter 44

  Early Sunday Afternoon, May 15

  Jake was bored. This was the third time he'd been through this particular time period, watching Jeff Rineri as he made his way around the city performing tasks that still didn't obviously fit into anything relating to them even after the third time seeing the man engaged in them. Jake had completed his second Back-Track to the previous afternoon, this time coming back to the day they arrived in New York simply to ensure his memories of the battle they would have this coming Wednesday during which all but the woman Natalie Rineri would be killed remained. That suggested that she was the Back-Tracker they were seeking, but as yet that was inconclusive. He'd allow matters to progress unchanged, and hope that this loop had been unnecessary and they would be able to confirm what he now suspected when Wednesday afternoon rolled around again and they confronted the woman. Tony was somewhere keeping an eye on him and watching to see if they were being monitored, something Jake knew was the case from the second time he'd made this time loop, but which he hadn't told Tony this morning because he didn't want to disturb the flow of events. It was important that everything progressed as it had before if Wednesday was going to provide the answers they sought.

  Hey now, what's this, he thought as Jeff Rineri made an unexpected shift in direction and headed north away from where they were supposed to go. He hadn't gone this way the last times Jake had observed his activities. That suggested something had happened to change things, and that something meant the Back-Tracker for the other side had somehow gotten involved again. Jake's senses were immediately on alert. No longer was he bored and only half paying attention. He reached for the special phone Tony had provided him with and called the agent.

  "Rineri just deviated from the pattern we followed before," he said when Tony answered.

  "I was wondering. You didn't say he would be going anywhere to the north when we talked and planned this last night. I assume that means someone has interfered with the events and he knows something he shouldn't, or at least didn't the last time."

  Jake was impressed at how quickly Tony was learning how to interpret the impacts of his Back-Tracking.

  "Let's see where he takes us, then we'll pull back," Jake suggested.

  "Maybe we should pull out now. Who knows what they are aware of and if they have set up a trap for you."

  Jake was more aware than Tony how much the other side might know about him. He had the knowledge from all the way into the middle of the week, while he'd only briefed Tony on what would happen up until the following evening based on the first of the loops he'd made.

  They followed Jeff Rineri for another half a dozen miles. Jake felt so long as they were moving along in traffic, he was probably safe enough, but he couldn't deny an itch between his shoulder blades. He couldn't help but remember these people liked snipers. Then suddenly, Rineri pulled over and turned into the parking lot for a small park. As Jake slowed and watched, the man climbed out of his car, crossed the jogging track that circled the tree lined block, and disappeared into the interior of the public area. A couple of other cars were parked in the small lot, possibly joggers or families enjoying the small respite offered by the area. It was obvious to Jake that Rineri wanted to be followed, something that wasn't going to happen.

  His opposite number, Natalie if he was correct, had to have looped back with the intent of making a change. Almost certainly that change was to make a move against him. At this point in time, they had only spotted him, although they might know he had other help if the Back-Track had come from sometime in the week ahead. What Jake was certain of was that whoever the Back-Tracker was hadn't looped as far ba
ck as Jake's most recent effort because he still retained his memories of what had happened up to the coming Wednesday next week. That meant the other Back-Tracker had chosen a time between when Jake had returned the previous afternoon, and this morning. When? Jake wondered. Not too recently. It would have taken time to set all of this up. His guess was the evening before, to perhaps as late as midnight. That meant Jake could loop back to sometime early this morning and not interrupt the arrival of the other Back-Tracker. That was something he didn't want to do. There was an opportunity here. A chance to use the enemy's plan against them. If he could loop inside the other's arrival, Jake could potentially arrange for support to be in place here at the park, and maybe get a shot at Natalie. He couldn't cut it too fine, as it would take time for his people to react as well.

  Jake weighed the possibilities, then elected to gamble. He reached back to find himself asleep this morning at 3 AM. He was reasonably confident that wouldn't disrupt the arrival of his counterpart, and it would allow him time to bring in help. Decision made, he Back-Tracked.

  "Wake up, Tony," he said.

  Tony was almost instantly alert, the small handgun he kept close appearing in his hand as he tried to assess the situation.

  "What's wrong?" Tony asked, seeing no immediate threat.

  "Our friends have made a change. They are setting up an ambush for me tomorrow," Jake explained.

  "How could they know you Back-Tracked?" Tony asked.

  "This effort was triggered by something that happened sometime next week," Jake said. "I've actually come back from next Wednesday myself. This has to be from a time at least that far ahead."

  "You didn't tell me?" Tony said.

  Jake nodded. "I learned some things and wanted to be certain the information wasn't lost, but also didn't want any changes in the time flow. It's a tricky thing, and I decided not to tell you or Susan what is about to happen in hopes of preserving the same sequence of events exactly. Now that's no longer going to happen."


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