Book Read Free

Owned by Him

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-633-1

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I would like to thank Karyn, my editor. She's always patient with me and I appreciate everything she does for me. Also, a huge thank you to my readers for encouraging me to do this story. I hope you all enjoy it.


  Friends, Men, and Secrets, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013


  Heather’s Eighteenth Birthday

  Amber watched her friend blow out the eighteen birthday candles decorating her cake. She sipped from the water bottle and cheered when it was the right moment. There were times she wished she could do more than simply look in on her friends. Ashley was cheering while Connie was slicing up the cake. They were all close friends. Since they were kids they’d always been good friends, but through high-school their friendship tightened. They were big girls and would never fit in with the popular crowd. Amber liked it like that. She wouldn’t change to fit what other girls wanted. Ashley, Connie, and Heather all accepted her for who she was, and none of them pressured her to be something different. She loved them like sisters, and they were as close to sisters she’d ever get.

  “Shouldn’t you be with them?” Elijah asked.

  She turned as he came up behind her. He never failed to make her hot. Her response to him was embarrassing.

  “I-I d-don’t k-know.” She only ever stammered around him. Staring at the floor she shivered as his breath whispered across the back of her neck. He was too close, and there was no way for her to fight her response to him.

  “Are you nervous, Amber?”

  He knew her name? Shit, of course he knew her name. She was best friends with Heather. Also, they had shared many more moments than these. Whenever she stayed over he was always around, staring at her. God, his voice was pure sin.

  “No, of course not.”

  A gasp escaped her lips as his fingers caressed along her arm. “I make you nervous.” His hand banded around her waist, pulling her closer against him.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

  She wasn’t stupid when it came to sex. Being a virgin didn’t mean she didn’t understand what was prodding against her ass. Ashley was the most adventurous of the group whereas Amber liked to be left alone most of the time.

  “You want me, Amber, and I want you.”

  It was always like this between them. She didn’t understand it at all. Why was he doing this to her? He could have any girl he ever wanted, and yet he was here, holding her and making her feel like she was the only woman on the planet.

  “Why?” she asked.

  He tugged her back until he was getting her to follow him upstairs. The moment the door closed behind her, his lips were on hers stopping any question from spilling out of her lips. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding onto him for dear life. Elijah made her feel things she’d thought was long since dead. How could she open up like this with Heather as her best friend? Heather hated her brother, and this always felt like a betrayal. Her friend felt like her parents resented her whereas Elijah was the golden boy. He could do no wrong. Amber had stayed up many nights listening to Heather complain about how perfect Elijah was even though he didn’t get the best grades or help with chores. Those nights Amber agreed with her friend’s assessment, trying to be supportive. But there was something about Elijah that called to every part of her body.

  Pushing the excuses from the back of her mind, she focused on him right now.

  Had their heated gazes and swift conversation led to this moment?

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he said, pressing kisses down to her neck.

  She pulled on his hair bringing his lips back up to her mouth. For the longest time she’d had a crush on Heather’s big brother. Amber tried her hardest to hide her feelings, but it was getting harder and harder every day. He no longer lived in the same house as Heather, but she knew his parents kept his room the same for whenever he visited, which was often.

  The sound of the lock turning made heat swamp her pussy. She was desperate to feel him.

  Elijah wrapped his arms around her middle and moved her toward his bed. He lowered her to the bed.

  “I’ve got to have you. I need to get you out of my mind,” he said. “I can’t concentrate on anything but you.”

  For most of her life she’d been bullied because of her weight. Her mother was always pressuring her to go on a diet, and the guys in high school only valued thin, blonde women. She was a redhead with curves all over the place. Amber had to deal with having a thick waist, large breasts, and plump thighs.

  She hated her shape, and her mother made her feel overweight, fat, and ugly.

  In Elijah’s arms she could finally feel beautiful.

  He unbuckled the belt holding his jeans up. She’d never been with a man before and couldn’t find the words to tell him.

  His fingers caressed her knee bringing her skirt up. This was really happening.

  Doubts assailed her, and she couldn’t bring herself to stop him. Amber knew she should stop him, but she couldn’t. This was her only chance to experience something and know the guy wouldn’t go tattling to all his friends.

  When Ashley had given her virginity up to the captain of the football team, the loser made her life a misery. Amber had witnessed it, and Ashley was a hard person inside and out. No one was breaking through that shell she kept over her heart.

  It was now or never. She couldn’t stop, as otherwise she’d regret her decision.

  Leaning forward, she pushed his jeans down, exposing his long length of cock.

  She stared at the length of him, amazed at how long and thick he was. He’d fit. Man and woman were supposed to fit in these situations.

  “I need you, Amber. Tell me you need me.”

  None of his words were making sense. The couple of beers she’d drunk were going to her head. She should be more like Connie and not drink at all. Had this been a long time in coming?

  His lips were back on hers before she got chance to say anything. Elijah’s tongue and hands were everywhere, making it impossible for her to think clearly. He pushed the hair off her face, exposing her to more of his kisses. In no time at all, her skirt was pulled off along with her panties. She cried out as he pressed a palm against her naked pussy.

  “So fucking wet and perfect. I can’t get you out of my head.”

  He dropped to the bed, settling between her thighs. She couldn’t speak, and she didn’t want to. This moment was purely for her. He wouldn’t say anything to anyone, and she could hold this tightly within her heart for the rest of her life without any fear.

  Elijah tore at her blouse, sending buttons in either direction. She giggled and then groaned as he started to suck on one and then the other nipple he’d exposed.

  “You’re better than I imagined.”

  She felt him caress her pussy, sliding his fingers along her slit, drawing out her pleasure. Amber bit down on her lip to stop herself from crying out. She was so turned on.

  “I can’t wait. I need to have you now,” he s
aid. And she was more than happy to give it to him.


  Elijah knew he was going straight to hell. He never should be thinking about his sister’s best friend. Heather had three best friends, and the only one he thought about was Amber Phelps. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. At night he found himself dreaming about her. Even when he lived back home and he used to watch his sister, Amber always caught his eye. He was a sick bastard as he was a good ten years older than she was. His feelings hadn’t started going to the obsessive until she’d turned seventeen. He still shouldn’t have been looking at her.

  Now, they were both at consensual age, and he could do what he wanted. There was no way she was a virgin. She was too damn sexy to be a virgin. His full-figured, red-headed woman was just … perfect. No other words could describe her.

  The feel of her silken pussy was too much. He grabbed a condom from the back pocket of his jeans, which were pooled around his ankles. Quickly sheathing his cock with the latex, he gripped her hip and seated himself inside her warm, tight pussy.

  She screamed, and he didn’t want to know the truth of why she was in pain. Staring into her eyes, Elijah realized the truth and his fucking mistake. Amber was a virgin, and he was her first man.

  Closing his eyes he tried to be angry, but all he felt was relief. He made a promise to himself in that moment. Amber would never know the touch of another man. Elijah would make sure no man would ever want to come near her. He would own every inch of her.

  She was in his arms, in his bed with his cock deep inside her body, and he was making a claim on her. There was no way she was getting away from him a second time.

  Pulling out of her tight heat, Elijah plunged back inside. Slipping a hand between them, he started to finger her swollen clit. He wanted to hear her scream his name in pleasure.

  Tears glistened in her eyes, and he leaned down, kissing her lips.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, meaning it.

  A gentleman would have stopped. A gentleman wouldn’t have continued. He was not a gentleman. He was a Dom, and even he knew he couldn’t use that as an excuse for his actions. There was no excuse.

  Stroking her clit, he brought her to orgasm, watching the pleasure cross her face as he took her. He started out slow, caressing her clit and sucking on her breasts.

  She was so damn perfect. He couldn’t imagine not having her. She was truly perfect to him.

  Sliding in and out of her warm heat drove his obsession deeper down. There was no way one quick fuck was ever going to get him over her. Amber was in his mind, in his blood, and she’d stay there for the rest of his life.

  He drove into her harder, feeling the first stirrings of orgasm start to build.

  “Come for me, baby,” he said, flicking her clit.

  Amber followed his directions like a perfect submissive.

  She’s too fucking young.

  Blanking out the thoughts, Elijah slowed down his thrusts, bringing Amber to several more orgasms before he found release.

  When he could no longer hold off his release, Elijah wrapped his arms around her and moaned against her skin as his seed poured into the waiting condom. He wanted to have her without anything between them. There was no way she’d be on birth control.

  Resting his head on her breasts he took several deep breaths needing to gain control of himself.

  “Elijah?” she asked.

  He lifted his head. “What, baby?”

  “Are you, erm, finished? You’re squashing me.”

  Anger consumed him. He lifted up on his arms and pulled out of her wetness. Staring down at the evidence of her innocence, he went to his personal bathroom. Quickly, he grabbed a towel and a cloth then returned to find her trying to dress.

  “Sit the fuck down. You’re not going anywhere until I’ve cleaned you up. I’m not having any arguments either.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Sit down!” Her gaze went to the door before she sat down on his bed.

  Moving close to her, he knelt before her. Amber’s face was bright red. The color almost matched the shade of her hair.

  Shaking his head, he cleaned away the few specks of blood. Cursing in his head, Elijah returned the soiled towel and cloth to the bathroom.

  Returning to his room, Elijah was overcome with possessive anger. He could have hurt her because she hadn’t told him the truth. Before he reined in his anger, Elijah grabbed Amber, hauled her over his knee and started to slap her ass.

  While he’d been gone she’d pulled the skirt down to cover her ass so her flesh was given a certain amount of protection, but not enough to hide away from his anger.

  He was so fucking mad.

  When he was finished, he made her sit on the bed and look at him. “Don’t you ever let a guy do that to you, do you understand me?”

  “Do what?” she asked, crying. He saw the tears in her eyes but also the peace that seemed to flash back at him. Elijah didn’t want to think about what her emotions meant. In the wrong hands they were dangerous. He couldn’t risk anything happening to his sweet Amber. That’s how he’d come to see her, as his.

  “You’re my woman, Amber. Mine, no man is allowed near you. Never let them do what I’ve done, do you understand?” he asked.

  They were not the words he was going to speak. He was going to tell her to never let a man hurt her and to make sure she was ready before taking another man.

  Holding her in his arms, Elijah kissed her head, offering her all the comfort he could give her. He was totally twisted inside, and yet all he wanted to do was love her. She was the first and only woman to ever make him care.

  He fell asleep with Amber in his arms, but when he woke up she was gone.


  Over the years he flitted in and out of Amber’s life until he met her at Club Kink when she was twenty-one years old and looking for a reason as to why she liked being dominated. He couldn’t believe what was happening, but over the course of the next four years, he pushed her away until she saw him trying to take on another sub. After that, Elijah tried to move on. Amber was too much of an addiction, and he was too far gone to let her slip through his fingers. Going back to his sister was an excuse. He was really going back for his woman, for his sweet Amber.

  Chapter One

  Amber Phelps smacked her head against her apartment door. Why couldn’t he leave her alone? She’d done everything in the rule book to get over him, and yet, here he was, still hassling her. What more did she have to do to prove to him she’d moved on?

  “I know you’re in there. I heard you tell Heather over thirty minutes ago that you were not leaving your apartment,” Elijah Booth said through her door. She shouldn’t be able to hear him.

  She made a mental note to complain to her apartment manager about the thinness of the wall, if there was such a thing.

  Opening the door, she peeked through the gap that the chain lock allowed. “What? What do you want?”

  “Is that any way to speak to me?” he asked.

  “I signed a contract, and I did everything by the book. You can’t be throwing titles at me or demands. I’m a free woman, and I left all that crap behind.” She had no choice but to leave that life behind when she left Club Kink. It was an exclusive club in the big city. She’d cancelled her registration and asked not to be contacted by any of the Doms or subs there. Tyler, the owner of the club, had made sure she didn’t have any trouble. Leaving the club had been her own decision, and there was no way she’d be going back.

  None of her friends knew about her foray into domination and submission. She’d become addicted to it because of the man she was trying to avoid. Ever since he’d spanked her and fucked her at Heather’s eighteenth birthday party she’d been smitten with him. She’d been eighteen for over three months before Heather and always had a crush on Elijah. Never in all of her life did she imagine he’d want her back.

  He didn’t want me. All Elijah ever wanted to do was mold me and control me in
to what he wanted.

  Closing her eyes she shut out the pain that he’d caused. Whenever he was around she went into her old ways of thinking he was her master. She still couldn’t believe she’d kept her submission and her relationship with Elijah a secret from her friends. Heather didn’t even know the truth. She’d kept it a secret for so long that lying to them had become so easy.

  There was no way she’d ever be able to tell them the truth.

  “I know you did everything you could to get away from it, Amber. I’m not here because of the club.”

  She went to shut the door, but he pressed a hand to the wood, stopping her. Amber was always surprised by his strength when he used it against her. There were times he was one of the nicest men she’d ever seen.

  “Then why are you here? The last time I saw you, you were trying out other subs, Elijah. I don’t want you here at my place.”

  Amber wasn’t stupid. She should have known Elijah was going to move on once he grew bored of her. On the last day of her entering the club, she’d seen him caressing a skinny blonde woman. She didn’t know the woman’s name and didn’t really care. The desire in his eyes couldn’t be masked, and the way they’d dimmed when they saw her spoke volumes. She couldn’t be with a man who didn’t want her. Elijah was her first and the only man she’d been with. It was pathetic, and she wished she could change it. She’d tried to date other men, but no one could match Elijah. He was a force all on his own.

  “I need to talk to you. Please, let me in.”

  His fingers caressed her hand. She pulled away, not wanting his contact. All she wanted to do was let him in.

  “No, you’re breaking the rules. You shouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m not breaking any rules. I’m here for you, Amber.”

  “What?” She couldn’t believe a word that came out of his mouth. It was too dangerous, and Amber knew she’d give herself too easily to him.


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