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Red Hot

Page 2

by Ann B. Harrison

  Red parked his bike beside a small red sedan and when he was sure it was no more damaged than he initially thought, he followed her to the front door.

  “All we need are the seven dwarfs and it would be perfect,” he muttered under his breath looking around him.

  “Sorry, did you say something?” She stopped, and turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.

  “No, just thinking it looks like something out of a fairytale book. Kind of perfect, if you know what I mean.” Red unzipped his jacket and pulled it off, needing something to do to cover his embarrassment and occupy his mind for a minute or two. “I wonder if a witch is going to come out with a black cat and a cauldron looking for children to bake. Sorry, my warped sense of humor.”

  She chuckled and the blood pumped to his groin at the richness of the sound.

  “Forgive me, I haven’t even introduced myself or asked your name. I'm Rhian, Rhian Gallagher and you are?”

  “Red. Red Douglas.” He held out his hand and his breath hitched when she placed her delicate hand in his palm. Electricity shot up his arm the instant her fingers touched his skin. She held onto him, her fingers clutching his tight, her gaze locked onto his.

  “Nice to meet you Red, come and sit down. I'll make tea and we can get better acquainted.” She held his hand firmly in hers and guided him inside the tiny cottage.

  The small sitting room was filled to overflowing with antique furniture. Plump bright cushions were scattered over the comfortable looking chairs and tiny settee. Books lined the walls with random objects amongst them and a small grey stone fireplace was tucked into one corner. A low table held a vase of flowers matching those in the garden and a bowl of polished stones stood next to them. Somehow it all looked right and balanced. Through an arched doorway Red could see a kitchen and between the two rooms a narrow hallway led to the back of the cottage.

  Rhian put the baby deer down and walked into the tiny kitchen. Red followed her, leaned on the archway, and watched her move around the room. Her hips swayed as she walked to the sink and filled the kettle. He glanced away as the heat built in his groin and a set of glowing, green eyes caught his attention. A white cat stretched and then jumped lazily down from the chair under the table before rubbing itself against his motorcycle leathers.

  Red looked back at Rhian and then dubiously at the cat. “Animals don’t usually like me. Is this thing likely to bite?”

  * * * *

  Rhian leaned against the kitchen bench and watched her familiar laying her scent on the magnificent specimen the Fates had decided to throw at her feet. “No, Nero is a pretty good judge of character. If he says you can stay in the house I'll be inclined to listen to him. If he didn’t like you, he would have met you at the door and shredded your legs already.”

  Without his heavy-duty plain black glasses, this man exuded pure sex. With them on, the small, lost boy look tugged at her heart strings. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, pull him close to her breast, and tell him she would protect him from whatever put the sad look in his beautiful eyes. Rhian imagined rubbing soothing circles on his back as he rested his head on her shoulder.

  He had an aura of insecurity about him but that could not be right? Why would a man as beautiful as him not be full of confidence? He was easily six foot two and well built. Underneath the leather his thighs were strong and muscular rising up to a tight ass Rhian wanted to clutch in her hands and explore with her mouth. His rich auburn hair was long enough to curl around his ears. She longed to reach out and run her fingers through it and pull his mouth down to hers. The dark emerald eyes completed a look screaming out sex on a stick but he wasn’t giving off that vibe. She would have to find out why. Rhian loved a challenge, especially one as hot as this man promised.

  The little deer nudged at her feet and she reached down and picked it up again. “Hold this little guy while I warm up a bottle.” She passed the fawn over to Red, thrilled at the prickle of energy racing under her skin at the contact with his long supple fingers. She smiled to herself as she envisaged where she wanted them on her body and almost sighed out loud as warmth raced to her groin.

  Settle down Rhian, take your time.

  The tiny creature looked lost in his muscled arms. It snuggled down and ducked its head into the crook of his elbow, eyes hidden and nuzzling against his skin.

  “What are you going to do with it?” he asked.

  “I'll take her back to the clinic and raise her until she’s ready to be released. Then I’ll bring her back home to let her go. The herd has lived around here for as long as I can remember, I'm sure she’ll fit right in with all of my other orphans.”

  “Do you make a habit collecting strays then?” He looked nervous as his gaze met hers.

  “Only the ones that appeal to me, you understand.” She ran the bottle under the hot tap. “There has to be a reason for us to connect if you know what I'm saying. The Fates would hardly throw a stray in my path unless there was a plan for us, now would they?” She handed Red the warmed bottle and pushed him into the living room toward a chair. Her gaze lingered on the torn leathers and she itched to run her hands over the tight butt but held herself back. There would be plenty of time for sex and the timid way this guy acted around her made her cautious. It would be a shame to scare him off before they got to know each other better.

  Red sat down on the sofa and the fawn nuzzled the bottle before grabbing the teat and sucking noisily. Rhian kept her eye on Red handling the tiny animal He watched mesmerized as the milk quickly disappeared and the deer’s little stumpy tail flicked contentedly. A dribble of milk ran down his chin onto Red’s bare arm. Before he could react, Rhian came over, sat next to him and held his gaze while she gently wiped a soft cloth slowly up his arm.

  She stood and left him on the sofa, smiling to herself at the bemused look on his face. The kettle whistled and she made a pot of tea and carried it back to the living room. After placing a steaming mug of tea on the table beside him, she tucked her skirt under her legs and curled into the seat opposite, letting her gaze linger on the man in front of her.

  “It would be a shame to move it now the baby has a belly full of milk and is so content in your arms.” She sat back, took a sip of tea, and smiled at the picture he made. The antiques, feminine decorations, delicate lace cushions were at odds with his raw masculinity, despite the baby deer in his arms.

  “So Red, tell me what it is you do.”

  “I'm a research scientist. I study things most people find boring and mundane.” He looked at her daring her to disagree.

  So, the man has flashes of defiance as well as insecurities, I'll have to watch that, I will.

  “How fascinating, I'm afraid I'm not that studious. I usually skipped school and spent my days in the headmaster's office.” She giggled and smoothed her hands over her skirt, glancing back his way. “My Mam and my Da almost gave up hope I would ever amount to anything and then my Gram discovered I had an affinity for animals. She encouraged me, much to dear Da’s horror. Can you imagine all the animals and creatures I brought home?” She laughed out loud, at the disbelief on his face. “Gram made me study hard to get into vet school. I hated being inside with the books, mind you.” She looked over the top of her mug and smiled at him “I was happier just hanging outside with the sick wee ones, you understand. I can heal with the gifts the Good Mother gave me but try telling that to the general public. They needed to see I had passed the examinations and had the certificate on display to prove it. Gram was a wise woman, there is no doubt of that. I know I would never have come to much if it weren’t for her guidance.”

  Warmth shot through her as he frowned and she smiled to herself at her body’s response. So he was a dyed in the wool scientist who had no time for Mother Nature and her flock? That was obvious without him uttering a word. She would show him. The Fates had dropped him at her doorstep just when she needed him most, that was for certain. Rhian knew she would have to convince him she was perfect for him. She wanted th
at body in her bed any way she could get him and from the male scent rolling off his skin, he was not immune to her either.

  She bit her lip to stop the moan pushing up from her chest. The pheromones wafting over to her sensitive nostrils were sending a moist heat between her legs and she squeezed her knees together. Rhian wanted to lift her skirts and spread her legs, inviting him to taste and tease her until she screamed his name. She might be open to exploring the pleasures of her body but she doubted her timid scientist would feel the same. Even though he was aware of her as a woman and his body was reacting, the doubt was still there in his eyes.

  Game on Mother, blessed be those who fought for what they wanted and won. Let the contest begin. I will not lose this one.

  “So, Red. I love your name. It suits you, you understand,” Rhian remarked coyly, her Irish lilt strong and she hoped, sensuous. She clamped her thighs even more tightly together as she plotted in her mind. “Where do you live then, in the city or out in the suburbs? And is your work close by?”

  “I live down by the bay overlooking the wharf. Most of my work is done at the research facility over in the industrial area.” He looked uncomfortable being quizzed about himself but she pushed aside her guilt and kept talking.

  “And your family, are they in the Bay Area?” She drew her finger down her cheek, tapping her chin with a bright red fingernail as she looked at him. She imagined what she could do with it if he had no shirt on and resisted the urge to lean over and rip it from his body.

  * * * *

  Red swallowed and looked down at the small sleeping creature in his lap. He shifted his butt slightly, refusing to meet her gaze. He was sure Rhian was baiting him and the discomfort was building in him, both in his heart and in his pants. Used to being teased by members of the opposite sex, he was good at hiding his feelings. Why this woman would tease him after being so helpful was a mystery, one that he didn’t know if he wanted to explore.

  His sexual encounters were few and far between, always with no happy ever after in the offering. At least not since Eleanor had dumped him for another guy who didn't appear to have Red’s shyness. A cold shower, a lonely bed and his own hand were all that waited for him at home. He willed his erection to go down so he could pass over the deer and leave.

  “Your family, Red, are they in San Francisco too?” she asked again her eyebrows raised as she waited for his answer.

  He looked up into her happy face, confused about the mixed signals he was picking up. She wasn’t really interested, was she? The smile on her face made it all the way to her eyes. She might be genuine but he couldn’t figure out why. No one had ever cared before, not enough anyway. Not that he had given them a chance to. High school and the hard knocks along the way had hardened him and made him into a recluse.

  “I have no family now. It's just me.” He looked through narrowed eyes to gauge her reaction.

  “Oh, that is so sad. I sometimes wish my family wasn’t so involved in my life but I would miss them if they weren’t there for me. There is my Mam and Da of course.” She grinned and Red’s chest closed as the air was sucked from his lungs. He wouldn’t be able to defend himself against her magnetism for much longer.

  “Young Fergus is a terrible teenager, gives my folks such a hard time but he's a boy, you understand. It goes with the territory or so he always tells us. Then there is my younger sister, Coleen. She's a darling girl. Turning eighteen next week, she is. All the boys are hanging around her driving my Da crazy.”

  Her face came alight and full of life when she spoke of her family. Red’s own parents had died in a boating accident three years ago and he missed them every day even though he’d never had the sort of relationship Rhian seemed to have with her family. His father was a committed scientist and Red had grown up wanting to be like him, even though he had been a bit old school. He spent holidays interning for him at the laboratory and thought that was how life was meant to be. While most teenagers had gone to camp or parties, he’d been looking at microbes in a petri dish and getting excited when he predicted the way they would mutate and grow.

  “Do they live close to you?” he ventured pushing away the thoughts of his teenage years.

  “Too close some days, I swear.” She laughed out loud, shaking her head. “I have my surgery in the front of my house and it's nothing to have at least one of them in every other day. Their house is just around the corner from mine. My house in town used to be my Gram's home. She lived there as a young bride and all the rest of her life, bless her. Lovely woman she was, left it to me in her will.” She ran her tongue over her full lips and sighed. “She encouraged me to open my own practice before she passed over. She still watches over me now. You should come over and have a look. It’s the big house on the corner of Main and Watson, close to the Botanical Gardens. You can't miss it, stands out a mile. I painted it a bright lemon with white trim. Such a happy color, don’t you think? I know Gram would approve.”

  Red shifted his gaze to the animal on his lap. It was stirring slightly and he prodded it, encouraging it to wake up. This lady was starting to sound a little bit crazy and he thought it was time to make a move “I have to go now. Thanks for the tea and for… um… helping me.” Red scooped the deer up in his hands and stood. He held it out toward her and waited for her to take it from him .

  Rhian stood and took the orphan, her fingers brushing his. Red's pulse reacted to the heat spiking from her skin and he tried to step back but his feet seemed to be rooted to the spot. It was almost as if she had used magic on him. He had to get out here, get away from this woman.

  Before he knew what was happening she’d be talking magic spells and séances.

  Chapter 2

  Fuck’s sake, I've overdone it again and now he's breaking his neck to get away. Geez Rhian, why can’t you just take it easy instead of talking your head off and scaring every available guy you meet? Da was right. I'll never get married at this rate. Why can't I keep my mouth shut and act demure like Coleen?

  She stood and smoothed her skirt before speaking.

  “Well, it was lovely to meet you Red. I wish it could have been under different circumstances though. At least you didn’t get hurt too much. We'll have to catch up again sometime. You know where I live, so drop by.”

  Shut up Rhian. Just shut the fuck up and hope he leaves with a shred of interest instead of terror in his bones thinking you are going to stalk him.

  She reached over and took the fawn from his hands and ran her fingernail down his arm. He drew a quick breath and pulled away from her.

  Well, at least his body was reacting favorably even if his brain was telling him she was a nut case. There was hope yet and where there was a spark of interest, well…say no more.

  She walked him out to his motorbike and stood while he put his glasses in their case and donned his helmet. Red swung his leg over the seat of the big red bike and turned the key. Rhian tried not to reach out and grab the enticing butt encased in tight black leather as he turned the bike to face the road. Nodding his thanks, he lifted a hand in goodbye and coasted down the driveway.

  The roar of the motorbike when it reached the road told her all she needed to know. She had rattled him and she loved it. Sure she’d let her mouth get away with her and she’d probably said some things that were best left unsaid. He didn’t need to know what she was just yet. He would find out sooner or later so it was no big deal, but she needed to ease him into it. Being a scientist he would balk at her secret. Rhian knew that but decided it was a hurdle to be crossed and she would talk him around. Preferably in bed where she hoped he would be putty in her hands.

  Nero approved and that was all she needed to know. If she played her cards right, Bob her Battery Operated Boyfriend would be a thing of the past. Oh the joy of a real man in her bed again. Not that the first one had been anything to write home about but Red was different. She knew he was. He just had to be convinced he was worthy of her.

  Rhian hummed to herself and walked back int
o the cottage. She may as well pack and head for home herself. She had two castrations booked in for Monday and plenty to do. She sighed, feeling sorry for the poor dogs that would be at her door in the morning and leaving in the late afternoon with less than when they arrived.

  She packed her overnight bag and put the fawn in a travelling basket she kept in her car for emergencies and locked the cottage. Nero jumped into the car as soon as she opened the door and she put the basket on the back seat with the baby deer inside. Taking a last look at the cottage, she smiled to herself and got into the car. Reversing down the drive, she turned onto the road, following the route Red had taken just an hour earlier.

  * * * *

  “Jake, it’s Red. Hey mate, sorry to bother you over the weekend but I had a bit of an accident with the bike today. Any chance I can drop it off on Monday on my way into work?” Red listened to the reply and then spoke into the phone again. “Sure, it's not that bad but you know me. A deep gouge in the tank on one side and one of the foot pegs is totally fucked. You might need to order a new one.”

  He laughed and squeezed the bridge of his nose as Jake cursed loudly at the other end of the phone.

  “What is it with you and speed? How many times do I have to tell you to slow down and look after that machine? By all that is holy and mechanical Red, sometimes you would be better off walking.” A deep sigh came through the other end of the phone. “Hell, bring it in and I’ll fix it. Again!”

  “I had to swerve to miss a baby deer on the coast road. It wasn’t my fault, okay. But don’t worry, I'm fine really, thanks for your concern. I'll see you in the morning. Hey, if I can have a loaner bike, that would be great. Thanks man, I really appreciate it.”


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