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Love of Steele

Page 25

by Ivy Raine


  The pounding was like a jackhammer in her head, and when it stopped Marta felt the cottony call of sleep pulling her back in before she escaped too far from its grip. Stash’s heavy arm shifted and draped across her shoulder. As sleep was about to engulf her again, another equally irritating sound scratched at her ears. Muffled voices.

  Another rapid knock came at the door and the owner of the knuckles didn’t wait for an invitation.

  “Good news, Mr. Steele! You’ve got your kidney.”

  The words seemed to slur across Marta’s mind and they didn’t make sense until she propped herself up on her elbows and turned to the smiling face hovering above the bed.

  Doctor Greene’s grin lit up the room. “And it’s a perfect match. Closest I’ve ever seen.”

  Practically out of bed, Stash snatched Marta up in a bear hug. “Do you hear that, beautiful? Get ready to rumble, because I plan on being out of this hospital and walking down that aisle in one month.”

  The doctor adjusted Stash’s tubes. “If all goes well, you’ll be in for two weeks at most.”

  “Hear that? Call your mom and get started on that planning, because we’re setting a date before they put me under.” Stash looked up at the doctor. “How soon?”

  “First thing tomorrow morning. That’ll give the donor time to get a few things taken care of. It’s a live donor,” he said, noting the confusion on Stash’s face.

  “Live donor? Who?”

  “That’s confidential. He wants to remain anonymous.”

  Stash lunged forward and kicked off the blankets. “It’d better not be Andrew, or I’m gonna kick his ass!”

  The doctor clamped down on Stash’s shoulder. “It’s not your brother. He tried, we refused.”

  “Then who? What sane person would give up a body part for someone they don’t even know?” Stash lay back, still grumbling. “It is someone I know, isn’t it?”

  Still in shock, Marta had to force the words to come out. “Does it matter?” she croaked. She tucked the blankets back up around Stash’s legs. “It’s a miracle. Besides, if they know you, they’re definitely not sane, so there’s your answer.”

  “Shit,” he said, winking at Marta. “Now I’ll have to be nice to everybody.”

  The doctor glanced at his watch and headed for the door. “The body needs to get as much rest as possible before surgery. Even though this surgery has become somewhat routine, it’s still a big deal. Early to bed tonight, Mr. Steele,” he called over his shoulder.

  The door’s air powered hinges hissed and the door clipped to a gentle close.

  Marta jumped up and slipped away as Stash swiped at the air after her. “I have to ask him a few things. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Ignoring Stash’s protests, Marta darted out the door and ran headlong into Andrew. “Kidney! He’s got his kidney!”

  “The doctor told me.” Andrew pulled her close and practically squeezed the life out of her. “I’m gonna go in and sit with him for a while.”

  Marta stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Andrew. He needs you even if he doesn’t realize it.”

  Looking down the hall, Marta caught a glimpse of the doctor as he rounded the corner. “I’ll be back.”

  Wings seemed to sprout from her feet, gliding her down the hall. Every heavy burden, every dark thought lifted a little more with each step. Hope and promise was cleaning house, replacing the webs of fear and doubt.

  “What happened with my test?” she said, catching up to Doctor Greene.

  The doctor slowed his pace. “You’re a match. A rather nice match, in fact, but the donor is perfect – in every way.”

  Marta grabbed the sleeve of his cardigan. “Who?”

  He shook his head. “Now, you know I can’t tell you that, Marta. He’s asked to donate anonymously.”


  The doctor stopped and faced Marta. “Take it as it is and don’t ask questions. Not everything needs an answer. Now,” he said, brightening up, “go spend some time with that fiancé of yours. And don’t forget, you’ll want to be here early in the morning – around five.”


  The phone clicked and a muffled ‘hello’ greeted her.

  “Brad. I’m so sorry to call you this late, but I just got home from the hospital.”

  “Oh, no! Call me anytime.” He cleared his throat and tried his best to sound alive. “I wasn’t sleeping yet.”

  Marta grinned. “Liar.”

  He laughed. “How’s Stash?”

  “Um, well, that’s why I called. They’ve found a donor and he’s having surgery first thing in the morning.” Marta choked up and her throat pinched tight. “A live donor. Can you believe that?”

  “That’s fantastic!”

  Marta wished she could see his smiling, comforting face. “I guess you probably realize I won’t be in to work for a few weeks – maybe forever.” The silence on the end of the line clawed away at Marta’s nerves. “Well? Say something!”

  “I’m happy for you. Truly. But, don’t write off your job just yet. When this is all over, you might decide you want to keep it for a while.”

  Fear pinched at Marta’s chest. What was that supposed to mean? “We’re getting married. October sixteenth. We’ll be going back to New Jersey.”

  Silence again. “Oh. Well, I’m in no rush to fill your position. I’ll be gone for a few weeks, anyway.”

  Marta struggled to think clearly. “I think I remember something about a vacation…Disney World, right?”

  “Uh, huh.” He heaved a heavy sigh. “If I’d only known ahead of time, I would’ve cancelled and stayed -”

  “No.” Marta cut him off. “There’s really nothing you can do. Besides, Lindi’ll be there with me and so will Andrew. You go and have fun and I’ll give you a call when the surgery’s over.” She could picture him agonizing over whether to stay or go. “Promise me you’ll go. You never take time off, Brad. You need this.”

  She heard what sounded like a tongue click, and an eternity seemed to pass before he spoke again.

  “I’ll only go if you promise to call me with an update, and if you need me, you’ll speak up. I can be here in the blink of an eye. Got it?”

  Marta felt like her lifeline just snapped. To tell him to go was one thing. To have him actually leave was another. She took a deep breath and tried to remember that she was almost twenty-three and perfectly capable of taking care of herself. “Got it.”

  Brad made a strange noise and when he spoke again, his voice was low and his words clear. “Before you hang up, I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, I love you, and I’d do anything in this world for you. You know that, right?” When Marta didn’t speak, he continued. “As far as I’m concerned, there is no other woman in this world who can do it for me like you can.”

  “Brad, don’t.” Hearing him speak the words tore her up inside. He didn’t have to tell her how he felt. She could see it in everything he did – and it injected the guilt even further into her veins.

  “This isn’t going where you think it is.” The seriousness in his voice sent chills down her spine. “I just need you to understand – truly understand how I feel, so you don’t think I’m some kind of weirdo when you hear what I’m about to say.” His breathing became rough and quick. “If anything were ever to happen to me, you have a one third interest in the restaurant as well as any investments I may have lucked out in involving myself in.”

  “Oh, my god!” Marta squeezed her phone until her knuckles turned white. “Where did this come from? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “No, no, no!” Brad laughed, but with the eleventh hour smacking them both in the face, he didn’t sound too enthusiastic. “Nothing like that. I’m just going on this trip tomorrow and you never know what’ll happen. Seriously. What if a Disney princess decides she’d rather see me dead?”

  Marta rolled her eyes. “Oh, yeah. Cinderella totally hates yo

  “Yeah, well it might sound crazy to you, but you’ve gotta watch out for those princesses. In all seriousness, though, you’re the perfect person. Jennifer has a third, my mom has a third and you get a third. However,” he said in his best ‘secret’ voice, “you’re the only one who has the key to my safe deposit box at the bank.”

  Marta laughed. “You really are crazy! What did I do, steal it?”

  “Yep, right when you stole my heart. I’ve mailed it to you. Should be arriving tomorrow so don’t toss what looks like junk mail.”

  The hair on her arms stood on end and she zeroed in on his every word. “Okay, Brad. What’s up? Seriously. Are you sick, too?”

  A kiss echoed in her ear.

  “I’m better than the best. Healthier than a horse. Righter than rain…um, am I missing anything?”

  “Promise?” Marta held her breath. She knew Brad wouldn’t lie to her if she made him promise.


  The knot in her stomach unwound. “Okay. Then I’m just gonna have to think you’re some kind of weirdo.”

  “Damn,” Brad pouted. “And I tried so hard. Well, I’ll just have to be a weirdo – a tired weirdo,” he said through a yawn.

  Marta glanced at the clock beside her bed. “Yeah. It’s getting late and I’ve gotta get up in a few hours.” An awkward silence fell between them. What does one say when they’re presented with a share of a multimillion dollar business? “Brad, about this business thing – you really didn’t have to, but thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, Marta. Though I do have to say I hope you won’t have to cash in any time soon.”

  Marta laughed. “Yeah. Me, too.”

  Chapter 17

  The answering machine had been blinking furiously by her bedside when she got back from the hospital the previous night. It held the most important message she’d ever hear. October sixteenth. Those two words were all that Stash had said when he called and left a message in a whispered hurry. God only knows what possessed him to come up with that one. The date was seared into her head – the day she would become Mrs. Aaron Herman Steele. Yet through the whirlwind of excitement, fear, and happiness, Marta couldn’t help but think about the donor. Who was he, and why was he doing this for Stash? Did he even know Stash?

  A car horn blared in her ear, jerking Marta to attention.

  “Shit. Sorry,” she mouthed to the car behind her. Lurching her van into the throng of cars in the early morning blackness, Marta’s heart thumped faster when she glanced at the digital display. Four-o’clock. In one hour Stash would be on the operating table. A sick tickle poked Marta from the inside out. What if he died? She shook her head, chasing away the scary, but all too real, thought.

  “Focus!” City traffic had never been her thing, and with the anxiety of Stash’s surgery smacking her in the face, concentrating on the sea of flashing, red lights was a bit of a chore. It didn’t help that she was completely exhausted to the point of passing out. Sleep hadn’t come easily to her the previous night, and it was beginning to show. By nothing less than a small miracle, Marta made it to the hospital without an accident.

  The parking garage was nearly empty, and her footsteps snapped like firecrackers in the crisp of the early morning. She saw a familiar shape just about to round the corner into the elevator.


  The shape stopped moving, and Marta hurried to catch up.

  “Marta?” Lindi stepped out of the shadows. “I thought I was the only one getting a late start.”

  “Traffic,” Marta huffed, catching hold of Lindi’s arm. “How about you?”

  “Josie. She wouldn’t settle down for the sitter.”

  Marta and Lindi scurried arm in arm through the silent halls of the hospital, trying desperately to make up for lost time. Pre-op wasn’t quite as deserted. Medical staff dashed and dove in every direction, prepping the day’s patients for surgery.

  Lindi peeked in and the nurse at the desk gave her a scathing look.

  “I guess we’re not wanted,” she mumbled from the side of her mouth.

  Another nurse – this one wearing a smile – directed them to a small waiting room just outside of pre-op.

  “You can wait in here until we’re ready for you. Who are you here for?”

  “Stash – Aaron Steele,” Marta said, catching herself.

  The nurse’s eyes twinkled. “Ah. Mr. Steele. He’s a bit of a handful this morning. His brother’s with him now.”

  Lindi twisted her fingers into knots. “This is routine, right? I mean, they do it all the time. Every other person on the street seems to have a kidney transplant these days.”

  “He’ll be fine,” the nurse assured her. “The doctors performing the surgery do over fifty of these every year. They’re some of the best in the field.”

  “How long can we stay with him?” Marta struggled to catch a glimpse into pre-op when the door swung open, but it closed too fast.

  “Five or ten minutes. It won’t be long before we have to take him.”

  Someone from inside pre-op called for ‘Nurse Gina’; the nurse smiled and twirled away in a whirlwind of commotion. Part of that commotion was Andrew colliding with the door from pre-op.

  “So sorry!” the nurse called as she hurried away.

  Still rubbing his shoulder, Andrew plunked down beside Lindi and pushed up the sleeves of his sweater. “Good morning, ladies. Whoever’s next had better hurry. They shoved me out the door.”

  Marta looked at Lindi, and Lindi shook her head.

  “You go. It’s you he wants to see. Just be sure to tell him I’m here and I’ll be waiting when he wakes up.”

  Giving Lindi’s hand one last squeeze, Marta jumped up and pushed her way into the forbidden room. She was ready for nurse angry-eyes and had no intention of being stopped from seeing Stash. Surprisingly, the nurse gave her a half smile.


  Marta nodded.

  “Go down to number seven.” The nurse looked at her watch. “You’ve got approximately eight minutes.” Her face softened and Marta realized that, yes, indeed, there was a soul under that exterior after all. “I’m sorry we can’t give you more time, but there was an add-on, so we’re rearranging things where we can.”

  Seven was the absolute last curtain on the right. It looked lonely all the way down by the janitor’s room, but Marta was glad it was away from the bustle. The walk to Stash’s curtain was awkward; some of the curtains were open and some were cracked. Most of the patients had family sitting with them, but a few lay all by themselves, nervously watching the ceiling. Marta diverted her eyes to give them privacy, sorry they didn’t have someone who cared enough to sit with them. When she reached Stash’s pale blue curtain, Marta hesitated, afraid of what she’d see on the other side.

  “Is that my woman?”

  Marta forced a smile and peeked around the curtain. “It is.”

  “Well? What are you waiting for, beautiful?” His right arm outstretched, Stash motioned for her. “That’s what I’ve been missing.” He kissed the top of her head as she nestled in.

  Marta took a deep breath, taking in every bit of his scent. She wanted to carve it deep into her memory, so if something were to happen-. Stash interrupted her thoughts when he pushed her away from him.

  “Let me get a good look at you. I wanna dream about you while I’m out.”

  “I don’t think you dream when you’re under.” Marta adjusted the blue hat covering his hair. “And if you do, I’m sure you won’t remember it.”

  Stash reached up and stroked her cheek. “So soft. So beautiful. So mine.”

  Curling her face into his calloused palm, Marta resisted the urge to cry. “So dramatic,” she teased.

  “This isn’t drama. This is real life. Sometimes I can’t believe it actually happened to me, Stash Steele, protector of all things manly and single. But it did,” he said, rubbing a thumb over her lower lip. “I think I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
br />   Marta leaned forward, brushing his dry, cracked lips with her own. There, even in the darkest of times, the electricity flowed between them. “I love you, Stash Steele.” A glut of emotions surfaced all at once; Marta broke down, a powerful shock rocking through her. “Please…please don’t leave me.” Her helpless whimper stirred the protector in Stash.

  He reached up with his free arm and nuzzled her close to his neck. “Don’t think you’re getting rid of me that easily. I stick like a disgusting piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe. Even scraping can’t get me off.” He wound his fingers through her hair. “You’ll see,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ll take care of you and keep you safe forever. I promise.”

  Marta lay against him, sobbing, wishing they could just morph into one being, wishing she could make him whole even if it cost her her very life. Wishing…just wishing.

  A light patter of feet and swishing of fabric drew close to the curtain drawn around his bed. The raking sound of the curtain rings scraping against the metal rod would be something Marta would never forget. Then came the smell – the stringent smell of the nurse standing behind her.

  “It’s time,” she said, her gentle, coaxing voice directed at Marta. “You’ll need to go to the waiting room now. We’ll page you as soon as the surgery is over”

  Stash nodded and squeezed Marta’s hand one last time. “I’ll see you in a few hours, Marta.” He was strong and certain.

  Marta stumbled away from the side of the bed so the nurse could adjust his tubes before wheeling him away. Lost. That’s how she felt. Totally and completely lost in a sea of fear. As Marta pushed aside the curtain, Stash called out to her. She turned, eager to snatch to her and hold every syllable that fell from his lips.

  “I promise,” he said, blowing her a kiss. “I love you.”


  Marta tapped on the pager. Why, she didn’t know, but it felt good to give the damn thing a poke. “Four hours. I though they said it would only take about three?” She jumped up and paced the waiting room for the hundredth time that morning.


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