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Page 18

by Laurann Dohner

  Lavos rolled so he didn’t crush her, keeping her locked to him so his dick remained buried inside her pussy. She clawed at his shoulder, her nails scratching against skin through his shirt. Her ragged cry hopefully wasn’t one from pain. He felt her muscles squeezing around his dick and it set him off more, another jet of his sperm shooting inside her.

  He groaned, turning his head and burying his nose against her throat. His fangs touched her skin but he didn’t bite.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jadee knew she’d have bruises but she didn’t care. She was on her side pressed tight against Lavos. One of her legs was hooked over his hip, the other one tangled under one of his against the bed and off the side of it. The sexy guy had a good firm hold on her ass cheek. He had big hands, big feet, and the saying was true in his case. Lavos was hung.

  Who’s the big dog? Lavos.

  She almost laughed at that thought. It was one she wouldn’t share in case it insulted him. She caught her breath and tried to make her mind work. It was tough to do after he’d just made her come twice in a row.

  She became aware of more things. He had fangs and they were touching her throat. She didn’t feel any pain but it was impossible to miss the feel of them with his open mouth on the area just under her ear. He could bite her. She didn’t jerk away, not willing to move yet. His heavy breathing tickled a little.

  She eased her death grip on his shoulder. She must have done that in the heat of the moment. She let her hand trail down his biceps, liking the feeling of them. It was a pity he wore a shirt. She wanted to touch him all over.

  The man had a wicked mouth and no one had ever blown her mind better than he had. He’d growled and vibrated as he’d gone down on her. That was an amazing sensation while being licked. It also made her feel a tiny bit embarrassed. She hadn’t lasted more than a minute. He’d be disappointed if he wanted to play with her for a while.

  Lavos made a low rumbling sound and his chest vibrated against hers. She liked that. He licked her throat. It was a little odd but nice. His fangs scraped against her and then he closed his mouth, pressing a tiny kiss on that same spot.

  “Next time we’ll do this a bit slower.” He lifted his head and she opened her eyes, loving the sight of his. They were that beautiful, vividly bright blue she found fascinating. They glowed a little but not too much. He studied her, his expression serious. “Did I hurt you at all?”

  “Nope.” She wasn’t going to complain about a few bruises from his hands digging into her various body parts or the tenderness she felt because he was a bit of a stallion.

  “I wasn’t too rough?”

  She knew what it meant to be fucked like an animal in those last few minutes. He’d gone at her with wild abandon. “I liked that part.”

  His smile erased the tension from his features. “Was there anything you didn’t like?”

  She glanced at his shirt. “You’re overdressed.”

  “I can fix that.”

  “I want to touch you.” She hoped he wouldn’t back off, hearing those words. Some men liked to detach themselves from a woman after sex.

  “I’m all yours.” He pulled away a little. “Hold that thought and don’t go anywhere.”

  Jadee hated the feeling of him pulling his cock out of her. He still felt hard though, a surprise since she knew he’d come. He was vocal about his pleasure and she liked that. It was sexy hearing him groan her name, and all that snarling. Most women probably would have been unnerved by those almost vicious sounds, but not her.

  He rolled onto his back and sat up. Jadee scooted on her side to the center of his bed. It was kind of awkward as he stood, undressing.

  This is why I don’t do one-night stands, she reminded herself. They were highly attracted to each other but they weren’t yet at a stage where she felt totally comfortable with him. But as Lavos stripped off his clothes, she still admired his beefy ass. He had no tan lines.

  He turned, presenting her with his front.

  She could stare at him all day. He had broad shoulders, muscular arms, and his stomach was lined with killer abs. Her attention lowered, taking in what she’d felt firsthand. His cock was big and thick. She was grateful they’d already had sex or she might have been intimidated enough to feel a little leery of that bad boy. He kept the hair around his groin neatly trimmed.

  She noticed something when she admired his chest again. “You’re not wearing your grandma’s ring.”

  “I took it off because I was expecting some trouble today.”

  “At the lodge? I know I was a surprise.”

  “The lodge meeting. I hoped no fights would break out but I wanted to be prepared just in case.” Lavos got on the bed. He caught her gaze with his. “Any regrets for what we just did?”


  “You look a little stunned.”

  “You’re big all over.”

  He laughed, lying down on his side, facing her. Only inches separated their bodies from touching. “I have good genes.”

  Yes, you do. Animal magnetism too. She smiled, keeping that to herself.

  He smiled in return and used his arm to prop his head up. He reached out, playing with her hair. He wrapped a damp lock of it around his finger. “We need to talk.”

  Her good mood died. “Already?”

  He unwound her hair from his finger. “You know what I’m going to say?”

  “Yes. This was a one-day-stand kind of deal. Don’t get attached. You want me to understand that this isn’t going to lead anywhere. I’m human. You’re not. Yada, yada, yada.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Is that how you feel?”

  “No. But you’re still a man. I almost forgot that, despite what we just did.” She felt disappointed, and worse, disgusted with them both. Him for hurting her feelings by seeming to think what they’d done was just sex, and her for not expecting it.

  She rolled, preparing to get out of bed. She’d borrow something to wear from him that wasn’t covered in dirt and then leave. Maybe she could move to Siberia or Antarctica. She doubted Werewolves or Vampires would hang out in either place. She’d freeze her ass off but she’d live longer.

  She’d almost reached the edge of the bed when Lavos lunged, wrapping an arm around her waist and dragging her back to the center. She twisted her head, gaping at him. He looked pissed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  His gall pissed her off. “I had questions and you answered them. I can kiss my ass goodbye if that nest contacts their council and has other nests hunting for me, thinking I’m some Vampire slayer. I got it. Avoid all Vampires. You have no pull with Werewolves, so avoid the woods and big parks, in case they hang out there. Maybe I can drive my RV into the middle of the desert. Do wolves like blasting heat and miles of cactus?”

  “Why are you so angry with me?”

  “It’s mostly at myself, Lavos. I don’t know what I was thinking. You get close to me and I turn stupid. That’s the problem. Couldn’t you have at least waited until tomorrow to pull that ‘we need to talk’ crap?”

  “I wasn’t going to say what you think I was.”

  She took a deep breath. “Okay. Spill it. I’m waiting with bated breath.”

  His eyes narrowed and he still looked pissed. “I was going to say that what happened between us changes everything.”

  That stumped her. She didn’t know what to think. The silence stretched between them until she got irritated. “Do you want to expand on that?”

  He sat up and let go of her waist. “How about I show you?”

  He opened his mouth and his fangs grew as she watched. They were menacing, even scary, considering the thunderous look on his face.

  He moved fast, startling her. She found herself flat on her back, Lavos coming down on top of her. He grabbed her wrists before she could react, jerking them up to the sides of her head, and he held on to them as he settled his body over hers.

  “I want to bite you.”

  This is what happens when you get into bed with a predator. He’d warned her about flirting with him, and that he would bite. Her heart rate increased, and Jadee knew she was about to die. How could she be so wrong about Lavos? It leveled her, and left her feeling more bewildered than terrified.

  His tone softened, and so did his harsh features. “The urge to bite strikes a VampLycan when he thinks a woman could possibly be his mate.”

  Never saw that one coming.

  “And I want to bite you, Jadee.” He inhaled. “You smell right to me. I’ve been attracted to you since we met, and it only grows stronger every moment we spend together. I missed you. Now that I have you in my bed, I can’t imagine you not being here.” He growled and his eyes began to glow neon blue. “I can’t get enough of you.” He shifted his legs, pressing his stiff cock against her thigh. “That’s what I wanted to talk about.”

  He felt hard and big. “Oh.”

  “I’m trying to be reasonable, telling myself all the reasons why I shouldn’t do it.” He paused. “This clan hates humans. Our old leader was a real asshole who would have killed you before he allowed one of us to mate with one of your kind. He shared that belief long enough that a lot of members bought into his bullshit. He preached that humans would be the downfall of us all. I never believed it, nor did my brother. Lorn leads the clan now but he just took the job. If I test your blood, and you taste perfect to me, it’s going to force him to have to fight to remain in control of the clan. But I will claim you regardless of the consequences, if you’re my mate. I’ll never let you go.”

  Jadee managed to open her mouth but no words came out. She was too stunned. How had they gone from her thinking he was going to say they meant nothing to each other, to him saying he might want a future with her? Mates sounded serious. Movies were bullshit on getting facts straight, they’d established that, but him saying he’d never let her go sounded really permanent.

  “You were raised in a human world, so adjusting to life with VampLycans is going to be tough on you. I’m considering that but I have to admit, it’s not really bothering me too much, since I’d kick anyone’s ass who looked at you wrong. And I’d keep you very busy.” His gaze lowered, his look heated as he admired her breasts. “Maybe even keep you tied to my bed and just fuck you every day until you couldn’t move, so you never wanted to leave me.”

  She swallowed, then cleared her throat. She still wasn’t sure what to say but her body was responding to the image of him doing just that. It was a shitty threat, if that was what he’d intended it to be, especially right after he’d just shown her how incredibly talented he was with his mouth and what it felt like to have him inside her. She’d let him tie her to his bed and do his worst. It sounded hot, and the idea turned her on.

  He eased his hold on her wrists but didn’t let them go. He gazed into her eyes. “Worst case, my brother will ask me to live with another clan. I’d hate to leave him but he’s smart, and has discovered he has more support than we believed possible. He knows I’d have his back if he needed me, regardless of where I go.”

  She finally had something to say. “That would suck to lose your home.”

  “It would but he might need me to leave for the good of the clan.” He ran his tongue over the tips of his fangs. “Then I think about the up sides of tasting your blood to see if you’re my mate. Want to hear them?”


  “I’d get to keep you if you’re my mate. You’d be mine, and that wouldn’t suck. Well, there would be some sucking involved, but only the kind that would have us both panting and pleasured.” He leaned closer, inhaling. “I could become addicted to you. Not a bad thing. You’re alone in the world, so you could live with me without having to leave anyone behind. There would be no guilt on your part to start a new life.”

  “That’s true.”

  “No Vampires or Lycans would dare come hunting for you here. I’d hang their heads and bags of their ashes on the walls of our den.”

  “That’s kind of disturbing.”

  He laughed. “You wouldn’t feel that way if they came to kill you.”

  “I agree.”

  “I’d know you were always safe because I’d make damn certain of it.”

  “You’re such a badass.”

  “I can be, and you motivate me.” He sobered. “So, are you willing to take the risk? I will mate you if your blood reveals that you’re my mate—and I’m certain you are, Jadee. Hit me with your questions. I know you that well. You’ve probably got dozens of them.”

  She might get to stay with Lavos. He’d be hers. But they barely knew each other. It had to be a sign of insanity to say yes. It would almost be like marrying a stranger, if her thoughts on what a mate was were correct.

  “Jadee? I’m not a patient man. Right now, I’m not even all man. My Lycan side is raising hell because it senses you’re mine.”

  “How many mates do you get?”

  That seemed to surprise him. “One.”

  “You wouldn’t cheat on a mate? And to be clear, that’s the actual definition, not the politician one of ‘it’s not sex unless my dick is inside a vagina’ bullshit.”

  “You’d be it for me, and if you even look at another man, I’ll kill him.”

  “Would you be looking at other women?”


  She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to think.

  “Faster, Jadee.”

  “Don’t rush me.”

  He closed his mouth and growled.

  “You’re impatient. I got it. It’s hard to think when you’re naked and on top of me.”

  “Are you attracted to me?”

  “You know I am or I wouldn’t be in your bed.”

  “Do I frighten you?”

  “Would you ever hurt me?”


  He said it with such vehemence that she believed him. He looked offended that she’d even ask. She took a deep breath. It caused her breasts to brush against his chest. He glanced down, and she did too. The view of them so intimately pressed together made her want to touch him again, but he kept hold of her wrists. She could probably jerk free but didn’t try. He wanted to bite her and was waiting for her to decide if he could. He got points for at least asking. He seemed the type to just take what he wanted but he was leaving it up to her.

  “Can we get to know each other a little better?”

  “Lorn wants you gone tomorrow morning. And he does lead this clan. Time isn’t something we have a lot of. We need to figure this out before then.”

  “It’s like marriage, right?”

  “Without divorce.”

  “That’s a big decision to make on short notice.”

  “I missed you the second you were gone. Did you miss me?”

  She wasn’t going to lie. “I thought about you all the time.”

  Lavos licked his lips and glanced at her shoulder, then held her gaze again. “You’re the bravest human I’ve ever met, Jadee. You’ve got such courage.” He grinned. “You killed a Vampire with an ice pick and an axe. What’s so bad about a little bite compared to that? Say yes and let’s find out if we’re mates. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if I’m right. We’ll have each other.” He grew serious. “Aren’t you ever lonely? I am. We know we’re good in bed together and I’m so drawn to you. I think we could make it work, and we’d be happy.”

  She had a feeling he’d be winning most of their arguments if they did end up being mates. The whole pinning her down while naked and talking in that sexy, raspy voice worked. She wanted to take the leap by letting him bite her.

  She took another deep breath. I’m not a coward. “Do it.” She tilted her head to give him more room. “Now I’m almost afraid I won’t be your mate. You’d make a hell of a salesman, sweetheart. You have me sold on this insane concept.”

  He didn’t laugh at her attempted humor. He released her wrists and suddenly lifted off her. “Get
on your hands and knees in front of me.”

  She was starting to suspect he was always going to be surprising her. She’d expected him to just bite, not get off her and demand she change positions. “Okay. Can I ask why?”

  “I don’t want it to hurt when I bite you. Trust me. This is going to be pleasurable.”

  She sat up and eyed his fangs. They looked painful. Just like everything else on the man, they were big. “Yeah. Good luck with that.” She rolled, going onto her hands and knees on the bed. “Don’t expect me to always be this compliant. I’m kind of in shock so I’ll do it your way.”

  Lavos chuckled and adjusted his legs on the outside of hers. She tossed her hair over one shoulder and looked back at him as he stood on his knees right behind her ass. He reached between them and gripped the shaft of his cock. He adjusted and she moaned at the feel of him entering her. She was still wet and ready to take him. He released himself and came down over her, falling forward. His arms braced his upper weight so his chest didn’t slam against her back.

  He slid into her deeper and she almost closed her eyes, but she liked to stare into his. They were glowing neon still. She’d never get tired of how striking and gorgeous they were. It was a reminder that he wasn’t anything like other men.


  “You could have asked that before you entered me. Not that I’m bitching about it.”

  He growled low and lifted one arm, hooking it around her waist. He didn’t just hold her in place but instead slid his hand down her belly to her clit. He rubbed against the sensitive nub with two fingers. Jadee moaned and turned her head, lowering it a little because it was hard to focus on anything but how big he felt inside her and the way he intimately massaged her with those fingers of his.

  “You know how I said next time we’d take it slower?”

  She gave a slight nod. “Yes.”

  “Next next time.”


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