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The Dark Prince (The Dark Prince Trilogy #1)

Page 14

by Autumn Winchester

  “Everyone,” Chase said, mostly to the ones that had yet to meet his wife. “This is Summer. My wife.” He was tempted to add on that she was the Princess, but surely the room full of people already knew that little detail. His voice was filled with pride he felt for her. He didn’t care where she came from. All that mattered was that Summer was his.

  Summer slowly looked up, leaning into Chase somewhat, and took in the group that stood before her.

  Valerie kept her face calm and collected, giving her a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She hated being here, pretending to be someone she wasn’t. Trent was munching on some chips, but waved happily as his mouth was full. Kayla’s face was filled with happiness.

  “You’ve met my mother, and this is Ivan, my father,” Chase said, not to just Summer, but to Clare too, who took hold of Summer’s other hand. “And then Ryder, and his wife, Zinna.” Chase glanced at his father trying to access his thoughts. His look was carefully concealed, so Chase had no luck guessing what his thoughts were.

  “Hello,” Ryder said, ducking his head slightly. He had a soft understanding look upon his face. His short oval face was just a tad darker than Chase’s, and his brown eyes were filled with more knowledge than Summer would ever be able to grasp. He knew how awkward they must feel as his wife had once been in their shoes. He also hoped Zinna would possibly be a beacon for them, someone who would understand above everyone else what they had been through.

  “Hi!” Zinna chirped, her white like hair styled in a strange updo with dark red tints to the end. Her dark hazel eyes had a knowing look as she bounced in place. She was anxious to get to know both the girls, as she knew what a bitch Valerie could be. Thank God for Kayla though, she had accepted Zinna into her family with open arms and she knew she would accept Clare and Summer with the same openness.

  Zinna was only able to hold back from running to hug each girl because of her husband's arm that laid across her shoulders, keeping in her place. Mostly. She bounced with energy she was trying to suppress. It had taken her over a year to be so carefree with her feelings.

  “Chase?” Ivan asked, cocking his head to the side, wondering why his son was with Jason Meads’ daughter. Not just one daughter, but two. Of course, only a handful of people knew their true blood linage, but it was enough for concern. “You do know who these two girls are, right?” His green eyes alight with knowledge. Ivan didn’t care that the two girls in question could hear him. He was wondering what his son had gotten himself into.

  “Of course I do,” Chase said, expecting nothing less. “My Princess, and her sister.” He didn’t want to fight right now, not in front of Summer. She was frightened enough as it was. He made sure to keep his voice even, but strong to show it was not up to debate on at the current time. He and Ivan faced off for a couple of seconds, their eyes not blinking.

  “Son, I don’t think,” Ivan began, but was interrupted by Trent. The older man’s voice was filled with disbelief and false calmness.

  “Dad, he knows what he’s doing. Believe me, Summer’s a lot better off married to him than some sick dude. You know Jason had plans for Summer after she turned eighteen, and now that she’s a Princess, no one will touch her,” Trent stated. “Not if they want to live,” he muttered to himself, but knew Ivan had heard as he shot his nephew a look.

  Summer was lost. What had her father really have planned for her? Was she really safer now, being Chase’s wife? Could she really trust that he only had good intentions for her? Her father never wanted anything to do with her, so what did it matter now that she was eighteen? She was so confused she didn't know head from tails anymore. Would she ever get any answers to make her understand what was going on? Did she really want answers?

  “He will want her back once he knows where she is. It won’t matter to him who has her,” Ivan stated with a penetrating look. “I know him well enough to know he doesn’t let his off spring leave his watchful eye. Is it worth the price you will have to pay, Chase?” His dad just didn't get it, but Chase would protect her with his life if need be, though he didn't plan to let it come to that.

  “If that was the case, then why was she in a holding cell?” Chase said angrily, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand, while pulling Summer closer to him as she shook in fear. “If Meads wanted her, he should have kept her safe; treated her better. Not treated her like an animal. Summer wouldn’t have been kept in a cell like some rowdy lion in a zoo! She’s a person, dad, and my wife, and she will be shown respect!”

  “Calm down, son,” Ivan stated. “I mean no harm to either of you, but you must be careful. That man won’t stop until he gets what he wants.” Ivan shook his head as he wondered just how deep Chase’s feelings were for this girl. He had known Chase was up to something, but this . . . this was something he never expected. He wasn’t sure how to tell his son that this decision could very well end up killing the entire family.

  “I will kill him. You know as well as I. I don’t break my promises,” Chase said, then took a few deep, calming breaths. He had to calm down, as his girl was already on edge and his yelling wasn’t going to help. His arm around her tightened as he pressed his face to her hair inhaling more deep breaths.

  He turned so he was facing Summer who had a teary disappointed look on her face. Cupping her face, he waited until her lighter eyes met his soft look. He chose his words carefully as he prepared to speak to her. He had to convince her he would protect her and her sister from that vile man.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, Summer,” he promised before kissing her forehead tenderly. She tried to not melt into the kiss, but it was impossible.

  “Nor you, Clare,” he said, turning his eyes to the other girl, seeing her looking at the floor.

  Clare looked up at her name, giving Chase a look that spoke volumes. She knew how life worked, even if she didn’t know Jason. But Clare did know that when a man wanted something bad enough, that man would do just about anything to get it someway, somehow. And she knew he’d use any means necessary.

  “It will all work out,” Zinna piped up, breaking the tension, her eyes knowing. “He’ll die when the time is right. And Summer won’t be subjected to his plans much longer.”

  “Zinna, sweetie,” Ryder said, not sure what he was trying to say. He knew Zinna was right about her 'insights' more than not, but he didn't want her falling apart if she was wrong.

  “It’s okay, Ryder. Thank you,” Chase said, giving her a smile and small nod of his head. Zinna was always a little strange. She had always said she just knew things; it was just who she was.

  Chase pulled Summer to his side once more, until he saw the one person he wanted to surprise walk into the kitchen. Her smile was bright, her face beginning to line with age. Light blondish gray hair was pulled into a messy bun. She looked just like he remembered her, even after several months of not seeing her.

  “Oh, Chase! I haven’t seen you in ages,” the women gushed, rushing to take Chase into a tight hug. He considered this woman to be like a second mother to him and returned her hug, but kept Summer at his side. This woman had kept Chase out of trouble a time or two while he grew up in this very house. She was more like a nanny to him than a maid.

  “Hello, Emma,” Chase said once the woman pulled back, seeing her dressed nicely. Kayla gave her hired hands wonderful pay. “I would like to introduce my wife to you. Summer.” He watched at his words rang through Emma’s thoughts, and her light brown eyes take in his wife. He knew the second it registered to her, on who Summer was.

  Summer stood stiffly against Chase, craving more than his arm around her. She wanted to bury her head in his chest and make everything disappear, sure it had to be a better place than where she was at now. She hated having attention on her. She took in the older woman in front of her, thinking that she was someone she had seen somewhere, even possibly know. But no names rang a bell to the girl. Summer had seen so many people come and go, that the possibilities were almost endless.
r />   “Summer?” Emma repeated, sure that it couldn’t be right. “When?” Her hands were shaking as she brought them to press to her mouth, tears brimming her eyes. Her gaze went from Summer to Chase, then back again.

  “I married her just a couple of days ago. It was small thing,” Chase shrugged. He watched as Emma’s eyes jumped from him to his wife once more. “It has been many years,” he said after a few moments after seeing his wife would make no move, nor sound, towards knowing who stood before her.

  He wasn’t sure if Summer would know who this woman was. She didn’t seem to remember him at all from the short amount of time that they had been together while growing up. So it was very likely that Summer would not remember her own mother, either.

  “You have grown up so much,” Emma gushed, holding herself back from hugging the girl. Instead, she gave Summer a small smile, folding her hands in front of herself.

  Summer didn’t know what to say, so she leaned more against Chase, hoping someone would eventually fill in the blanks for her. There was quite a bit of information she had forgotten over the years, mostly because it was easier to forget than to remember, or it was beaten out of her.

  “She is your mother,” Chase whispered near Summer’s ear so only she could hear. “You don’t have to say anything, or do anything if you are not ready, or comfortable to do so.”

  “Shall we go to the dining room?” Kayla asked, breaking the silence. The tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

  Emma gave Summer and Chase a small, sad smile before turning her back on them to check on the food. Her heart was rejoicing to have been able to see her child, as well as breaking because her daughter didn't even recognize her. What had that poor child gone through?

  There was a clatter of activity, as everyone headed to the other room where a huge table that could seat twelve people was. It was made of glass with vases of mixed colored flowers setting on the top. A beautiful chandelier hung above it. Each place was already set, waiting on them to arrive.

  Chase made sure to pull out Summer’s chair, letting her sit before he took his own next to her. Clare ended up sitting between Zinna and Kayla, while Ivan took the seat at the top of the table and Kayla the other end.

  Ivan began to say grace right away, and Summer was lost on the entire thing. She never once had spoken grace. Sure she believed in God, or a higher power, but she didn’t believe in good luck, nor was she sure there was such a thing as blessed food. Food was food, what was the difference did it make? Once he finished, everyone began to dig in. Emma was in and out of the room, making sure everyone had their drinks filled.

  “So, Clare, did you pick a school yet?” Trent asked, already knowing through Chase that she had been looking at a few choices.

  “Yes. I have it down to two. They both seem too good to be true,” Clare answered, a smile in her voice. “I like the programs they offer, and they are similar.”

  “Do you have any hobbies?” Kayla asked Clare between a bite of food and taking a sip of her white wine.

  “I like to draw,” she answered, her voice shy. “I just haven’t been able to lately.” It had been over a year since she had the ability to do so.

  “Oh, really? If that is the case, I have some supplies upstairs you can have. I tried to draw as a hobby once, but I just didn’t find much thrill in it,” Kayla said with a smile.

  “Really?” Clare asked, sitting up straight at the thought. She missed drawing and it had been awhile since she had any proper supplies.

  “Of course, dear. After dinner, I will be happy to show you. You can take whatever you wish,” Kayla replied. “I tend to hold onto a number of things, so I most likely have anything you could ever need to start out with. What about you, Summer, dear?”

  Summer shrugged. She really didn’t have any hobbies, not that she had time for anything else anyhow. She was never a fan of writing, or drawing for that matter.

  “I’m sure something will come along that she will like,” Chase said, not deterred.

  Conversation flowed easily. Not many questions were asked to either Clare or Summer, which they were both thankful for. They were happy just listening to the chatter around them. Valerie didn’t go out of her way to talk to the two new girls, but she didn’t flat out ignore them either. Zinna on the other hand, tried to keep her questions to herself, knowing that it wasn’t the right time to ask much. Ryder kept a hold of Zinna’s hand, keeping her calm.

  “So, where did you meet?” Zinna asked once the plates were cleared away.

  “At a house,” Chase answered. There was no way he was going to tell his family where he found his wife. “A similar house as I had met you in.”

  Instantly, Zinna knew where the two girls had been, what they were forced to do. Her hopeful look turned into a knowing, understanding look. She was surprised that Ryder had not said anything about it.

  “That’s okay,” Zinna said towards the two girls. “It will get better now, trust me, I know.” A pause as she wet her lips. “I too had to adjust to this life, even. Kayla was a college student when Ivan ran across her. Of course, it was love at first sight, but now, you could never tell how much Kayla struggled to make ends meet.”

  “I do my best to stay out the limelight, and ignore what I don’t like,” Kayla said with a tender look at her husband, speaking more with the look than her words. “It does get better. And I surely hope you two will let Chase take care of all your needs.”

  “More than he needs to. He spends too much,” Clare said jokingly, a pleased smile on her face. “He gets us something every couple of days.” Kayla glanced at her son and smiled after Clare said this. She knew she had raised a caring son.

  Meanwhile, Ivan kept his thoughts to himself, refusing to give either girl his attention. He flat out disagreed on his son’s actions. Chase had unwillingly brought a war upon them all.

  “You deserve to be spoiled,” Chase said lightly. “I plan to get you something every chance I can.” He meant every word he said.

  “Why, Chase?” Valerie said with a sneer, still jealous. “What gives them the right for you to spend money on them? Who cares that you are married her? You only wanted a wife to get what Ivan owns.”

  “Valerie!” Trent said, giving her a deadly look, making her snap her mouth shut instantly. It was not like Valerie to be so cold. He had been up to his neck in problems with her lately, and he was getting tired of it.

  “Listen here, Valerie,” Chase said in false calmness, leaning his elbows onto the table. “Yes, I needed a wife to be able to take over for my dad, who will be slowly giving me the green light to handle things the way I want. But you have no idea on what I plan to do, and you won’t until I say you can. Just because I was crowned Prince for our family, doesn’t mean I didn’t want a wife nonetheless. I actually enjoy Summer’s company, no matter where she came from.” He gently pulled Summer to his side as he said this.

  “But she’s Jason’s daughter!” Valerie shouted, throwing her hands in the air. “That man only lets you have her because he’ll use her against you! Jason has more say over that girl than you ever will!”

  Summer, until now, never felt pure rage at someone’s words. She had more than enough of Valerie’s attitude, and she didn’t deserve it. Yes, she was born connected to that man, but that did not make her his daughter by any means. She wasn’t sure how to tell Valerie off, but she glared at the blond.

  “And you are Saul’s daughter, but yet you are in our family home,” Chase replied darkly, if not darker than he had ever talked to her before.

  Ivan simply sat back, enjoying the show. He wasn’t a man that spoke often as it was, but wanted to see how his son would handle this simple disagreement. He would never allow someone to talk about Kayla in such a way, and in her presence at that.

  “It doesn’t matter to me,” Chase went on. And really it didn’t. If Summer had been born to the Romanian’s, he would have fell in love with her anyway. “She is my wife, my Princess. She will
be spoiled, adored, and treated with the same respect as I am.”

  “I didn’t ask for anything,” Summer finally spoke up, her voice quiet, but strong. “I didn’t ask to be born into the world the way I was. I didn’t ask for Chase to give me the things he has. And I certainly didn’t ask to be treated in any special way.” By the end, tears gathered in her eyes and her voice was weak. “It’s not my fault.”

  Summer had been weak. She was told over and over that she would never be someone. But little by little, Chase was making her into being someone worth his attention.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, Dad, but we will be leaving,” Chase said, standing up. Summer and Clare followed his command, both with silent tears. “I’ll bring Clare back later this week to pick some art supplies out. Trent, if your wife cannot contain her thoughts, or her tongue, I won’t be in the same room as her. You’re lucky I left my gun in the car today.”

  Trent nodded once, his expression blank. His wife had never acted out in such a way, and he would handle it. He would no longer give his wife any leeway.


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