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Out of My League, Part 2

Page 8

by Sharon Cummin

  I grabbed her other wrist, lifted them both above her head, and held them both there with one of my hands. My free hand slid slowly down her arm, and I felt her entire body shiver. She was still looking up at me, and the lusty look in her eyes had my dick hardening even more.

  For just a second, I thought about pushing her down to her knees and filling her cocky mouth full, but I didn't do it. That wasn't what she needed. She didn't need to feel used, not at all. What she needed was to feel cared for and cherished. If I had to bet, I'd say her ex never took the time to give her what she needed before he took it all for himself. Even though she pissed me off and seeing her on her knees, in front of me with my cock in her mouth, would be hot as fuck, I couldn't do it, not that time anyway. She'd already felt like everyone saw her in a bad light, even me. There was no way I wanted her walking out of my place feeling like I was against her too. I'd already said enough for her to think that. I wasn't about to add to it. When she walked away from me, she was going to be completely satisfied, and there was going to be a huge smile covering her face.

  “Last chance, princess,” I said in a deep tone, as I looked down at her lips, wanting to take them so hard they'd bruise, knowing I was going to be soft and slow with her. “You want to walk away from this?”

  She didn't speak but instead shook her head, as she stared into my eyes and sucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “I'll be the only one biting that lip tonight, Cassie,” I said, as I leaned down and grabbed her lip between mine, before scraping my teeth across it as I released it. “Keep your hands up there. Do you hear me?”

  “Parker,” she spoke softly.

  “Keep them there,” I demanded, as I narrowed my eyes at her. “Do you hear me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I slid my other hand down her arm and felt her body shiver again. Then both of my hands went to the hem of her shirt and slowly pulled it up. I made sure my fingers touched her bare skin as I lifted, partly for her and partly for me. I couldn't help but want to touch her. When I got it just above her head, I let it go. She wanted to say something, but she didn't. I could tell she was holding back, and that only made me want to push her, to see how far she'd go before she couldn't hold back any longer. I unclasped her bra and lifted it up her arms as well. Then I took a tiny step back and looked over her body. Her eyes closed tight, and I didn't like it. It wasn't out of pleasure or need. It was out of something else.

  “Open your eyes,” I demanded, and slowly she opened them, making contact with mine. “You're beautiful.”

  I stepped forward again and took her breasts into my hands. When I gripped them, I heard a breath leave her. I began slowly rolling her nipples between my fingers, and she sucked in an even deeper breath. Her back arched, and she moved into my hands even more. When I leaned down and took one of her nipples between my teeth, her back hit the door, and she moaned. My tongue licked her before my mouth wrapped around her breast and sucked. One of her hands came down and dove into my hair, and I let go with a pop.

  “Hands up there, princess,” I said.

  She narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth.

  “If you say one damn thing, I'm going to have you on your knees, and I'm going to fill your mouth,” I hissed. “Not one thing.”

  Her eyes narrowed even more, as she slammed her hand back up against the door above her head.

  “I like that,” I said. “You should listen more often.”

  Her nose twitched, and I could see her mentally fighting with herself. It was fucking adorable.

  I got down on my knees without taking my hands from her breasts. When I looked up, she was looking down at me, and her face instantly softened. I wanted her so damn bad, and it was taking everything in me not to stand up, rip her clothes off, and take her hard, but I couldn't. I didn't want her to think all I wanted from her was a quick fuck. Shit! What was going on with me, I wondered? Why did I care how she felt when she walked out of there? I'd never cared before, not since my ex.

  “Parker,” she whispered from above me, pulling me back from my thoughts. “Maybe I should go.”

  “You're not going anywhere,” I said, as my hands gave each breast a squeeze that had her breath escape her again.

  My hands slid slowly down her stomach, stopping at the front of her jeans. I looked up into her eyes, and every bit of what she was thinking was written in them. She was so damn nervous and self-conscious. There was no missing it, but it didn't make sense. She was gorgeous, and there was no way I was going to let her feel any less than that.

  I unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid her zipper down, never taking my eyes from hers. When my hands began moving them down her legs, she clenched her knees, and I shook my head. When she let them go, I continued moving her jeans down, making sure my fingers stayed in contact with her skin the entire time. She had such an uncertain look in her eyes. I'd never paid such close attention to a woman's eyes, but I was with hers. I didn't like that look, and I didn't want her questioning my thoughts about her either.

  I nudged one foot, and she stepped out. Then I nudged the other. She stood before me in sexy, white panties, with her arms above her head.

  “So damn sexy,” I whispered, as I leaned forward and kissed up her inner thigh.

  Her leg shook, and I reached up to wrap my hand around it and hold her still. I continued kissing higher until I reached those sexy panties. Then I slid my tongue beneath the fabric, and her body tightened. I grabbed the fabric just at the top of her panties, and I looked up into her eyes, as I pulled fast and ripped them from her body. Her eyes widened, and she moved both of her hands down to cover herself.

  “Stop,” I snapped, continuing to look at her eyes. “Do not cover yourself, Cassie. Put your hands back up there, or I will tie them there.”

  Her eyes didn't move but neither did her hands.

  “Three,” I began to count, and she gave me a nervous look.

  “Two,” I continued.

  “Parker,” she said, almost in a pleading way.

  “One,” I said. “Move them now or I will tie them up there. You're beautiful, and you'd better not second guess that.”

  Slowly, she moved her hands away and lifted them. My eyes pulled away from hers and moved down her body. The second they landed on the one spot I knew I needed to be, I sucked in a breath of my own. She was perfect. Sure, she had a few marks, but she'd also had three babies. Each of those marks meant something. I took her foot in my hand and lifted. She fought me a bit before giving in and letting me do it. When I put her foot on my shoulder, her eyes went wide, and I nodded.

  “Did you think you were getting out of here without me tasting you?” I asked with a smile. “No chance, princess.”

  She was already so damn wet, and I had to taste her. I leaned in and slid my tongue through her wetness in warning of what was to come. Then my hands gripped the backs of her thighs, and she moaned. I dove in, licking and sucking her with all I had. Her head fell back against the door, and her hips began moving against my mouth. When I thrust a finger into her, she cried out. I didn't stop. There was no way I could. I also wasn't giving her a moment to think. All she needed to do was feel. Her hips bucked against me, and I continued moving my finger in and pulling it out. When I added a second finger, I sucked her clit between my teeth. Then I thrust in fast and hooked my fingers. When she screamed out my name and came so damn hard, I felt her pulse around my fingers and knew I had to feel her pulsing around my cock the same way.

  The second she was done, I felt her body beginning to give out, so I got to my feet and held her against the door with the weight of my body.

  “I'm not done with you yet, princess,” I said roughly.

  “Parker,” she whispered.

  Her hands moved from above her head, she dropped her shirt and bra to the ground, and she grabbed the hem of my shirt, the same one she'd requested I put on. When she pulled it over my head, her eyes went to my chest. Then her hands followed.

  “You're so,” she began but stopped.

  “Sexy, irresistible, great at licking pussy,” I said with a smile.

  “Parker,” she snapped.

  I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her mouth to mine. She opened immediately, and I felt her body relax against me. My tongue took hers, and I knew she could taste herself on me. Her hands began moving down again. When they got to the top of my sweats, I felt one of them slide beneath them and grabbed her tongue between my teeth. When that same hand made its way beneath my boxers and wrapped tightly around me, I heard her breath catch and released her tongue.

  “You okay, princess?” I asked.

  “I want you,” she said, as she shoved my sweats and boxers down my legs.

  Then her hand was wrapped around me again.

  “Is it me or my cock you want?” I asked, as my hands grabbed her ass.

  “Both,” she moaned, as she began moving her hand up and down my shaft.

  When I moved to pull away, she gripped me tighter, and I felt her body stiffen.

  “Condom,” I said, as I looked into her eyes.

  “I'm on the pill,” she said. “I haven't done anything since the baby, even before that really.”

  “You sure you want,” I began to ask, but she cut me off.

  “Oh, I want this,” she said. “Now shut up and fuck me.”

  It was my turn to widen my eyes in shock, but I didn't give her a second to change her mind.

  The last woman I'd been bare in was my ex, but something in me wanted that more with Cassie than ever before. I knew better. It wasn't a good move. My mind was saying it over and over, but my cock wasn't listening. I wanted to feel her skin against mine while I moved inside of her. There was no way I was going to turn her down.

  “I like how you think, Cassie,” I said, as I gripped her ass even tighter and lifted.

  Her legs wrapped around me, and with her hand still between us, she lined me up right where she wanted me. There was no way I was going to complain. That was right where I wanted to be. I slowly entered her inch by inch until I was seated deep inside of her. Then I leaned forward and took her mouth with mine. When I moved to lift her off of me, she held my shoulders and lifted. Then she let go and slammed down on my cock.

  “Cassie,” I hissed, and she cried out.

  “I don't want it soft and slow, Parker,” she said. “That's not what I need. Something tells me that's not what you want either. I want you hard and fast. Fuck me like you mean it.”

  “Fuck,” I let out, and something snapped inside of me.

  Damn! Yet again she surprised me. It had been taking all I had to keep it sweet. That was what I was sure she needed, but I was wrong. There was no way I was going to complain. If the woman wanted hard and fast, she was going to get the best fucking of her life.

  My fingers held her hips so tight I knew they were digging into her skin. I lifted her up and slammed her back down over me. My chest pushed against hers, and her back hit the door hard. I lifted her again, and as I brought her down, I thrust into her hard. She cried out my name, as she grabbed the back of my head and brought her mouth to mine.

  “Harder,” she begged, and I obliged.

  I was hitting deep inside of her with every thrust, and at the same time, she was fucking my mouth with her tongue. Not for one second did I expect the Cassie I was getting, and I felt bad for misjudging her, so damn bad. My fingers bit into her ass, as I fucked her as hard and deep as I could. There was no way she wasn't going to feel me long after I pulled out of her, and for some reason, that thought made me smile inside. It was like she'd poked the beast. I wanted her to feel me. I wanted her to know I'd been there for as long as I could. I began thrusting into her even harder. When she couldn't concentrate on kissing me any longer, her head fell back against the door, and I didn't stop. I thrust into her harder and faster, and my mouth came down on her breast. The second I took her nipple between my teeth, her hands gripped my hair, and she came so damn hard.

  “Parker,” she cried out. “Fuck!”

  I felt her pussy pulse around me and knew it wasn't going to be enough, once wasn't enough.

  Her body collapsed against mine, and I wrapped my arms around her. I kicked my sweats and boxers off of my legs. Then I turned and walked toward my couch, keeping my cock rooted deep the entire time. I leaned forward, and when her back landed softly on the couch, I hovered over her.

  “Open your eyes, princess,” I said.

  Slowly, she did as I requested. When those tired eyes landed on mine, I smiled.

  “Want to see them when I make you come again,” I said.

  “Parker,” she spoke softly. “I can't.”

  “You can,” I said. “You most definitely will.”

  With one arm next to each side of her head, I began moving slowly inside of her. Her eyes stayed locked on mine, and I began to pick up my pace. Before long, her hips began moving with mine, and she moaned my name.

  “You like it rough, princess?” I asked.

  “I like you rough,” she said with a lazy smile.

  “Was I rough in your dream?” I asked, not stopping my movements.

  She nodded, as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “This won't be enough,” I said, as I began moving into her a bit harder.

  “It won't?” she asked softly.

  “It won't,” I repeated. “I already know I'll need more of you. I want you on your knees, Cassie. I want that cocky mouth wrapped around my cock while I fuck it.”

  “Parker,” she said, as her hips began moving even harder against me.

  “I'm going to fill your mouth, princess,” I said, as my hands moved down slightly to hold her in place for what I was about to give her. “You're going to take every last drop. Then you're going to lick me clean.”

  “Parker,” she moaned, as her hands wrapped around my neck.

  “When you're done,” I said, “I'm going to spread your legs. Then I'm going to lick you and fuck you with my tongue until you scream my name.”

  “Fuck,” she hissed, as her grip on my neck tightened and her hips began moving hard.

  “That won't be all,” I said, as I began thrusting into her even harder, keeping my hands there, making sure her body didn't move up the couch while I fucked her.

  “Parker,” she moaned.

  “I'm going to bend you over this couch,” I said, as I began pounding into her.

  Her moans grew louder, and the noises coming from her had me moving into her harder and faster. I was so damn close, and I needed her with me.

  “I'm going to lick you from behind. Then I'm going to smack that ass for every cocky thing you've ever said to me, princess. I'm going to leave my mark on you, and you're going to cry out while your juices drip down those sexy thighs of yours.”

  “Parker,” her moans were getting even louder. “Oh fuck. I can't.”

  “Then I'm going to grip my cock, and you're going to watch me stroke it from over your shoulder. When I line myself up, I'm not going to go easy on you. You want it rough, you're going to get exactly what you want, princess. I'm going to fuck you so hard and deep, and your going to call my name over and over until you explode around my cock. When I pull out of you, you're going to feel me there. When you fall asleep, I'm going to be all you dream about. When you wake up, you're going to want to feel me inside of you again.”

  “Oh, Parker,” she cried out.

  I knew she was ready, and so was I. My hands left her shoulders and went to her hips. I gripped them tight, and the second I hit her deep, she cried out so damn loud, and her pussy gripped me tighter than ever. It let go, only to grab on again. I didn't slow down. I pounded into her again. Then my grip tightened, and I released into her over and over until I had nothing left.

  My body came down on hers, and I could feel her heart beating just as hard as mine. We stayed like that for a few minutes without either of us saying anything.

  I heard the ding of a phone, and she
hurried to push me off of her. She got to her feet and quickly found her phone. Who the fuck was that important, I wondered? Was it her ex?

  She sat down on the couch next to me, but I could see the text from over her shoulder.

  James: Where are you?

  “Shit! I have to go,” she yelped out.

  She backed out of the message, and I saw the name below James'. It said Wannabe. It was my words, the last ones I'd typed attached to that name. I instantly felt defensive.

  “Wannabe,” I snapped. “You have my fucking name in your phone as Wannabe.”

  “What does mine say in yours?” she asked, as she moved quickly.

  Cassie picked up her panties and let out a huff.

  “Nice,” she said, as she held them up before shoving them into the side of her purse.

  Then she grabbed her jeans and pulled them on.

  “Wannabe,” I said again. “Really?”

  She looked around and motioned to all of my memorabilia.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I've been around it all my life, so I don't really think anything of it,” she said, as she grabbed her bra and pulled it on, “but has nobody ever walked in here and thought you were a total whack job?”

  “Whack job?” I asked, totally shocked by her words.

  I was fucking proud of what I'd become. How could she act like it was nothing?

  “Yeah,” she said, as she pulled her shirt on. “Don't you think this is a bit much? I mean, I get my dad, brother, and uncle, but come on.”

  Before she could even finish her words, I cut her off.

  “You don't think I'm as good as your boys?” I barked out, more pissed than ever.

  Who the fuck did she think she was?

  She looked at me and just shook her head. Then she quickly got her shoes on and grabbed her things.

  “You're something else, Pete Parker,” she said.

  I narrowed my eyes at her and growled out.

  “You want to find yourself on your back with me between those sexy thighs again? Once wasn't enough, was it, princess? Tell me, was I better in real life than I was in your dream?”


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