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To the Max

Page 6

by Annmarie McKenna

  “Shall we sit or hash this out standing up?” Max stuck his hands in his pockets.

  “As long as you stay on your side of the couch and don’t touch me.”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously. “I don’t think I can agree to that, kamikaze.”

  Jordan crossed her arms over her chest.


  Max didn’t move, just stood there looking all sexy and determined.

  “For God’s sake. Let’s get it over with.” She actually harrumphed.

  He nodded sharply. “There are better things we could be doing.”

  “Not a chance, bucko.”

  “So you say.”

  Jordan replaced the cushions then sat on one end of her cream-colored microfiber couch. She realized her mistake a second too late. Max sat next to her, not giving her an inch, and since she’d foolishly believed he’d be a gentleman and sit at the other end, she didn’t have any room to breathe, let alone move. He grabbed her hand and held tight when she tried to pull it back.


  “I never meant for us to make love.”

  She snorted. “Little late for that revelation.” And why in the hell did his announcement break her heart?

  “We really should have never even met.” His thumb played lazily over the pulse point at her wrist in an almost hypnotic fashion.

  “Start at the beginning. And try not to leave anything out,” she said, deadpan.

  He…squirmed, for lack of a better word, with an air of discomfort. “First, are you sleeping with this Dirk Clement?”

  “What?” Jordan leapt from her seat and stared at him incredulously. “That is seriously nasty, and why in the hell would you ever think that? How do you even know the scumbag?”

  His shoulders dropped in relief. “Thank God.”

  She thought that was what he said. She couldn’t be sure because he muttered it.

  “I don’t know him. Just made me jealous.”

  She couldn’t stop the gag that choked her. “Jealous? That’s rich.”

  He smiled. “Yes. Jealous. I had a hunch you didn’t like him based on your expression, but I had to know for sure. I was beginning to think I might have to kill the man for touching you.”

  “Fine, get on with it. I want to know what’s going on. How much is my mother paying you?”

  “Nothing. I told you. I don’t know your mother. The truth is—”

  “The truth. Right.”

  “—that I was following one of your students.”



  Jordan shook her head. “One of my…my aerobics class?” Complete confusion took over.

  “Yep.” Max sat back and locked his hands behind his head. The action drew her gaze to his chest.

  Jordan swallowed.

  “Annie Devlin.”

  “Annie? Annie who never speaks and covers up with a full-length fur so that no one sees her, Annie?”

  “Uh, yeah, her.”

  “What do you want with her? And what the hell did this have to do with me?”

  “I was hired by her husband because of her secret rendezvous on Friday nights. Imagine my surprise when what I found was your sweet little body wrapped around a pole.”

  Jordan gasped. “You were watching me?”

  “No, I was watching her. But the second I realized Mrs. Devlin wasn’t having an affair, well, then my attention turned to you.”

  “Well, isn’t that special.” She didn’t have a clue what else to say. “So you weren’t hired by my mother?”


  “Then how is it you ended up at the same bar as me?”

  Max sighed. “Sit down.”

  Jordan must have hesitated a bit too long because his arm snaked out and he grabbed her, pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Much better.” His murmur tickled her ear and sent a shiver down her spine. He might as well have licked her pussy. “I admit to following you.”

  “What the hell for?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me, Jordan. One look at you in your little class and I was drooling. Then you came out and got on that damn bike and I just about had a coronary.”

  Realization dawned. “That’s why you were calling me kamikaze.”

  “Yes. I swear if I ever see you on that hunk of metal again, it’ll be too soon.”

  “Hunk of metal? You really should be nicer to my baby. I love him.”

  “Anyway… After you got to the bar I thought, ‘I can’t leave her there. What if she drinks too much then gets back on that stupid contraption?’ So I stayed despite wondering if I’d lost my mind.”

  Dang it, she wanted to believe him, but wow. Seriously? Then again, how else would the man know Annie’s name?

  Um, hello? Security specialist. He probably knew more about her than she did.

  Max frowned. “You don’t believe me.” His hand rubbed a small circle on her back. Then he shifted her, forcing her legs to straddle his thighs. The position put her breasts right at mouth level for him. Her nipples peaked in response, damn them.

  She deflated. “I’m starting to,” she said begrudgingly. She shouldn’t still want him. Not with all the doubts she had. But she had a feeling his activities beyond his initial surveillance of her were not something he typically partook of. Feeling impish, she walked her fingers up his chest. “So…do you sleep with all your suspects?”

  “You aren’t a suspect. Or anyone of interest. At least not of criminal interest.” His grin told her she was of interest in another way though. He swallowed. “I should fire myself for stalking you and doing what I did to you.”

  “Did to me? You’re over-thinking it. You hardly forced yourself on me. I’m sure I was quite the willing participant. In fact, if you’re telling the truth, then I was the one who picked you up at the bar.”

  He grabbed her fingers as she slowly inched them down to the hardness she felt growing against the apex of her thighs.

  “Still, it was completely unethical, immoral—”

  “Yadda, yadda, yadda. We did nothing wrong or unethical, immoral or illegal. We were strangers who picked each other up at a bar. I won’t tell anyone if you won’t.”

  “Why aren’t you married? And why the hell are you without protection?” He blurted the question and she saw that he couldn’t believe he’d asked.

  “I’m sure my mother has some Kennedy picked out and waiting in the wings for me.” She watched Max’s lip curl in distaste. Or jealousy, she couldn’t decide. “Her idea of a future and mine don’t mesh.”

  His hands went to her bottom and pulled her closer to his body, rubbing his denim-covered length along her slit. She wished she hadn’t put the pants on, but then meeting the police without pants might have been a tad strange.

  “Our mothers must be related.” His lips went to her throat and teased the sensitive skin.

  “Why’s…why’s that?” Her clit sat up and begged for more attention than it was getting.

  “I’m pretty sure mine has a Rockefeller all picked out for me.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet.”

  “How are you involved with Clement?” His thumb pressed on her sweet spot, making her eyes roll.

  She arched back, seeking better contact. “I told you. I’m his cleaning lady.”

  Max grasped her shoulders and shook her once. She focused on his face. “My next question then is why is Jordan Grace Landon cleaning houses?”

  His words wounded her. Jordan jerked out of his hold and off his lap. “I guess you wouldn’t know a damn thing about wanting something so badly you could taste it.”

  He snorted. “I did want something really bad and it tasted fantastic. It’s part of the reason we’re having this conversation in the first place.”

  “I wasn’t talking about sex.” She ground her teeth in frustration. The last thing she needed was for him to condemn her reasons for making it on her own.

  “You and I both know what we did wa
sn’t sex.”

  Jordan sniffed and turned her shoulder. She had thought it had been more, but now with the jumble of thoughts in her head… Had he played her like a million-dollar fiddle or were they really just two people attracted to one another?

  “What is it you want so bad you’d live outside of the protection your family can provide? I’m not judging you, Jordan, I’m curious.” He eyed the apartment for a long moment, and anger boiled in her stomach.

  Please God, don’t let him be like her parents.

  Jordan let out a harsh breath and sank onto the couch again. “I want to buy my own dance studio. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. While my mother thought ballet dancing was fine for poise, no way in hell would she allow me to do something so menial. I left. To prove to her I don’t need her money to live a meaningful life.”

  “Now I know our mothers are related.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “That would be a bit squicky because that would make us related. What did she do?”

  “Definitely don’t want to be related. I left too, though I did use some of her money to start my security business. I’m the black sheep of the family,” he said proudly.

  Everything in her eased. She cuddled into his side. “Well then, we’re quite the pair, aren’t we?”

  His thumb traced a lazy circle on her shoulder. “I like the sound of that.”

  Jordan’s nipples pebbled and a funny twist went through her belly. First, though, she still had to deal with who had broken into her home.

  “Why did he come here?”

  “I don’t know. But I intend to find out. Any idea what whoever he was would be looking for on your desk?”

  “No clue.”

  “I didn’t get the feeling he was doing anything other than trying to make it look like he’d been searching for something.”

  “But why?”

  “Well, let’s go see then, shall we? Won’t hurt to see if I’m wrong.” He pushed up and then pulled her to her feet before dragging her to the desk.

  There were papers strewn across the top, papers that had been organized pre break-in. She sat down, blew a few strands of hair off her face and tucked them behind her ears. She really needed a ponytail holder.

  “Unless it was small, I’m pretty sure he didn’t have anything in his hands besides a flashlight when he bolted.”

  Jordan pushed some of the papers around, trying to remember what had been there in the first place. A class schedule for the studio, her client list, a few invoices for supplies. Nothing at all interesting to a robber and certainly nothing Dirk Clement would be interested in.

  “There was nothing of importance here. Anything of value I keep in a safe-deposit box or back at my mother’s.” She didn’t see anything missing. Her gold pen still lay in its case, the crystal paperweight, the laptop, everything. “If he took anything, I can’t tell.”

  “That’s what I thought. The whole thing was just plain odd. But it was worth a shot.”

  They stared at each other. “So now what?” Was he going to leave? Act like nothing had happened between them? Move on to bigger and better things?

  “We go to bed and deal with it in the morning.”

  “Excuse me?” Had she heard him right?

  “I said…” he leaned over her, a hand on each arm, trapping her, “…we go to bed and deal with this in the morning.”

  “You’re staying?”

  “I can’t very well leave you alone, now can I, kamikaze? You being all by yourself.” He nuzzled her neck with his lips.

  “Can’t because someone broke into my apartment? Like you feel protective in your security-man mode, because let me tell you, those guys were another reason I left the fold.” Max’d have a black eye if that was the only reason he was staying with her tonight.

  “Partly. Protection is part of my job, and if you think for one second I’d leave you alone after someone got into your home, then think again. But, kamikaze…” he moved in, kissed her, deep, then pulled back, “…if I just wanted to protect you, I could call in any one of my employees to sit and watch your place for the night. Now get your ass up, your clothes off, and get into bed.”

  Jordan’s breath stumbled in her throat. Her clit took notice, throbbing without being touched, and her nipples hardened.

  “While you’re getting ready, I’m going to do something about the door so we don’t have any more unwelcome visitors.” He straightened and walked away.

  Hello? She watched the wiggle of his fantastic backside and swallowed. Had he just ordered her to do his bidding then walked off like he hadn’t set her body on fire?

  Hell yes he had. She leapt from the chair, scrambled around the room blowing out candles then ran down the dark hall, hoping he didn’t take too long to get the door in order. The shirt she wore went flying across her room as did the panties and pants she’d donned for the police. Then she dove onto the bed, repressing the urge to scream and kick her feet like she’d just won the lottery.

  A sharp pounding came from the kitchen and she envisioned him covering the hole where the intruder had broken out a pane of glass so he could reach in and unlock the door. At least the lock was still intact.

  A few minutes later, right about the time her skin began to cool, Max entered her room, stripping his shirt over his head. Thank God the lights were back on because this was one show she didn’t want to miss. He’d undone his jeans, leaving a gap where the head of his cock protruded. Jordan licked her lips and remembered the feeling of her mouth wrapped around it.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we won’t even get to the main course.”

  “And what is the main course?”

  “You.” Max stalked across the room and crawled onto the bed between her legs. His nose dipped into the crook of her knee and his lips traveled up her inner thigh before settling at her core.


  His tongue flicked wildly at her clit, wasting no time in bringing her to the edge, and then a long finger penetrated her sheath and thrust in and out. This time she knew the flickering lights she saw had nothing to do with the electricity.

  “Holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever come that quickly.”

  “Sorry. I couldn’t wait.” He suited words to action and pressed his cock head just inside her channel.

  Jordan sucked in a breath, arched her back, tilting her hips to provide better access, and gripped the sheets. After that it was all about holding on for dear life while Max pounded into her. With every penetration his pelvis rubbed against her clit, jolting the fractious nerves there and keeping them from settling. His balls slapped against her anus. She’d never thought about that part of her body being erotic, but suddenly she wanted to roll over and present herself.

  Max didn’t give her the opportunity. He ground into her one last time and held himself rigid above her as he pulsed inside her.


  “Shit.” Max echoed her thought. “I’m sorry.” He put his forehead on hers. They were both breathing heavy. “Tell me you’re protected.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Damn it. Any chance you just ended your period yesterday?” He said it so hopefully she laughed out loud.

  “Ah, no. Sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. I got wrapped up in seeing you naked and spread out for me that I didn’t even think about a condom.”

  Jordan wrapped her arms around him, unable to hate him for a mistake. Would there be consequences? Perhaps. Would it mean the end of the world? No. She kissed his neck.

  “I think it was both our faults.” She lowered her tone and spoke into his ear. “Next time we’ll just have to be more careful.”

  “I swear I’ve never done that before. I mean the no-condom part, not the sex. I can even show you my last physical if you want.”

  She laughed. “I could tell you were experienced, trust me. And ditto for me. I haven’t even had sex for a while.”

  He lifted his head and smiled at her. “Are you
sure you’re not one of my mother’s Rockefeller plants, brought to my attention so I’d end up getting you pregnant and then we’d have to marry?”

  Jordan laughed again and crossed her heart. “As long as you promise your last name isn’t really Kennedy.”

  “Nope.” Max withdrew, leaving her feeling empty. He lay down next to her and pulled her into his arms. “Does what we’re doing seem wrong?”

  She played with the hairs on his chest, doing her best not to yank them out one at a time in a nervous fit. “Nooo… Does it to you?” Please say no. Please say no.

  “No. That’s what’s so scary. Everything feels so…right. Like I could get used to being with you. And since I only met you a few hours ago, you know…”

  “I get it. It is a little weird, yes, but I don’t regret for one second what we’ve done, and it isn’t wrong.”

  Max pinched her right nipple lightly and rolled the nub between his fingers. “Definitely not wrong.” He bent his head and sucked the nipple into his mouth.

  After driving her crazy and making her squirm to get more, he released the bud with a pop. He nibbled his way up her breast to her collarbone, traced the length of her neck and pressed his lips to her mouth. His tongue slipped inside and danced with hers.

  “Tomorrow,” he said, breaking their connection, “in the light of day, we’ll talk about things.” He kissed her forehead and hugged her close.

  It was late. Jordan suddenly found herself tired. She snuggled into Max’s heated body and yawned. “Okay. But I warn you, I get up early.”

  “How early?”

  “Six. Have to be at the dork’s by eight.”

  Max turned her on her back and pushed himself up on an elbow. “The dork’s?”

  “Dirk Clement.”

  “It’s Saturday.”

  She shrugged. “Did I mention the man was a squicky dick?”

  “Squicky?” He laughed.

  “Yes. It’s the most appropriate word to describe him.”

  “Then perhaps I’ll go with you and make sure he keeps his squicky hands off you.”

  “Suits me. Just be prepared to stay out of the way of my right hook, because as soon as I arrive for that job tomorrow I plan on getting fired.”


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