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the Runner

Page 36

by Peter Ponzo


  Black Mountain

  The sky had darkened and the wind began to howl. The Barrens were barely visible through the haze caused by the swirling dust. The Dolom Mountains were completely obscured except for brief flashes of light. Kevn and Sal gazed at the monitor:




  It had taken several hours for Captain Cruder to respond to their message. There was no time to travel to Afria in search of the boy. There was no guarantee that they would find him even of they did go. The storms had already started. Dolom was still unconscious and of little help in dealing with the angry Black Mountain.

  Kevn collapsed in his chair and looked intently at his brother.

  "Well," he said, "what to do now? Any suggestions, baby brother?"

  "Is there any way to contact Runr on Afria? If he is there with his people, as Cruder says, maybe they have some communication facilities - maybe we can contact him."

  "It's worth a try, but it will still take weeks for him to get to Home planet. There may be little left when he gets here. The Dome might be strewn all over the Barrens."

  "What about Dolom? Do you think Black Mountain will destroy him too? What if we take him back to the mountain? What if the mountain is aware of his presence - somehow?"

  "Dolom is unconscious. According to the MedLab he won't last long. They say it's a miracle that he's alive even now; should have died years ago."

  "It seems that Dolom has kept that mountain under control for some time. I never thought of that. Maybe this planet wouldn't have been so accommodating if it hadn't been for old man Dolom - all these years. Maybe he can do this one last thing for the Dome. If we're lucky he'll stay alive until Runr gets here."

  Kevn ran his hand through his hair and breathed deeply, then exhaled.

  "It seems like an unfeeling thing to do; bring an unconscious old man to the mountain and set him there. It may hasten his demise. If we left him here he would undoubtedly live longer. Without the life support provided by the -"

  "Kevn," said Sal staring at the floor. "You always told me that we should be less concerned with the dying. We should pity those who survive. Dolom, if he dies today or next week, will not know of his own passing. He is unconscious. It matters little to him; it matters a great deal to those who will survive him. Perhaps you should base your decision upon the needs of those who will remain, after his death. Perhaps -"

  "Yes, yes, you're quite right," Kevn whispered. "We'll take Dolom back to his mountain. I suspect that he would like that - prefer that - to die on his mountain rather than here. He hated the Dome, always did."

  They both rose, simultaneously. Sal raised his hand.

  "Kevn, you stay here and try to contact Afria. I'll look after Dolom. I'll take him to his mountain - to his cave. I'll bring medical supplies - a comfortable cot. I'll stay with him until the very end."

  Sal waited for Kevn to respond. Kevn just nodded. Sal turned and left through the door which dissolved as he approached. Kevn stared at the door for some time then turned and walked to the port. The sky was black and jagged arcs of light rose from the distant mountains, but Kevn could see none of it. DOC had lowered the canopy. The First Citizen walked to the console.

  "DOC? Try to contact Runr ... on Afria," he said.

  AS YOU WISH, FIRST CITIZEN came the booming reply.

  There was no need to explain to DOC. Kevn was certain that DOC would succeed if success were at all possible. There was a loud crash and the walls shuddered. Sal must hurry. The weather was getting worse. Perhaps he should accompany Sal. No, he must wait and hope for a response from the Afrians - from Runr. He must ask that Runr return, immediately. It would take weeks. Would Dolom live for weeks? What if there were insufficient time? Was this the end of the Dome community? How many citizens would survive? How many could leave Home planet on the three transworld vessels available? Where would they go?

  What would Gravic have done?


  Kevn had fallen asleep in the large chair. He awoke with a start when DOC spoke:


  Kevn rubbed his eyes, leaned forward and gazed at the monitor:


  Since the response would take some time he must put as much information as possible into his message. He thought for a moment and typed:

  Our planet is under attack by a mountain which controls the weather.

  We seek the boy called Runr. Only he can save us.

  The boy must come to Home planet in the Waiser-sector.

  Kevn finished typing and sat back, waiting. After a time he reached under his desk and took out a bottle of brandy, drinking it cold, directly from the bottle. Then he leaned forward and typed:


  Kevn waited. The roar of the winds increased and he could feel the floor vibrate. A picture fell from the wall.

  "DOC. Have all the citizens move to the vaults until this is over."

  If it's ever over , he thought. In a moment he heard DOC's voice warning the Dome community:


  Kevn waited, staring intently at the monitor. Then, a message:


  The keeper? What did they mean, the keeper? Was that their name for the boy - for Runr? He waited for additional information but none came. There was a crash and a bright light flashed at the port. Kevn jumped and spun about. The Dome canopy had collapsed and he could see the dark Barrens and the arcs of lightning on the horizon.


  "Yes, I can see that. Try to contact Sal."

  Kevn turned to the keyboard and typed:

  Who is the keeper?

  Where is the boy Runr?

  Is he on Afria?

  Can you contact him?


  Kevn waited, staring at the dark and stormy Barrens. The distant mountains now glowed - a pulsating white and gold. The skies above the mountains were torn with brief but violent flashes of light. The yellow light flashed on his console and Kevn punched a comtab.

  "Kevn? This is Sal. K-47 is parked above the storm - I have landed in the ground-car. I am in Dolom's cave. The g-car is damaged beyond repair. There is a mountain cat here - it looks -"

  The communication ended abruptly. Kevn listened carefully. Just static and popping sounds.

  "Sal? Are you still there? The storm seems to be worse. How's Dolom? Is he -"

  The static increased. There was a loud grating and a series of short noisy pops. Sal's voice could be heard faintly through the noise:

  "... Dolom ... storm goes ... light ... Runr?"

  Kevn spoke more loudly: "Sal! How is Dolom?" He waited but there was only grating static and crashes of thunder. DOC's voice boomed:


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