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Heart's Storm (Falling Underhill Book 4)

Page 4

by Viola Grace

  She mumbled against his chest, her tears still streaking down her cheeks. “That’s right, but this is really familiar. Why are you hugging me?”

  “You are crying.”

  “I have just had a shock. I have to adapt to it.”

  “May I walk you home?”

  She chuckled. “It is the dower house. It isn’t home. I guess if Mom and Dad start running around the world, this will go as well.”

  He growled, and then, she realized it was the sky above her, rumbling with the clouds coming in. She turned and started to walk toward her house, and he walked with her. She exhaled when she got onto her porch. “Thank you for your escort. It is appreciated. I hate getting caught out in the rain, though I think it should be snow tonight.”

  He nodded, and she saw his hand reach out for her. He sighed and said, “Your parents have given me your number. I will contact you in the morning for some details.”

  She nodded and swallowed. “I will get what is needed together tonight. I have no idea what the numbers are, but I want to make sure that he gets a fair price.”

  “That is very honourable of you. I will talk to you in the morning. Get some sleep, Audra Ackley.”

  She nodded to the man with the sad grey eyes, and she went into the house, pulling up the files and printing the profit and loss statements as well as the insurance valuations for the greenhouse and the buildings and property surrounding it.

  Audra got a file together for the meeting with Raiden tomorrow. She had no idea why he was handling things instead of Darius, but she preferred brunettes any day of the week.

  With the file prepared, she showered and then changed into her nightgown. She pulled her laptop onto her lap and sat up, looking for jobs in any industry that she was qualified for. If she had to start over, she was going to start now.

  In the middle of the night, she sat up, gasping with her body humming at a memory that she didn’t have. She knew every inch of Raiden. She knew the slide of his cock inside her, his fixation on her breasts, and she had no idea how. What the hell was going on?

  Her failed relationships had never led to a solo nocturnal orgy before, but her mind was urging her to return to sleep so that it could continue acting out the porn staring her and Raiden. Her brain was a perv.

  Chapter Six

  She ate toast and checked her phone for the dozenth time. No message. She sighed and decided to take the pile of documents with her. No sense waiting. She still had a job to do.

  She headed for her car and drove to the greenhouse, letting herself through the gate and stopping her car in the middle of the rutted lot. There was a new building where no building had been just yesterday. Well, there had been a building, but it was an old shed-style coffee shop. This was an elegant teahouse. She swallowed and pulled her car into the parking lot.

  She got out of the car and went to the office in the greenhouse, putting the file on the desk. There was a folder there, and inside it was a contract signed by her parents, and it was for six times more than the greenhouse and property were worth. It was millions.

  She exhaled and sat on the tall stool next to the counter near the desk. Well, that was that then. Her parents were rolling in it, and she had to start over. No problem. She could do this. She had savings, and it would take a few years, but she could have the tree farm she always wanted. It had struck her last night that she just needed to start again, on her terms.

  Her phone went off, and she lifted the screen. Unknown number. She answered, “Hello?”

  “Hello, Audra. This is Raiden. I was wondering if we could speak.”

  She paused and put her fingernail to her lips.


  “I am thinking. Sure. We can speak.”

  “Good. I am just outside the greenhouse.” He pushed the door open and disconnected the call.

  She lowered her phone. “Um. Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Audra. I see you have seen the contract?”

  “Yes, it is only in Darius’s name.”

  He smiled. “I am a silent partner. How are you doing today? Sleep well?”

  She frowned. “I kept waking up. It took a bit of effort to get some rest.”

  He paused at the edge of the countertop. “Did you dream?”

  She shivered, and his gaze went to her breasts. A memory struck her, and once that one had hit, all of them cascaded through her. She stared at him, and his eyes went wide. “You remember me?”

  She walked up to him, grabbed his neck, and pulled him down to her. The kiss wasn’t slow, wasn’t careful, but she felt like it had been forever since he was in her arms, and she wanted to touch him.

  Raiden groaned in her mouth and lifted her to the top of the high counter. He had to look up at her to kiss her, but when he pulled his mouth away, he was on a level with her breasts. Her shirt was pushed up and rucked under her arms, her bra was deactivated from behind and shoved under her shirt, and his lips were on her left nipple, driving her mad.

  He moved to the right and cupped both of her breasts in his hands, moving from left to right as if he had been away from her for years.

  Her arousal built, and she moved a hand to her jeans, unsnapping them and working a hand inside. He sucked, and she stroked her clit, and Audra let out a low guttural moan as her body jerked suddenly, and she went limp.

  He sighed and pressed his forehead between her breasts. “You cheated.”

  “As much fun as spending all day naked in your arms would be, there are things to get done.” She looked down at him from where he was nestled against her breasts. She pulled her hand out of her jeans.

  He nuzzled her breasts in turn. “I would prefer a warm bed with you in it.”

  Audra ran her hand down her thigh, and she sighed. “I would prefer a clear career path, but that isn’t happening.”

  He looked up at her and grinned. “Can I offer you a business?”

  “You mean a job?”

  “No. A business. I want to open a tree farm a little bit north of the city, and I would like you to have the business.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand. You want me to manage it?”

  “No, I would like to give it to you. We can start it together and work on it.”

  She swallowed. “That sort of thing takes years to get going properly.”

  He smiled. “I have time. I have a property up there, and there is plenty of room for a house, a yard, and a few hundred acres of trees.”

  She looked around. “But, the greenhouse.”

  “You can get it started and work on starting the tree seedlings. When Darius has his bride all secured, we can leave, and you can start a new life... with me.” His smile was hopeful.

  “His bride. Petal?”

  He chuckled. “It is a good name for his bride.”

  “Oh. He’s Spring?”

  “Correct. How did you guess?”

  “He’s very bright and pretty.” She suddenly realized that she was having this conversation while her shirt and bra were wedged up under her arms. She started to pull the bra back into place, and he grabbed her hands.

  “Just a minute or two longer. I have missed you.” He rubbed his cheeks against her breasts.

  “Them. You have missed them.” She chuckled and threaded her fingers through his hair. “You look different.”

  He chuckled. “This is a human glamour. You can see through it, but others aren’t as enamoured with me as you are.”

  “I am not enamoured with you.”

  He slowly ran his tongue across the underside of her breast. “And yet, here you are, topless, within a few minutes of meeting me again.”

  She grumbled and shoved his head away. He laughed. The bra went back in place, and the shirt came down. “Thanks for reminding me about my bad judgment.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, and he held her tight. “I missed you.”

  “Raiden, how long were we apart?”
/>   He mumbled against her neck. “Years. It felt like forever, but I had to come back with Damek to help him unravel his issue.”


  “He thought that Petal should be grateful to have him. He is such a great catch. She got mad, Puck pulled her out, and sent her home. Now Damek is here to grovel at her feet to get her to take him back. Well, once she remembers him.”

  “He was just dismissive?”

  He nodded against her shoulder.

  “After he apologizes, she will forgive him. She has a really good heart. So, he’s going to let me know when I can call her?”

  “He will.” His voice was grim. “He knew he was an idiot within minutes of her leaving.”

  She nodded. “How long are you going to hold onto me?”

  “Forever.” He pressed a kiss to her neck.

  Audra sighed. “I knew you liked to take your time, but I never pegged you as clingy. You know you are going to have to let me run errands and be out of your sight for long periods of time.”

  He lifted his head and grinned. “The clinginess will wear off. I am very happy to be with you and see recognition in your eyes.”

  She kissed his cheek and then his lips. “Even last night, I didn’t forget you; I just didn’t know why I was so familiar with you.”

  He grinned. “You dreamed of me?”

  “Several times. I thought I was turning pervert. Everything was very specific.” She was blushing.

  He straightened and kissed her again. “Would you like to take a tour of the property and see if it meets with your approval?”

  “Um, I think I have work to do here.”

  He plucked her off the high counter and set her on her feet. “We will have a chat with Damek... er... Darius.”

  “Call him whatever you like.” She zipped and closed her jeans, snapping her fingers in front of his hypnotized face. “What?”

  He shook his head. “Sorry. Just having a flashback.”

  He took her hand, and they headed over to the brand-new building that had not been there the previous day. She shivered. “I need to grab my jacket.”

  “We will just be with him for a minute. He needs to explain things to you from his perspective.”


  “So that you know, your friend will be safe with him. He knows she has been pursued and attacked.”

  She paused. “She wasn’t attacked... wait.”

  Audra remembered visiting Petal in hospital, her pale skin even paler than normal, her leg in a cast, and police nearby. “Why do I remember that like it is wrapped in fog? Who injured her?”

  “That is for her and Damek to work out, but she will be safe with him.”

  They opened the door and stepped into the building that smelled like pristine wood and fresh paint. Darius emerged from a back office, and he blinked. He glanced to Raiden. “Just like that?”

  Raiden grinned. “She has an excellent memory, and I am in it.”

  She nudged him with her elbow. “Keep talking, and I think I will feel my memories fading.”

  He pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her. “You will remember me.”

  She grimaced. “Yeah, I will.” She turned her attention to Darius. “So, you are after Petal?”

  He blushed. “I may have spoken unfortunately and had a bit of an attitude when we were last together. I want nothing more than to apologize for my lack of education about the goings-on of the modern world. I confused her for a woman with a lack of personal agency, and I have to ask her to forgive that.”

  He paused. “Do you think she will?”

  Audra ran her hand over her face. “Petal is exceptionally good-natured with more empathy than anyone has a right to. If she sees that you mean it, she will forgive you.”

  He slumped in relief. “Good. That is definitely a relief. Thank you.”

  “Right, so now that you own the greenhouse, what do you plan on doing with it?”

  He gestured for her to sit, and Audra moved toward the chair, wearing Raiden. “Sit down, Raiden.”

  She slipped out of his arms and took a seat. Raiden grumbled but sat next to her.

  Darius served them tea and some very flaky pastries, and then, he explained his plan to her. At first, she wasn’t quite sure that he was up to the task of taking on Petal, but then, he explained the specializations that he had engaged in to be able to change the focus of his life, and she smiled. “Wait? How long did that take?”

  Darius shrugged. “Fifteen, twenty years. Could have been a hundred. I lost track, but Puck kept sending us tutors, so we are now legally qualified by modern standards for everything we are attempting. Raiden is an actual geologist, arborist, and climatologist with the documentation to prove it. He has also written several papers and communicated with others of his speciality from Underhill.”

  “Wait. How does that work? I only... it was yesterday.” She looked at Raiden, and he sipped his tea.

  Raiden murmured, “Time moves differently there. Seconds here become days there. I did tell you that it had been years, just not how many.”

  She blinked. “So, you guys had to catch up to the modern age, not just in knowledge but in the paper trail. How did that work?”

  Darius smiled. “We arrived before you left to put things in order. I have had the agreement with your family to sell for a few months, but they were sworn to secrecy until the timing had lined up.”

  She glanced at Raiden. “How did you manage that?”

  “Puck told me when he had sent you the house, and he notified me when you had made contact.”

  “So, you have been here this whole time?”

  He shrugged. “Nearby but not near you. I was arranging things to offer you an attractive future.”

  She fought a smile. “Like a bribe?”

  He coughed. “Something like that. Our kind is not easy to deal with, so while covering you in riches is not something that is currently acceptable, offering you a business, a purpose, and a charming husband is the modern equivalent.”

  She chuckled. “So, that is all that you offer? Geez. I don’t know if that is a good deal.”

  He seemed surprised. “What more can I offer you?”

  She cocked her head. “Seeds of the trees of Underhill.”

  Darius and Raiden both jerked in surprise.

  “You can’t be serious.” Raiden was shocked.

  “I am. Let me ask them.”

  “You... want to go back?”

  She snorted. “Don’t get yourself in a tizzy. I just want to talk to the forest and find out what they think.”

  He cocked his head. “If you wish to return, we shall return.”

  Darius looked at him. “You are going to take her back?”

  “I am. If she wills it, she has an idea. She does not make decisions lightly.” He grinned.

  Audra looked at him. “I try to live with as few regrets as possible.”

  They held hands, and Darius looked at them and swallowed. “Can you contact Petal now? I thought to wait a few more days, but this is torturing me.”

  Audra fished her phone out of her pocket. “She just texted me looking for a job. I really think that I should reply to her.”

  Darius leaned forward. “How does she sound? Is she all right?”

  Audra smiled. “Her typing is as blunt as it always is. For her to ask is a tremendous stride. Normally, she is a little timid. So, whatever you did to rile her up, well done.”

  Darius swallowed. “Offer her a job at the greenhouse. Please.”

  Audra sent the text immediately and mentioned making a call later to follow up. “Done. Now you have to wait for her to see it. Don’t worry. I should have an answer in a few minutes, and by that time, Raiden and I should be back from Underhill. Right?”

  Raiden nodded. “I will have to hold you for the transfer.”

  She finished her tea and got to her feet. She nodded to Darius. �
��See you in a bit.”

  Raiden got to his feet, and she went into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, and there was the flash of lightning and roar of thunder.

  When the light was over, they were in the grove in Underhill.

  Chapter Seven

  She looked up at Raiden, and he was in his very tall form. He looked down at her with skin shimmering with energy and his very long hair being played with by a sweeping breeze.

  She glanced down and was relieved that there was no ribbon in evidence. “Um, what am I wearing?”

  “A gown. A style that I saw once an age ago that I thought would suit you.”

  “And you were so eager that you missed your shirt?”

  Wind was billowing around them, and she pressed her hands to his chest.

  He chuckled. “This is my court attire. As you are going to speak to the faded, I thought it was best that we be polite in a manner they would understand.”

  She eased back and looked at him. He was magnificent. There was power crackling all around him, and the long skirt that he wore fluttered and swelled with air currents. His black hair lifted and writhed as he stood and let her look. She twisted her lips and looked him up and down. “Do women faint when you approach?”

  He chuckled. “Not yet; I usually sweep them off their feet.”

  She looked down at her dress. It had some thin straps at the shoulders, long sleeves, and a wrap that was attached at the left shoulder, wrapped over and pinned at the right. It was like wearing a long silky towel that ended at her toes. She stepped forward, and the sleeves fluttered. Her feet had tiny slippers on. They barely covered her soles.

  “Why do you get to be barefoot, and I don’t?”

  Raiden smiled. “I am not actually standing on the ground.” He took her hand and turned her around in a controlled pirouette. The dress flared open, and she felt the cool air down her side. He grinned when he pulled her against his chest. “That is what I had hoped it would do.”

  She tried to be irritated, but he just looked so damned pleased with himself. “You are up for a peep show?”

  “To see any part of you, always.” He ran a hand down her back.


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