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Goldilock's Misunderstood Billionaire

Page 4

by Laura Ann

  “True enough,” he nodded. “You want two receipts or just one?”

  “Two, if we can. It just makes things easier.”

  “Sure ‘nough.”

  After a few minutes, Goldie was checked out and on her way out the door. “Bye, George! See ya later!”

  “I’ll be here,” he replied as he waved.

  Goldie hummed a cheery tune as she left her cart by the door and attempted to carry all the bags to her car. “Oof,” she said as she stumbled around a bit to find her balance. “I guess I should have kept the cart.”

  Her arms grew heavier by the minute and Goldie began to feel the stirrings of panic that she wouldn’t make it to her car before they gave out. She sped up her pace to try and outrun her fatigue, only to hear a loud RRRIIIPPP as the weight on her left arm became a whole lot lighter.

  The sudden change threw her off balance and she stumbled to the side. “Ahh!” She yelled as she fell on all fours. She held still for a moment, taking inventory and catching her breath. Dang it. I sure hope no one saw all that.

  “Need help again?” A deep voice came from behind her.

  Goldie closed her eyes and let her head fall, her ringlets bounced in her face and tickled her nose. “Why?” She muttered. “Of all people, why him?”

  “Closing your eyes won’t make me go away. Although, truth be told, I’m not sure why I stopped to help. You’ve made it very clear, multiple times that you don’t need me. But I wonder if it’s just me you don’t want help from, or people in general. I mean... you did accept those cookies from that guy. What was his name? Michelle? Or something like that?”

  The taunting sound of his voice brought to surface that temper that Goldie usually kept so controlled. Dropping her bags, she sprung to her feet. “Michelle? Really? Just because a man helps a woman without expecting anything in return, doesn’t make him less of a man, Finley Gruffman.” She pushed her curls out of her face. “In fact, I would say it makes him more of one. Kindness is always worthwhile.”

  Finley rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Where is this knight in shining armor now? Why isn’t he helping you if he’s so wonderful?”

  Goldie scrunched up her face. “How in the world would I know? I haven’t seen him since that day at the store.”

  Finley raised his brows. “Really? He didn’t catch up with you later and get your name and number?” He huffed. “And here you were talking so highly of him. Seems to me he dropped the ball.”

  “You are the most...” Goldie pinched her lips, shook her head and turned away from the exasperating man. “Whatever. Look, I need to get my stuff picked up, but if you have a minute, I also need to talk to you.”

  Finley put his hand to his chest. “Me? You wish to speak to someone as horrible as I? Whatever have I done to deserve such a reward?”

  Goldie bit her tongue so hard, she worried she would bleed. Speak nice. He won’t help you if you don’t speak nice. “Believe it or not, I have an offer for you. One that I think will help you as well as myself.”

  Finley hunched down and began helping Goldie pick up her spilled supplies. “Sounds intriguing, but only proves my point. Nobody does anything for free. You’re only being nice to me because you want something.”

  Goldie blew a wayward curl out of her face. “Not true. I’m trying to be nice because I was taught it was how we should act.” She eyed him up and down. “No matter how horrible the other person is.” She stood, bringing her bags with her. “But you’re right about my proposition. It is mutually beneficial.”

  Finley’s eyebrow shot up. “A mutually beneficial proposition? Sounds scandalous Ms. Lockwood.”

  Goldie’s cheeks heated. “That’s not what I meant you and you know it.” She turned and finished stomping to her car. As she fumbled with her key ring, Finley grabbed it out of her hands and popped the trunk for her. “Thank you,” she said with a huff before dropping all her bags inside.

  After slamming the lid, she turned, folded her arms and leaned into the bumper for strength. Finley’s closeness was wreaking havoc with her senses and she had no desire for him to see the effect he had on her.

  FINLEY GRINNED AS HE watched the petite woman in front of him pretend to look relaxed. He would see the tightness in her shoulders and how she clenched her jaw. She’s like this little warrior, always ready to pick a fight.

  He mimicked her stance. Folding his arms, he spread his legs wide and settled his weight. “All right, then. Just what is this proposition?”

  Goldie bit her lip and Finley’s eyes shot to the movement. Dang, she’s a cute little thing.

  “So, I heard you mentioned on the radio the other day...” Her voice trailed off as she studied him.

  Finley scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding me. This is about all the dumb news!” He threw up his hands and paced away before coming back. He could feel his anger rising and he worked to keep it under control. Pointing a finger at Goldie, he got right up in her face. “I would think someone as intelligent as you would know better than to listen to sensationalized junk.”

  Goldie’s cheeks were fiery pink and Finley found he had the most unwelcome desire to caress that very patch of skin. Shaking his head, he growled and turned away from her.

  “I didn’t say I believed it,” Goldie breathed.

  Looking back, he realized her breathing had become rapid and shallow. Well, well, well... she just might be more attracted to me than she wants to admit. Either that, or she’s ticked.

  “I just said I heard it.” She dropped her arms and stood as tall as she could. “It occurred to me that you need to put a better face to the public.” She grinned. “And I have just the way to do it.” She tilted her chin in the air.

  Finley narrowed his eyes. “You think you can help make over my public image?” He chuckled darkly. “What makes you think I even care what the news says about me?”

  Goldie’s grin dropped and her eyes narrowed. “Because I know your brothers. And even if this doesn’t bother you, it most certainly bothers them.”

  Finley felt heat creep up his neck and was suddenly grateful he didn’t have fair skin. His shoulders dropped, and he rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “So tell me, O Wise One, just what did you have in mind?”

  Goldie spread her hands out to the side. “Just a showing of good will. A chance to give back.”

  Finley raised an eyebrow and waited.

  Goldie stuffed her hands in her jeans pockets. “I, uh. Well, you see, I need one last sponsor for my Student Art Showcase in a month, and I was hoping you could be it. You could donate to the cause, helping children in the process!” Her hands came out and started flying around as she clearly got excited about the idea. “We always include our sponsors in our advertising! And your name would be at the top of the list. It would give the media something other than your-” she cleared her throat, “other interests to talk about.”

  Finley fought the urge to roll his eyes. “So polite, Curly Sue,” he muttered.

  Goldie’s eyes flashed with fire, but Finley watched her reign it back in. Woo wee, that girl has spunk.

  “Look. It’s simple math. I need a sponsor. You need a cause. Bada bing, bada boom, match made in heaven!” She clapped her hands and smiled.

  “I don’t see how me donating money to a bunch of kids finger paintings will help anything.”

  Goldie’s jaw dropped. “Finger paintings? Are you serious?” Her pinched her lips and stepped up to him, poking him in the chest. “These kids put their heart and soul into those projects. Do they all go on to become professional artists? No. But all of them find ways of expressing themselves. Sometimes it’s through the paints and pottery I teach them. Sometimes, they learn to do it in other ways like their fashion or how they decorate their house. Some might use computers to show a part of themselves, it doesn’t matter! The important thing is that learning how to create will give them skills that will make their lives happier and more meaningful in the long run. Because when we’re throug
h creating, we’re through.” Her bright eyes glared at him and Finley couldn’t decide whether he should kiss her or laugh at her.

  Putting up his hands, he stepped back, breaking the tension that had formed between them. “Claws down little kitten, you’ve made your point.”

  Goldie’s eyes widened and she took a step back into his space. “Little kitten? Curly Sue? Tiny? Why do you feel the need to keep insulting me with stupid names like some small child?”

  This time Finley did let his smile show. He couldn’t help it. Her features were so innocent and childlike and yet she breathed fire like some kind of dragon. The ultimate oxymoron. And it only makes her more attractive.

  “Just what have we here?” A sultry voice called from beside them.

  Finley and Goldie’s heads both jerked toward the sound.

  Victoria? What the heck is she doing here? Finley could feel his blood pressure rising as the stunning woman cat-walked her way to where he and Goldie stood. “What are you doing here?” He growled.

  A smirk played on Victoria’s lips. “Is that any way to greet an old... friend?” She asked.

  “I don’t think I can even call you that,” Finley said harshly. “I thought I made myself perfectly clear that I never wanted to see you again.”

  Victoria stopped walking and cocked out one hip. Her eyes fluttered to Goldie and back to Finley, clearly taking in their proximity to each other. “It’s not that big of a town, Finny. We’re bound to run into each other once in a while.” She put on a pout. “Come now, I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me?”

  “Spending some time in jail would be nice,” Finley said with a harsh grin.

  Something flashed through Victoria’s eyes before they calmed down again. “That was uncalled for. Surely, you don’t mean it.”

  Finley turned fully toward her and folded his arms across his chest. “What did you want Victoria?”

  “Same thing I’ve always wanted, darling. You,” she purred.

  “Was that before or after you seduced my two brothers? Or perhaps it was while you were trying to take over our company?”

  Victoria tilted her head. “I was only following orders. Now that daddy isn’t here, we can pick up where we left off.” She put on an innocent face and shrugged her shoulders. “I can’t help it that I fell for you while we were together. Daddy warned me not to get too close, but I couldn’t help it.”

  Just as Finley opened his mouth to speak, another voice piped up.

  “Sorry, Victoria was it? But Finley isn’t available.”

  Before he could say anything, Fin felt two arms slip around his hips as Goldie hugged him from the side. What the-? Didn’t she nearly take my head off for trying this once? His eyes went down to Goldie’s who was looking up at him adoringly. Holy cow, she’s good.

  “You can’t mean that,” Victoria huffed as she glared down at the petite woman clinging to him. “She’s like a child, Finny.” She glared at Goldie. “What are you? Like sixteen?”

  Victoria’s snide remark brought Finley’s protective instincts to the surface. Choosing not to examine the why, he let himself react.

  Sliding one around Goldie’s shoulders, he gave her a squeeze. “Don’t speak to her that way,” he rebuked Victoria. “And she’s right. I’m not available, and even if I was, I wouldn’t be interested. We’re through Victoria, have been for over a year. Now, get out of here before I have you arrested for harassment.”

  The fire that had shot through Victoria’s eyes earlier was back. “I don’t believe you,” she spat, folding her arms over her chest.

  Finley tilted his head and raised a brow. “Oh, believe me, I’d love to have you arrested.”

  Victoria sneered. “I meant your relationship with her,” she jabbed a finger at Goldie. “There is no way you would replace me with that tiny child.” She blinked a few times and her eyes began to tear up. “We had a good thing going, Finny. I just don’t believe that you don’t feel anything for me.” She sniffled delicately.

  Finley felt a tug on his shirt and looked down at the petite bundle in his arms. Goldie crooked one finger, indicating he should come closer.

  Curious, Finley bent down until Goldie could whisper in his ear. “You might need to do something to convince her we’re real,” she whispered.

  Finley worked hard to contain the warmth shooting through him from her touch. What the heck is that? “What exactly did you have in mind?” He whispered back, nuzzling her ear in retaliation for the sensations she was causing in him.

  He bit back a grin when he saw a shiver run through her. Aha! Two can play at this game.

  “If I have to spell it out for you, then I can understand why your relationships don’t last,” Goldie spoke quietly through clenched teeth.

  Oh, it’s on now.

  Ignoring the unhappy grunt from Victoria, Finley stayed nuzzled into the side of Goldie’s face. He went from her ear to her jaw, changing to tracing her lines and angles with his lips.

  Dang, her skin is soft, and she smells like wildflowers. What the heck kind of perfume smells like wildflowers?

  He could feel Goldie’s breath become shaky and he couldn’t help the feeling of triumph that rang through his chest as he reveled in his power. Finally, his lips came to the edge of Goldie’s mouth. He placed a couple of small kisses right next to her soft lips, debating with himself.

  When Goldie sighed and melted against him, he shut off his concerns and took the opportunity standing in front of him.

  Her lips were sweet and pliant and it took every ounce of self control he had to keep the kiss nice and easy. The sweet, tender touches they were exchanging were unlike anything he had ever felt before. Every nerve ending felt alive and his whole body began to feel overheated the longer the kisses continued.

  Just as he was about to see what would happen if he deepened the kiss, a loud cough broke his concentration. He lifted his head, keeping his eyes on the woman in his arms.

  It took a moment for Goldie’s eyes to flutter open and when they did, Finley had to steel himself against going back for more. Surprise battled with desire in her bright, wide orbs. Same here Squirt, same here.

  “Excuse me.” Victoria tapped her shoe impatiently.

  Finley’s shoulders dropped as he reluctantly turned to look at the rude woman. “Oh, are you still here? I thought you would have left by now.”

  Victoria pursed her lips until they were a thin, white line. She put her hands on her hips and straightened her posture. “You might think that little display was enough to convince someone you’re serious, but think again. I know you, Finley, and I know you would never be happy with someone like her.” Victoria’s lips curled as her eyes shot to Goldie.

  Finley felt Goldie stiffen in his arms and he decided it was time to bring this exchange to an end. “Enough Victoria. You’ve heard what I have to say about you and I and it won’t ever be changing. Any chance you and I had was lost when I discovered what you were really up to.” He turned, keeping one arm around Goldie. “Come on, Sweetheart. Time to go.”

  Finley began to guide Goldie to her car, straining his ears to hear when Victoria finally stalked away. “I think she’s gone,” he whispered after glancing over his shoulder.

  Goldie slumped against her car door. “Shoot, that woman is a piranha. What the heck did you ever see in her? Oh wait, she’s drop dead gorgeous, got it.”

  Finley felt his temper begin to rise. “She wasn’t like that while we were dating and I didn’t ask you to pretend to be my girlfriend. You didn’t have to involve yourself in my affairs at all. As I recall, you nearly bit my head off when I tried this exact tactic.”

  Goldie folded her arms over her chest. “You’re right, I did and I’m sorry. And no, you didn’t ask for help but it was obvious you needed it.” She smirked. “I did you a favor.”

  Finley raised an eyebrow. “A favor, really? You sound like you’re expecting payment from this favor.”

  Goldie shrugged. “Not necess
arily, but if you happened to donate to the art exhibit, no one would be upset about it. In fact, it might even be good for your image.” She said the last line while she leaned forward conspiratorially.

  He leaned down to meet her. “Maybe, this was just returning the many favors I have already done for you. How many times have I saved you now? Hmm...” He stood up, realizing that getting too close only made him want to kiss her again. He tapped his lips in mock contemplation. “I do believe I count three saves to your one.” He grinned. “You still owe me, Sweets.”

  Goldie scowled. “Letting you donate to the art exhibit would be paying back my favor. We usually try hard to make sure the only people who sponsor us are good upstanding citizens, but in this case, I’m willing to make an exception.”

  “Oh, ho, ho! So, you are condescending so far as to let me donate to your little shindig, huh?”

  Goldie narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, but didn’t speak.

  “Tell you what.” Finley stuffed his hands in his pockets and stepped forward, closing the gap between him and Goldie. “You keep pretending to be my girlfriend and I will donate to this... ‘exhibit’.” He used his fingers to make quotations around the word.

  Goldie scoffed. “Why do you need me to keep being your girlfriend? Victoria is gone. Plus, from what I understand you could choose from your dozens of lady admirers.”

  “Well, believe it or not, you set yourself up to be my girlfriend. And if I know anything about Victoria, this isn’t the last we will hear from her. So...” He tilted his head from side to side. “If this is going to be believable, it kinda has to be you.”

  “You make this sound as if it were my fault!”

  Finley’s eyebrows shot up. “I’m going to let you think about what you just said for a second. Maybe then you’ll hear the ridiculousness of that statement.”

  Goldie glared and dropped her arms, her fists clenching. Standing away from the car she pushed herself to her highest height and stuck her nose right into Finley’s face, which was bent towards her. “Deal,” she growled. “But you’re going to have to tell my brothers.”


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