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Playboy Pilot

Page 11

by Penelope Ward

  Twenty minutes later, the gate attendant announced final boarding. I was still sitting in the waiting area chairs, unsure what the hell I was going to do next. There was no way I wanted to leave Carter, but staying was only going to make our inevitable goodbye even harder. And if by some miracle we didn’t say goodbye in a few days, could I build something with him knowing he was always on the road? Could I sleep at night wondering who he was keeping company with on those lonely nights of traveling?

  The gate attendants flicked off the illuminated destination sign and began to pack up their paperwork. This was it. Now or never. I was scared as shit to keep going, but the thought of never seeing Carter again was even more terrifying. Just as they began to close the jetway door, I yelled, “Wait!” The two women turned back at the same exact second Carter frantically ran through the door.

  Screw Dubai and their stupid rules. I ran to him, and he wrapped me in his arms, holding me tight. “Don’t leave me, Perky.” Then he took my face in both his hands and kissed me passionately.

  “I’m sorry. I was stupid. You promised me you wouldn’t judge me and here I was judging you.”

  “I’m sorry, too, Perky. Sorry there’s so much in my past to judge. Let’s just go forward, alright?”

  “Yes. That’s what I want, too.”

  “Good. Now lets get the hell out of here before I get you arrested again.” He extended his hand. “Come fly with me, beautiful.”

  WHEN WE LANDED IN the Netherlands, I couldn’t get off of that plane fast enough.

  Captain Alexa had been annoying the shit out of me the entire flight, alternating between bringing up stories from the past and talking about her divorce, neither of which I gave a flying fuck about. From the second we boarded, all I’d wanted was to be back with Kendall. Seven hours later, I got my wish.

  After a bumpy landing, my little perky, blonde angel was waiting for me in the cabin when I emerged from the cockpit. Ignoring Alexa and other members of the crew, I pulled Kendall into me and planted a kiss on her that was just as intense as the one before we boarded—as if we’d taken up right where we left off.

  I couldn’t wait to show her Amsterdam and to be able to touch her freely in public wherever and whenever my heart desired. We didn’t have very long here, so I wanted to make the best of it before we had to fly right back to Dubai. I knew that some big decisions were on the horizon after this jaunt. We could save the heavy stuff for then. This leg of our journey was going to be all about having fun in a place with no boundaries.

  As we waited in baggage claim, I stood behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and spoke into her ear, “All of the worries in that pretty little head, put them on hold. Forget about them for today, okay? We’re gonna have the time of our lives. Are you in, gorgeous?”

  “I’m so in,” she said, turning around and playfully sticking her finger into my cleft chin.

  I’d chosen a hotel near the Red Light District. Kendall and I took a quick catnap before taking to the streets.

  Since biking is huge in Amsterdam, we rented a tandem, which we rode all around the city.

  We parked in the Jordaan neighborhood. Walking hand in hand through the narrow streets, we visited some art galleries and antique shops along the way.

  Later, we took a guided tour through one of the canals, where we watched what the locals called dancing houses—a bunch of tall, tilted historical homes.

  By nightfall, exhaustion had caught up with us. After dinner at a quaint restaurant, we decided to check out the Red Light District before turning in for the night.

  The street was lined with red-lit windows, each housing a cabin where revelers could partake in either a peep show or a prostitute—whatever their hearts desired. There was nothing like it in the world. I’d perused this street plenty of times, but never partook. Even I had limits. It amused me to see Kendall’s reaction, taking it all in for the very first time.

  “So, this is all legal?”

  “Yup. And it only makes sense that there’s a gigantic church in the middle of it all, right?” I said, referring to the Old Church. “Probably the only location in the world where you’ll find religion and prostitution all in one place.”

  “Kind of magical and perverse.” She laughed. “Swans swimming through a dam, surrounded by a church, some whores and lots of pot for sale.”

  “It’s like a trippy dream. You know what would make it better, though?”

  “What?” She laughed.

  “This,” I said, suddenly pulling her into me and planting a firm kiss on her warm lips. Pressing my body into her, I knew she could feel the erection practically puncturing my jeans. An indeterminate amount of time passed as we continued to suck face in front of one of the brothels.

  A knock on the glass interrupted our moment. The scantily clad, tall blonde inside of the window we were blocking waved for us to get out of the way. We must have been obstructing her view of the street.

  “Sorry,” I said, wrapping my entire body around Kendall from behind as we continued our lazy stroll.

  “So, do any of these women appeal to you?” she asked.



  “I’m being serious. They’re attractive, but I don’t want them. Now if it were you in one of these window brothels…that would be a different story. I’d definitely come inside, and I’d go broke. I’d just keep giving you more and more money to let me try everything with you.” I stopped walking and pulled her into me again, speaking over her lips, “Just take my fucking money.”

  She laughed through our kiss and said, “I’d give you a pretty good discount.”

  While our joking was all in good fun, being in this sexually open environment with Kendall and all of the kissing was making me horny as hell. I was now sporting a full-on boner as we made our way back to the hotel. Feeling weaker by the second, I knew that if she so much as looked at me back in our room, I wasn’t going to be able to fight anything happening this time.

  The hotel we were staying at was a funky little place that played up on the Red Light District theme. The rooms even had optional red lighting, which was cool as hell.

  “You know what I could really go for?” Kendall asked when we got to our room.

  “I know my answer to that question.”

  She playfully smacked me in the chest. “A glass of wine.”

  “I could go get us a bottle or two if you want.”

  “I feel bad making you go back out, but really, that would be great.”

  “Why don’t you relax and take a shower while I’m out.”

  “That sounds good.”

  Looking up the nearest liquor store on my phone, I rushed out of the hotel to avoid wasting too much time away from her. After all, this could technically be our last night together. I’d already decided to ask her to come back home to Florida with me. Although if she didn’t agree, our adventure would end soon.


  A feeling of panic started to build.


  I wasn’t going to let fear in tonight. This night was about enjoying each moment in Amsterdam. Period.

  Trying to block all depressing thoughts from my mind, I made my way inside the store and asked the attendant for the best bottles of red and white that they had.

  On my walk back to the hotel, my phone chimed with a text from Kendall.

  Kendall: Just play along.

  What the heck did that mean?

  Carter: Play along with what?

  Kendall: Where are you?

  Carter: A block from the hotel.

  Kendall: Text me when you’re almost here but before you come inside the hotel.

  A few minutes later, I did as she asked.

  Carter: I’m here.

  Kendall: Stay outside and look up to the second floor on the Bloedstraat Street side of the building.

  That was where I was. I looked up.





  My heart started to pump faster. Kendall had the red lights on in our room. The front of her body was pressed against the window as she wore nothing but a lacy bra and panties. She’d done her hair into two braids and swayed her body slowly and seductively, looking just as comfortable as any of the window ladies we’d witnessed tonight. Except this wasn’t just any window lady. This was the girl of my dreams bringing a fantasy to life that was better than anything my wildest imagination could have conjured up.

  With a come-hither stare, she lifted her index finger and gestured for me to come upstairs. Staying frozen on the sidewalk, I tried to burn this into memory—the sight of her in that window illuminating a foggy night in Amsterdam. I knew I’d never forget it for as long as I lived. The fact that I was still even holding the wine bottles without them falling from my grasp and smashing to the ground was commendable.

  The elevator was taking too long, so I took the stairs, skipping over steps to get to her faster. Before opening the door, I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, vowing to just go with the flow. I didn’t even know whether she was really offering anything or teasing me. I just knew I was game for anything behind that door.

  Kendall opened.

  My mouth spread into a smile as I took her in and waited for her direction.

  “I saw you looking at me,” she said. “Are you interested?”

  Play along.

  Fuck yes.

  My voice was thick with desire. “Yes.” I swallowed.

  “Come in.”

  Just play along.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Kendall. What’s yours?”


  “Hi, Carter.”

  “Hi, Kendall.” Slowly inching closer, I said, “Can I just tell you something?”


  “I’ve been walking these streets all day, searching in vain. I have never seen anyone in these windows who is more beautiful than you. I finally found exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thank you for letting me inside.”

  She seemed to blush, probably sensing that my words meant more than just some lines in this little skit. “You’re welcome.”

  As I walked toward her predatorily, she teasingly took steps backwards with an impish grin.

  “So, tell me, Kendall. I’ve never done this before. What happens now?”

  “We negotiate. You tell me what you want, and I’ll tell you what I’m willing to do.” She leaned against a ledge near the window, slightly parting her toned legs. The streetlights outside were shining behind her.

  Pulling on one of her braids, I said, “I want it all. So, you’re gonna have to be the one to set some limits.” I rubbed my fingertips along her cheek and down her neck. “How about we just touch for a while, until you figure out what you’re comfortable with.”

  Closing her eyes and letting out a shaky breath, she said, “Do you want me to take off the rest?”

  “Only if you’re okay with it.”

  She stood up and moved in closer to me. “I am.”

  We were nose to nose when I asked, “Can I undress you?”

  She nodded. “Please.”

  I unsnapped her bra from the front and took a moment to admire her beautiful breasts that reminded me of two perfect teacups. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “I want to see you, too,” she whispered.

  Slowly lifting the shirt over my head, I felt like she should have been able to see my heart beating through my chest. I had no clue how I was going to continue to exercise restraint.

  Just take one moment at a time.

  Savor this.

  I unbuckled my belt and threw it aside then pulled my trousers down and slipped out of them.

  We were both just in our underwear now. I ran my hands down her neck and cupped both breasts in my palms, massaging them slowly. Trying to maintain some control over myself, I tightened my abs to keep my dick in check.

  “Can I touch you?” she asked.

  Relaxing my body, I begged, “Please.”

  Kendall rubbed her petite hands up and down my chest and around my biceps. I loved the way her nipples puckered in reaction to the contact.

  Touching her while she was touching me yet having to restrain myself was by far the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced. It was so hard keeping my mouth off of her. I licked my lips over and over again to keep myself from losing control and ravaging her.

  I’d been looking into her eyes when I felt her hand slip into my boxers and wrap around my cock. So sensitive, I winced at the contact. She began to pump it slowly into her hand as she continued to look at me. Shutting my eyes in ecstasy again, I bent my head back as Kendall jerked me off, twisting her little palm around my cock over and over. She used her thumb to spread the precum around my tip. The room was so quiet, our frantic breathing the only sound.

  I was going to come.

  Ready to explode, I placed my hand on hers to stop her.

  “Stop or keep going, Kendall. You tell me. But I’m not gonna last much longer. It’s been way too long.”

  As much as I loved that she was giving me this fantasy, I couldn’t ignore that there was still a slight hesitation in her eyes.

  I was certain that she wanted me as much as I wanted her, but she wasn’t ready. Tonight wasn’t the night.

  That didn’t change the fact that I needed release like a motherfucker.

  I needed to take charge.

  “I want you to keep jerking me while I rub you. We’re gonna come together, nothing more, nothing less.”

  A look of relief replaced the uncertainty on her face.

  The talking ended there.

  We kissed hungrily as she stroked my slick cock up and down between us while I worked to take her underwear off. Massaging her clit with my index and middle fingers, it wasn’t long before the muscles between her legs began to pulsate. Her breath hitched, and I knew she was coming. God, she was even more hard-up than I was. Hearing her moan out in ecstasy was enough to trigger my own orgasm as I shot loads of cum into her hand.

  It wasn’t exactly how I’d imagined our first real physical contact. It was messy and frantic, but perhaps that was in line with the unpredictability that’s followed us around from the very beginning. You just never knew what was going to happen from one moment to the next.

  Wrapping my hands around her tight ass, I said, “That was hot. I wanted to do so much more, though.”

  “I would have given you more.”

  “While I really appreciate this surprise you gave me tonight, you weren’t ready, Kendall, and you know it.”

  “How do you know me so well?”

  “I’ve spent enough time looking into your eyes to know how to read you. You’re still not sure, and I won’t take you fully until your eyes have not even an ounce of doubt left in them. Even what we did was pushing it.”

  “Well technically, I was jerking it, not pushing it.”

  “You can do that again later if you want, by the way.”

  After picking her panties up off the floor, I lifted them to my nose and muttered, “God, I missed your smell.”

  “When have you smelled me before?”




  “That first day at Maria’s. I might have thrown your panties over my face while I whacked off in the tub.”

  “That is so twisted…but kind of sweet and hot at the same time. Just like you.”

  “See…you get me. You accept me for the panty sniffer I am. This is why you can’t leave me. No one else will have me.” I kissed her hard then spoke into her neck, “Don’t leave me, Perky. Don’t leave me in Dubai. Come home to Florida with me…one more leg of the adventure. Then, you make your big decision…after Boca. What do you say?”

  “Going home with you is a bit different than jet-setting around the world. Let me think about it on the flight back to Dubai, okay? I’ll have seven hours to reflect and then I’
ll give you my decision about Florida.”

  As much as I wished that she’d given me an instant yes, I had to respect her wishes without argument.

  That night, I held her tightly as we slept in a more intimate position than ever before—with my engorged cock pressed against her ass through the fabric of her nightshirt. My dick was begging for more just as much as I was.

  The worst part was the pain in my chest that went along with a particular Beatles song that kept playing in my head. The song wasn’t quite loud enough yet, more like faded background music that my mind wasn’t sure it was ready to turn to full volume. I wasn’t ready to believe it. Nevertheless, the song was there.

  And I Love Her.

  I FELT LIKE A SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL, crazy over the boy who wore a leather jacket and was always getting detention in high school. That might have had something to do with the fact that I was getting felt up in the corner of an airport magazine stand when Carter thought no one was looking.

  “Stop,” I whispered in warning, but couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Carter stood behind me as I faced a magazine rack, one hand discreetly slipped under my shirt as he fondled my left breast.

  “I totally get the appeal of traveling without a bra now. In fact, I insist you never wear one again when we’re together. Being able to reach up and cup this luscious tit…” He squeezed. “…whenever I want, is fucking amazing. Burn your bras, Perky.”

  I chuckled. An older man walked up to the rack and stood beside me. Rather than remove his hand from my shirt, Carter decided to pinch my nipple. Hard. A cross between a moan and an ouch came out, and I tried to cover it by faking a cough. “Excuse me,” I said when the man looked at me.

  I elbowed Carter in the ribs when the guy walked away. He groaned, yet somehow managed to get a last tweak of my nipple in before pulling his hand out of my shirt. “We’re in a public place. Stop that.”

  Carter took the shell of my ear between his teeth and bit down as he whispered in my ear. “You love it, and you know it.”


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