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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 19

by Kristen Echo

  Nico shook her father’s hand and made his way towards the elevators. She rushed to cut him off.

  With a lump the size of a softball in her throat, she asked her question. “Who were you talking to?” She tried to stay calm, but there was an urgency to her voice. He must have noticed.

  “One of my bosses. He’s a great guy. Are you upset I didn’t introduce you? I would have, but he’s having brunch with his family.”

  No! That was not the answer she wanted to hear. “I’m not upset. What do you mean by one of your bosses?” She prayed he did anything but play hockey.

  “I think it’s great you didn’t recognize me last night. Clearly, you are not a hockey fan. That’s refreshing. It might be the reason I’m going along with your conditions so easily. You don’t understand how many fans try to get into my bed.”

  “What are you talking about?” Her head hurt; the start of a migraine dawning.

  “That man over there owns the NHL team I play for. Having a ton of people to answer to doesn’t bother me. I love being a hockey player. I didn’t purposely try to hide my job from you. But I wanted to make sure you were interested in me, and not my status.”

  Her heart plummeted, and the tears burned the back of her eyes. “I get it. I’m sorry, but I have to use the restroom again.” With fast steps she entered the stall before the waterworks unfolded.

  Dammit. Why did he have to play hockey for her father? Of all the jobs in the world, he had to be in the one profession her father made her promise to stay away from. Mixing business and pleasure wasn’t an option. Caroline’s choices were limited. She either walked out of the restaurant, pretending she hadn’t met the potential love of her life. Or she defied her father and see where things lead between her and Nico.

  Being an adult sucked!

  Chapter 9

  As she walked to the elevator, Caroline knew what to do. There was only one thing to do. One answer she could live with. Nico leaned against the wall, and she met his eyes which sparkled with mischief. She had no doubt she was making the right choice.

  “Hey hot stuff, sorry I took so long.” She smiled and hoped her mad dash hadn’t scared him off.

  She would give him today. The odds were good they weren’t meant for each other. Sexual chemistry didn’t translate into marriage material. A few more hours would probably be all she needed to decide he wasn’t the right guy. If by some miracle the day went well, she’d reassess. A secret relationship wasn’t what she wanted. But if Nico turned out to be half the man she thought, then there was no way her father would object.

  They had to get out of there before her father spotted them together. Nico took her hand and his heat soothed her nerves. “Are you feeling okay? You looked like you might be getting sick or something?” He was thoughtful, funny and damn easy on the eyes.

  Yeah, he played hockey and technically might become her employee someday, but he didn’t know that. She wouldn’t hold it against him if things went south. Her father didn’t need to know, and she had no plans to tell him unless they became serious. That most likely wouldn’t happen. She’d known him for less than twenty-four hours.

  “I’m fine; good enough to rock your world.” She smacked his ass playfully before pressing the button for the elevator. “I’m still interested in spending the day together, if you are?” She kept their joined hands in front of her, hidden from the room behind them.

  He stepped closer until their fronts were nearly flush. The sexual energy crackled between them. “I called down to the reception and booked the room for another night as per your request. I’m very much looking forward to having my world rocked, angel, but only if you’re sure you’re up for the challenge.” Nico ran his finger down her cheek, and then he tilted her chin upwards.

  She melted into his touch. Caroline wanted him to kiss her, but not there. Not where her father might see them. “Um, besides making use of that hotel room, what else—”

  “You look nervous, Caroline. I promise I won’t hurt you.” He leaned in; his lips slowly closing the distance. When he said things like that it was hard to remember why they shouldn’t be together.

  The doors opened, and she pushed him inside. Their lips connected as the doors closed. His hands found her ass and lifted her against him. She wrapped her legs and arms around him, deepening the kiss. Hands, tongues, lips, everything was a wild hot mess, and she loved it. Somehow, he pressed their floor and when the doors opened again, he carried her into the room. She didn’t stop kissing him. It would have taken a crane to pull her off him.

  As soon as they entered his room, she was on her feet with her hands pressed against the wall. He lifted her dress over her bare ass and hissed as his fingers slid along her wet folds. “Christ! Had I known you weren’t wearing anything under that short dress there’s no way I would have been able to keep my hands to myself.”

  Two fingers entered her from behind and she rocked against them. “I would have let you touch me under the table,” she teased and he growled. “If you hadn’t sat so far away, I would have taken you in my hand and made you come while you ate your desert.”

  “Fuck, you can’t say things like that.” His pants hit the floor, and he removed his fingers to tear open a condom packet. In the next breath, he entered her.

  “Oh!” She wasn’t surprised that he wasted no time plowing into her, but it surprised her how ready she was for him. “That feels so good, Nico.”

  “Hold on, angel.” He thrust into her like an animal burrowing into its home. Nico was insatiable, and the room filled with their combined gasps and groans. His body covered hers, and he didn’t relent until she screamed his name. Her walls contracted around him, holding him like a vise. The orgasm caught her off guard and her legs buckled. She felt unsteady on her heels, but he kept slamming deeper and deeper.

  “Right there!” He slapped his hand against the wall, and he came so hard it sent another climax cascading over her.

  Once he emptied himself, he slowed his pace and Caroline caught her breath. “I might pass out.”

  He chuckled against her hair. “Sorry, I’m not sure what came over me there.” Nico pulled out and smoothed her dress down before she turned to face him. A sheepish smile greeted her.

  “Don’t apologize. That was hot, but now I need to sit down.” She stumbled over to the bed a few feet away and collapsed onto her back. The view would have been comical if it wasn’t so sexy. Nico had his pants around his ankles and his cock was semi hard as he removed the condom. Caroline licked her lips, knowing at some point she’d take that giant hunk of meat into her mouth.

  Most of her girlfriends bitched about giving head, but she loved it. She liked the power of rendering a man speechless. The connection she got from giving pleasure in that way. The rougher they got and the more into it the better.

  “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t be leaving this room at all and I would like to take you out.” He tossed the used rubber in the trash and pulled up his pants. “Do you need to go home and change or we could grab something from the gift shop downstairs?”

  She looked down at his t-shirt, her dress and the sky-high heels and figured a change of clothes would be a good call. However, she didn’t want to take him home. Her condo had family pictures hung on every wall, and there would be no way to explain things. She wasn’t ready to reveal that yet or ever. “What did you have in mind?”

  “There’s not much open with it being New Year’s Day and all, but the rivers within walking distance. If it’s not too cold, we could go for a walk and they rent skates there sometimes.”

  “You want to show off your mad skating skills. Plus, you’ll get a good laugh since I haven’t been on the ice since I was six. I can’t even skate backwards.” Her parents loved skating. When she turned six, her mother refused to step on the ice. Caroline remembered the panic in her voice when they laced their skates. They were on the ice for less than two minutes before her mother bawled. Seeing her mother cry caused her tears to
fall. Her mother blamed the ice for the waterworks. Her father used the words medication and depression, but none of it made sense at the time. She hadn’t set foot on the ice since.

  He sat down next to her on the bed. “I can show you. If you aren’t having a good time, we’ll do something else.” His hand landed on her bare knee and her mind raced with all the naughty possibilities.

  She didn’t fear the ice or making an ass of herself. “Let’s do this, but won’t you get bored? I mean, aren’t you sick of skating since it’s your job and all?” The reminder of his chosen profession only reinforced her determination to get to know him on a deeper level so she could get him out of her system. There had to be something she didn’t like; something to make it easy to walk away.

  “Nah, I’ll never tire of being on the ice. But you’ll freeze with those sexy legs exposed. Let’s grab some gear and start our first official date.” The enthusiasm in his voice was infectious.

  He surprised her by stepping outside the room. A moment later, there was a knock on the door. “Caroline, it’s Nico. I’m here to pick you up for our date.”

  When she opened, he held out a rose. She had no idea where he found it. He probably stole it from the basket by the elevator; still she swooned. One of the cutest and most romantic gestures ever.

  The rest of their day was more of the same. They bought a ridiculously expensive snow suit, but it kept her warm. She didn’t have to play twenty questions anymore since Nico talked freely about his sister and their antics growing up. His love for his family was evident. He'd lived and breathed hockey since he learned to walk. Hearing him describe his passion for his job reminded her of the way she felt about singing. The more time they spent together, laughing and telling stories, the more she liked Nicolas Ivarsson.

  Spending the day together was supposed to prove he wasn’t the guy for her. She wasn’t supposed to fall for him, but that’s what happened. The conversation flowed, and she hung on his every word. Every time he laughed her insides did a happy dance, and he laughed a lot; especially, when she tripped all over her own two feet. She laughed a lot too, and like a true leader, he taught her some moves. By the end of their skate, she had made progress. Skating backwards was out of the question, but she learned to move forward without toppling over.

  Her embarrassment on the ice didn’t ruin the day. He was a nice guy who joined her on her butt more often than not. He soothed the bruises with kisses and hot chocolate. It became clear his entire life revolved around hockey because it took all his time just as music consumed her time. Caroline had never had more fun on a first date. The awkwardness she usually experienced wasn’t there; maybe it was because they’d already had sex and so that pressure didn’t exist. She couldn’t put her finger on the reason for their comfort level. She even told him some of her bad clean jokes while they shared mini donuts and he didn’t roll his eyes.

  As they strolled down the river walkway during sunset, she knew her plan had backfired. Her heart was all in. Caroline had fallen in love with Nico; stupidly head over heels in love. He was so much more than a badass hockey player. When they returned to the hotel after dinner, her cheeks hurt from smiling. The rosy red glow they both had wasn’t from the freezing January weather.

  They stood in the lobby and Caroline debated her next move. They hadn’t made any plans or talked about tomorrow. The day had flown by in the perfect start to a new year.

  “I asked you to spend the day with me, and now it’s evening, but I’m not ready to let you go. Again, I may regret saying this, but I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. You make me laugh Caroline, and you make me hard. It’s a fucking heady combination. Come upstairs with me. Don’t leave yet,” he said.

  She had hoped he wanted her to stay, and she was already in too deep to say no. “Don’t regret telling me how you feel. Are you asking me to spend the night with you?” She removed her gloves and took his hand.

  “No. I can’t,” he said, pressing the elevator call button.

  “What?” She let go of his hand.

  “I’ve got to get sleep tonight. I’ve got an early morning skate I can’t miss. If we stay here, we both know there won’t be any sleep happening.”

  “So, you’re asking me to come up for sex and nothing more?” She thought they were past the meaningless sex. But obviously she’d been wrong about his intentions.

  “I’m asking you to come with me, on me… any way you slice it, angel.” He arched his brow playfully, oblivious to her irritation. This man wasn’t interested in a relationship; he wanted to get laid.

  She’d been trying to figure out how this amazing guy was still single, and she had her answer. Nicolas Ivarsson was a player. The whole day had probably been one long drawn out game to get between her legs. But why go through the hassle?

  “You know if all you’re after was sex, you could have said so. You didn’t have to lay it on so thick today. We could have stayed in your room and been rabbits.” Her voice shook as she finished her sentence, and the tears threatened.

  Nico took her hands, holding her hostage so she couldn’t run away. “What’s this about? Tell me why you sound pissed off and look about ready to throttle me.” He wasn’t wrong. If he released her hands, they would have landed against his cheek.

  She scoffed at his question. “It’s not your problem, it’s mine. I convinced myself you were looking for a girlfriend, but that was my mistake. I sent you mixed signals earlier, asking you to keep the room, but I thought we were… nothing. For all—”

  “Caroline, stop.”

  “Let go of me, and I’ll be on my way,” she talked over him. “I’m not interested in being your sex toy tonight. Go find yourself another bimbo to ram your extra-large cock into. I—”

  He pressed his mouth over hers, muffling her words. She struggled to pull away, but ended up melting into him and his stupid soft lips.

  “Are you done?” He asked, resting his forehead against hers.

  “Yes, we’re done. Have a nice life, you douche—” Her mouth was once again covered.

  “You are feisty and I like it. Let me clear the air because I think you’ve misunderstood. I’d be honored if you’d come upstairs with me because I like you, and I want to spend more time with you. Yes, I’d like to spend some of our night buried inside you, but if all you want to do is talk, then that’s what we’ll do.” He pressed his finger over her lips when she went to interrupt. “I am not looking for a cheap thrill and never thought of you in that way. After tonight, I planned to call you again. I plan to see you again. Am I making myself clear?”

  Her tantrum left her cheeks feeling an even brighter shade of red. “Crystal,” she said, knowing the passion between them was at a boiling point. She was seconds away from ripping his clothes off in the lobby and humping him in front of the Christmas tree that hadn’t been taken down yet.

  “If I don’t get inside you in the next few minutes, I might explode in my pants.” The doors opened, and he walked her backwards inside the elevator. She offered no resistance and their eyes remained locked the entire time. Half a dozen people crowded the elevator, and Nico tucked her body against his.

  “Your little outburst earned you a spanking,” he whispered into her ear. Caroline whimpered as moisture pooled between her thighs. “You like it rough and you have seen nothing yet. The things I will do to you for the next few hours will leave you sore for weeks. Are you ready for that?”

  Her nipples hardened at the sultry tone of his voice. She wasn’t equipped to deal with Nico, but she was prepared to try. “Yes.”

  Chapter 10

  They went at each other like savages tearing meat from a bone from the second the hotel room door closed until the clock struck midnight. Then Mr. Ivarsson turned into a hockey pumpkin and said he needed his beauty rest. She would have given him more grief if she hadn’t been so exhausted. Caroline respected the way he took his sport and job seriously. When she collapsed on her bed at home, she was all smiles and tight muscl

  She'd sent a text to her best friend when she sat down in the taxi, but Maddy hadn’t responded. The night hawk never slept before three am. Maddison Albright was made for the rock-and-roll lifestyle. Caroline didn’t mind the late hours, but she loved mornings.

  Finally, the phone vibrated in her hand. “Did you know?” Caroline had been wrestling with the idea that Maddison knew Nico was a hockey player and let her kiss him anyways. She hoped that wasn’t the case, but she trusted her gut.

  “Happy New Year, whore!” Maddy said with a giggle.

  “Back at ya, except there are no whores on the line. Unless you took a side job I’m unaware of?” The irritation in her voice dissipated at the sound of her friend’s laughter. They’d been friends too long to stay mad for long. “So, did you know the man I kissed played hockey for the NHL?”

  A loud sigh crossed the line. “Not one hundred percent when you kissed him, but I knew before you stayed at the hotel to be with him.”

  “Maddy, why didn’t you tell me? I mean, what if my dad had seen us together?” She shuddered to think how ballistic he might have gone. Raising two girls by himself had caused her father to become strict in many ways.

  “He didn’t see you, so don’t get your panties in a twist. I meant to tell you, then everything happened with Brody and it slipped my mind. Your guy’s a thug. Brody’s face looks like he was hit by a semi-truck. It is kinda badass, but I wouldn’t tell him that. That boy’s ego does not need massaging.” That last bit couldn’t be truer. He used his good looks to act any way he pleased, even kissing people he shouldn’t.

  “Nico defended me after he saw Brody force a kiss on me. If he’s got a shiner, it’s deserved.” But a bruised face might mean he no longer wanted to be around her, and that would crush her. “Do you think he’ll kick me out of the band over that? Did he say anything to the others?”


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