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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 33

by Kristen Echo

  They both laughed. She knew Martin wasn’t the flowers and candles kind of guy, but he’d give a stranger the shirt off his back if he thought they needed it. He didn’t have to be Mr. Romance to be great.

  “Valentine’s Day and flowers might not be my thing, but bachelor parties are. All kidding aside, I’m planning Nico’s with some other guys. It will be fun.” He touched his forehead to hers.

  “Oh boy, I can only imagine the depraved things you’ve got planned.”

  “All in good fun,” he said as his fingers moved up her spine.

  A little fun sounded perfect. She didn’t need to be in a committed relationship to have a good time. Her eyes dropped to Martin’s lips as he licked them. They were too tempting to resist any longer.

  She exhaled slowly and moved her hand against the smoothness of his cheek. “I told you I made a deal with that girl. We said we’d face our fears… I have to do this.” Her thumb grazed the edge of his lip and she went for it.

  “Do what—”

  She pressed her mouth to his, silencing him. His lips were wet and inviting. The kiss took him by surprise. She could tell from the way his hand stopped moving. He didn’t stop her, instead he opened his mouth. She ran her tongue over his teeth and against his tongue. He responded, twirling his tongue around hers. She didn’t want it to end. Her nipples beaded against his chest as she deepened the kiss. Her entire body responded in a way she hadn’t expected, but just as they were getting started he pulled away.

  “Please, don’t be mad,” she said breathlessly.

  The kiss had been way more everything than she expected. She tingled in all the right places. As she searched his eyes, she couldn’t read them. She feared what crossing the line would do, but she was glad she did it. More than happy, and she wanted to do it again.

  He closed his eyes, shutting her out. “You’ve had a rough couple of days. Hell, some bad months, but… we can’t do this. Turn onto your side and let’s get some sleep.”

  There was nothing to say, so she did as he asked. Once on her side, he squeezed her tight, painting his front to her back. Whether he did so knowingly, his erection pressed against her bottom. Desire shot south, begging her to move.

  “Um. Martin, what—”

  He moved again, and his length nudged between her ass cheeks. “Good night. We can talk more in the morning.”

  Right. They could talk or they could do more. If she got her way, they would definitely do more kissing. “Count on it,” she said.

  She didn’t act on her desires though she couldn’t possibly sleep. Martin seemed fine cuddling. It didn’t take long before his breathing evened out, and he drifted to sleep. How he fell asleep when she was all riled up was a mystery.

  His breath caressed her neck, and she lay there with his arms holding her close. She didn’t push him away because she didn’t need her space. She was happy exactly where she was and like everything else in her life, she didn’t know what to make of that.

  Chapter 8

  When she opened her eyes, Sylvie couldn’t help but smile. The memory of their first kiss lingered on her lips. She glanced at the alarm clock and it was only five am. The sun had yet to rise, and the room was dark. She flipped onto her side only to discover she was alone. Martin had always been an early riser, and his absence wasn’t necessarily a bad sign.

  She had a crazy dream where they played hockey and they kissed again. Only this time, he didn’t pull away, and they took things one step further. She rolled onto her back. How she wished that dream would come true, and it could, but it wouldn’t be easy.

  A conversation wouldn’t be enough. She lay there, thinking about the best way to approach her friend about the kiss. Martin was stubborn. They had that in common. She needed him to see her in another light. Like any other girl he took to bed and didn’t care about. He liked casual relationships and she could do that. It was worth a shot. She’d never done that kind of thing before, but there was a first time for everything.

  The condo was quiet as she set out to find him. “Good morning.” Her voice cracked, and she coughed. She spotted him on the couch. “Do you have plans today? I remember you mentioned having today off.”

  He sat with his legs stretched, sipping his coffee. The aroma filled the air. Before she could sit down for a cup, she had to put her plan into motion. “I didn’t make plans for my day off. Other than spending it with you. Judging by the gleam in your eyes, you’ve got something in mind.” He sat up and removed his feet from the cushion, giving her room to sit next to him. “Why do I get the sense you’re up to no good?”

  “Yes. I mean no, I’ve got a great idea. We haven’t been on the ice together in ages. Are you up for a little game?”

  His smile deepened. It was wrong for a man to look that good before sunup. His bedhead and pillow creases didn’t detract from his sinful appeal. “That sounds fun. When did—”

  “Great. We can grab a bite on the way to the rink. I’ll go shower and be ready in fifteen.” She raced off to the bathroom before he could respond.

  In order to get Martin to stop thinking of her as a friend, she’d have to use drastic measures. His response to the kiss told her everything she needed to know. He wanted her, but he wouldn’t let himself cross the line. A line she would happily leap over and smear into the past.

  The water could have been freezing and she wouldn’t have noticed. Her mind raced with the possibilities. Once she won their game, he’d be forced to let his guard down. She expected to encounter resistance once he heard the things he’d have to do. But it would be worth it; she hoped.

  Martin made her feel sexy and alive. That wasn’t an easy task. She looked forward to the sex, knowing love and all its drama wouldn’t play a part. They could have a wild and crazy sexual experience. It’s what she needed to push her over that last hump and let go of her past.

  Sylvie dressed in record time while Martin showered. He showered at least twice a day, sometimes more. His need for cleanliness was borderline compulsive. Those quirks were endearing she thought as she slipped into a pair of track pants and another one of his jersey’s.

  He wore a similar outfit and looked amazing when he joined her in the living room. He had his hair slicked back like Elvis. She wanted to run her fingers through it as she kissed him again. He closed the gap between them as she stared at his full lips.

  Would it be so wrong to kiss him again? Lustful thoughts wouldn’t help her win the game they were about to play. She had to remain focused. “Are you ready?”

  He had a bag of equipment over his shoulder and nodded. “About last night, I don’t want us to be awkward. You went through something traumatic. First, your breakup and then meeting the teenager who later went missing. It’s okay to need comforting. We’re cool.” He handed her one of two travel mugs.

  She stood by the door, pulling on her coat with her mouth agape. He thought she was traumatized, and that’s why she had kissed him. Unbelievable. She could have smacked him, but smiled instead and took the mug. “We’re good, better than good. But out of curiosity, what did you think about that kiss.” If he expected her to let him off the hook, he was mistaken.

  He looked down at his feet. “It was nice.”

  She raised a brow. “Just nice. I distinctly felt your—”

  “Sylvie, we’ve got a lot of history. You broke my teeth and have been busting my balls my entire life. Kissing… it doesn’t matter how my body responded to you. I’m a guy. Plenty of things make me hard; don’t go reading too much into it.”

  “Oh. So, you’re saying any girl can make you feel that way? It wasn’t because it was a great kiss. Your erection had nothing to do with me, or the way our tongues rolled around each other as we kissed.”

  “I’m not saying that. Jesus; I’m not saying anything more on the subject.” He adjusted his pants and opened the door.

  She walked into the hall. “You don’t have to say anything. But for the record, I want to do that again.”

They waited in silence for the elevator. Once they were inside, he looked her in the eyes. “Sylvie, that’s a bad idea. I’m not—”

  “Good at relationships. I know.” She watched him take a sip from his drink. He wasn’t used to her being assertive; not towards him anyway. Sylvie hadn’t started her own business by sitting back and doing nothing. Life didn’t hand you the things you wanted, you had to go get them and that’s what she intended to do. “I’m not suggesting we start something either. I am suggesting we fuck.”

  His sip splattered across the mirrored walls. He coughed, and she patted his back. “Dammit. You can’t be serious.”

  The doors opened, and she stepped out. “Why shouldn’t we? I need to prove to myself that I’m over Renny. He’s out having the time of his life, fucking anyone he wants. He left me and took my self-esteem with him. You couldn’t possibly understand what that’s like because you are one of the sexiest men alive. There are magazines with your face on the cover. I want my confidence back and you can help me do that.”

  He took one of her hands and threaded their fingers together. “He’s an idiot, and it’s his loss. You were always way too good for him. I never understood how you stayed with him for so long. You’re smart, talented and so beautiful. You’re perfect.”

  Her heart was near bursting at the compliments. “See, that’s why we should have sex. No one else will make me feel as good as you do. I’m not throwing away our friendship. I’m only here for a short time. Us having sex won’t change anything.”

  “Stop saying sex,” he whispered the last word. Martin let go of her hand as they walked through the parking garage.

  “That kiss was great. Deny it all you want, but your body doesn’t lie. You’re attracted to me. We’re attracted to each other. You’re wrong when you said I kissed you because of a traumatic event. I did it because I wanted to and I think you want me too.”

  They reached his car, and he opened her door. “This is a knee jerk reaction and it will blow over in a few days.”

  She took it as a positive sign when he didn’t reject their attraction. He didn’t outright refuse her notion of them having sex either. “I don’t think these urges will pass. Are you saying I’m not pretty enough for you to sleep with me?” She sat down and he slammed the door.

  He climbed into the driver seat and turned on the car. “I think you’re gorgeous. You’re probably the sexiest woman on the fucking planet, but we can’t have sex. It’s a bad idea. Can we please stop talking about this?” His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel.

  The last thing she wanted was to make him uncomfortable. “I’ll drop it.” For now. “Let’s play hockey,” she said, wishing she could reach out and touch him. It wasn’t the time, but soon.

  “Thank you.”

  He cranked the music and drove out from the underground garage. The city was still asleep with only a handful of cars on the road. The practice rink wasn’t too far of a drive and she grabbed a pair of skates once they arrived.

  Martin changed into this gear and they met on the ice. “How long’s it been since you played?”

  She'd played hockey her entire life, but only in a community league. The drive to play professionally didn’t exist. There were too many sacrifices required to play hockey at the pro level. This season was the first time she hadn’t joined a team since she was five. “A few months, but I can still kick your ass,” she answered, gripping her stick and sending the puck towards the net.

  There wasn’t much air under it and Martin stopped the puck easily. She was a little rustier than she thought, but after a warm up, he’d have to work for it. Skating back to the blue line, she eyed the lineup of pucks. She swatted two directed towards his head. He caught both without breaking a sweat.

  “You’re playing like a girl who’s never touched a puck. You can do better. Relax your shoulders and your grip. You’re choking the stick.”

  “I’ll be choking someone very soon if he doesn’t keep his opinions to himself.”

  They laughed, and it was like old times. She was having a great time, but she also had a mission. After a few minutes of playing around, it was time to get serious.

  It took no time for her comfort level on the ice to return. “I don’t skate every day like you, but I’m sure I can score,” she said, provoking him.

  He laughed, doubting her abilities. “Care to place a wager?”

  That’s what she’d hoped he would say. She knew exactly what he’d be doing once he lost. “Absolutely. Since you’re a big time famous NHL hockey star the stakes will be high. If I can score you have to grant me three wishes.”

  “That sounds interesting.” He debated for a half second before continuing. “Deal. When I win, you’ll be my slave for the day. Anything I want, you’ll do with a smile.”

  “Deal, but you’re going to lose.” She skated across the ice, loving the feel of the wind against her cheeks. They were alone, and she planned to make use of that time. The hockey stick became an extension of her hand. She batted the puck around and smiled.

  “To keep this fair, you only get five shots to score.”

  Five chances to get what she wanted. She took a deep breath. “You’re going down, Martin Thomas. Prepare to meet your maker.”

  The puck sailed through the air, but his glove stopped her slap shot. While he might be used to powerful hockey players, she’s always been able to score against him. She failed her first few attempts. On her fourth try, she used her wrist shot. The same one she’d perfected throughout the years. Just when she thought he would stop it, it squeaked past the crease.

  “Oh my god! I scored.”

  He removed his face mask and helmet. Then skated towards her. “I forgot how tricky you can be. Nice shot. I guess your wish is my command.” Martin bowed like a gallant knight.

  She swallowed hard. “Kiss me.”

  “Sylvie,” he said, exhaling and running his fingers through his hair.

  One kiss to see if the attraction went both ways. “I told you before we played what I wanted. Three wishes you’ll grant, and the first is a kiss.”

  “Right here?”

  “Yes, and don’t hold back.”

  He skated up to her and gripped the base of her neck. His eyes had never looked greener. He lowered his mouth and hovered. “You’re sure about this?”

  She nodded. The second their lips collided, she had her answer. Fireworks exploded as his tongue slipped past her lips. She gripped his jersey and surrendered control. His tongue invaded her mouth and she willed him to discover more. The connection shook her to the core. He must have felt it too because he dropped his gloves and pulled her closer. If only there wasn’t so much padding in their way. She wrapped her arms around his waist as they skated backwards towards the boards.

  When her back hit the wall, she would have fallen over if it weren’t for him. His mouth held her up. Martin angled her head and sucked on her tongue. Shivers raced through her body as they kissed. Like in her dream, he didn’t pull away; he didn’t give her a chance for air. The kiss was hard and demanding and she loved it. This was the beginning of so much more. She couldn’t wait for him to grant her next wish.

  Chapter 9

  Their second kiss got under her skin and lasted way longer than their first. It tore through her senses, firing non-stop pulses of endorphins. She rode the high until she couldn’t breathe. Sylvie panted, trying to catch her breath when they broke apart, and she wasn’t the only one.

  He licked his lips. “Sylvie, I… we shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “We should do more of it.” She pulled his face back towards her and kissed him again. Her lips were swollen, and she didn’t care. As long as they were connected to Martin’s they felt great. He kissed her back, but she sensed a hesitation that wasn’t there a moment ago. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you and that’s where this will lead.”

  Her body was on fire. It was hot enough to melt the ice. “You’re
over-thinking things. Enjoy the moment and be with me. I want you, and I’m under no illusions that love will follow. Je t’aime pour toujours. Us hooking up won’t change that.”

  “Me too, always. But we can’t hook up. It will change everything. How could it not? I’ve wanted you for years, but—”

  She yanked on his jersey, pulling him closer. “What? You… you wanted to be with me. But you said nothing.” She ran her fingers along his jawline.

  He stilled her hand and kissed her palm. “Because we’re too good as friends. And don’t act surprised. Since the day you developed breasts, I’ve been staring at them. Every guy in our school wanted to get with you and you picked that fucking idiot. Was it because he was older? I never understood the appeal.”

  “First of all, nobody wanted to get with me. Renny was the first and only guy that ever asked me out. I said yes because I was flattered and I… that’s an old story. If you liked me why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “We flirted all the time, so I thought you knew but weren’t interested. You never once looked at me like you’re looking at me now. Not the way you looked at him. It’s all in the past, you dated Renny, and shortly after, I dated Marianne. I have no regrets. My life is hockey. Always has been and always will be. There’s no time for anything else. You deserve more than I can give you.”

  The revelation hurt her heart. She had no idea he thought of her as anything more than a friend all these years. He wasn’t wrong in his assessment because she never thought of him sexually until now. “Give us today. Our friendship will continue tomorrow and the day after that. I’m only here for a few weeks, so there’s no chance of things going too far emotionally. Nothing will change. I promise.”

  “Sex complicates things. Even knowing how great a kisser you are is complicating things.” He glanced down and her eyes followed. Hidden under the pads was an erection, she desperately wanted to get her hands on. “Promise you won’t ask me to kiss you again.”


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