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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 68

by Kristen Echo

  Her passport hadn’t been stamped in a while, but it was still valid. “We could do that. You’ll have to send extra paperwork so I can fly with April.”

  “I’ve got all those documents from when my mother flew with her. You should find most of what you need in the filing cabinet downstairs. The rest I’ll send to the airline. I realize this is a lot to ask of you and I appreciate it. She needs me and I’ll play better knowing she’s all right. I’ll check with the airlines and give you the details in a few minutes. Damn it! I knew I should have brought her with me.”

  “No, you did the right thing,” she said, wrapping her hands around the cup for warmth. The harsh tone in his voice gave her chills, and not the sexy kind she was used to. “Don’t second guess yourself. I’m the one who failed her and I’m sorry.”

  He huffed. “It’s not you, that’s for sure. It’s her mother. She’s the one… I’ll call you back with the flight info.” Cameron hung up.

  A million questions popped into her head. She sat there reeling. What did the nightmares have to do with Nicole? Did April miss her mom so badly she’d scream out for her?

  The next few hours were torture as she waited to learn the answers. Cameron had refused to say much over the next five phone calls. He’d emailed her the flight itinerary, and she rushed to get them out of the door within the hour to catch their plane.

  They arrived before game time, but Cameron sent a car to pick them up. He couldn’t get away and meet them at the airport. When they entered the lobby to the swanky hotel, Meagan recognized a friendly face.

  Sylvie Lamont greeted them with a bright smile and air kisses on each cheek. “Salut, you two. How was the flight?” Her French accent was very pronounced.

  It reminded Meagan of the years her family had lived on the east coast. She’d taken the language in school but failed to catch on. April gave her hand a squeeze and Meagan adjusted the straps on her backpack.

  “Great,” she said. The first-class tickets had been comfortable and customs had gone better than she expected. “This little munchkin slept for most of it. I may have caught some shuteye as well,” she yawned. “Are the guys in their rooms?”

  “You just missed them. Cam asked me to wait around and bring you to the arena in case you decide to come to the game. I’ve got your room keys. Here.” She handed her two keycards and Meagan shoved them in the back pocket of her jeans. “Let’s go put your bags down and then we’ll grab food.”

  “Thanks. Are you feeling any better or still nauseous?”

  They chatted about her newest pregnancy aliment, but Sylvie said it was all worth it. By the time they parted ways after dinner, she knew everything about Sylvie and Martin. How they grew up down the street from each other, became best friends and eventually fell in love. Their story was so romantic. Meagan had a twinge of envy because she wanted that kind of happiness. She wanted to feel secure in her relationship the way Sylvie did. That wasn’t likely to happen if she kept sneaking around with Cameron.

  Due to the late hour of the game, they stayed at the hotel and watched it on the television. April fell asleep before the second period. Which was for the best considering the amount of time her dad spent in the penalty box. A few of the calls were iffy, but he played like he had a chip on his shoulder. Cameron wasn’t usually a scrapper on the ice, but he threw his gloves down more than once.

  After the game, Meagan stared at the clock, waiting for him to arrive. When he did, he took her breath away. He’d trimmed his short hair one level above a buzz cut and hadn’t shaved his face. The scruff, made her thighs tingle. He smiled at her, but his face lit up when he saw his daughter.

  Cameron closed the door slowly, preventing the inevitable slam. “Thank you for coming.” He crawled onto the bed with April and ran his fingers against her cheek. “I love you, April,” he whispered and kissed her forehead.

  Meagan sat on the chair in the corner and watched the tender moment between a father and his daughter. It was beautiful. “Good game,” she whispered, when he sat up and faced her.

  “Another close one. That second high sticking penalty was bullshit. The calls heavily favored the other team. We couldn’t catch a break.”

  “Despite the obstacles you still won.” She knotted her fingers. “Speaking of obstacles, are you ready to tell me what happened to April?” She leaned forward in her chair. Their hushed voices made it difficult for them to communicate, and she didn’t want to miss a thing.

  “No, but I don’t have much of a choice. Let’s go into the adjoining room and talk. We can prop the door open in case she wakes up.”

  Meagan stood and Cameron held out his hand. She took it and followed him into the next room. They sat on the king-sized bed facing each other. The beige comforter was identical to the one in the other room. The rooms were a mirror image of one another, including the relic car paintings on the walls. She looked around the room, waiting for him to start.

  “Do you want the long or short version?”

  “Whatever you’re willing to share.” She crossed her legs under her and placed her hand on his knee.

  He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before letting out a large breath. “Nicole and I were seventeen when April was born. The end of our senior year. We were wild and crazy kids. Anyway, after I got drafted to Winnipeg, I moved her and her family to be with me and to help with the baby. The transition didn’t go well. I was busy, though I knew something was off, but we were new parents and I made a lot of mistakes.”

  He scratched the top of his head and stared at the ceiling. “Fuck that’s an understatement. I did everything wrong. Nicole was a party girl, and she got wrapped up with some bad people. She’d used drugs in high school, but she was clean during the pregnancy. I thought she’d turned a corner. That was wishful thinking. She spiraled and got into the heavy shit. She abandoned April to get her fix more than once. Who knows how long my baby’s cries went unanswered?”

  “Oh my God!” Meagan covered her mouth with her hand.

  “I didn’t know until much later.” He squeezed her hand again and scooted closer. “I trusted her, but after a while I couldn’t trust her with money. She ran through it at warp speed and had a lie for everything. But we loved each other and… it turned out she loved the drugs more. So much so she left our baby in the car, in the middle of winter, while she sold drugs to an undercover agent. April was a block of ice by the time the cops found her.”

  Meagan rubbed his back as if he was freezing. Her body was chilled after hearing what happened. “Poor April.”

  “Yeah. I fucking failed to protect my child, and I let my girlfriend get mixed up with a gang and hooked on drugs.” Cameron buried his face in his hands. “I’m a piece of shit.”

  “You didn’t know. How could you have known she’d go that far?”

  “See, that’s the thing. I should have known what was going on in my family. The worst part was I couldn’t come swooping in and save the day. I was playing stateside when shit went down. That’s why April hates princesses and knights. She already knows fairytale stuff is all bullshit.”

  Meagan wrapped one arm around him, pulling his head towards her shoulder so he’d lean on her.

  “April was a baby when it happened, but that’s the cause of the nightmares. Her mother fucked her over real good. And her father wasn’t any better. Leaving her every other night to pursue his own dreams. You know I considered giving it all up. Hanging up the skates, but my mom refused to let that happen. She’s my rock. I’m a mess without her.”

  “Your parents sound great and I’m glad they didn’t let you give up your career,” she said, kissing the top of his head. “Thank you for telling me. Did you ever consider putting April in counseling or anything to help her overcome the trauma?”

  “She saw a lady for a year, but nothing changed. The off season is different. She needs her dad and stability. I’m in the wrong line of work to give her what she needs.” His shoulders caved inwards.

  “Don’t sa
y that. She needs love and you give her that in spades. Aside from the bad dreams, your daughter is remarkable. She’s cute, funny and smart, like her dad. You’re doing a good job.”

  “Parenting is hard. Way tougher than hockey,” he admitted, sitting up straight. His eyes searched hers and she laughed.

  “I wouldn’t know, but I think you’re pretty amazing at both. Give yourself a little credit.”

  “You don’t consider me a deadbeat dad like other people do? I told you my life’s complicated. Is it too much? Does this change anything between us?” His fingers caressed under her ear as he smoothed his thumb over her lower lip.

  April’s ordeal was far worse than she had imagined, but it didn’t change her feelings for Cameron. His honesty may have been the match, lighting a flame to her resistance. Any part of her that thought she could stay away burned to ashes.

  “Us,” she repeated his word, loving the way it sounded coming from his mouth. Meagan shook her head from side to side. Her nerves tripled as she stared into his eyes and her breathing became more labored. “I’d like there to be an us. Everything you’ve shared with me isn’t scaring me away. Your complications aren’t that bad. I love your little girl and I’ll help her as best I can. I will keep rambling though, so if you want me to stop you better kiss me.”

  Cameron chuckled and pressed his lips against hers. They kissed for the next hour before Cameron left to sleep with his daughter. They didn’t have sex. As much fun as that would have been, it was better that way. Their touches and kisses were more intimate. They shared something deeper, more meaningful and Meagan knew she was in way over her head.

  Chapter 13

  After a full night’s sleep, Meagan had recharged and was ready to spend time with her two-favorite people. Cameron opened the adjoining door with a big smile on his handsome face. Everyone looked rested and refreshed. It turned out April slept better sharing a bed with her dad and she understood why. April ran over and gave her a huge hug to start the day. The little girl loved to hug, and she loved getting them from her. She held on tight, not understanding how anyone could have left her alone. All things considered, the toddler was blossoming into a stellar young lady.

  “The two of you should tag along with me to the next game,” he said, turning off the cartoons. “I have one more before I can head home Sunday night. It would be great if you came and watched. What do you think?”

  April’s eyes lit up like bright green emeralds. “I want to watch.”

  “We can join you,” Meagan said, because it was best for April. And she was happy to have the extra time with him too.

  “Hooray,” she screamed, jumping up and down while clapping her hands. A moment later she climbed on her dad and the pair were laughing.

  Meagan loved seeing them both happy. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, alerting her to a new email. She closed her eyes and pushed away the unpleasant thoughts. Their time together would be over soon. On his next trip, someone else would stand here with them, sharing these moments. That sank like a stone in her stomach.

  “When we get home, we’ll have some interviews to do. I’ve received most of the questionnaires back from the potential candidates.” Meagan rocked on her heels.

  Cameron swung April around in a circle as she giggled for more. “Oh yeah. Any good ones?”

  “I think so. My plan is to do the first round of interviews without you. Once I’ve narrowed it down to the top two or three, I’ll set up the second round of interviews with you. The final verdict will come from April.” Meagan watched for a reaction but received nothing.

  The thought of replacing her didn’t seem to bother him one bit. “Cool.”

  “Are you happy… with that plan? I mean, do you still want me to go ahead and set up the interviews?” She’d hoped he might ask her to stay on as April’s caregiver, but that didn’t look like it would happen. As much as she adored Connie and working for the Northcote’s, she’d jump ship in a heartbeat. If only he’d ask her to stay. She chewed the inside of her cheek, hoping he’d say no; hell no, interview no one because you’re the only woman for the job.

  “Whatever you believe is best. I trust you,” he said, adding insult to injury. “I am looking forward to meeting whoever you think is suitable.” He walked past her towards the bathroom, crushing her heart with every step.

  “Great.” She plastered on a fake smile. “I’ll set it up. If we’re lucky, we can find someone to start before Easter. Next weekend is the holiday.” She paused to catch her breath and compose herself. It was a losing battle. “Excuse me, while I pack up.”

  “No rush. We’ve got another two hours before we have to head for the airport.”

  Meagan returned to her room in time for the first tear to fall. The tears annoyed her. She knew what she was getting into, and this was all part of the plan. She didn’t intend to stay, but then she hadn’t intended on getting attached.

  She tried to find the positives about the situation, like once she wasn’t living and working there, they’d be free to date publicly. Who was she kidding? His life revolved around hockey and his daughter; there’d be no time for dating. Once she was out of his home, they’d never see each other. Her heart pounded faster at the thought of not seeing April every day. She’d grown to love her as much as Cameron.

  Forget crushing on the hockey superstar, she was full blown in love with him. She flopped down on the bed and screamed into the blankets. Cursing her inability to keep an emotional distance.

  All she’d wanted was a little fun, and he’d turned her world upside down. It was too late to change course. She wiped away the tears and packed her bag. Love or no love, she still had a job to do.

  After her pity party, she rejoined the Smith’s, and they went out for breakfast before checking out of the hotel. They traveled to the next city and the dark cloud loomed overhead. Several times through the flight Cameron asked if she was all right. Hiding her emotions had never been her strong suit. She assured him all was well and changed the subject. The temporary job and relationship bothered her more than she was willing to admit. A few times she came close to blurting it out, but she feared what he’d say and bit her lip instead.

  Once they arrived, Cameron had to be with the team. Her dream of spending the day with him was dashed shortly after they checked into another posh hotel. It was raining in Nashville which matched her mood. Meagan took April to the Science Center, and they explored while Cameron worked. Hockey kept him busy all day, and they didn’t see him again until after dinner.

  He arrived in time to tuck his daughter into bed. “Hey, no fair. You two put your jammies on without me.”

  “We ordered room service and finished a movie. April refused to get under the covers until you came back.” Meagan got off the bed and adjusted her shorts. His eyes followed her hands as she smoothed them over her hips. “How was your day?”

  “Read me a story, Daddy.” April bounced on the bed.

  He took off his raincoat and pulled his shirt over his head. “Busy. I missed my girls.” His body was ripped, and Meagan couldn’t take her eyes off him. He smiled at her as he continued to undress. Kicking off his shoes, he tore off his socks and dropped his pants. The dark red briefs hugged him perfectly.

  Sucking back the spittle, Meagan crossed her arms to cover her hardened nipples. “Enjoy your story and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Cameron grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed with him. “Oh, no you don’t. You can stay for one story. Right, April?”

  “Yes, please,” she said, sliding under the covers.

  There was plenty of room on the king-sized bed, but it felt too cozy. Too much like something a family would do together. “Don’t you want to spend some alone time with your dad?”

  “Nope,” she responded.

  Her matter-of-fact response made her laugh and made it impossible for her to leave. “I’d love to hear a bedtime tale.”

  “Sweet. You ladies get comfortable because this will be a lo
ng story.” He lifted the covers and tucked April in. “It’s a little chilly in here. We should get under too,” he said eyeing her breasts.

  “Good idea.” Meagan pulled back the blankets and crawled in next to a half-naked heartthrob.

  The three of them cuddled in bed while Cameron regaled them with the adventures of the Napkin Man at the playoffs. April didn’t fall asleep right away, and Cameron rubbed her back until her eyes drifted shut. Meagan’s heart was near busting from spending moments like that with them. How could she leave with her heart still intact?

  The longer she watched, the more she realized she wouldn’t. His hand stopped and his eyes closed. They both fell asleep. She should have left. Instead, she snuggled onto his chest and enjoyed the simple moment of bliss.

  A knocking on the door woke her. “Hold on,” she yelled, trying to focus. The sun was shining on her bag at the foot of the bed. At some point in the middle of the night, she’d returned to her room. She stretched and padded her way to the door.

  “Good morning.” April hugged her legs. “Daddy has to go to work. What are we doing today?”

  “Let me shower and change. Then we can grab breakfast and figure that out together. Okay?”

  “Okay. Can I color a picture for you and Daddy? He said I’d have to do it in here.”

  She touched April’s chubby cheek and smiled. “You bet. Set up on the desk over there and I’ll be ready in a jiffy.”

  Cameron poked his head in. “I hate to rush out, but Northcote called a meeting. When the owner says jump, you jump. Are you… we good?”

  “All good. Will you be gone all day again?” The disappointment colored her words.

  “Most likely. I’m expected to stick with the team for the most part. If you haven’t ventured too far, you could come meet us for lunch or dinner, or nap time?” He waggled his eyebrows and leaned against the door, propping it open.

  Damn, he looked good. Cameron wore a pair of tight jeans and a short sleeved, button-down shirt. The charcoal color set off the dark green in his eyes, making them smolder.


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