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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 73

by Kristen Echo

The evening was a blast, but there was an awkwardness between Cameron and Hailey. Meagan couldn’t shake the feeling they knew each other or something because of the way they avoided each other all night. She never got the opportunity to ask Hailey because she left shortly after dessert and they followed not long after.

  Once they tucked April into bed, Meagan rounded on Cameron. “What’s up with you and my sister?”

  “Nothing. Why, what did she say?” He walked into his bedroom and pulled off his shirt.

  “Don’t distract me with your sexy body. I want to know. Please don’t tell me you’ve slept with her?” She bit her nails and closed her eyes. She’d die if he said yes.

  Two large hands caressed her arms. “I have never and will never sleep with your sister. The truth is we met before tonight, but it’s her story to tell. Not mine. Booze may have been involved. I’m not saying anything more on the subject. So, you may as well get naked and let me lick some of that chocolate sauce off your tits.”

  “Cameron, really?”

  He dropped his pants and his hard cock bobbed against his stomach. “Yes, I really want to smear your entire body with that stuff and lick it off you. Why do you think I asked for an extra container to bring home?”

  Meagan chuckled and didn’t stop him from unzipping the back of her dress, or from kissing her shoulder after he pulled the straps down. “You’re seriously not telling me,” she whined as he lowered the dress over her breasts and his hands cupped her globes. She felt the scruff from his chin against her shoulder blades as he shook his head. “Fine, I’ll ask Hailey tomorrow.”

  Tonight, she planned to make love to her man. Over and over again. Her dress hit the floor and his tongue drew a line down her back. He removed her panties and stockings while kissing and licking every exposed inch. He paid extra attention between her legs. The back and the front. By the time she collapsed on the bed, she’d already had two orgasms.

  “I love you,” he said as he crawled on the bed and in between her open legs.

  She lifted her hips as he sank deep inside her. “I love you more.” Meagan’s hands roamed his backside. Their bodies pressed together, and their lips joined. Every part of them was connected. “I’m on the pill, you know. You could finish inside. If you wanted to.”

  “You feel so good.” Cameron rocked into her until she couldn’t feel anything but him. “I’m coming soon.”

  “Oh… Ohhh,” she moaned as his thrusts reached a place of pure delight. A moment later, he exploded inside her, filling her with his release. Another wave of euphoria cascaded over her. She’d never come harder. She clung to him and kissed him again.

  “We’re together from here on out. This is your home, and this is your bed. Are you good with that?” His eyes stared into hers as the meaning of his words registered.

  He intended to keep her there all night, every night, and she was good with that. She had a permanent place in his bed and in his heart. She nodded and smiled. He wrapped her long hair around his fist and pulled her face closer, sealing their fate with a kiss.


  “Daddy!” April screamed and Cameron bolted from the bed like someone had poured hot lava over the sheets. “I need you!” Her strangled voice caused Meagan’s heart to ache.

  He raced towards the door but stubbed his toe on the corner of the dresser. A series of curses followed. He hobbled on one foot, wearing only his briefs. “Fuck! I can’t believe I fell asleep,” he said, nearing the door. “I’m on my way,” he yelled.

  The orange glow from the rising sun filtered through the curtains. Morning had arrived. April almost made it through the night without a nightmare. She always slept better with Cameron beside her. Having her dad close kept the bad dreams at bay, but he couldn’t be there all the time. Meagan tried not to feel responsible for this bad dream.

  They’d been expecting a bad night since Mrs. Smith had left earlier in the day. He’d intended on leaving their bed and going to her. April didn’t process leaving well. Her three-year-old brain wouldn’t accept that sometimes people leave.

  To be honest, at nineteen, Meagan still had a hard time processing loss. Her brother’s death still seemed surreal. Most days she accepted reality, but sometimes she’d stare at her phone, expecting him to call. Expecting him to tell her his deployment was over and he’d be coming home. Those fleeting moments of hope were always replaced with deep sadness. Time hadn’t soothed the ache. April’s sadness at being abandoned by her mother would take time to heal.

  Meagan laid her head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. Her life had changed drastically within a short amount of time. For the better. She smiled and hugged his pillow against her chest. His manly scent surrounded her, making her smile. Cameron had given her a key and asked her to stay. She couldn’t believe how one temporary assignment had turned her world upside down. When Mr. Northcote asked her to help, she never dreamed things would end like this, but she was beyond thrilled with the outcome. She loved Cameron and April, and those feelings would only grow deeper with each passing day.

  The sobs subsided and Meagan heard the faint sound of humming. He was such an amazing dad. Cameron excelled at everything. He put one hundred percent of his heart and soul into his family, hockey, and into her. She glanced at the clock and debated whether to rise or stay in bed. A yawn escaped, but it was time to get up.

  She grabbed her discarded dress off the floor and stepped into it. Her room was only a few steps away, but she didn’t want to risk April catching her naked. The likelihood of April and Cameron walking into the hall at the same time was slim, but it was better to be safe than sorry. She crept out of his room on tiptoes and silently entered her room, closing the door behind her.

  If this was going to be her permanent home, she’d have to make some changes. Starting with bringing more than one suitcase worth of clothes. Meagan dug through her limited supply and picked out a clean pair of yoga pants and a workout top. Once they dropped April off at daycare, she wanted to work out. Burning off calories with her boyfriend was more than enough to get her fit, but she wanted to improve her endurance. Cameron was a machine.

  After a quick shower, she entered the kitchen to find her two favorite people sitting at the table. Cameron had added a pair of sweats but remained shirtless. His athletic build never ceased to take her breath away. He was so sexy, and he was hers. She pinched her arm. It hurt. Yeah, this was real.

  “Good morning. How are you, April?” Meagan walked towards them and the little girl’s big green eyes brightened. They were the same dark shade as her dad.

  “Meagan, I had a bad dream. I thought you went away too; like Nana.” She held out her arms, and they hugged. “I’m happy it was a dream.”

  “I’m here.” She rubbed April’s back, holding her tight. “Since I am here, what can I make you for breakfast? Anything you want,” she said before kissing the top of her head and stepping towards the double door, stainless steel fridge.

  “Cereal, please” she replied.

  “How about you, Cameron?” Meagan reached in the fridge and pulled out the milk. “I can make eggs or whip up a fruit salad or smoothie.” She dug through the contents while she waited for an answer.

  “Whatever you make would be great.” He stood and sauntered around the table towards his daughter. His ass looked great in sweats, in jeans, and in slacks. He made everything look sexy. Meagan bit her lip. He caught her staring and winked. “April, come sit with me in the living room for a moment. I want to talk about what you said.”

  “You want to talk about cereal. You’re silly.” She put her arms in the air and he picked her up.

  He laughed. “I want to talk to you about Meagan.” He glanced over his shoulder at her, his dimples flashed as he carried April out of the room.

  Her heart raced, wondering what he would say. They hadn’t discussed telling April about their new relationship. Meagan figured he’d want to wait for a few weeks and see how things went. At the very least, she hoped he
’d do it while she was out of the house, in case it didn’t go well. She wanted to give them privacy, but she couldn’t help it. Her curiosity won as she inched towards the living room while keeping out of sight.

  Their voices were far, but she could still make them out. “Remember when I explained how Meagan was coming to help us for a little while, but she wouldn’t be staying? Her job here was only for a short time.” He cleared his throat. “I can tell that’s been bothering you. Can you tell me why?” Cameron asked, and Meagan held her breath.

  “I like her. She’s nice and we have fun. I don’t want her to go away,” April replied.

  “I don’t want her to go away either.” His voice deepened. “Would it make you happy if she stayed with us?”

  “Like forever?”

  His laughter bounced off the walls and hugged her. “Maybe. I like Meagan a lot and I asked her to stay with us. She said yes,” he explained.

  The happy squeal that followed, allowed Meagan to breathe again. She’d been worried how April would react to her staying. Most of her expected it would go well, but a small amount of insecurity lingered. That was now gone.


  “Stop jumping on the couch. She agreed to stay, not as your nanny, but as my girlfriend. She’ll be moving into my room. I—”

  “Do you love her, Daddy? Like the prince and the princess kind of love. Like in the fairytales you like to read.”

  “I do.” There was no hesitation. Not a moment of doubt and Meagan loved him even more for his decisiveness. She had so much to learn from Cameron. “Is that okay?”

  “I love her too. Do you think she loves us?

  “How could she not? We’re irresistible.” Laughter followed.

  Meagan’s heart pounded so fast she thought she might collapse. She leaned against the wall for support. He loved her. April loved her too. Her eyes filled with tears; she blinked them away as she hurried back to the kitchen. This place was her home, and she breathed it in.

  A few minutes later the pair entered the kitchen. April ran towards her and hugged her legs. “You’re staying. Not for a little while but forever. Right?”

  Meagan smiled down at her. “I’m here for as long as you want me.”

  Cameron wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brushed his lips against hers. The chaste kiss spoke volumes about how he felt about her. All the make out sessions in the world couldn’t compare to that one meaningful embrace.

  “We want you here,” he said, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “April and I had a nice convo about you moving into my room and she’s cool with it. Right, munchkin?” He ruffled April’s curls and her bangs scattered in all directions.

  “Yup. Where’s my cereal?” April let go of her legs and skipped towards the table.

  “I’ll bring it over.” Meagan added the milk to the bowl. Her hands shook as the white liquid covered the crunchy flakes. “Thank you for talking with her, and for inviting me into your life. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  He grabbed the bowl from her hands and set it down. His large fingers wrapped around her arms, turning her to face him. “It means the world to us too. I don’t want to sneak around in my own home. I love you. We both love you.”

  She cupped his chin and kissed him. “I love you both too.”

  The kiss that followed lasted only a moment, but long enough for April to see and giggle. They broke apart and Meagan felt her cheeks flush. Cameron brought breakfast over to his daughter. Meagan carried the rest, and they ate together as a family. It was perfect and simple. There was nothing complicated about it. She envisioned many more meals like that. A lifetime of them, maybe.

  Hours later, Meagan offered to take April to daycare since Cameron had to train, but he declined. April begged for him to do it and he couldn’t refuse. It was cute watching him cave to her needs.

  With the house to herself, Meagan cranked the tunes, cleaned the kitchen, then hit the gym. She started with a brisk walk on the treadmill and worked up a sweat. The chin-up bar seemed like a good place to work on upper body strength. She was trying and failing to do one chin-up. It was embarrassing. Even more so, with Cameron watching her from the doorway.

  “Don’t laugh. Not everyone is as buff as you,” she wheezed as she lowered her feet to the ground. Her arms were still straight, and she’d only accomplished lifting her knees.

  His cheeky smile was like a shot of arousal pumped straight into her veins. “I like what I see. Can I help you?”

  Her grip tightened on the bar. “Couldn’t hurt.” She tried again. Once again only her knees came up. “Yes, please.”

  Cameron stepped closer with a naughty glint in his eye and an erection straining against his pants. “I want to lick every drop of sweat off you.”

  She dropped her hands and held one finger out, stopping him. “Before you get any closer, I want answers. I tried calling Hailey, but my sister didn’t answer. How did you two meet? I’m dying to know.”

  He licked his lips and closed the distance with one stride. “All I can say is your sister is fearless.”

  Meagan laughed. “I know that, but how do you? Please give me something. My brain is working overtime.” She ran her hands over the front of his pants, rubbing his cock.

  “I’m sure she’ll tell you,” he groaned, thrusting his hips against her hand.

  “Cameron, I want you to tell me. Why do you say she’s fearless? What did she do?”

  “You don’t fight fair and neither do I. It takes balls to go toe to toe with Joe. First time I’ve seen a woman do it and actually catch his eye.”

  Meagan’s eyes bugged out. “Joe. As in Joe Larson. My Joe?” The same man who’d saved her life. A man she’d been idolizing for months and crushed on well before she’d ever met him in person. He was a legend on the ice and even hotter in person.

  “What do you mean your Joe?” Cameron raised an eyebrow, and she blushed. “Fuck, I knew you wanted him, but too bad for him; I got you. Grab the bar, Meagan.”

  She did as he asked. “That came out wrong. I just meant—”

  “Save it. This won’t hurt I promise. Don’t let go; no matter what.” He put his hands on her hips and yanked her pants and panties down to her ankles. He lifted her legs in the air while she held onto the bar. A second later her legs were draped over his shoulders. The first lick caused her back to bow.

  “Cameron,” she panted his name as his tongue invaded her. She was practically horizontal with his face buried between her thighs. All thoughts of her sister and Joe fled. Her head fell back as his fingers entered her, curving to the spot that only he could reach. “Oh… Ohhh!” The climax hit her hard and her body tightened. Her arms shook, but she didn’t let go.

  “Hold on, Meagan.” He removed her clothing below the waist with a swiftness that surprised her. The euphoria had only begun to dissipate when he lifted her shirt over her breasts. His mouth claimed her nipple, sucking hard. A moment later her legs were wrapped around his waist and his cock probed her entrance. His hands gripped her ass, carrying most of her weight.

  “I’m not sure I can keep holding on with you doing that,” she moaned as he pushed the tip inside. Her body stretched to accommodate his bulbus head.

  He licked between her breasts, up her neck, then he kissed her. His tongue slipped inside her mouth at the same time he thrust deep. He claimed every inch of her and she loved it. His body moved at a leisurely pace, like he could make love to her forever.

  Her arms ached, but she never complained or let go. The second climax grew and climbed even higher as he played with her ass. His finger pushed in and he matched his thrusts. Taking her from both ends catapulted her out of this world. The orgasm exploded like a rocket and she danced among the stars.

  “I love the way you come so hard.” Cameron pumped his hips faster. “I love you,” he grunted as he came. A wave of heat followed and his mouth swallowed their combined moans.

  She loved him so much; the three little words weren’t e
nough. He pulled out and a stream of his release trickled down her leg. Her feet hit the ground and she let go of the bar. He rubbed her arms and pressed their foreheads together, staring into her eyes. This man was too much.

  Meagan never wanted to let go. “This was an unexpected surprise. I loved it, but I thought you had to meet with your trainers. Did I get the schedule mixed up?”

  “No, you’re right. I have to run. People are waiting on me, but I got so hard watching you that I couldn’t help myself. You might be bad for my career,” he teased, gripping her ass and hugging her close. She tensed. “I’m kidding. My life was a mess before you came along. I predict smooth sailing from here on out.”

  “I love you, and I hope you’re right. You have a championship to win.” She squeezed his ass and smiled.

  The regular hockey season was almost over and then playoffs would start. Life was about to get more hectic, but she welcomed the fast pace.

  Love was complicated, but it was so worth it.

  Extended Epilogue


  “You’re home early.” Meagan held her hands out towards him as he entered the house. The diamonds on her left finger sparkled in the sunlight. “Let me help you.”

  She’d already helped him in every way imaginable since the day they’d met. Turning her temporary assignment into forever wasn’t his plan, but Cameron couldn’t imagine his life without her. From the moment she moved her last box into his bedroom, he knew he’d never let her go.

  “I can manage the groceries on my own, but thanks for the offer.” He planted a kiss on the tip of her nose and carried the bags towards the kitchen counter.

  “Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat. You must be starved after practice.”

  Music blared from the surround sound speakers. Her favorite workout tunes echoed throughout the house. He eyed her skintight clothing and the way they hugged her curves. Her voluptuous body always made his mouth water.


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