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Puck Battles: A Complete Sports Romance Series

Page 83

by Kristen Echo

“No… No. No, don’t stop. Fuck, I’m right there.” She tugged his backside closer with her legs, but it wasn’t enough. The loss of friction killed the pending orgasm.

  He stared into her eyes. “I’m right here. I’m with you. Be with me.”

  The darkness, the hunger and the desire all reflected within his deep brown orbs. She couldn’t look away. She couldn’t breathe. It was all too much. Her eyes scrunched closed. “I don’t know how anymore,” she whispered.

  The truth didn’t set her free. It scared the shit out of her. Losing Ryan had killed a piece of her soul. The part that connected with others. When he took his own life, he took every beautiful part of her love with him. She hadn’t looked at another man with anything more than a perfunctory response in close to a year. Joe was different. He demanded more. He deserved more than a broken soldier.

  His hips moved in semi circles, reviving her orgasm. “Look at me. Hailey, for fuck sakes; see me.” He kissed her eyelids. “I can’t do this alone.”

  His words sunk in. She opened her eyes. Joe Larson might be a superstar NHL player, but he was a man. A man trying to be the hero his sister should have had. A good guy.

  “I’m sorry.” She kissed his succulent lips. “I still don’t think you can handle me. But I’ll stop running.”

  Joe bottomed out and smiled. “Baby, this is going to be the start of something great. Trust me.” With those famous last words, he pounded into her until they both found their release. Joe came inside her again, and Hailey followed him into the land of unicorns and rainbows.

  She sailed on the orgasmic high for several minutes before her feet hit the floor. The cold wood snapped her back to reality. What they’d done was more than a quick morning fuck. She watched Joe collect her clothes and his towel from the floor. Her panties lay next to her mangled foot. She reached for it, but he brushed her away.

  “I’ve got it.” He added them to the pile in his arms and placed a soft kiss on top of her scars next to her missing toes. “Here,” he said, handing the clothes back to her.

  “Thank you.” She clutched the garments to her chest. “For everything. You bring out the beast in me and it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this… strong.”

  “Feel free to unleash that inner beast anytime, baby. I like strong women. I like you, Hailey.” He kissed her forehead. “Don’t freak out or head for the hills. We have lots more good times ahead, but they’ll have to wait. I have a game and flight to catch.” Joe wrapped the towel around his waist and headed towards his room.

  Hailey watched him swagger out of sight, then she dressed. She leaned her head against the wall, wondering what to do about Joe. He’d get his fill, get bored and move on. There was no reason to get so worked up over nothing. She tucked in her top as Renee opened the guest bedroom door.

  “Hey.” Renee looked around the condo more than a little star-struck. “Are we in Joe Larson’s house? Like I thought I dreamt of him last night.”

  Hailey giggled and pushed off the wall. “You were out of it, but this is his place all right. He saw us walking and offered a place to crash. Do you drink coffee?”

  Renee fidgeted and bounced on her feet. “Coffee would be great. Got anything harder? I’m itching for… anything really. That was the first time I’ve tried candy and X is fun. Then I took something else, and it knocked me right out. Do you know what that was?”

  The modern kitchen came equipped with everything a gourmet chef could want. Not that she was a master chef by any means. She searched the kitchen cupboards for coffee. She found a French press and beans. “Girl, I have no idea what drugs you took. If it was my choice, you wouldn’t do any. You’re too young, Renee. But I’m not your guardian.

  “Mommy, Hailey. I’ve heard this before, and I’m good,” she said, sitting at the dining table with her head in her hands.

  Hailey shook her head. “One second you were all good, then bang. Lights out. Who gave it to you?” She had her suspicions. She wouldn’t put it past Bill the slime ball to roofie the girl.

  “Whatever. Is Joe here? Where’s is he?” Renee pointed to the jersey on the wall with Larson embroidered on the back.

  “Me?” Joe waltzed in dressed in sweats and a tight-fitted work-out top that clung to his body. He looked damn good.

  The teenager swooned, and Hailey saw hearts flitter around her eyes. It was comical. “Yeah, you,” she answered his question, knowing Renee would be too tongue-tied.

  He walked past Renee and ruffled her hair like a big brother would. “Good morning. I’d love to stick around with you two beauties all day, but I need to kick it. After tonight, we only have one game left before playoffs start. Coach will have my balls if I’m late. Again.” He laughed.

  Hailey put down the freshly pressed coffee. “Oh. Right. We’ll grab our bags and leave with you.”

  Joe joined her in the kitchen and smiled. “Stay.” He placed a key and a piece of paper in her hand. “I trust you,” he whispered into her ear before kissing the side of her mouth.

  “We couldn’t stay here. It wouldn’t feel right.” She pushed the key back in his direction, but he sidestepped and avoided her hand. His offer was far too generous, but she appreciated it.

  “Get more sleep, shower and eat. I left you my number and the alarm code. I’ll be gone for three days. You may as well stick around. Besides, it’s raining. No sense in getting wet.” He winked and waggled his brows. “At least not without me here.”


  He opened the closet door and retrieved a bag. “Hailey, I’m serious. Use this as home base while I’m away. Think of it as house-sitting. I’ve got a plant you could water. Don’t argue.”

  Hailey looked around and saw zero vegetation. “Fine. We’ll stay. Because of the plant.”

  “Perfect,” he said and swung his bag over his shoulder. “I need to meet with one of my trainers then I’m airport bound. I should have been airborne last night, but…” he snickered. “While I’m away, no parties or any funny business. That includes drugs. I’m not down with that. Got it?” He eyed Renee, and she nodded. Before Hailey finished pouring the coffee into her cup, he’d left.

  The rest of the day flew by. Renee shared more about her past and how her ex-boyfriend cheated with her ex-best friend. They were now a couple and she couldn’t stand it. To top that off, her mother’s second marriage was on the fritz, and the two fought constantly. It had become too much. She’d met a couple of kids in the park one day and the rest was history. Hailey tried to convince her to go home or at least go back to school, but Renee wanted nothing to do with her suggestions.

  By the time evening rolled around, Renee itched for her next fix. The girl needed a good detox, but it would only work if she was on board. She wasn’t. Instead of chilling and enjoying the pool or other amenities, Renee used Joe’s phone to call around looking for drugs. She set a time and place and they walked through the rain to meet one of her friend’s.

  No one showed. They waited at the bus shack for over an hour. The rain had subsided, but still trickled. From the corner of her eye she spotted a familiar face. Frank stood by the side of a brick building smoking a cigarette. He wore a fedora and a trench coat. She left the shelter and waved.

  “Hey sweet stuff. Didn’t expect to see you so soon,” he said opening his arms wide for a hug.

  Luck was on her side because he was exactly the man she wanted to see. The piece of paper he’d given her had the name Rex on it and nothing else. She hoped to ask him more about it and with any luck she’d get the answers she needed to find those missing teens. Hailey hugged him back and smiled.

  They arrived at Frank’s in time to catch the hockey game. Frank was an interesting character whose personality did not match his home. His apartment was no larger than a postage stamp. Four walls and a shared bathroom. The small television sat on a broken dresser. Each handle was busted and none of the six drawers looked like they closed properly. The three of them sat on his double bed, munching on pretzels while
the other two shared a bottle of gin. Hailey’s stomach hadn’t settled all day, and she suspected alcohol wouldn’t help. She blamed her endometriosis. Frank offered the bottle, and she declined.

  “I can’t follow this sober never mind if I had a buzz. Who has the puck?” She asked for the third time.

  “Montagne has it and should bring… oh, snap!” Renee squealed and clapped her hands. “They scored.”

  Frank gave them each a high five. His long hair was tied into a braid which nearly smacked her in the face as he bounced with glee. Hailey leaned towards the TV and squinted her eyes to catch Larson hug his teammates. All the players looked the same to her. It would have been difficult to pick out who was who if it weren’t for the names on their jersey’s. The same play was repeated from different angles as the announcers explained why Theo Montagne was a legend in the making. They also mentioned Joe since he’d been credited with the assist.

  The extra point tied the game mid-way through the third period. Frank explained they didn’t need this win to round out the season in top spot, but a win would help morale going into the playoffs. The pair spoke like they were personally on the team and about to battle for the Cup. Hailey laughed at their expressions as the opposing team rallied, tearing across the ice into their zone. She swore they both stopped breathing as Wilder gloved a shot destined for the top corner.

  Their goalie, Benny Wilder, was on fire. Their usual starter, Martin Thomas, would be back in the net for the next game according to the announcer. She recognized the name since his wife, Sylvie Lamont, was one of her bosses. She was a ball-buster, and they hit it off great. Hailey hoped to schedule a meeting with Caroline and Sylvie within the next few days to provide an update. At this point, she didn’t have much to say other than she had a hunch.

  “You mentioned a new gang was recruiting. Do you know which part of the city they run in. I haven’t come across them yet?” She itched to drop the name he’d slipped into her pocket but didn’t since Renee was around.

  “Get them, Pedlanski!” Frank yelled.

  As the final minutes ticked down, the home team pulled their goalie. They needed this win to advance, but Larson and Pedlanski were total brutes, preventing their advances. It was hot seeing all the virility and power. The huge scrapper slammed his opponent into the boards and the puck sailed down the ice. Montagne or another forward recovered and slapped it into the empty net.

  Once again, the bed bounced with excitement. “We are so winning it all this year,” Renee exclaimed. More instant replays followed.

  The game ended with a score of three to one. Joe and his team had secured the number one spot. One more game and he’d be home. The news broadcast the scenes at local pubs as fans celebrated across their city. It made her smile to see so many happy faces.

  “Why do you want to know about the invaders? Trev’s prices not low enough for you?” Frank smiled. He polished off the first bottle and opened another.

  “My disability cheques only go so far. I’m curious is all. No disrespect to your man,” Hailey added, hoping her interest wouldn’t piss him off or cause them any issues.

  Renee yawned and stole another sip. Frank laughed. “He ain’t my leader. I’m a buyer and don’t get involved in the rest of the bullshit. Like you, I got no loyalty to anyone but my wallet. The kids are undercutting him by a lot. How they make any money is beyond me, but I’ll take what I can get. Unfortunately, they don’t come around often. At least not as often as I need. They deal mostly meth, but I’ve seen a bag or two of the stuff you like.”

  Hailey smiled. “You got any contacts you’d be willing to share with me? I’d be happy to share my splendor with you. If the prices are as good as you say.”

  Frank rubbed his hands together, spit on one and held it out to her. “It’s a deal. Shake.”

  She spit on her own and they shook on it. An uneasy feeling rumbled in her stomach that she couldn’t shake. It wasn’t Frank or the clues she was following. They seemed legit. It was more physical than emotional. Though the unresolved fight with her parents still frosted her skin. She checked her phone constantly, and they never called once. Their lack of contact twisted like a knife in her gut.

  “So… where am I going?” she asked while rubbing her stomach.

  Frank explained the few kids he’d met were careful. He’d reach out to her next time they came around. She thanked him for his hospitality and they exchanged numbers. There was no mention of Rex or any other cryptic paperwork exchanged. Renee looked tired and the lack of drugs in her system gave her the shakes. Once they were back at Joe’s the teenager went straight to bed.

  Hailey sent a text to Meagan who’d been blowing up her phone. “I’m good. Stop worrying. Love you.”

  She sent another to Joe. “Caught my first hockey game tonight. Nice job. All the banging into the boards reminded me of this morning. Sleep well.”

  His response flashed immediately. “Just getting warmed up, baby. Where are you?”

  “Lying in your bed, naked. Shutting off my phone now. Night.”

  She laughed out loud as her phone buzzed non-stop for the next five minutes. She didn’t read the messages, knowing it would only make her hotter. Hailey did as she’d said and turned it off. Joe’s naughty chatter wouldn’t help her sleep. She wasn’t running, but the day had already pushed her past her comfort zone. These feelings were all new and unexpected. She liked him. She owned that. It wasn’t wrong, and she had to come to terms with that.

  Chapter 9

  She woke up with a start. Her ring clutched in her hand as she fought for air. A tiny circle etched into her palm. Hailey opened her eyes and focused on the dark edge of a picture frame. Anything to ground her and shake off the melancholy.

  This dream had plagued her for a year but had become more vivid since Joe entered her life. In the dream, Hailey pushed against the Canadian Flag on Ryan’s bedroom door, and his body was slumped over his desk in eternal rest. She crept towards him. He held a blank piece of paper in his hand. The instant her hand touched his cold, lifeless skin she’d wake up.

  Her fiancé hadn’t meant for her to find him. He’d never have expected her to come by his parents place so early. The moment she’d touched him, she’d known he was gone. That hadn’t stopped her from performing CPR until the paramedics had arrived. They’d pronounced him dead on arrival at the hospital, but he’d been gone long before then.

  The gold band hung around her neck as a constant reminder of the life she’d never live. Maybe the time had come to take it off. What had once been a symbol for love, now acted like a talisman, haunting her dreams. The man she’d fallen for had been gregarious and dominant. A captain in the making. His final mission had turned him into a man who couldn’t get out of bed without a copious amount of pills. When she thought of him, which was often, it was always the former version.

  Shrugging off the remnants of the nightmare and sadness, Hailey climbed out of bed and paced Joe’s room. Being at his place for the past few days had been a blessing and a curse. It provided a dry place to live, but it kept her off the streets which meant she was no closer to solving the case. Joe was scheduled back within the next few hours and she planned to be gone when he arrived. Not because she didn’t want to see him, she did. However, big heartfelt reunions weren’t her thing.

  Their conversations had gone well. The more he flirted the more she liked him. Talking, teasing and getting teased by him was fun. He kept things light and focused on gratification. She appreciated that.

  The apartment was quiet. Renee slept in the guest room with the door closed. It would be hours before she woke up. Hailey couldn’t stick around and do nothing. Her phone had messages from Meagan, Millie and Joe. She deleted all of them and left her phone to charge on the counter. The trio checked in daily to see how she was doing. Well, she wasn’t good. She’d been nauseous and feeling off for days. The fight with her parents gnawed at her and she couldn’t fix it. She had to focus on things within her control.

>   A run always helped clear her mind. She strapped on her runners and hit the pavement. The cool air slapped her skin, invigorating her. As the miles racked up, she formed a new plan. Frank had said the young gang was careful not to be seen. That meant they had a house or a hiding place outside of the downtown core. Then again hiding in plain sight wasn’t unheard of. She’d do another sweep. If she stumbled upon them or one of the missing teens, then great. If not, she’d go back to waiting for his call.

  The staff at the local shelters wouldn’t provide any details about their clients, other than to say they had noticed an increase in younger patrons. It was the same story she’d heard before. Only there was news. Another teenager was reported missing. Hailey berated herself for not solving this sooner. She ran all over downtown searching but came up empty. No one had anything new to divulge.

  When the sun began its descent, her stomach rumbled. She hadn’t eaten all day. In her haste to get out of Joe’s condo, she’d left her wallet behind. No bus fare and no phone, she hiked the long journey back to his place with her head down. By the time she arrived at the condo, she was starving, her foot ached and she craved a long hot bath.

  Searching her pockets, she came up empty. She’d left the key next to her phone. She knocked on the door, hoping someone would be there. Voices carried into the hall. She braced herself for company.

  Joe opened the door and the scent of an Italian feast was almost more alluring than the host. Almost. He stared at her with narrowed eyes as he rested against the door. A seductive posture as he leaned towards her. The corner of his lip tucked between his pearly whites. The scene could have been scripted from a porn movie where the young hot stud seduces the younger unsuspecting virgin. Predator style. Only he ruined her fantasy by waving a key in her face. “Did you forget this on purpose? Are we back to this, Hailey?”

  She hadn’t meant to leave it behind. She wasn’t running. “No.” The one-word answer was all she could muster as she marched past him.


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